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  제  목 : call of famous people in Hell 조회수 : 1233
  작성자 : Barnabas 작성일 : 2017-08-28

Call of famous people in Hell! (지옥에서 유명인들의 외침)

Repent and Avoid Hell! Heaven is Waiting for Us!

<Table of Contents>

1. The Buddhism

1)  Buddha  

2) The Monk Seong-chul

3) The Monk Beop-jeong

2. Catholic

1) The Pope

2) Mother Teresa

3) Cardinal Stephen Kim Sou-hwan

3 Mega church pastors, Theologians

1) Rev. Han Gyeong-jik

2) Rev. Ok Hanh-eum

3) Rev. Ha Yong-jo,

4) Rev. Pak Yong-gyu

5) Calvin

6) Luther

7) Augustine

4. Celebrities, Presidents

1) Choi Jin-sil (Movie Star)

2) Andre Kim (Fashion Designer)

3) Rockefeller

4) President Park Chung-hee

5) President Kim Dae-jung

6) Kim Jong-il

5. Cults

1), Jehovah's Witnesses

2) The New World

3) Sect of Salvation

4) Church of God (An Sang-hong Witnesses)

5) Vineyard, New Apostolic

6) VeriChip (Rapture, Eschatology) 7) Mrs. Choo-nam Thomas

1. The Buddhism

1) Buddha

I hate this! I don’t like these painful tortures, either!  I hate these snakes, too!  These punishments, either!  Does the sin not believe in Jesus this large?  You, all of you, I tell you that Hell is real!  The paradise you believe does not exist!  I am Buddha!  I am that Buddha, whose images you make and you bow down and worship before them, but now I am in Hell!  There is no other way but believing in Jesus IF you don’t want to come to Hell where I am!

2) The Monk Seong-chul

I am Seong-chul!  I am Seong-chul whom had been exalted and respected by many people!  Buddhism is not the way!  Nor is Buddha!  All are false!  No one is truth but Jesus!  If you confusedly follow any false as if it is true, you all will go to Hell!  All are thronging at the Buddhist temples in one intention to fall down to Hell!  Please stop them!  No!  Come out of those temples of Buddha!  It’s all plots of demons!  They all are marching on the way of death!  Buddhism is not the Way!  If you want to live, come out of there!

3) The Monk Beop-jeong

I have realized at the moment I fell down to Hell that all religions cannot save souls!  Therefore believe in Jesus, please!  Believe in Jesus by considering what I am saying as my last will!  If you believe this words of Beop-jeong, you will live, if not, you will regret with hitting the ground and struggling after falling into this Hell like me!  Do not buy and read my books!  Forget all about me!  Please, please, believe in Jesus and you must go to Heaven!  Never come to Hell!  Once you fall down Hell you will never get out!  Only believing in Jesus will lead you to Heaven!  I am telling truth!  Don’t you ever fumble Jesus even in any case including any hard circumstances!  Please, hear me only once, hear my plea just once!

2. Catholic

1) The Pope

Oh, my fame, my authority, and my power are no use in this Hell! I kept good relationship with many celebrities in the world, and many tens of thousands knelt before me!  What good are those things?  I fell down here Hell and tortured in pains!  Jesus was not in my heart!  I did not believe that He died for me!  I was God; do you think Jesus was in me?  Think carefully if Jesus is in your heart!  Catholic won’t work!  Think carefully by yourself, do you think Catholic teaches Jesus? Whom do you look upon?  You look upon Pope and Mary, not Jesus!  Good works never lead you to Heaven!  To go to Heaven you should believe in Jesus!  If you do not believe in Jesus, you surely fall down to Hell!

