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  제  목 : 2/3 Obey the Word of God and never visit a shaman.하나님 말씀 안에서 순종하라! 절대로 무당 찾아가지 말라. 조회수 : 366
  작성자 : Barnabas 작성일 : 2024-02-28


이스라엘은 선택된 민족이에요. 다른 신을 섬기면 자주 받는 민족이란 말입니다. 하나님을 믿는 백성이기 때문에 다른 민족이 쳐버리니까 다 동물부터 전부 아말렉의 이름을 천하에서 도말하라(25:17~19)는 겁니다. 그런데. 사울 왕이 가서 전쟁에 이기고 나서 아각을 살려 가지고 옵니다. 아 친구여 그러면서 거기에 있는 건강한 소, 양들을 끌고 옵니다. 사무엘이 가서 보니까 양 소리가 들리고 소 소리가 들리고 음매 합니다. 왕이시여 이 소리가 뭡니까?(15:14~). 그러니까 하나님 앞에 드리려고. 이거 하나님께 드릴 건데요. 여러분 주님이 버린 걸 왜 갖고 옵니까?


Israel is a chosen people. Those who serve gods other than God are those who receive punishment.Amalek, who attacked God's people, had no choice but to be destroyed.The Lord commanded. Destroy the Amalekites and all their animals from all over the world (Deuteronomy 25:17-19).King Saul fought against them and won, but he spared King Agag and did not kill the fat cattle and sheep.This means that King Saul did not properly follow God’s commands.When the prophet Samuel went there, he could still hear the sounds of sheep and cattle.The prophet asked Saul. King, what is this sound? (Sam 15:14~).King Saul answered him like this: “I have left these animals to sacrifice to God.”These are things that God has already abandoned. But why did he leave them behind as he wished?


지금도 주님이 버린 저주받을 짓. 주님이 하지 말라는 제사. 이 나라 무당들 좇아갑니까. 죽은 자들입니다. 이미 여러분 사탄이 들어가면 죽은 자에요. 그들이 육체가 죽으면 심판받아 지옥에 떨어지는 것이고. 우리는 죄를 회개했기 때문에 생명 안에 있기 때문에 죽게 되면 생명의 부활을 입고 천국 가게 되는 것입니다. 그런데 왜 이렇게. 목사 때문이에요. 목사! 살아있는 목사 보세요. 문선명이 죽을 때도 주님께서 내가 너에게 얼마나 마음을 줬느냐. 문선명은 자기가 이미 잘못된 걸 이미 알았습니다.그런데 너무나 커버렸어요. 대형교회 목사들. 너무나 커버렸어요. 이제 바꿀 수 없이 그냥 지옥 가는 겁니다.


Even now, there are many church members who do things that are cursed by the Lord.The Lord has told us not to offer sacrifices to the dead and not to go to shamans for fortune-telling, but there are many church members who break these words.Souls placed under the power of Satan are dead.When their bodies die, their souls are judged and sent to hell.Those who repent of their sins go to heaven with the resurrected body of life at the moment of death because they are in the power and life of Jesus.Why do so many church members go to hell? This is because the pastors teach them wrongly.Sunyoung Moon, the leader of the heresy, died and fell into hell.The Lord says to him:When you were on earth, I gave you many signs to repent. But you did not listen to me.Sun Myung Moon knew that he was doing wrong to the Lord.But his congregation had grown so great that it was very difficult for him to confess his mistakes and turn from evil.So he went to hell without repentance.Nowadays, pastors of megachurches have also become famous and their names have risen so high. So, although they know their mistakes, they cannot turn to the truth.They know their mistakes, but they cannot turn from their wrong path, and they end up going to hell.


주님한테 용서를 빌면 바로 용서하는데 너무 높아졌어요. 돌이키려니까 싹 걷어치우고 새로 시작해야 되는 겁니다. 그래서 여러분 새 술은 새 부대에 담으라!(5:38) 새 술은 뭐예요? 성령을 뜻하는 겁니다. 부대는 우리 마음 밭을 말하는 겁니다. 우리가 회개하고 깨끗한 마음에 성령을 받아야만 우리가 변하는 것이지. 여러분, 더러운 마음에 성령 받는지 알고 받았어. 막 회개하고 기도하고 받았어. 난리가 납니다. 악령과 성령이 한쪽에는 악령, 한쪽에는 막 쓴물 단물 쏟아지는 겁니다. 이래서 이런 사람이 주의 마음을 아프게 하는 것입니다. 성령 받았다고 해서 좋은 건 아니에요. 성령 받았으면 말씀에 순종해야 되는 것입니다.


