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  제  목 : A testimony of heaven and hell, and a column about memorial service and funeral service 조회수 : 1200
  작성자 : Barnabas 작성일 : 2017-08-21

<List of Contents>
“Let’s Go to Heaven by Repentance and Believing in
Jesus and Avoid Hell!”
Chapter 1
 “Heaven and Hell Shown by the Lord”
(Pastor Kim, Min Sun)
Chapter 2
 “Memorial and Funeral Service
are Idolatry!”
(Pastor Kim, Yang Whan)


Chapter 1. “Heaven and Hell Shown by the Lord”
(Pastor Kim, Min Sun)
This is a true story. Believing it or not depends on the readers. Truth, however, has to be believed. Heaven and hell in this story is not based on any dreams or visions that spontaneously come and go. It was God’s intention to reveal heaven and hell to the Duk Jeong Sarang Church family. The Lord is showing hell even now in late prayer sessions whenever we are filled with the Holy Spirit. We are not just visiting hell to just see what is going on, we are engaging in extreme spiritual warfare defending detrimental attacks of Satan in order to reveal secrets of hell as the Lord leads us. Whenever we went through hell in such ways, our bodies are terribly fatigued and tired, our mouths are filled with cold sores, and our bodies are tortured by attacks of demons when we get home. It is a hard and bitter battling. We have to take the terrible stench of hell which causes severe vomiting whenever we visit there, not only we witness and feel indescribable punishments but also speak to relay whatever the souls speak who are going through their punishments through interpretation.
Hell is real, although some say “Where is hell?” If you do not believe, I cannot help you to believe. If you believe that heaven and hell are real, you better believe in Jesus as your Savior after through repentance. Whoever believe in Jesus and repent before own death will never fall to hell.
'where (hell) their worm does not die and the fire is not quenched.' (Mar 9:48)
No, I tell you; but unless you repent, you will all likewise perish." (Luk 13:5)
Churches of nowadays cannot point out sins of people. People believe that they will be saved by attending Church. Churches teach how to receive blessings. Pastors and congregations are falling onto hell because they do not teach what sins are, what repentance is, how to repent, and how to obey God, but heaven and hell are real. What is our goal of believing in Jesus? Isn’t that for going to heaven by escaping the eternal punishment of hell!
For what will it profit a man if he gains the whole world and forfeits his soul? Or what shall a man give in return for his soul? (Mat 16:26)
Demons are NOT the souls of dead person, or their diseased ancestors. Do you know who punish and torture souls in hell? They are fallen angels, and their head is Satan (Lucifer). These demons are flagitious evil spirits. In spite of this, many are worshiping demons as if they are their beloved ancestors who are dead, they all fall onto hell when they die, and they eternally suffer fearsome torturing as their punishments by those demons they worshiped. Don’t be deceived!
Do you think any Christian who does not know the reality of hell can deeply repent to the degree our Lord Jesus would require? Do you think they would correctly prepare their eternity if they do not believe heaven and hell? You would be a truly blessed if you live holy and blameless life through the repentance led by Jesus Christ after reading this book. A truly repented one never falls onto hell!
Fools are those who say “Demons do not exist.” Demons are terrible spiritual liars who make people not believe in God, temp people to commit all kind of sins, and throw unrepented sinners into hell after they die. Demons and the devil are spiritual hustlers.
Jesus is the true God whose words became flesh to come to earth. A man never can be God. All men are created by God. Anyone who dies without believing in Jesus will fall into hell. Don’t you ever say “Where is Jesus? Where is hell? Where is heaven? I will know when I die!” You will surely know when you die, but it is too late to correct if you are wrong. You have to be right when you are still alive. Believe in Jesus now when you are still alive!
Hell is really a fearsome place. It is where indescribable eternal torturing continues without stop even a second. ‘Spooky and creepy snakes, maggots, uncountable mice, various insects (insects in hell have teeth like sharp sawtooth), agonies in burning flames, bad stench that turn the intestines up side down and that disgusting smell of hell, sharp and loud cries that puncture your ear drums, etc.’ are typical scene of hell.
I pray that no one is deceived by Satan any more. There is NO SALVATION by any other religions or man. Satan lies that there seem salvation in other religions in order to throw more people into hell. Avoid cults where idol is disguised as Jesus, but join a church that believe in Jesus only, preach Jesus only, hold unto Jesus only, preach heaven and hell, and teach absolute repentance and obedience. Please, please, believe in Jesus and avoid eternal punishments of hell!
“Lord Jesus! Let many souls become the people of heaven by repenting and believing in Jesus through this book!”
From that time Jesus began to preach, saying, "Repent, for the kingdom of heaven is at hand." (Mat 4:17)