2) Mother Teresa

I thought all we need is doing lots of good works!  I knew that just outward services by even burning my body were all I had to do.  I knew that going only after Pope does all! Oh! But I served without Jesus! I did all the good works without Jesus!  Without Jesus I dedicated my life for serving the poor and starving children and orphans, and without Jesus I took care of those children!  So did I fall down here Hell!  Please tell people that every serving without Jesus is in vain!  Lord, please take me out of here just once, and then I will do all things in the name of Jesus!  Please hold tight unto Jesus!  Jesus, He only is life, and there is no salvation without Jesus!  I now fully understand this after I fell down to Hell!

3) Cardinal Stephen Kim Sou-hwan

Help me! I hate this place!  I was respected in the world but here I cannot even breathe because of the punishments and tortures!  Demons tear up my mouth, gouge away my eyes, put a skewer and swung away, and cut my body and fingers into pieces!  I wish my soul rather die as my body died! But the soul never dies!  Please quickly come out of Catholic while you hear the message of believing in Jesus!  That is the only way for your souls to live!  Hell is real!  Purgatory is not real!  Purgatory really does not exist at all!  It was the lie of Satan!  There are even more lies of Satan deceiving us!  If you are in the corruption such as drinking wine and worshiping ancestors, all of your souls will surely fall to Hell!

3 Mega Church pastors, Theologians

1) Rev. Han Gyeong-jik

Why Churches are not teaching repentance? However you serve even to death you can’t enter Heaven if you have any sin!  Unless you repent, you will never enter Heaven!  Repentance is the only way to live!  Remember that it is the only secret way to Heaven!  Do you know why I fell to Hell?  Do you know why that many church goers fell down Hell?  They all didn’t repent!  They all didn’t repent correctly!  If I knew this while I was in the world, I would have repented to death yes to death!  I don’t want any of Jesus believing people fall down to Hell!  Many pastors, please love souls! And don’t come to Hell!

2) Rev. Ok Hanh-eum

I never knew I would fall down here Hell!  I didn’t know that the time I was on the sick bed was indeed the chance to repent!  God has given me the chances to repent, but lost the chances!  At first I looked upon only God!  When the Church grew big and its members increased, I became famous, and I appeared on TV programs, I began to be sensitive to other pastors!  I was deceived!  Instead of loving souls, I tried to build bigger Church.  It was the devil’s deception!  Do not grow your Church big!  It is time to save souls, not to grow your Church.  Do not eat the sacrifices to idols!  Do not hold memorial services!  Memorial service, it is evil thing!  Do you know why I am punished by terrible tortures in Hell?  Why do you make me your idol?  Why do you give flowers before my shrine?  Why do you bow before my portrait picture?  Why are you crying before my picture?  All of them are deceptions of demons and those hurt the heart of God!

3) Rev. Ha Yong-jo

Oh! I may have gone outside of the Word!  I was seeking gifts and powers, signs and wonders, and emphasized those more than any other!  I fell down here because I glorified Lucifer by holding unto corrupted words instead of Jesus!  Why do pastors participate in politics?  Only thing pastors have to do is feeding sheep of God well to lead them to Heaven!  The moment pastors participate in politics Satan uses them!  What I came to know in this Hell is the secret how a pastor cannot be exposed to Satan: only being humble and lowly by forsaking proud heart in order to glorify only God!  I have no more chance now!  No chance!  How can I help Onnury Church?  Satan controls 100% of the Church!  All are going to fall down Hell!  I don’t think I loved souls!  Please, do not put emphasis over any gifts and powers, and signs and wonders!

4) Rev. Pak Yong-gyu (A Pastor visited and preached false Heaven and Hell)

Ah~~! I never knew this kind of Hell exists!  I never have imagined!  Take me out of here!  It’s so painful!  Jesus, I did wrong!  I have seen a fake Hell!  The false went around many churches and took every possible material resource!  Though I repented before the Lord and gave what I had, I couldn’t cut my old greed over material and money, so trapped by the snare of Satan!  Who would believe that this Pak Young-gyu has fallen down Hell!  You pastors, please forsake material.  You may come to Hell because of the material!  Many people, even now, are deceived by my testimony!  Evil spirits are invading into those who have seen or heard the fake Heaven and Hell!  It is the same as falling into a cult or having the seal of 666!  Please repent!  Please destroy all the book, CDs, and tapes about me Pak Young-gyu!