If they ask the Lord for forgiveness, the Lord will forgive them immediately, but they have become too high among men and do not repent. Repenting and returning to the Lord means throwing away all your past wrongdoings. It is a new start in the word of the Lord.So put new wine in new wineskins! (Luke 5:38) What does new wine mean? It means the Holy Spirit. And a new skin bottle means a new heart.When our hearts repent and become clean, the Holy Spirit comes into us. When a person who has received the Holy Spirit commits a sin and does not repent, an evil spirit enters. Then there are two spirits in one heart. Because the Holy Spirit and the evil spirit are in one person, a war breaks out between the two spirits. Bitter water and sweet water come from one heart. People like this really break the heart of the Lord.Sometimes he is good and sometimes he is evil. We must not be satisfied with just receiving the Holy Spirit; we must obey the Word of God according to the guidance of the Holy Spirit.


사울도 성령 크게 받았다고요. 예언도 했다고요(삼상19:23,24). 온종일 벌거벗고. 얼마나 받았으면. 그런데 여러분, 성령으로 시작했다가 육체로 마친 자. 유대인들이 아니에요? 유대인들 여호와 믿다가 예수 믿어 가지고 갈라디아 교인들 뭡니까? 다시 율법으로 돌아갔어요. 그러니까 성령으로 시작했다가 육체로 마친 자가 있다는 것입니다(3:3). 우리 교회도 마찬가지로 성령 받고 방방 뛰잖아요. 그런데 지옥 간 자가 있단 말입니다. 은사 좇다가 지옥 가고, 돈 좇다 지옥 가고. 이게 무슨 의미가 있어요. 돈 많아도 행복한 것 봤어요? 먹고 살아도 괴롭고, 행복도 잠시뿐인 것입니다.


At one time, King Saul was filled with the Holy Spirit and prophesied (1 Samuel 19:23, 24).He got so hot that he took off his clothes and prophesied all day long.He was once filled with the Holy Spirit, but ended his life following the desires of the flesh.Many Jews who believed in Jehovah came to believe in Jesus. However, some of them returned to legalism.They began with the Holy Spirit and finished with the flesh (Galatians 3:3).In our church, there are people who received the Holy Spirit and ran around happily, but eventually fell back and went to hell.Some people followed charismaticism and went to hell, while others followed money and perished and went to hell.If a person who has been filled with the Holy Spirit goes to hell, his or her being filled with the Holy Spirit has no meaning in the end. Having a lot of money doesn't make you happy.You may eat well, live well, and feel happy for a moment, but it is worthless if you do not obey the Lord.


우리는 정신 차려서 한 분 하나님을 믿어야 되고, 이 사울 왕처럼 어리석은 자가 되면 안 됩니다. 예수 믿는 사람이 성령 받았으면 무당 좇아가니 말이 돼요? 절대 그런 짓 하지 마세요. 죽어요! 성령 받은 사람이 무당 찾아가면 죽는다고요. 이들은 돌이켜도 죄를 짓게 돼요. 한 번 잡혀 버리면 여러분 회개가 쉽지 않아요. 예수님의 본체는 천국에 계셔요. 그분의 영역을 조심해야 돼요. 그 영은 전부 여러분 다 나눠주신 거예요. 그분이 말 다 각자에게 한다고요. 이게 전능자란 말입니다. 성령은 한 덩어리가 아니에요. 성령을 각자 다 주시고 각자에게 대화한다고요. 그런데 전능자를 모르니까. 주님을 묶어 놔버려요. 뭐로? 교리로. 속지 말아요. 절대로 무당 좇아가지 말아요.