“Heaven and Hell Shown By the Lord”
 1. Hell
I am so happy to see you today. I am Pastor Kim, Min Sun from Duk Jeong Sarang Church. It would’ve been impossible for me to stand here if it were not the grace of the Lord. I am standing here to testify what I have seen heaven and hell by the grace of the Holy Spirit, and what I have seen is true. From three days ago Satan has been attacking my stomach which resulted severe stomach ache, I give thanks to the Lord because by the grace of God I am standing here before you.
Heaven and hell really exist. Hell is located at the center of earth. Believe that please! The Lord has been showing me heaven and hell for 4 and half years by His grace. I have been clearly hearing unanimous cries of all the souls in hell:
“I am here in hell, because I did not repent of sins, because I did not know what sins are, and because my pastor(s) didn’t preach me about repentance and reproaches.”
The Lord told me “My beloved daughter, this you should clearly preach! Preach with strength and boldness! I will be with you!” I cannot stop preaching this even though a knife is thrusting at my throat or huge rocks are falling on me to crush, because I have seen heaven and hell and I am a witness of them.
Do you know the secrets how we can pay back for the grace of the Lord? It is to go to heaven not to hell. Our Lord doesn’t want anybody go to hell. The Lord leaves ninety nine lambs and went out to search a little lamb which is lost. Don’t forget that our Lord is seeking the one who repents.
1. Hell
The Lord has been showing heaven and hell for more than 4 and half years, He opened hell before showing heaven. The Lord showed hell more than 4 years. When I asked the Lord “Why are you continuously showing me hell?” He said:
“Many fall to hell because 1) they do not believe hell is real, 2) they don’t know who Jesus is, 3) they live as nominal Christian life, and 4) they- who are believers - live without repentance! So you take a good look at this hell, and go and preach!”
It was not a simple touring of hell. At the beginning the process of opening hell and witnessing through hell was incredibly hard. As it continues, all kinds of pains beyond description have been developed on my body. When I had meals, rice grains looked like those maggots of hell; the smell of food reminded me of the bad stench in hell and triggered vomiting and stomach pain, resulting lack of nutrition in my health. I lost a lot of weight. But the grace of the Lord allowed me to continue to visit hell. If I had to repeat those past experiences now, I am not sure I could endure all of them again. It was really hard times. I spend most of time on my bed except for praying, and I could not walk as if I were sick.
Suppose that you accidentally witnessed a murdering seen in which a killer was chopping another person’s body. And you eyes met those of the killer. The killer would try to kill you the witness because the killer’s secret was revealed. Just like this, ever since I had the spiritual secrets of heaven and hell including the identity and intention of Satan, I became a prime target of the attacks of Satan and his demons. As much as the attacks from Satan and demons are real, heaven and hell are real, as well as Satan and demons. Satan and demons, who do not want their identity revealed to anyone, wanted to attack and kill me, the witness.
Among many believers in Duk Jeong Sarang Church, there are some to them heaven and hell are open already, and to others being open. Why do you think the Lord opens and shows heaven and hell to them? The Lord wants the secrets of heaven and hell preached, even to whole world. Only if people listen and repent, they would not go to hell, but come to heaven.
How much do you repent in your daily life? Don’t we refresh and check our spiritual faith life when we experience injuries caused by tripping at a door step, and think that “what wrong did I commit?” If your family is harassed by continuous and lingering various sicknesses, or if you are continuously disputing with your spouse, or if your children rebel against you, who knows that all are caused by unhealthy relationship between you and God? Any troubles or calamities happening around you may have caused by any blemishes exist in your relationship with God. I pray that, after listening to my testimony about heaven and hell, you may demolish the strong walls of sins like the walls of Jericho raised between you and God.
I was a hair dresser who ran a beauty saloon when the Lord first opened hell to visit. I have been hearing the voices of the Lord for 1 year just before the opening of hell.
“My beloved daughter! Be prepared for what I will do with you. I will show you a great and wonderful secret!”
“What is that, Lord?”
“I will show you heaven and hell! Heaven and hell that I have shown to my servants, I will show to you as well! You should sincerely desire that! And cry out! I will show you great and wonderful things! I will show you heaven and hell which are large, wide, and deep! Don’t be proud! The reason I show those to you is to preach and reveal!”
My initial intention for visiting heaven and hell was not for preaching but for satisfying my desires of seeing them because others have seen them already. I have a nature which doesn’t want to be a loser. People with this kind of nature can easily be used by Satan. A mind of this character is a source of pride, envy and jealousy, which has to be forsaken. If you do not forsake these, Satan eventually uses you as his instrument for destroying the kingdom of God. I think this was the reason why the Lord did not open heaven and hell in the beginning, although I have cried a lot.
I have been crying out to God very much. Through the nights prayer at the Duk Jeong Sarang Church was from 9 PM to 5AM (Now it is till 2AM). I used to pray till 5AM when the Lord opened my spiritual eyes. After closing my business, I would come to the Church and pray from 9PM to 11PM, take a break for one hour, and continued to 5AM with strong desire that I must see, because others had seen it, although it was not yet God’s time for me to see. I used to pray without having any breaks, cried out without drinking any cup of water. When I would cry out, I was not calling the Lord saying ‘Lord! Lord!’ but I cried so hard I had pains on my abdomen and waist. I had to see heaven and hell.
“Lord, show me heaven and hell! Why they can see but I cannot?”
I was insisting and insisting, but I still could not see. One night, after resting an hour, I was on my knee and cried without stop from 12 midnight to 5AM. Still I couldn’t see anything. My jaws had been loosed a few times during the cries. I was crying in my flesh desires. My purpose to see heaven and hell was to satisfy my own flesh desires, not for preaching the gospel. I couldn’t go to work the next day because I was so sick and tired. I had real hard time for a week after that incident. My prayer was wrong. God, however, later led me to repentance. When I repented, the Lord told me that He would show me.
After that repentance I fasted for 3 days, and the Lord opened my eyes to see hell when my heart was cleansed. After the work I was sitting in the Church, and I felt pain as if I was in a severe flue. It was so severe that I even wanted to visit emergency room of a hospital. But I realized that it was not physical pain but spiritual pain caused by the attacks of Satan. (When you pray, the Lord teaches many things and gives spiritual discernment. As your prayers accumulate to certain level, God would give to you as gifts.) So I started to pray with kneeling down, but the pain was excruciating. I am not a patient person so I would easily give up on things, but the Lord has been training me very hard for praying. I have been praying very hard everyday to be filled with the Holy Spirit even when I was sick, and I even used to talk to myself “I rather die today if I am not filled with the Holy Spirit.” Even when I had to work at the hair saloon for 11 to 12 hours, I did not skip praying, because I valued the fullness of the Spirit in me more than anything in my flesh life.
“Lord, You know me! I would rather die today if I am not filled with the Spirit!” I was crying out unto the Lord with loud voice. I heard the voice of the Lord at that time.
“I will show you hell! My beloved daughter, be ready!”
But during the process, Satan attacked my stomach and legs. My legs became numb as if my lower half body was in a washing machine. My back was so painful as if someone was nailing a sheet metal placed on my back. I was fighting through all these and praying, and it was 12:30 when I was collapsed. My pastor came to me and discerned that I was under a satanic attack. He cast demons away with commands, “In the name of Jesus be gone the demons hindering the opening of spiritual eyes!”
At the moment my pastor commanded, all of a sudden, a small but pitch black circular gate was opened before me and I was able to see heavy mist beyond the gate. A cave was stretched behind the gate and a swarm of bats was flying toward me, making a peculiar sound which I did not like very mush. Bats were so busy. Each bat had teeth very different from what I saw in this world. It looked like a sawtooth blade. I felt goose bumps coming all over my body when I saw them. When I asked to my pastor, he said it was the opening of hell. He had similar experience when hell was opened to him before. That way, the hell was opened to me.
The hell was dark, blackish, and filled with heavy mist. It was like a scene of a thriller movie: Imagine you are walking through a heavy mist in an old cemetery in dark. My soul felt terrible fear at just looking at it. I heard about hell many times, but this feeling through my own experience was something entirely different all together. I thought, at the moment when the huge fear struck me, “Didn’t I make a mistake to come here?” It was as if I was watching a thriller movie. I was mesmerized at the scene of hell which was spread before me. This experience had developed in me a new habit of being suddenly surprised at no reasons, and this had lasted for 4 years. I was totally surprised when someone simply touches me. It was a side effect I had. These experiences in hell have reduced my ability of remembering things, which probably was due to the shocks to my brain.
Demons would cut fleshes of people, gouging out eye balls, and thrusting burning sharp pliers heated in molten lava just before my eyes. And snakes as thick as fingures are eating up intestinal parts while they are swimming around in a body as if they are munching apples. Numerous maggots are eating up internal parts of a body leaving only the skin. Imagine you witness these things just before your eyes. Don’t you think those shocking scenes would give a lot of mental side effects to you?
When I was watching those, the Lord would say to me.
“Watch them clearly! Watch them with strength and boldness! You will preach about these. If you do not preach, I will require their blood in your hands!”
Whenever He showed hell to me, the Lord said,
“If you do not preach, I will require their blood in your hands! If you do not preach, I will require their blood in your hands!”
I cannot help from not preaching what I saw, not because He said He will require their blood in my hands, but because I am so thankful for His love and grace!
And I saw many graves in hell. A cross is at the center of each grave. The Lord told me:
“Look! They said they believed in Jesus, but they lived on their OWN Christian life, also they would skip Lord’s Day services for their leisure activities, and they were nominal Christians! Look, their end is hell!”
The Lord then showed inside of the grave: There was a body size coffin in it, and the body was fixed to the ground with a hook. The body was full of maggots from the head to the toes as if the body is full of blood. The maggots were creeping out through every hole because the maggots were so full in the body. I was able to hear what those people say.
“Help me! Help me! This is hell! This is hell! This is hell! I was wrong, Lord Jesus! I was wrong! I lived for what was NOT You Jesus. I was holding unto what was not Jesus! I was holding on those illusions which were not true!
Are you now living your life by holding on illusions which is not Jesus? Once you fall into hell, you cannot come out of hell, and it doesn’t matter how much you regret! The only chance to avoid hell is when you are in this world. It is the ONLY chance! As soon as you loose this chance by death without repentance in the name of Jesus, you will surely fall to hell and cry out and cry out “Help me! Please take me out of here! Please hold my hands just once!” just like these people in hell. There will be NO one who could hear you and help you! Please live life of repenting everyday. One who lives repenting life can go to heaven, NOT hell! Hell is exempted for those who repent everyday!
My Lord opened my eyes again and showed me the round earth. He immediately showed me the center of the earth and said,”Here is hell! Just below the ground is hell!”
It was the second day. I again heard the voice of the Lord.
“My beloved daughter! Receive the fullness of the Holy Spirit! And repent! Then cry out aloud!”
Spiritual eyes will be clearly and accurately opened for those who repent. Unrepented people may have contaminated sights for their spiritual eyes. Clearly opened eyes will see Satan’s attacks without hindrance. The attack of Satan seemed less than before. I repented and repented. Repenting was a lot smoother. I believed that it was the time of the Lord to open my spiritual eyes. At the moment my eye sights began to open, earth before me cracked opened in zigzag form, and many hands were coming out through the openings: Fire scorched hands, hands partially exposed to their bones, blood stained hands, etc., were stretching out desperately, and I heard cries coming from below.
“Help me! Help me! Here is hell! This is hell! I am in hell! I didn’t believe hell is real!”
The Lord showed me a deaconess who used to belong to the Full Gospel Church. She died when she had a traffic accident: Her car tumbled when she was coming back from an idol worship of a harvest celebration. She was pregnant for six months. Her husband who was driving was alive. Idol worship is the most detestable sin before God. We know why God dealt Israelites with such wrath. It was due to their idol worship. Although she was a Jesus believing deaconess in a mega-church, her faith couldn’t help her from falling into hell with her. It was a sudden death on the way home from the idol worship. She stretched her hand through the crack of ground toward me, hoping that she could come out of hell by holding my hand. I knew I couldn’t help her. Once fell down to hell, no one can come back out. Repenting in hell is too late. She continued to talk to me.
“Take me out just once! Just once! I didn’t know! I didn’t know! I didn’t know! I didn’t know that eating cursed food of idol worship is a detestable sin that caused such curse! Pastors didn’t teach us so! Tell them!, Tell them! Tell them that eating food from any idol worship is a detestable sin!”