5) Calvin

I have drawn many people into Hell through my Calvin’s doctrine!  After all I also was a cult!  Please escape from Calvin’s doctrine!   My doctrine was written by the inspiration of Lucifer!  Only Jesus is all in all!  Only Jesus!  Hold unto only Jesus!  Do not hold onto men!  Ah, I am full of pain and agony!  Take me out of this pain! (Calvin was buried in the ground and only head is above the ground!  Innumerable scorpions coming from all directions are eating Calvin’s face!)  I hated those filled with the Holy Spirit, and those who cast out demons, I really hated!  Thus I killed them mercilessly!  Presbyterians are difficult to be saved!  You have to look upon Jesus by jumping over this Calvin!  If you don’t jump over me, you can’t see Jesus!  Why and why you are vexing yourself on this book written by man?  It is the short cut to Hell!  Preach repentance!  My doctrine doesn’t teach repentance!  Once you are saved, once you are elected, that is it!  Salvation is instantly done: it is my doctrine!  After all repentance is not needed in my doctrine!  Repent!  Repent hard even to death!  Then you may be saved!  Whatever sins of disobedience, even more terrible sins can be forgiven and be saved, only if you truly repent before God!  Incredible and huge cult came out from my doctrines!

6) Luther

Ah~~! I am a vain man!  Though I have shouted out the religious revolution, I fell down to Hell after all!  The reformation of religion was done by my flesh desire and strong will power not by the power of Jesus!  Jesus was missing everywhere!  I might have done all things without Jesus!  So I came to Hell!  I would rather not shout out the religious reformation!  I should have waited until Jesus did!  I should have waited until God corrected Catholic!  This terrible mess was caused by the reformation done by my bloody passion and self-righteousness!  It has borne out the antichrist Calvin and his terribly wrong doctrine, a Satan’s doctrine!

7) Augustine  

I came to this Hell because I believed the purgatory!  Too many souls are falling like a rain down to Hell because the theory of the purgatory which I have insisted and preached!  Catholic is an antichrist!  I Augustine also was an antichrist!  Why am I a Saint?  I did not live a good life as people would think!  I have deceived so many people and convinced them with the purgatory.  I am the very person who has drawn many souls to Hell by the theory of the purgatory, how could I be a Saint?  There never is salvation in Catholic! No salvation 100%!  Many Catholics live depraved and corrupted life in the world because they believe the purgatory, and they worship Jesus in vain and all are falling to Hell!

4 Celebrities, Presidents

1) Choi Jin-sil (A Movie Star committed suicide)

Lord! I killed myself as I wanted!  Please forgive me!  You will never be saved if you commit suicide!  If you kill yourself Hell is guaranteed 100%, but many commit suicide!  They are filled with thoughts of death because they are not sure about Heaven and Hell!  I believed in Jesus, but I did not live praying life!  I didn’t know about repentance!  I lived sinful life without knowing what sins are!  I now regret and repent after I came to Hell.  But now I do not have chance anymore!  I have realized that the desire to commit suicide was given by Satan, but it is too late!  In this hell there are so many Christians who lived easy faith-life and missed to repent, and all of them are grinding their teeth in remorse!  Please, please, don’t repent when it’s too late!  It will be already too late!  You should begin repenting right now!  Hell truly is real!  Hell is in the depth of earth, at the center of earth!  Please tell people!  Preach them “Hell is real! Hell really exists!”  Many love to hear about Heaven but hate and hate to hear about Hell!  It is because that the demons in them are afraid of being exposed.  Satan makes people not to believe Hell!  That is why you have to tell people!  Please preach Hell to people.  If necessary, expose my name and preach!  Tell them I Choi Jin-sil now is in Hell!