We must come to our senses and believe only in God.You must not be foolish like King Saul.Why do people who believe in Jesus and receive the Holy Spirit follow shamans?Never do something like that, it's the way to death.Those who have received the Holy Spirit will perish if they follow the shaman's words.Once you are caught by the spirit of Satan, it is not easy to repent.Jesus is in heaven. However, the Holy Spirit, the spirit of Jesus, is in each of us.The Holy Spirit is always speaking to each of us.That is why Jesus is Almighty.The Holy Spirit is not just in one place.The Holy Spirit is everywhere, comes to everyone, and talks to everyone.However, because many church members do not know the divinity and power of the Almighty, they think that the Lord is tied to one place.They try to confine God to human doctrines.Do not be deceived by false prophets and do not follow shamans.


이건 가는 순간 죽어 버리는 것입니다. 이건 주님을 배신하는 이미 사탄에게 넘어 자기를 팔아 버린 것입니다. 여러분 히브리서 6장에 한번 비췸으로 하나님의 은사를 맛보고 타락한 자는 다시 회개케 할 수 없다는 게(6:4~6) 나 같은 자를 말하는 거예요. 나는 우상숭배 심했고, 성령 받고 예수 외에 구원자가 없다고 주님한테 들었고 직접 봤잖아요. 그런데 내가 여기서 여러분, 다시 아니야 나는 무당 좇아간다? 나는 끝나버려요. 회개할 필요 없는 겁니다. 지금 성령 받은 사람이 무당을 쫓아가니 얼마나 많아요. 성령 받은 자가 술 처먹고 담배 피는 자가 얼마나 많아요. 우리 교회도 있다고요. 어리석은 짓들 하지 말아요. 하나님을 두려워하는 자가 되시기를 주의 이름으로 축원합니다. 그까짓 거 술, 담배가 먼데. 백해무익한데. 그걸 물어요. 그러다가 시험 들면 또 물어. 어리석은 짓들이에요. 믿음이 어디가 있어요. 다 가짜지. 이런 신앙 가지고 천국 간다고요? 징계받으면 천국 갑니까? 패망 당해요. 회개할 줄 알아야 돼요. 그래서 성령 충만 받게 되면 이방인 것. 세상 죄 들어오면 찔리게 돼 있어요. 그러다가 몰랐다가도 바뀌어야 되잖아요.


The moment a person goes to a shaman, his spirit dies, his relationship with God is broken, he betrays the Lord, and he hands over his life to Satan. He sells his soul to evil spirits. It is impossible for those who have once been enlightened, who have tasted the heavenly gift, who have shared in the Holy Spirit,who has tasted the goodness of the word of God and the powers of the coming age,if they fall away, to be brought back to repentance, becauseto their loss they are crucified the Son of God all over again and subjecting him to public disgrace. (Hebrews 6:4-6). If a person like me who has deeply experienced the Holy Spirit worships idols, he will be abandoned forever. I heard directly from the Lord that there is no other savior except Jesus, and I saw the Lord.If someone like me follows a shaman, I will be destroyed forever, and my chance to repent will disappear forever.Nowadays, many people visit shamans after receiving the Holy Spirit. Those who have received the Holy Spirit get drunk and smoke. There are people like this in our church.Don't do anything foolish.I pray in the name of the Lord that you may become a person who fears God. Alcohol and cigarettes are completely useless to people.However, when there is suffering, church members commit these sins.These are such foolish things.Where is their faith?There are many church members with false beliefs.How do you think they go to heaven with this kind of faith?When you are disciplined, immediately repent of your sins and turn away from them.If you stay the same, you will be defeated.When you commit a sin, you must repent immediately.When you truly repent, you will be forgiven and filled with the Holy Spirit again.The Holy Spirit torments our conscience when we sin.When you feel that way, don't delay and repent immediately.Whenever the Holy Spirit points out our sins, repent immediately.



술도 먹다가도 집어던지게 돼 있어요. 그런데 성령도 다 미지근하고, 사탄의 영도 미지근하고 그냥 섞어버려. 이게 혼합된 포도주라는 것입니다.그러니까 주님의 약속을 믿는 자가 누가 있어요. 너희는 성령으로 충만하라!(5:18) 그러시는데 성령 충만은 하나님의 영으로 충만하는 거에요. 하나님 천국을 말하는 겁니다. 예수님이 그러셨어요. 내가 성령을 힘입어 귀신을 쫓아내는 것이면 하나님의 나라가 너희에게 임했다(12:28). 성령을 힘입어 귀신 쫓는. 이 예수밖에 더 있냔 말입니다. 그래서 성령을 힘입어 귀신 쫓는 그분이 바로 하나님이라는 뜻이잖아요. 그런데도 이걸 받아드리지 않았어요. 누가? 유대인들이. 지금 칼빈 교리자들. 성령을 인정치 않아요. 어떻게 천국 가나요? 성령은 하나님의 영인데. 그 영이 우리를 인도하셔요. 우리 죄를 깨닫게 하시고.