Do you have some problems you cannot manage? Are some traffic accidents or chronic disease continued in your household? Those could be due to idol warship. Our God never wants you to eat the food offered to idols. Never eat any food offered to any idol!
But I have this against you, that you tolerate that woman Jezebel, who calls herself a prophetess and is teaching and seducing my servants to practice sexual immorality and to eat food sacrificed to idols. (Rev 2:20)
The deaconess continued. She clearly was revealing about ‘Memorial Worship Service and Funeral Worship Services’. Yeouido Full Gospel Church is a famous among many people, but its pastors never taught about the truth of those services.
“Pastors! Why didn’t you let me know that attending memorial and funeral worship services is a terrible sin? Why didn’t you tell me that memorial and funeral services are idol worship just like the ancestor worship? Many pastors are deceived! They are compromising with human traditions! Please tell them that any memorial and funeral worship services are idol worship!”
Many pastors are compromising with human traditions. Why? They fear their congregation. Their congregation is equated with money they make. Pastors are committing the same sins, so they cannot point out and reprove those sins to their congregation. Even pastors are in those sins and not clean, so that they cannot lead their congregation to the narrow and truthful way by preaching repentance and reproaching.
My beloved! Remember that any memorial and funeral worship services are indeed idol worship. Suppose one kept nine commandments of the Ten Commandments. If the one dies with the sin of violating that one commandment without repenting, s/he surely will fall down to hell. Many are falling down to hell because memorial and funeral services and eating food from idol worship.
Many pastors tell that it is OK to eat any food by drawing a cross on the food. Do you think that demons would go out when you draw a cross? Demons go out when we command demons in the name of Jesus. Only when we command in the name of Jesus, demons go away, curses leave, and liberated from poverty and diseases. Remember this.
The deaconess continued.
“Tell them! Please tell them! Hell is here, tell them! Hell is here, tell them! Hell is just below the ground, tell them! I cannot endure terror of hell! I cannot live because of the terror of hell!”
We all know about Andre Kim (A successful and well known Korean designer) who enjoyed great rich and wealth. He was talking to me while he was in the middle of a punishment in hell.
“I can’t live here because of this terror of hell! I can’t live because of this terror of hell! Lady, please take hold of my hand just once! Please tak my hand just once! When you go back out, please take me with you! My nose seems rotting because of this terrible stench of hell! Please let’s get out together when you go out!”
Andre Kim was a Buddhist.
“I think I fell down to hell because I believed Buddha!”
Andre Kim finally understood in hell. He continued.
“Jesus is the Best! Jesus is the Best! There is none like Him! No way! Many are coming here because of Buddha! Please tell them and make sure they do not come to hell! I handled a lot of money, designed and made many fancy dresses, and enjoyed rich and fame, NONE OF THEM gave me satisfaction! I finally understand this! Life without Jesus is MEANING LESS!”
Andre Kim was going through a particular punishment: He was in a spring filled with all kinds of dirt, maggots, centipedes, worms, leaches, and snakes, up to hip level. Snakes were of all kinds. Largest one was as long as from an elbow to the tip of hand. Everything was entangled. All of them were biting off the flesh of Andre Kim. A scorpion was dangling on his tongue. Even though I barely took over the sewage smell, it was strong enough to upset my stomach up side down. I even was going through some of the pains of the punishments. I continued to watch them because Jesus told me so. I was vomiting a lot while I was watching them. Whenever I saw those, I would have lost my appetite for a week.
As Andre Kim’s tongue was bitten by the scorpion, he spoke.
“My nose seems rotting away because of this terrible stench of hell! My nose seems rotting away! My nose seems rotting away!”
When we leave food like an egg a few days in summer time, it gives off terrible smell. But the smell of hell cannot be compared with any bad smell in this world. I never had that kind of smell in my life. The Lord would tell me, “Don’t you think experiencing that kind of pains may help you when you preach about the grace of God?”
It was when Andre Kim was talking about the smell, he all of sudden vomited. Dirt is coming off his mouth like a gush comes out of a hose of firefighters. He was vomiting continuously. The Lord showed me inside of his body: Snakes are munching intestines from lower part to upper part. I also was vomiting for 5 minutes while I was watching. Andre Kim pleaded to me.
“Be with me for a short time like a night time of the world! Time in hell seems stopped! Take me out! Help me, lady! Take me when you go out. Don’t you leave me here when you go out?”
He deeply fed up with that place. I cannot mimic the way Andre Kim cried. Cries in hell are not the screams we hear in this world. Crying was the only things I could do when he stretched his hands to me with such intense screams that express his strong desire to live and desperate hope to escape from hell.
“Lord Jesus, just one time please! Take me out of here just one time!”
Andre Kim continues,
“What are you doing you Christians? No one ever clearly preached me “Believe in Jesus! Believe in Jesus! Jesus is the ONLY WAY of salvation! No other one! Only Jesus leads us to heaven!” No one told me with such clarity! Jesus is the BEST! Not Buddha!”
How seriously are you preaching the gospel as a believer of Jesus? Have you been preaching that there is no other way than Jesus to be saved? While we are believing this way, knowing importance of repentance, and working out for our salvation, many, yes, many non-believers are falling down to hell even now! Please take forward steps for saving many souls.
And there is salvation in no one else, for there is no other name under heaven given among men by which we must be saved." (Act 4:12)
Preach the word; be ready in season and out of season; reprove, rebuke, and exhort, with complete patience and teaching. (2Ti 4:2)
Hell is filled with many and diverse ways of punishments. A person never receives just one kind of punishments, but receives tens of thousand different punishments. You may imagine a huge amusement park, and all the equipments are tools to punish. There is something like sauna in hell. Each room is designed to burn souls with fire of sulfur. It would be great to be killed for good. Because it is eternal condemnation, body is regenerated for punishment again and again. Bones are regenerated, then flesh and skin cover the bones, then a complete living body is regenerated to receive a fresh punishment. It repeats to eternity,
And the smoke of their torment goes up forever and ever, and they have no rest, day or night, these worshipers of the beast and its image, and whoever receives the mark of its name." (Rev 14:11)
You may give thanks to God for believing in Jesus. Are you in any hardship now? Do you have any problems in your family? Do you have a chronic problem? You may say, “What am I doing now like this, while others are running fast on the lane of promotion and the highway of success?” It is FAR FAR FAR better than going to hell! Give thanks that you are alive and have a chance to escape hell.
Choi Jin Sil (A famous star in Korea who killed herself) confessed in hell like this.
“I used to say ‘This is a living hell! This is a living hell!’ But when I fell down to hell, the world was a place where it was worthy to live!”
Are you habitually saying like this?
“It is a living hell, not worthy to live!”
NO! If you see real hell, if you hear the screams of hell, you will never say that. Imagine someone is repeatedly cutting your fingers. It is not cutting asunder at once, but slowly cutting with a sharp knife. Can you withstand it? Or put your hand on your gas stove for 5 minutes. Can you endure that? Hell fire is not a gas flame.
Hell fire is so hot I don’t want to be near. I tried to avoid the heat that may reach my body. Furthermore, when I walk, the road is filled with swarm of snakes, and the side of the road is equipped with the sharp sword laid upside down. You can’t avoid the road. You must walk. Some place has broken pieces of glasses which are very sharp spread on the floor, and you have to walk through. Some other place has a huge heap of black snakes which are entangled together. A body thrown in melts away when the snakes wrap the body because of the strange mucus of the snakes. And some other place has showers of sulfuric fire from above, like that of Sodom and Gomorrah. When the fire falls on a body, the body burns away instantly just like a piece of vinyl burning in a flame. More and more! This is hell.
Jesus died on the cross because He does not want any soul come to hell. If we understand the grace of the Lord, we shouldn’t live in sins anymore. Cast away all sins and vice, and live repenting life everyday. Even I could go to hell if I miss repentance although I preach this message of repentance and heaven and hell. Therefore we have to work out our own salvation with fear and trembling. Calvin’s doctrine says, “Once you are saved, you go to heaven!” Never like that! One has to repent by holding unto Jesus till death to go to heaven; if you stop living repenting life you cannot avoid hell.
The Lord sowed me Judas Iscariot; he was hung on a cross at the top of tall-chimney-like structure. There was a white sheet of fabric below. His skin tone was pale on his skinny body. He had dark brown curly hair. He was repenting up there. King Herod and Pilate were also shown to me. In general, those who sold Jesus, those believers in hell, or those killed themselves were crucified as their punishment. Herod was on cross mounted top of a lofty pole, and underneath was deep cliff bottomed with a swamp. His body was tied with snakes which have thorns on their body. Whenever the snake was tightening blood was squeezed out. While his blood was flowing down; a sharp rod suddenly came down from above and went through his body. His body disappeared without traces. Resembling some terrible scenes of a science fiction movie, it all happened right before my eyes with all the reality.
Do you to go to amusement parks? The Lord showed me when I was in heaven. There were many young people in an amusement park. When they were enjoying moments of thrills during rides many demons were entering their bodies at the moments. I saw many young people in this Church; you need to unite with believers in your Church. Going to those amusement parks is not good as I said.
Do you know why demons are drawing people to amusement parks? It is to deceive their hearts so that they may not want to keep God in their minds. It is the devil’s plan. Satan deceives people to induce them to idolatry, make them busy looking for good restaurants, and seduce people to go to department stores. Young people are busy to make appointments to seek fun times. We have to save time and come to Church for reading the Bible, praising and worship, and gather in the name of Jesus. If you go outside, you will be more exposed to the attacks of Satan. It is so easy to be deceived because the world looks very beautiful to enjoy. In order to protect ourselves we have to keep up with the prayer life just like young Samuel did. Although we are here in this world, know that our home is heaven above!
“I am still young yet!”
The age doesn’t matter. Whoever doesn’t believe in Jesus and repent will go to hell, regardless ages. Since Adam, sins came in us. Good and evil both exist in us. Young people are not exempted for going to hell. Even young children should go to hell unless repented.
A shown by Jesus, when a person gets into a riding machine, two demons one on each side put their arms around the person and they rode together. Demons spoke.
“Let’s take minds of people away! Deceive them! Deceive them so that they cannot keep Jesus in them!”
Many demons are spread all over the amusement Park. There was a captain of demons who commanded to his subordinates. With a gesture, he shouted out.
“You my soldiers! Work hard to deceive people! Deceive them so that they cannot keep Jesus in them! Let’s please the heart of Lucifer!”
“My friends! Don’t we go to a concert or performance hall for enjoyment? Audiences are shouting praises and clapping their hands whenever the performers do well. This is the moment Lucifer stands from his throne and shouts.
“Yes! You are glorifying me! You are pleasing Lucifer’s heart!”
When Jesus sees this from heaven, He cries with tears of blood.
“My people shouldn’t do that! They shouldn’t be deceived like that! They shouldn’t be corrupted like that!”
Lord Jesus is glorified when we praise and worship. On the other hand, when people are crazy about worldly music, Lucifer is glorified. If they do, they receive the sign of the beast ‘666’, because it is idolatry. Remember they are worshiping idols.
Hell was opened again. Lord again showed Choi Jin Sil. Hadn’t she committed suicide? 100% of hell is for one who commits suicide. Some pastors were saying,
“Just repent at the moment of suicide!”
But repented people never commit suicide. Choi Jin Sil was hung on a cross. She was tied with snake ropes. It was the snakes with thorns on the body. When the snakes tightened, I heard the sound of tightening. It was so terrible to see. Her blood was flowing down, her neck became so thin and her head was about to explode. She stretched out her hand between the snake ropes. Her hand was partially ripped to expose bones due of the thorns of the snake, and she cried out.
“Help me! Help! Help me! This is hell! This is hell! All who are in hell shout ‘Here is hell! Here is hell me! Help! Help me!’ Now here I am in hell, my pastor, now I know, preached heaven and hell without any knowledge of heaven and hell, and without believing them! If I ever heard ‘If you kill yourself, you will go to hell 100%’, I wouldn’t have killed my self. All in this hell unanimously say ‘Only once, please take me out of here just once! If I could rest for just 0.01 second, just 0.01 second! It would be far better if they don’t torture me!’”
The Lord again showed me a certain deaconess who had a family, but committed adultery with a nonbelieving man, deceived by Satan. Demons are working very hard to corrupt believers to throw into hell. Jesus loves non-believers, too, but He loves believers much more because they came in Jesus. Jesus cries with tear of blood when believers are corrupted. Satan who knows this tries harder to win believers the more.
The two loved so much but the woman was killed in a traffic accident. Tha man lost his purpose of life so he killed himself. When they were in this world, the man did his best to make the woman happy but in hell everything was changed. She was in one of the places like a row of ponds. She shouted in the middle of a torture.