2) Andre Kim (Fashion Designer)

Please take me out of here!  I did wrong!  I lived 70 year of wrong life!  I lived without Jesus, and that was wrong!  Rich in a lot of money doesn’t make you live right!  Believing in Jesus will make you live right!  When I was in the world I lived a rich life!  People respected me very much!  Here Hell is full of pains!  You will never know how dreadful Hell is!  You will never know how the terrors of death swallow you!  Please take me out of here!  If I am out, I will tell to those celebrities who used to be around me “Believe in Jesus!”  If I tell them they will believe in God! I attended Buddhist’s temple.  I was a hard believer of Buddha!  I used to wear white clothes to pretend I was holy and clean, but I knew how filthy I was.  Believe in Jesus!  Believing in that Jesus will separate you from filth!  Believer of Jesus is a clean person!  I was famous and my name was respected by many in the world, but now I am in Hell, and I am suffering miserably!  No one has clearly preached me about Jesus!  Why didn’t they tell me about Jesus?  Though I was surrounded by many celebrities, none told me about Jesus!  They rather were sensitive to my mood!  Whenever I offered them to go to Buddhist’s temple, they would follow me!  Jesus, please forgive me and take me out of here just once!

3) Rockefeller

I have been a role model of success to many people.  Who would believe that I Rockefeller now is in Hell?  I had riches to control whole world but it was a short cut to Hell after all!  The more riches you have, the quicker short cut to Hell will you have!  The greed for riches obsessed my heart!  I tried to get more and more riches.  Look where am I at last?  I can’t rest even 0,1 seconds in this inferno of Hell because of the continuous and dreadful punishments!  I am not a successful person but a failure!  I have fumbled Jesus because of riches!  Many are talking about me that I let go of riches, but I did not lay them down.  I pretended that I laid them down!  If I did, I wouldn’t have formed the Rockefeller Foundation!  If I truly glorified Jesus and lived a devoted life for Jesus, I wouldn’t have created that foundation!  Because I had desires for the world and my achievements and greed of material riches, I established the foundation!  The Rockefeller Foundation is an organization that Satan uses!

4) President Park Chung-hee

I as a president have uprooted the generation of poverty and achieved an economical and industrial development for the next generation.  But what good is that?  I am now eternally punished and tortured in this Hell where eternal fires burn!  I used to know that the only good was developing the nation and country!  But I didn’t have Jesus in me!  I heard about Jesus!  But I was focusing on “How this nation can live well, how this nation can be like United States or Soviet Union!  How this people can escape from that heart wrenching poverty!”  I studied and worked only about those!  I was a strong and courageous leader, but a failed leader!  I believed in Buddha, Catholic, and everything in a mixture!  Only Jesus, yes only Jesus is truth!  I might have had a hardened heart!  I lost Jesus!  I didn’t have Jesus in me!  I live a life for only my nation and people!   But I fell down here in Hell because of the sin of not believing in Jesus!  I killed many, too.  I am a murderer.  I could not allow anybody come up toward me!  If I believed in Jesus, I could have been forgiven from all those sins and cleansed by the blood of that Lord!  I killed so many people, because I had to be the best and the highest!  I never able to allow anyone go before me!  I was a dictator, a self-righteous one!

5) President Kim Dae-jung

When I was in the world, I suffered many tortures, was dragged to many places, and was prisoned countless times, but none of them this cannot be compare to pains in this Hell!  When I was in the world, no one dared to torture a president, no one dared to give pains to a president, and no one dared to blandish swords to a president.  But here in Hell the title of president is of no use!  Nor powers, nor fame!  The only reason, to come here Hell and having all the punishments, is not believe in Jesus!  I would rather live in poverty, but believe in Jesus and go to Heaven!  What good is the title of president and why did I struggle that much to get up that place?  I lost all!  Lost all!  Because I lost Jesus, I lost all! I lost all!