When you are filled with the Holy Spirit, you stop drinking alcohol.However, when the filling of the Holy Spirit cools, the spirit of Satan infiltrates.It becomes lukewarm faith. This kind of faith is likened to mixed wine.There are not many who believe in the Lord's promise.Be filled with the Holy Spirit! (Ephesians 5:18).To be filled with the Holy Spirit is to be filled with the Spirit of God.These people volunteer to spread God and heaven.Jesus said.When I drive out evil spirits by the Holy Spirit, the kingdom of God has come to you (Matthew 12:28).Only Jesus has the power to drive out evil spirits, because Jesus is God the Creator. The invisible Creator came as the visible God, and he is Jesus.The fact that Jesus drives out evil spirits by the Holy Spirit means that Jesus is God.However, people do not accept these words.Who did that? The Jews did that.Today, those who believe in Calvin's doctrine do not even acknowledge the work of the Holy Spirit.How can these people enter heaven? The Holy Spirit is the Spirit of God. The Spirit guides us, makes us realize our sins, and makes us repent.


성령이 이 땅에 오시면 어떻게 됩니까? 우리에게 죄에 대하여 의에 대하여 심판에 대해서 책망하시고 우리를 깨끗게 하신다는 것입니다(16:7,8). 그런데 양심에 찔리지 않아. 이게 말이 됩니까? 지금 교회에 동성애가 팍 퍼졌습니다. 우리 교회도 조심들 해야 합니다. 동성애 그런 거 보지 말아요. 보면서 어 괜찮네! 싹 들어가 버립니다. 죽으라고 회개해야 돼요. 그리고 태어날 때부터 이런 사람들 있죠? 이건 부모의 저주에요. 이런 마음이 올 때 이걸 이겨야 할 텐데. 예수 믿으면서 지금 교회도 허용하잖아요. 미국은 허용해요. 동성애자들. 목사가 동성애. 이게 뭐예요. 악 중의 악이 동성애인데.


The purpose of the Holy Spirit coming to this earth is to make us realize our sins and make us repent. The Holy Spirit makes us know about sin, righteousness, and judgment, and convicts us of our sins and cleanses us (John 16:7,8).There are people who do not feel remorse in their conscience even when the Lord rebukes them for their sins. Their souls are dead.So the number of homosexuals is increasing even within churches.We must be careful to prevent these sins from entering our church.Don't read pamphlets about homosexuality.When you read and respond to such books, the demon of homosexuality infiltrates you.If you are into homosexuality, risk your life and repent.Such sins cannot be driven out without desperate repentance.And there are people like this from birth, it is a curse of their parents.When this kind of dirty mind comes in, you must reject it immediately in the name of Jesus.But now many churches are allowing homosexual laws.The United States has already allowed homosexuality to be legal.That is why many pastors enjoy homosexuality.However, the judgment of the Bible is that the evil of evils is homosexuality.


차별금지법 통과하게 되면 걸리면 무조건 고발해요. 이놈들이 이제 교회로 차고 들어오죠. 설교 듣고 고발하게 되면 5년 징역 3천만 원 벌금. 결국 목회 못 하게 입을 막아버리는 겁니다. 옥에다 가둬났으니. 외치다 옥에 갇히면 누가 갈 건데요? 교회는 흐지부지 말아요. 지도자가 없으면 떨어져요. 목자를 치면 양이 흩어지는 것처럼(26:31). 예수님이 죽고 나니까 그 양들이 다 떨어지잖아요. 똑같은 것입니다. 강력하게 외친 종이였으면 여러분, 똑같이 나중에 어물어물. 그러다 보면 몇 년 지나면 똑같이 아 괜찮아. ? 목사가 말씀 가지고 전하잖아요. 이런 건 괜찮아! 괜찮아! 우린 이미 과거 현재 미래의 죄까지 사함받았어. 하나님은 사랑이야. 사랑은 뭐든지 용서하게 돼 있어! 여러분, 사랑 속에 징계가 있다는 것을 알아야 돼요. 그래서 징계받지 않는 자는 사생자라고(12:8) 버림받았다는 거 아비가 없다는 거.