“Help me! Save me! Help me! Hold my hands just once! Yes, just once! Come here lady! Take and hold my hand just once! I never desperately asked to anyone like this before! I had all I wanted, and had enjoyed all I wanted. I never asked to others for anything because I had all! But this hell is different! I cannot bear! Lady, just come here! Let me feel your warmth just once, I beg you, yes come here!”
She was so desperately asking to me. Then all of sudden she flipped to be abusive.
“You, bitch! Come here at once! I do this to you because I am so desperate! Come here! Come here!”
She feared the terror of hell, and now she couldn’t even shout. So I approached to the pond where she was. The pond was filled with numerous snakes. It looked like a snake cave. Just like munching apples, snakes were eating her flesh. Her body was bloody, yet pieces of her flesh were taken away.
When she said “Hold my hand just once”, I was almost crazed. I wanted to hold her hand, but whole body was covered with snakes, “No I didn’t want to touch those snakes.” Since she was so desperate, I took her hand, finally. I expected that she would pull me all the way toward her, but she didn’t. She spoke.
“Thank you! Thank you! Lady! Many visited this hell, but none held my hands like you! Thank you! I feel eased now! This warmth yes this little warmth makes me to endure the terror of hell. Thank you so much for holding my hands!”
I could not embrace her, although I wanted, after hearing what she said. I plead to Jesus, and plead.
“Please let this woman rest just for 30 minutes! No, just 1 minute! I am sinner, too. Let me get in there and let me take the punishment for her place. Please let this woman rest for 30 minutes!”
It was when I saw Jesus on His throne and in white linen and shouted.
“My beloved daughter! There is only one chance that is when she was alive! Only one chance! Preach with this pain! Preach!”
Whoever once gets in hell, even Jesus Himself cannot save anyone in hell. Why? Because the chance to get out of hell was lost forever for anyone who came to hell! I saw the man, who killed himself, was taking the same punishment. He loved the woman so much. He loved her at whatever price he could pay; he even abandoned his family for her. The man was shouting. “Hey, shut up you bitch. I don’t want to hear at all! I came here because of you, bitch! Because of you, bitch, you, bitch, I came here!” The man who was burning his heart for her in the world is now blaming her. “You, bitch…” This woman now recognized what was wrong, but it was too late.
“Lord, I did all because I was deceived by Satan.”
People confess their wrong doings when they are in hell.
Is there anyone in this congregation who has this kind of troubles? Is there anyone who has turned your eyes to someone else than your spouse? Repent! Sin of adultery is so heavy. If you do not repent, you will fall down to hell.
Remember Choi Jin Sil? She had hard time because of her love life. I have not known before visiting hell but I know it now. She shouted and confessed, “My life was ruined by my marriage! I was ruined! I was deceived by Satan because of my greed!” Yes, It is not because of somebody else’s wrong, but it is because of my own greed, it is because of un-shattered self, and it is because of own pride, I ended up in this hell. So I beg all of you, please repent everyday!
These are what the Lord has recently shown me. For this 4 and half years a massive data have been accumulated. Habitats in hell includes Popes, Buddha, Calvin, Rockefeller, and Augustin … Lord showed me Ha Yong Jo (Pastor of a mega-church), Ok Han Eum (Pastor of a mega-church), Han Kyung Jik (Another famous pastor who was leading others to worshiping Japanese Emperor as a deity during the Japanese Occupation) in hell as well.
It continued. Many pastor’s heads were hung on a wall like the way we hang electric fans. They were stuffed. These were hirelings who have abandoned flock of sheep of the Lord. They deprived materials from congregation, they loved fame and obscenity, and they were enjoying their extravagant lives while the sheep were perishing. They fell down to hell because they did not repent, or did not finish the mission given by the Lord. Their heads were hanging on the wall.
While I was walking in hell, there were a people laid on top of five sword blades mounted upside down. Suddenly a table sized marble fell from above; the man was cut into five pieces. When I approached near, he was my father. He was speaking at that condition.
“Dear Min Sun! I cannot endure this hell! This strong minded man I am cannot handle this! Let me go out of hell!”
My heart was torn to many pieces and I did not want to see. So I was heading to other place, then he said “Don’t go away! Don’t go away! If you go, I would die! If you go I could not endure! Don’t go away! Don’t go away!” My father was a strong minded man. To save money he pulled his tooth out using pliers by himself. He was so poor, so he had strong desire to be rich. He was a taxi driver; he worked hard and slept only 3 hours a day. He knew Jesus but he fell down to hell. My heart was full of pain while watching at him.
“I did not preach strong and bold enough!”
If your father and/or mother are still living, preach hard, although they do not hear you. Their hearts may be opened when you preach hard with boldness. Even when they do not want to hear you, their spirits are listening. For example, if you preach “Do not kill yourself! If you do, you will go down to hell 100%!” Their spirits will listen! At the moment they were to commit suicide, they would remember what you have preached. Do not loose your chance.
The Lord showed me another one: He was naked and two hands were tied above his head with snake rope. The Lord sometimes shows a specific person with particular dressing that signifies the person’s identity. When I approached near, he was my nephew who killed himself about 4 months or less ago. He was 20 years old, a son of my elder sister. He had been suffered with depression, committed suicide eventually.
Many depressed people end up killing themselves. Are yu depressed? I have good news for you. Repent thoroughly! Do you have any desire to suicide in your heart? Cry unto the Lord,”Help me! Lord, save me! I don’t want to go to hell!” And repent that you have desires to kill yourself. If you cannot pray, hold unto something such as a chair and cry unto the Lord, “I want to live! Save me, Lord!” Repentance may burst out in your heart and you may feel the grace of your Lord. As you are filled with the Spirit, the desire to kill yourself may disappear! You are set free from the grip of the demons!
My nephew killed himself in a room using a coal fire to generate carbon monoxide. He told me in hell.
“Aunt! Hell you have been talking about is real! It is real! Aunt, please take me out of here just once! Hell is real!”
There were two demons beating up with whips: Its end was tied to something like sickles. As they beat him, his head was peeled, as if a highway runs over a plain. My heart was torn apart as I was watching. I have watched many things in hell, but I never have seen a head peed like that. I couldn’t watch it any more.
“Lord, I don’t want to watch anymore! No more, Lord!”
Jesus spoke from His throne.
“My beloved daughter! A lot of my young people, many youth are arrested by the spirit of suicide! You have to preach with this pain in your heart!”
The Lord tells me that I have to preach this message. Do you have any desire to kill yourself? Repent before the Lord! If you repent, the desire of killing yourself will leave from you, and the grace of the Lord will come to you. If you still have the desire to suicide, ask your pastor to pray for you. If you cast out the spirit of suicide in the name of Jesus, the desire of suicide goes away. It was so because you have the heart that has been captured by demons. Remember Judas Iscariot’s thought was caught by demons. A thought of selling Jesus was injected into Judas Iscariot by the demons.
The Lord showed me a person belonged to the “New Heaven and Earth” (A formidable cult in Korea will be abbreviated as NHE here below). Many innocent people are in the cult. They say that Lee Man Hee, their leader, is the Holy Spirit. Jesus is the Holy Spirit, and the Spirit is Jesus. No human and other spirits can be the Holy Spirit. So many people of God are falling into diverse cults. Moon Sun Myung of the Unification Church is now in hell, the Lord had shown to me.
Do you know what kind of punishments those belong to the NHE receive now? There is a round table: the rim of the table is lit with blue flame of fire. They are all, young, old, males, and females, together as they are entangled within the blue flame. They are not burning at all. They are experiencing the high temperature of the blue flame for their torture.
All of them, as they stretched out their hands, shout out.
“Help me! Save me, please! Save me please! Here is hell. It is hell! I might have not held Jesus as my Savior! Why am I here? Why did I come here? Why did I come here?”
The blue flame was fiercely burning though their bodies without burning their bodies. One deaconess fell down to hell with 6 years old daughter and 7 years old son. These children came to hell because their parents were in the cult. The children did not know what sins were. Children are pure and they do not know how serious sins are. The deaconess shouted.
“The NHE is FALSE! The NHE is FALSE! We used to say that we were true and others were false! No, no! We were false and they were true. Compare two almost identical diamonds: One was true and the other was a fake, but they couldn’t be distinguished by bare eyes. The NHE is something like that. Come out of the NHE! All come out of the NHE! Lee Man Hee is FALSE! He is a hireling! He is just greedy over money. All come out! All come out!
The Lord was showing that some people wanted to come out because they knew some doctrines of the NHE were wrong. Then Lee Man Hee said that “I am Jesus”. This deaconess cries out loud, “What on earth this is possible? No way!” As the Lord showed them, they all wore black blinds. They all wandered to find the door to go out: The center was a hole connected to hell. People could not find the door to outside. It was that hard to come out once they fall in. Some were walking backward and eventually fell to hell. He was shouting to others.
“No! No! Find the door! There surely is the door. Do not give up! Do not give up! The NHE is FALSE! It is false!”
The deaconess learned that the NHE is false after she came to hell. They really considered the NHE was true, but they knew clearly that it was false when they came in hell. It is too late. Is there anyone who is in the NHE? Hurry up to come out before it is too late.
The 7 years old son of the deaconess was shouting out.
“Mom, Mom! I cannot bear this heat. It is too hot. I am dying of the terror of this hell! Mom! It is too fearful! Mom it’s too dreadful! Take me out just once! Just once, take me out! Heaven seems the kingdom you can’t go with any sins! Mom! Let’s get out of here! When can we get out of here? Mom! Come here! Why you can’t come here where I am? Mom, the NHE is not right! You all should come out of there! You all should come out of there!”
The 7 year old boy finally recognizes in hell that the NHE is a fake. Unfortunately, although you regret and regret and shout out the truth, there is no chance to come out of hell!
Is there anyone of you who are related with the NHE? Come out quickly! Or you will go to hell for 100%. Those fell into cults cannot receive the kingdom of God as an inheritance. All of you should come out. If you cannot come out of the cult after hearing this message, you will go to hell for 100%.
The young boy, who didn’t even know what sins are, cried out in hell, “The NHE is not right place to be! That place is not good! Heaven seems the kingdom you cannot go with any sins!” Do you firmly believe that heaven is the kingdom you cannot enter with any sins? Your children go to hell only because you are in a cult! Do you want to send your children to hell? Hell is an impossible place to endure. If you think that hell is a durable place and a worthy place to visit, then you may continue to be in the NHE. But the NHE is a cult and it leads you to hell 100 %.
The mother tried to go to her son, but the demon pierced a spear through her back. It is protruding out through her abdomen. She was crying out in that condition.
“Please, let me hold my child just once! Let me hold him just once! Ever since we fell into hell, I could not hold my child even once! You demons, let me hold my child just once!”
The deaconess tries to go to her child with struggling, and the child also is trying hard to reach for his mother, she could not move at all toward her child who is just in front of her, because she was nailed to that place with a spear. There was an iron pipe where the child was. A huge serpent was wrapping around the pipe to reach the child who was tortured in the flame. The serpent ate eyes of the child with its long tongue: stream of tear of blood came down from the eyes of the boy.
Can you imagine the heart of the mother? Hell is like that. You know how to solve the problem in the situation around you, but you do not have any ability to act upon. There is no way to satisfy your burning desires in your heart. So quickly come out of the cult the NHE. How painful your heart would be if your child goes to hell because of your sins? How much the child call his mother, the mother cannot reach to her child. It is hell. Hell is the place you cannot go around as you wish; you cannot talk as you wish. Only torturing punishments of eternal condemnation are there. You cannot rest even 0.01 second.
She continued to shout out.
“You! Aren’t you gonna come out of ‘the NHE’? Aren’t you gonna come out? Please all should come out! ‘The New Heavens and Earth (NHE)’ is a cult! It’s a cult!”
Almost of all the churches I went displayed a notice saying, “No one from the New Heavens and Earth (NHE) IS Allowed!” No one knows how many members of the NHE are spread in every church. Satan is using the NHE. While you are still alive, there is ONLY ONE CHANCE to go to heaven. Turn around and repent right now!
The Lord opened my spiritual eyes and showed. There are funnels that lead to hell. Entrances look like the hole of ‘the Mole Game’. There are so many of such holes all over the world. Demons catch by spreading something like a net over people and throwing them into the holes, or using sickles to hook humans and throw into the holes in a blink of an eye. It seems as fast as 0.01 second.
We sometimes do make mistakes while we walk following Jesus. We may back slide, disobey to the Lord, be drunken with alcohols, smoke cigarette, be obscene, or be greedy. If we do not repent, we may fall into hell suddenly by accidents caused by demons.
In order to live for the Lord Jesus, we have to forsake all the greed and desires. All the passion and pride have to be crucified. Otherwise, we may be attacked by Satan. If you have any unsolvable problems in your life, pray deeply about and repent any sins that might have damaged the relationship between you and God, instead of complaining and blaming about your life and God.