6) Kim Jong-il (The diseased head of the North Korea)

I can’t believe this!  I surely died due to a sickness, but why I live again and speak like this?  Can someone explain this?  Jesus has been alive!  Truly been existed!  Jesus is looking at me from a distance now!  That beautiful Lord is shedding His tears because of me!  Now I lost my appetite for any powers and fame and riches!  Now I know that my highest desire is to go to Heaven by believing in Jesus!  I lived a very wicked life!  I was spreading wickedness all over the places!  The worst sin does not believe in Jesus!  I now realize in this hating Hell that a leader had to pray when the nation is in a trouble.  Without prayers this nation will perish, too!  Please repent and return to God!  Whether you are a believer of Jesus or not, everybody should repent!   Repentance is the only way to escape from the cup of God’s wrath!  God surely saves those who repent!

5. Cults

1), Jehovah's Witnesses

One of common characteristics of cults does not believe in Jesus!  They never recognize Jesus!  Tell me, who is your idol?  Isn’t he Jehovah?  You worship the God of the Old Testaments Jehovah!  That means you never recognize Jesus is God!  Without recognizing Jesus, you will never enter Heaven!  It is not the same Heaven we have known!  If you die with the faith of Jesus, you will have the resurrected body right of the way and go to Heaven!  Only if you repent, you will go to Heaven!  Otherwise, Hell!  Come out of there!  Come out of there!  The only One we should give our faithfulness is only Jesus!  No one else absolutely no one else but Jesus can save us!  Jehovah God never is the One!  Only Jesus, only Jesus, and no one else!   Don’t even look back when you come out!  If you look back, you will be trapped by the snares of Satan, and fall down to Hell because of your own decision!  You will never be saved through Jehovah God!  It is not the same Heaven we have known!  When you die, Heaven and Hell wait you right there!  It is not the resurrection of your body from the tomb where you are buried when the time comes!  Look at me and hear my cries!  My soul fell down to Hell and is talking to you from the midst of the Hell fire in agonies of pains!  In order to save you!  Why are you staying there for your own destruction?  Quickly come out of there!

2) The New World

No, no, no more!  You have to hold onto Jesus!  Do not hold on Lee Man-hee!  He is a hireling!  He is a hireling who only reaps moneys from all of you!  He is not even a pastor!  He is an instrument of Satan!  We have been toys for Lee Man-hee!  He says he is Jesus and the Holy Spirit, for himself!  He takes all the glories of Jesus away, and it is so clear what the end of him will be!  It is Hell!  Satan only waits for Lee Man-hee to come to Hell.  His place for punishments and torturing is already prepared.  Wake up!  Do not entrust your souls to Lee Man-hee!  Entrust to Jesus!  No one can go to Heaven without going through Jesus!  What is the New World?  It is Heaven establishes on earth!  Do you know what the Jehovah’s Witness and the Unification Church are?  We, as well as them, do not go up Heaven but fall down below Heaven!  That is the characteristic of cults!  It is a total corruption!  Please come out!  Please I do plea!

3) Sect of Salvation

Please preach them so that they may quickly come out of the sect where no life is!  Pastor Pak Ok-su is a disguised antichrist!  A cult! A hireling!  A servant of Satan to hunt souls!  It is not a Church of Jesus!  It is not a Church that preaches Heaven and Hell!  I was not following Jesus! I was following Pastor Pak Ok-su!  Please take my family out of there!  You can’t come out once you are in: It is a characteristic of a cult!  Quickly come out!  I went there by their evangelization!  They said I will be well off if I went there!  They said all curses would be cut off!  Once you believe in Jesus, once you repent, then they said I don’t have to repent anymore!  It’s all false!  You have to repent hard even to death in order to go to Heaven!  Quickly go to Churches where they preach only Jesus!  If you don’t you will come to Hell just like me!  Hurry and hurry to preach!  It is so dreadful here!  So fearful!  It’s a cult of antichrist!  And that's where full of obscenity is!