Behold, the LORD's hand is not shortened, that it cannot save, or his ear dull, that it cannot hear; but your iniquities have made a separation between you and your God, and your sins have hidden his face from you so that he does not hear. (Isa 59:1-2)
2. Heaven
The Lord had opened heaven to me while I was fasting. On the second day of fasting, the Lord said “Lo! I will show! You will see Pastor Choi Kweon Neung.” (A faithful pastor who was killed by Japanese when he denied worshiping Japanese King – a human deity, during the Japanese occupation period.) The Lord sometimes informed me a day before or other times a moment before the opening.
While I was praying the bright light of heaven was pouring on my head from above. My surrounding and inside of the sanctuary became so bright all of a sudden. My soul came out of my body and was moving around in a white linen dress. My body was still kneeling down and praying.
All of a sudden my soul was raised upward at super light speed. I had escaped the earth and gone through the universe at super light speed as if I was riding a launched rocket. That was when I was sitting on a cloud on top of Jerusalem Temple. While I was sitting on the cloud my heart was full of joy, I felt being floated, and wondered “Am I really in heaven?” People say they may cry when they are so happy. During the first visit to heaven, I continuously cried and thought.
“Indeed, Jesus desires us to be in this good heaven! Yes, Jesus really loves us this much! He had prepared this good heaven because He loves us so much!”
Once you are in heaven, you don’t want to come back to earth. Only being with Jesus alone will make you so happy. Just looking at Jesus who sits on the throne freezes your sense of time. You may just look upon Him even for 100 or 1000 years without noticing how long you have been looking at Him. Your heart beat becomes crazy. Your heart might explode. Don’t you cry out loud when you are so happy? It is incredibly good to see Jesus.
“Jesus, I love You! I love You Lord!”
You cannot help from keep confessing. Your heart is so filled with loving Jesus. Don’t we sometimes jump all over the places with joy when we are so filled with the Holy Spirit when we pray? This way, because I was so happy, “Jesus, I love You! Jesus, I love You!” was all I could speak continuously.
The golden way in heaven is very shinny so I imagined that the street is covered with super fine powders of gold and diamonds. Imagine that a strong spotlight is illuminated on it. I thought the powders were covering me so the reflected lights are coming from my spiritual body. I examined my dress and skin, and found nothing was on it. The light was extremely strong. When I tried to see the light, I could not open my eyes. I had to close my eyes and open again.
Such golden way suddenly opened before me. I was walking the glassy golden floor with happy excitement. Only walking on the golden road was enough to fill my heart with full of joy. It was when I walked a little I began to cry. My soul was so happy here in heaven, but my flesh on earth was crying for the sinful nature.
“Lord! I cannot see all these because I am a sinner! I am a chief of sinners, so I cannot see this beautiful heaven!”
With this thought, I denied to see that opened heaven for me. My image reflected on the glassy golden floor was not my face but my sinful nature. Although there are NO sins and NO curses in heaven, my body was sensing that. The Lord use scolding me.
“Even that is disobedience, too! My beloved daughter! Look!”
Next day, Lord opened heaven again. Your spiritual eyes are opened once, open continuously. I did not know when it would be closed. God will close it at His time. Again the golden road and Jerusalem city were opened before me, I was so small before the temple of Jerusalem that I was as small as a grasshopper. Behind the temple there was a rainbow, floating clouds, and flying angels in white garments. The angels and birds greeted to me. In this world, we may pass any passers-by if we do not want to greet, but in heaven, there are no such thing. Because there are no hatred and demons, every passer-by greets to me.
“Rev. Kim, Min Sun, It’s so good to see you! Rev. Kim, Min Sun, It’s so good to see you!”
Such a beautiful high tone and clear voice they greeted at me. Even the birds greeted as well, “It’s so good to see you! It’s so good to see you!” I was laughing with my mouth wide open.
“It’s great! How those birds knew my name? How could the birds speak?”
And flowers were spread on the left and right sides of the road, and giving off their odors by slight shaking their flowers. We use fragrances in this earth. It was not even near the fragrances we use on earth, which is mixed with kinds of odors of chemicals. But this fragrance of heavenly flowers penetrated my sense without even 0.01% of any rejecting response when it is detected through my nose. My head instantly was cleared. What on earth! This fragrance of heaven! Where could we find such fragrance on earth! Just a sniffing such fragrance was enough to shook me completely with full of joy and great expectation in my heart. Whoa! Excellent! I though I could contain and bring the fragrance in a small bottle and open the bottle right here. It was so great! I would never forget that kind of smell in my life on earth. I was totally sold out to that fragrance and dancing in joy broke out. The flowers were greeting to me.
“We are so glad to see you, Rev. Kim, Min Sun! We are so glad to see you!”
A row of white doves was flying toward me from distance and saying.
“Rev. Kim, Min Sun! We are so glad to see you. We wish you see more of heaven and preach about it down there! God will show you more! Pleas talk about heaven as the Lord shows you without any droppings or ommissions!”
“I was walking toward Jerusalem Temple where the throne of Jesus is. Right at the moment my heart was trembling. As I was expecting to see Jesus the hart beat of my heart grew intense, and as I approach near to the throne of Jesus the heart beat became louder and faster. Finally I sat before the throne, I feared Him at first. Jesus was in His solemn dignity. The One who sat on the throne was Jesus, and that Jesus was God Himself. The voice of Jesus came at that moment. It sounded like a thunder, like sound of clear water, and like sound of lightning. I was in great shock when I heard.
“My beloved daughter, you will see many things! Don’t be proud! I will show you great and amazing things! I will show you heaven none have seen so far! You shoul not be arrogant! The reason I show to you is to preach!”
“I began repenting as I sat before Jesus’ throne. Jesus led me to repenting, because a heart must be pure to see heaven. It is exactly the same as the word.
"Blessed are the pure in heart, for they shall see God.” Mat 5:8
Jesus led me to repenting when I was on earth, and He was leading me to repenting in heaven. My tears were falling like a waterfall. And I was confessing “I love You Lord!” 20 to 30 times toward the end.
Behind the throne of Jesus there were three doors each for four directions – East, West, South and North. It looked like a door but consists three. The three doors are connected each other. Each door has pearls. There were diamonds in a pearl. Thee pearls were pink, white, green, and so on.
The Book of Life was in front of the throne of Jesus. The life giving water streamed out of the throne, and formed rivers of the living waters running both sides of the golden streets. Trees of live were standing at both sides of each river, and 12 kinds of fruits were on the trees. Children were playing in the river and some people were drinking the water as if people would enjoy the streams of valley on earth. I also scooped the water with my hand. The water was so beautiful that my hand was not worthy to contain such water. Heaven was so beautiful that even water in heaven was so beautiful. Jesus has died on the cross in order to invite you and me to this heaven. Only if we repent our sins, we can come to this heaven.
And when I tried the water of life, I expected to be no taste as the water of this world, but it was sweet and flavored. I do not like flavored water of this world. The water of life was different. It was slightly flavored and tasted good. Even that one time trial gave me 100% satisfaction. I have been learning that everything in heaven is 100%, yes 100% satisfaction. Everything I touched or looked gave me 100% satisfaction.
And angels were praising God using instruments at both sides of Jesus’ throne. People in heaven were not working at all. All they do were praying, praising, and reading the Scripture. All the works were done by the angels. We can get all the helps from angels when we go to heaven. Angels are our servants. They serve us as we command in heaven.
There were books displayed by tilting about 45 degrees infront of the throne of Jesus. These books of life were illuminated with orange colored light. The book of life located in front of the throne contains the names of saved people who still are in the world. Other books of life located 45 degrees from the face of the throne have the names of saved people who are already in heaven. The Lord showed me the book in front of the throne. The book was less than half filled with the names of saved people. Pages of those open books were automatically turned by themselves when I thought about turning them. One part of the books of life was illuminated. The letters on the side not illuminated part were not complete: Some were partially engraved, others incomplete, and there were some names having only last few letters. The letters looked 3D stereoscopic because of the strong light illumination. About two thirds of the writings on the book of life turned black, meaning that the number of ‘will be saved’ is less than one half of the number of believers. Saving souls is that hard!
The Lord continued to turn the pages toward front; the names of the famous pastors of many mega Churches in Korea – Cho, Yong Gi, Chang, Kyung Dong, Kim, Sam Whan, Oh, Jeong Hyun … were not there. Pastor Cho, Yong, Gi’s name was terribly damaged beyond recognition. The names of the pastors of many mega Churches were all erased. Only the letter ‘dong’ was remaining from the name Chang, Kyung Dong. The Lord told me.
“Beloved daughter, preach this! I compel repentance of the pastors of mega churches! I want them to awake! They took all of My glory, and all are praising themselves by sitting on My throne!”
A door was behind of the throne. The light was so bright that I could not see a thing until I pass the door. As you know I am not a complete dweller of heaven yet because my spirit is not totally separated from my body. Thus I could not see everything in heaven. There were two angels guarding inside of the door, and two more angels guarding the door from outside of the door. When I got outside, flowers were blooming at my right and left side, and many houses were standing behind the flowers. Those were the houses of lay people, whose houses were simpler. But the houses of John the Baptist, Apostles, martyrs or servants of the Lord were very different. Pastors may serve now very hard in this world, but when they are in heaven, their status will be much better altogether. Many pastors in this world try to get fame and recognitions from others. The humble servants in this world will get higher rewards and better houses when they go to heaven.
Houses of deacons were very extravagant compare to the houses in this world. They all were built with pure gold. The basic building material in heaven is pure gold. There were white houses. They were built with pure gold, too. The houses were decorated with precious stones such as rubies or diamonds. Precious stones and pure gold are very common in heaven. They were all basic building materials. It, therefore, is strange thing to be greedy about precious stones or pure gold in this world. We will be rewarded with those in heaven.
Aren’t even believers in this world love to travel for sight seeing? We even do not need to travel. We don’t have to spend much of our resources for enjoying resort areas. There are all kinds of recreational places in heaven: six flag places, stadium, concert halls, and even theaters. They were watching worship services of believers in this world. There even were baseball fields and golf courses.
When I have visited hell many times, I was worn out and lonely. I wanted to see seas. I never have seen seas. I didn’t have any chances to visit places. I came to Deok Jeong Sarang Church when I was 20 years old, and was trained for 12 years in the name of Jesus. I knew only Church, work, and home. I have been enjoying this type of life very much. Others seem enjoying to visit resort areas, but I have been crazy about prayer life. I love praying. When I have seen hell many times, I wanted to see seas. So I have visited one sea shore, but I was not satisfied. I have learned that our hungry soul can only be filled with fullness of the Holy Spirit, but not by seeing the world. On that evening, I prayed like this.
“Lord! You Jesus is my only satisfaction! There is nothing like the fullness of the Holy Spirit!”
So I cried and cried until I was filled with the Holy Spirit, and I said, “Yes, the fullness of the Spirit is the BEST! I cannot imagine our life without praying!” Only if we can enter heaven at the cost of giving up of our having pleasures in this world, we will surely get rewards which are far exceeding over the prices we pay for entering heaven.
The houses belonging to Apostles were amazingly great, and they were clustered at one place. Pastors were living together with pastors, and deacons with other deacons. The house of David was like a musical instrument, because he loved to praise the Lord. In heaven, your house will be built in a shape as you want. The house of John the Baptist was like a globe cut into a half. Peter’s was like a temple of Athene, which was big with many stairs. As I was walking up the stairs, a large hall appeared, and the walls were decorated with many frames. All frames had golden edges. One frame had a scene of the stormy sea, another scene of cutting the ear of Malchus, and even the scene of his weeping. When we visit some people they sometimes boast about their pictures in frames. Too much of that could be idolatry. When in heaven, the Lord will decorate your rooms. There is no reason to decorate your house with your favorites. The only object we may boast is only Jesus.
The Lord also showed Mary in heaven, she was extremely beautiful. She couldn’t be compared with any movie stars. Mary was weeping about Catholic. I thought diamonds were falling from face when she was weeping. I was tempted to collect her tear drops which were so beautiful. Mary asked me to preach to the Catholics, “Anyone can never be saved in Catholic!” She was crying aloud “Don’t make me an idol! Sh also asked to shatter to destroy all of her statues.
She eagerly continued that the nun Theresa never had come to heaven. Why? She was an idol worshiper. Any idol worshiper will absolutely fall to hell if not repented. The nun Theresa never came to heaven because she could not repent for her idol worship, although she did a lot of good works, or services even to burning her own body, in this world.
Do you like to show off your own righteousness when you serve in your Church? Don’t you want to be recognized by others? Then you don’t have any rewards in heaven. Your body will be only fatigued without any heavenly rewards. Your heavenly house will be built when you serve with joyfull heart, or when your services are heart-fully directed only to Jesus. The more you serve the Lord in this world, the more extravagantly decorated and ornamented will be the house in heaven. When you serve the Lord, do it whole heartedly only for the Lord, not for showing to other people. You will clearly understand what I am talking about when you go to heaven.
We have desires to beautifully decorate our houses with high quality furnitures of name brand. Please live frugally. If the budget for your bed is $1500, reduce it to a half, and serve the Lord Jesus with the other half. This surely will help you store your reward in heaven. I was totally shocked when I saw my beautiful house in heaven which was built with my rewards.
Do you know who the most envied person is in heaven? They are those who wear crowns. Everybody envies them. All are looking at those who wear crowns. Although they are happy that they are in heaven, they all regret and say:
“I should have stored more rewards while I was on earth.”
Jesus said that heavenly treasures are safe from moth, rust or theft. But because of our lacking faith in heaven, we all are trying very hard to grasp on things of earth. I pray that we all serve our Lord as much as possible until we go to heaven. You will surely know why Jesus said that we have to store treasures in heaven. Things you did not wear and things you did not eat, because you love Lord Jesus, will be rewarded with far far better things in heaven.
Lazarus lived a life of a beggar. Even dogs came to lick his sores. He ate the crumbles fell from the table of the rich man. This beggar knew Jesus, and came to the bosom of Abraham when he died. It was heaven where he went. Is Abraham in heaven? On the other hand, the rich man enjoyed his rich life: He wore purple and enjoyed parties, but he went to hell. Not having much in this earth is not so important. Our success is if we end up in the bosom of Jesus in heaven, just like Lazarus who was held in the bosom of Abraham. Have spiritual confidence. Let’s be strong and bold to go ahead for Jesus and for truth.
If we now know that observing memorial and funeral services is sin, eating or participating in offerings for idols calls curses in, and the NHE(New Heaven and Earth) is a formidable cult by hearing this gospel, we have to witness and preach to all. We should not stop at hearing this today, but should preach this gospel to others.
God showed me a family having a memorial service. They displayed a bible and a picture of the diseased person. As they continue the worship, dark clouds of curses came upon the family. The family did not recognize the dark cloud of curses. They were deceived by demons.
There are some pastors who know that any memorial/funeral services are idolatry. They afraid of revealing the truth because if they say the truth, they think their members may leave their churches. If those pastors do not inform their members while they know that is sin, it will be those pastor’s responsibilities for any of their members going to hell. Now you heard about this, preach to your believing family members and relatives. Why? We all have to be saved. Jesus is weeping with tears of blood.
“My people should know that memorial/funeral service is idolatry! They must repent! Oh, my blood bought! My blood bought!”
Whenever Jesus weeps like that, I cry aloud as well.
“Jesus, I will preach!”
There is a something like a screen before Jesus. It’s like a white projector. Jesus was speaking while watching the screen.
“Look! My beloved daughter! My people become corrupted like that!”
Young people were having blind dating at a night club. They were entangled and dancing. Their table was served with beer and food: The beer glass was full of fine worms, the served fruit and delicacies were wrapped with snakes. They came to their table and drinking and eating them: Those fine worms and snakes went into their bodies. As the worms in their bodies are wriggling, they are excited. Don’t we do something unusual that we do not do when we are sober? Those worms and snakes in the bodies change and make the people who drink and eat to be adulterous and wild. The two who drank and ate became very bold to express their sexual desires.
When they came outside, they vomited; snakes and worms were coming out of their mouths. When they vomited a long interval, a longer worm was coming out. Furthermore, crosses were inscribed in their hearts. They supposed to be Christians. They were committing sexually immoral behaviors. Lord said.
“Look! My beloved daughter! Look at them how they fall away! They are my believers. They are losing their chastity. Preach this”
If here are young people who did not marry yet or someone who betrothed please keep your purity till end. God’s people must keep purity and chastity. We must live holy and separated live. We should show that we God’s people are different from non-believers. It is the fruit of light. People will know that believers of Jesus are indeed different from them when they look at the fruit of light.
Lord was showing a certain pastor.
“My beloved daughter! My beloved servant is doing that!”
A Church member was dying in a hospital; the pastor and his wife were playing golf. They are very good golfers. The patient who had an oxygen mask was eagerly waiting for his pastor to come. He could not repent. But the pastor was busy playing golf. Suddenly the patient died and his soul fell down to hell.
“Look! That is how my servants are corrupted!”
Another pastor was shown. A child of the pastor and another child fell together in the church, and the pastor was lifting up his own child first. “Look! I do not want that kind of servant! I want someone who forsook for Me his family, fields, spouse and children, parents, brothers, and all!” The Lord wants a pastor who serve sheep before serving own family. When I heard this, my heart became painful. I realize that a servant of the Lord should forsake all for the Lord. Forsake own family, live only for the Lord Jesus and His souls.
In addition I saw a tree of life, which was so big that I look so small compared to the tree. The leaves were very green and willow shape. Leaves were very abundant but they almost fell soon after. There was a leaf at the lower side with exceptional green, but all of sudden it turned to ashes and fell unto hell. I heard the voice of the Lord at that time. The leaves on the tree symbolize saved churches in whole earth, and the leaf turned in to ashes is the Full Gospel Church of ‘Pastor Cho, Yong Gi.’ My mother asked me “Do not talk about this kind of story. You have much other kind of stories to tell.” But I have to tell anything the Lord has shown me. If Pastor Cho repents, he still can avoid hell.
If there is only one person in a family who fell down to hell, curses infest the family. On the other hand, one family member being in heaven may stop curses in the family. Imagine what would happen to the Full Gospel Church if Pastor Cho went to hell? He said it is alright to eat foods offered to idols after drawing a cross on top of the food. This could be sources for curses such as cancer and other diseases of the congregation of the Church. We know the size of congregation is over 700,000 and there are many followers over the world. Jesus laments over Pastor Cho.
“I want that servant repent! I want that beloved son repent! Why do I say I love him if I do not love him? Though he may forsake me, I do not forsake him!”
Pastor Cho, Yong Gi and Judas Iscariot abandoned Jesus because of material (rich). “Repent! Repent! Repent” The Lord cries out.
Jesus showed more. There were crosses laid on ground. Some were shining with light and three lost light. Jesus told me that these are crosses for the mission of martyrdom. Pastor Cho, Yong Gi had the mission of martyrdom. The other two lost light at the upper part, but the cross of Pastor Cho already turned to black. He told me that the mission of martyrdom should not be lost. The glory of a martyr is really great in heaven. People envy the crowns of the martyrs. Going to heaven is already full of joy, but a martyr in heaven is a hero.
Jesus also showed me a scene of Pastor Chu, Ki Chul (a martyr during the Japanese occupation) walking on a board filled with sharp nails. He placed one of his feet on the floor of standing nails. One foot was not coming off easily because of the nails were piercing his foot. He was staggering to pull his foot in order to walk on the floor. The Japanese officer was mocking and cursing on him. “If you are a son of God, walk this board of nails!” His eyes turned that of a snake. He turned to evil because evil snakes got into the officer.
Pastor Chu, Ki Chul didn’t pray that “Lord, help me to walk on the nail board!” but he was praying “Lord!, They do not know You Jesus is the Creator! Do not account their sins on them but on me! I did wrong!” He was repenting for the evil officers. It was the same prayer that Stephan did.
I saw two angels on both sides were helping him walk. In heaven, there was a war between the armies of Michael and of Lucifer. The armies of the evil tried their best, but the armies of Michael won. Jesus was praying on His throne and his hands were holding the arm rest through the war. The 24 elders laid their crowns on their sides and also prayed with shouts for the victory of Pastor Chu, Ki Chul before the throne of the Lord.
Seeing the scene of the martyrdom, I felt confidence of my martyrdom if Jesus is with me. In fact I was concerning about my martyrdom, because I have the mission of martyrdom, too. When I saw the scene of torturing Pastor Chu, Ki Chul, my heart was painful and struck with fear. But through the watching, I gained a lot of confidence.
When the Pastor finished walking on the nail floor, Jesus exclaimed with shouts of joy.
“Yes Ki Chul! Your faith led you to that victory! Your faith crushed the powers of Lucifer! Your faith is beautiful! Yes, Ki Chul! Your faith led you to the victory! That made me happy! Yes, my beloved servant, Ki Chul! You made me happy!”
Are we making the Lord happy? Pastor Chu, Ki Chul was martyred and made the Lord happy. When he passed away, the angels escorted the soul with honor and rose upward as fast as they could.
I also saw Pastor Pak, Young Mun. He witnessed a lot about heaven and hell. But he received quite a lot of honorarium. Heaven and hell can not be exchanged with money. You shouldn’t receive honorarium. For God showed you freely, you have to preach freely. This is the gospel of repentance which is priceless. If you exchange with money, you are nothing but a hireling.
When he entered the gate of heaven, he knelt before Jesus, and the Lord was scolding him. Jesus rebuked him and said, “My beloved servant! Why didn’t you talk about this?” as the Lord was pointing at the book of life. “What did you say to me before? Didn’t you say you would preach all?”
I was extremely alarmed at hearing that. When I was witnessing that Pastor Ha, Yong Jo (a Pastor of a mega church in Korea) is in hell, I feared somewhat, because it was not many days after his passing. Do you know Pastor Ha, Yong Jo is in hell? He fell down to three floors below where the stairs were studded with sharp knives. When he fell there, his flesh was peeled as if he was passing through a sharp plane. He was laid on a cross in flames of fire, and wriggling snakes went into his body and munching his flesh away. He was receiving terrible punishments.
Jesus also showed me many coffins which are awaiting its owners who are pastors. Coffins are already prepared in hell for some pastors.
“You have to preach this! Preach and prevent their coming into these coffins!”
Wasn’t Pastor Ha, Yong Jo famous? The importance is how much Jesus was in him? And how much did he teach the sheep with discipling and rebuking? Jesus didn’t look at the number of members. How big is the Full Gospel Church? But how many full-grains are there? If the Pastor approves of eating of food which had been offered to idols, where all the members would go to? Please pray for those pastors of mega Churches, such as Pastors Cho, Yong Gi, Chang, Kyung Dong, Kim, Sam Whan, Oh, Jeong Hyun, etc. Their sheep may be able to repent if their pastors repent.
Jesus also showed me Pastor Choi, Kwon Neung (He is also a martyr during the Japanese Occupation). During his torture they smashed his toe nails. They also gave electric shocks to him. There was another pastor behind them, and the officers told to the other pastor, “I won’t torture you if you do not preach Jesus!” Then he said “Who is Jesus? He is nothing to do with me!” and denied. It was because the torture was so severe. I thought, at that time, “I would do the same if I were not full of the Holy Spirit.”
Pastor Choi, Kwon Neung saw that denial and said.
“Pastor, hold on! Be patient! If you die, you will be in heaven!”
While Pastor Choi was being tortured, he cried out “Jesus Heaven, No faith Hell!” only. He used to shout when he was walking on streets: “Jesus Heaven, No faith Hell!” Passersby used to turn around and look at him with surprise. The demons in the passersby were surprised. Demons hate to hear heaven and hell. Such preaching indeed works.
Not the pastors who deliver the sermons which is well structured and trimmed and logical, but those pastors who preach living words even short words, which discipline and rebuke wrongs done my congregation so that they may be led to the right ways, are the best.
Have you ever worshiped idols before? Have you ever been in any memorial or funeral services? Do you have any blockage between you and Jesus that you do not understand what exactly is? Please repent. Any blockage can be destroyed. Have you eaten any food that was offered to idols? Just repent. Do you hate your wife? Do you dislike your husband? Repent. It is the devil’s tactic to destroy homes. They are God given training, to make you strong and invincible. Have you opposed your pastor? Have you ever tempted other believers? Have you ever hurt anybody before? Do you know why demons are doing such things? They want to cause dispute between members of a Church, and destroy oneness in a Church. Their goal is to tear down the kingdom of God. When a member is tempted, it is not a simple problem of an individual, but is a complex problem that attacks senior pastor of the Church. When the pastor of a Church is shaken, the Church is shaken. Same is true in a military system. When a commander is destroyed, whole organization is destroyed. Every pastor is attacked by Lucifer. Pastors need a lot of prayers. Please remember that the one who repent everyday may meet Jesus, enjoys victories, filled with the Holy Spirit, and eventually can enter the gate of heaven.