4) Church of God (An Sang-hong Witnesses)

I was a cult after all!  I was a cult!  I An Sang-hong was a cult!  Many cults are missing repentance!  They do not teach repentance!  Lord!  I did wrong!  Lord!  I was playing your role, Jesus!  God was all by Himself and I was Jesus!  I was Jesus by myself!  I did wrong, Jesus!  I did wrong!  Please loose these chains!  It is too hot!  I hate this fire!  I hate this fire!

5) Vineyard, New Apostolic

Jesus, I was deceived!  I thought it was a work of the Holy Spirit!  I was following it and here I am in Hell!  Jesus is not there!  They are following only gifts and powers!  What are those sounds of beasts!  What is this roaring of lions?  Vineyard and New Apostolic are falsely disguised as the works of the Holy Spirit!  They are punished in Hell by exactly the same ways as what usually happen during their place of their assembly!  The Vineyard movement is work of very strong demons!  When those demons invade into human body at once, it is almost impossible to repent!  Don’t be deceived!  They are 100% bound to Hell!  Don’t you ever attend their assembly, don’t you ever try to listen to them, and don’t you ever watch them in the internet!  Only Jesus has to be emphasized!  What are the golden teeth, and what is the golden dust?  Don’t you ever visit those Churches accepting Vineyard or New Apostolic movements?  Dust off your shoes!  Otherwise you will reap terrible curses!  All are fakes if they don’t emphasize only Jesus!  It’s full of deceiving spirits! Discern this age!  Be awake and enter into Churches where they arm with only prayers and the word, preach Heaven and Hell, shout out repentance, and preach Jesus!  Don’t come to this Hell and regret, please!

6) VeriChip (Rapture, Eschatology)

Someone should shout out confidentially that the VeriChip never is 666!  Receiving the VeriChip is not receiving the sign of beast! It is nothing but nonsense so the Lord speaks through my mouth in this Hell!  I don’t know how many people whom Lucifer is using to preach the VeriChip!  VeriChip is a powerful bate that Satan uses to draw people to Hell!  Those who insist on rapture are false!  Those who say VeriChip is 666 are tricksters.  The Lord is not interested in rapture!  He looks for only repented souls.  Please don’t be deceived!  Those who live repenting life don’t have to worry about the terror of death!  Believers who are repenting always are ready to go to Heaven whenever the Lord calls!  Quickly come out!  You have only one chance!  If you miss this chance you are bound to Hell!  You will fall down to Hell where you will never come back out once you fall!  If you want to avoid this Hell, come back out from the deception and repent!  Please repent!  To save you Jesus is saying in this way!

7) Mrs. Choo-nam Thomas (Author of “Heaven is So Real”)

I realized that I was deceived and used by demons after I came to Hell!  Many souls deceived through me are falling down to Hell!  (Many people who read of the book written by I Choo-nam Thomas and did not repent fell to Hell by the deception, they all are fixed on a wall with wound chain around their waist!  They are tortured by burning lava.)  Don’t be deceived by the VeriChip!  How many souls are falling down to Hell because Satan packaged VeriChip to make people believe as if it is Jesus?  I Thomas Joo-nam also was a follower of the VeriChip!  I also insisted the rapture!  How could I be a servant of the Holy Spirit?  True servants never talk about the day and time of the second coming of Jesus!  They don’t preach VeriChip either!  They shout out “Repent for the kingdom of Heaven is near!”   You should listen to the voice!  Truly repented never afraid of VeriChip!   Truly repented never afraid anything because they are ready to go to Heaven!  Don’t forget that those who believe VeriChip and those who preach rapture will meet the same end as I Thomas Joo-nam ended up.

“And there is salvation in no one else, for there is no other name under heaven given among men by which we must be saved.&  (Act 4:12)

'where their worm does not die and the fire is not quenched.' (Mar 9:48)


  이전글 : Hymn and Gospel songs 영어 찬송가와 찬양
  다음글 : Sounds of Heaven Hell with English subtitles(영어자막)