영어판 김양환목사 추도장례예배는 우상숭배
Chapter 2 “Memorial and Funeral Service
are Idolatry!”
(Pastor Kim, Yang Whan)
Do not worship dead ancestors and do not eat any food that was offered in
idol worship. Demon is never a spirit of a dead person.
Demons are fallen angels cast down from heaven.
They are evil spirits that want to corrupt the whole world under the
devil’s control.

Any memorial worship is idolatry. Why?
It is to remember the dead person every year, and worship
before the picture of the dead one. The ONLY ONE we should
worship is JESUS. Why do you violate the first and second
commandments? When you worship idols, you may be attacked
by various curses like wrath, calamity, diseases, poverty, or
 punishments in hell. If you do not repent idolatry, you may
fall into hell fire and tortured forever as punishments when
you die.

Gathering together on the anniversary of death, for the dead one,
and thinking about the dead person and worship, is NOT worshiping God.
The memorial service is the same as pagan’s idol worship which is for demons.
If Churches worship idols like gentiles by changing its name as memorial
service, the devil will receive all the glories.
Offering flowers to a dead also is idolatry. If offering flowers to a dead is
not idolatry, what else would be idolatry? Offering flowers came from
traditions of gentile temples or shrines. Do you think the dead receives the
flowers? If offering flowers and expressing homage before dead is not
idolatry, what else would be idolatry?

Don’t be deceived by pastors who vainly approve of offered food for idolatry
for a meal. If your pastor is teaching that you can eat the food offered for idols,
he is a corrupted pastor. It doesn’t matter how great preacher he is or how
many doctoral titles he has. Lay person have to awake the pastor. If you
change one person like a pastor, all other congregation can repent and go to

“But as for the Gentiles who have believed, we have sent a letter with our

 judgment that they should abstain from what has been sacrificed to idols,

and from blood, and from what has been strangled, and from sexual

immorality." (Act 21:25)

“Then they yoked themselves to the Baal of Peor, and ate sacrifices

offered to the dead;” (Psa 106:28)

We shouldn’t go to hell in whatever situations. We should repent and go to
heaven at any cases. Have you heard the cries of the souls in hell “How is this
possible? Where is this place?” Every believer must abandon all forms of idolatry
committed before he/she accepted and believed Jesus. You will surely fall to
hell if you die with unrepented sins. If you completely repent whatever sins
you may have committed by asking Jesus for forgiveness, you may enter heaven.

Do you know those who fell into the hell fire by total deception? We are not
talking about non-believers. They are believers who learned wrong information
from their pastors so that they had memorial and funeral services, eating food
sacrificed for idols, and offered flowers to dead ones. They didn’t know those
traditions were idolatry and didn’t repent until their death. They attended their
Church and served God with their best through their life time. They believed
that they surely went to heaven. They all could not believe they were in hell!
They knew repentance and sins. But they were not considering their behavior
was idolatry, so they did not repent. Who is teaching wrong things NOW?
Who is sending their congregation to hell NOW? They are pastors who teach
wrong interpretations of Scriptures.

Those who are living NOW have chances to repent. Do not fumble the chances
to repent. I pray in the name of Jesus that do not believe the wrong teachings
of corrupt pastors, but obey the word of God in the Bible.

If you realize that you have committed sins, repent. Hell is for those who did not
 repent, not for sinners. Do not superficially read the Bible, but read to
 understand and to obey. You can go to heaven by your own faith, not by faith
of someone else. My life depends on trusting the word of God. You have to
believe the word. Do not let your life depends on trusting the blind leader
for your life. Let your life depends on the word of the Bible.

Now, do you know how many cults and pastors of pluralism are in this nation?
 Many pastors in this nation are being contaminated by the pluralism. They
never say they are of pluralism, but they are slowly contaminated by the
pluralism. Some pastors clearly say “It is dogmatic idea that salvation is
only in Christianity.” Pastors of pluralism approve that salvation also is
 in other religions. They are instruments of the devil. No salvation without
Jesus! We have to proclaim that salvation is only in Jesus, although our life
is threatened by a sword laid on our neck. There is no one who can escape hell
fire without repenting and believing Jesus.

God never can be figured out by human intellect. One who corrupts word of
God never is a servant of Jesus although how excellent theologian he is or
how good a preacher he is. When a pastor corrupts word of God and teaches
the corrupted word, his people will fall to hell after death because they will
never know what sins they have to repent or what idolatry they have to repent.
Those corrupted pastors says it is OK to have memorial services, it is alright
to eat sacrifices for idols after drawing a cross on top of it, there is no problem
to offer flowers to dead ones, and no issue is there to bow down and worship
before a picture of dead person or a grave to express their homage.

Conducts based on the laws are quite different from that of faith. We clearly
have to live by our faith. Believers should obey to the word and repent when
committed sins. There never is paradise of the Buddhism or purgatory
of the Catholic. Heaven or hell people will go to. Only Jesus we have to
repent to.

Why do we believe in Jesus? Don’t we believe in Jesus to go to heaven?
Why do Christians receive persecution? It is because Christians believe
and profess that only Jesus saves. Do you think Christians will be persecuted
if they say other gods save as well as Jesus? Is there any reason to preach
the gospel if salvation is there to other religions? It is clear that having
memorial services and offering flowers to dead ones recognize other gods.

There is only one chance to go to heaven. It is while we live. If you miss this
chance hell will get you. If believers are worshiping ancestors and eating
sacrifices just like those nonbelievers, they never get persecutions. How many
believers are persecuted by other family members because of worshiping
ancestors? Are you going to continue superficial religious life by disobeying to
the word? Or live true faithful life by repenting sins and obeying to the word?
We have to choose right. Obeying to the word comes from belief. Disobeying
 never comes from belief.

I sincerely pray in the name of Jesus that we must realize the fact that once we
fall into hell no one hears your cry for help but eternal fearsome punishments
are there for you while we are alive, and must repent our sins while we are living
in this world. Again there are heaven and hell. There are innumerable kinds of
punishments in hell. I realized why Jesus died for all of our sins and
transgressions through seeing hell. Jesus knew these hell punishments are so
horrible and fearful. Believe that Jesus took our sins and died then resurrected
to give us life.

How much could we talk about heaven and hell if we were to discuss
theologically? Could we know how big heaven is? Could we talk about where
hell is and how wide and deep place it is? Lake of fire is not the only thing in
hell. There are numerous kinds of equipments for punishing souls, snakes
and maggots, centipedes, worms, all kinds of bugs and demons. These are
 torturing souls for punishments. Indescribable stench of hell that gives
instant vomit, skins are peeled, heads are crushed, whole body is ground
in a blender, four limbs are pulled to tear off, intestinal are flowing out, legs
are folded to break, pouring sulfuric fire over a head, soul is pushed down
to a bottomless cliff, chopping bodies like processing food, smell of blood,
screaming for help, screaming after screaming, and endless echo of
screaming, it is the place of eternal punishments, and its name is hell.

Can we theologically talk about such hell? Do not talk about heaven hell just
superficially or conceptually. Do not believe Jesus formally but truthfully.
Do not believe Jesus conceptually or by saying only but by obedience.
Once you fall down to hell, you will never be able to come out of it!
Do you know how many pastors are falling into hell? Pastors are teaching
 wrong things, and believers are learning wrong things. When they die before
they repent they all fall down to hell. You do not have to believe if there is
no heaven nor hell. The Lord is weeping with tears of blood and cries when
the souls are falling into hell, “I have paid for them by my blood!
They are falling because they did not repent.” Jesus cares our souls. Let’s
not burden Jesus’ heart. Let’s repent and obey. And let’s go to heaven.
We must go to heaven.
Why churches do not point out sins, do not teach repentance, do not teach
obedience, do not teach heaven and hell, and do not teach the identity of
demons? When we do teach about them, why Churches are criticizing us using
the words of “mysticism, cult’ and hindering the gospel and behave as
 instruments of the devil? What do they really teach in their Churches?
Don’t they teach “Believe in Jesus and go to heaven”? Don’t they only
teach prosperity in this life?
Can one believe heaven without hearing about heaven? Can anyone know the
fear of hell without hearing the sound of hell? Can anyone cut sinful habit
away? Can anyone overcome the temptation of the world? Without proper
teachings from their pastors, can any lay person repent by knowing what
sins are? What would happen to congregation if pastors are seeking after
What is the true purpose of Jesus’ coming to earth? He came to save us from
sins, hell and power of the devil, and restore us to be God’s people and
people of heaven. Jesus, thus, commanded us to repent, for the kingdom of
 heaven is at hand. How many times in a year do most Churches preach about
 heaven and hell? What do Churches now really teach? Don’t they only teach
 about the successful life on earth, or things of earth? I do really want all
Churches clearly teach about Jesus, heaven, hell, repentance, and obedience. I
also want all Churches teach about the true identity of filthy and evil demons
that do not let people go to heaven, causes people worship idols, and hinder
faith life of believers.
Readers must repent and go to heaven at any event. Don’t say “How could it
be? It can’t be…” Attending Churches will not save you. You have to believe
in Jesus: Obey to the word, repent when you commit sins. Stop formal and
superficial faith life and do not go to hell. Hell is real, Hell is real!!
“And do not fear those who kill the body but cannot kill the soul. Rather fear
him who can destroy both soul and body in hell.” (Mat 10:28)
A record of 1897 tells about the memorial service. It was a news paper
published by people including the missionary of that time Apenselor, ‘Chosun
Christians Illustrations’ 9/1897.
“The first person held memorial service was Lee, Moo Young
from Jeong Dong Methodist Church. He was a supply manager
in the Royal Palace with the Rank of
Lee, Moo Yong devised a ‘memorial service’ when he was contemplating over
the anniversary of his mother’s death. Upon seeing this news, other believers
thought it was good, and this Church offered many such services.
It should be noted that just one believer decided to do so without following any
guidance and teachings of the missionary in a way of approaching solution of
an important issue.
After this, people said “The power of Korean Christianity is to decide things
on our own.” The denomination officially approved the memorial service in
1934 General Assembly of Methodist. They discussed to include the “Rules
of the Memorial Services of diseased Parents” in the “Doctrines and
Manuals” and added “Formats for Anniversary of Diseased Parents” to the
 “Formats for Doctrines and Manuals”. This was due to Korean way of
thinking which highly value and honor their ancestors. By this Methodists’
 influence, the Salvation Army and the Holiness Churches officially adapted
this in 1950, and Presbyterians at the end of 1970.
They finally overcame the criticism “It is idolatry to hold memorial services
which is merely different name of the ancestry worship,” and accepted the
value of honoring ancestors in Confucius Society in a Christian form. This is
no difference with the Catholic’s walk to accept the ancestry worship with
slight modification by adding the Rosary on the offering table in the name
of ‘mission’.


  이전글 : Hymn and Gospel songs 영어 찬송가와 찬양
  다음글 : Sounds of Heaven Hell with English subtitles(영어자막)