If the anti-discrimination law is passed in our country, homosexuals will join churches opposing this law, listen to it, and report it to the prosecutors.If pastors are accused of violating the homosexuality law, they could face 5 years in prison or a fine of 30 million won.Ultimately, pastors become unable to preach the Bible correctly.Churches that teach the true Word are gradually disappearing.Without a strong and upright leader, the church collapses.If there is no shepherd, the sheep are scattered (Matthew 26:31).When Jesus died, his disciples scattered.It's the same principle.If there is no pastor who strongly shouts out the word of the Lord, the faith of the church members collapses.If church members do not hear the right message, they follow human doctrines and abandon the words of the Bible.The doctrines of men are contrary to the Scriptures,They claim that past, present and future sins have already disappeared.They don't know the true meaning of love.They say that love and freedom mean that one sins at will and lives without repentance.The Lord's love is to forgive those who truly repent.If you commit a sin and do not repent, God will discipline you.God's discipline is love.Everyone must realize that the nature of love includes discipline.A person who commits a sin but is not disciplined is said to be an illegitimate child (Hebrews 12:8).An illegitimate child means that he has no father.


우리는 하나님 아버지가 계시기 때문에 잘못하면 징계가 떨어진다는 것을 알아야 하고 징계가 왔을 때 즉시로 회개하고, 돌이키는 자가 되시기를 주의 이름으로 축원합니다. 그래서 하나님 말씀을 거역하는 것은 사신 우상에게 절한다(삼상15:23). 사신? 우상의 귀신을 말하는 겁니다. 귀신에게 절하는 게 낫다는 겁니다. 그러고 나니 회개치 못하니까 교만이잖아요. 그러고 나서 잘못했다고 그러는 것이 아니라 백성들 앞에서 자기를 높여 달라고(삼상15:30) 말해요. 이 사울 왕이. 사무엘이 얘기했으면 엎드려 회개해야 할 텐데. 얼마나 못 뗐어요. 그리고 사무엘이 조금 늦으니까. 사울 자기가 왕권을 이용해 자기가 제사장처럼 번제를 드려(삼상13:9~11). 여러분, 제사장을 아무나 하는지 아세요? 아닙니다.


We have a Heavenly Father. So when we do something wrong, we are disciplined.When discipline comes, we must immediately repent and turn away from our sins.I pray in the name of the Lord that everyone will understand.Disobeying the word of God is like bowing to idols (1 Samuel 15:23).Serving idols is serving evil spirits.Saul sinned and did not repent; he became very proud.Not only did he not repent of his wrongdoing, he also asked his prophet to exalt him before the people (1 Samuel 15:30).This King Saul should have immediately bowed down and repented to the Lord when Samuel pointed out his mistake.When Samuel was delayed in arriving at his destination, Saul could not bear his impatience and used his royal authority to personally offer the burnt offering that only Samuel the priest was supposed to offer (1 Samuel 13:9-11). ).According to the law of the Lord, the duties of a priest can never be performed by anyone other than a priest.


하나님 말씀을 가지고 씻고 나가야 되는 것입니다. 그런데 그냥 왕으로. 주님이 싫어하는 짓을 다 했죠. 주님이 결국 버려버렸습니다. 왕을 세웠던 자가 누구예요. 하나님이 명령받고 세웠던 자가 사무엘이에요. 얼마나 많이 우나요. 왕을 버린다고 하니까. 하나님 말씀은 그대로 이루어지는 것입니다. 뭘 믿는 거예요. 보는 걸 믿나요? 아니에요. 하나님 말씀을 믿으세요. 설교 나가는 말씀을 믿으시기 바랍니다.


We must wash away our sins and come to the Lord by obeying the Word of God.However, King Saul did what the Lord hated and did not repent.So the Lord eventually abandoned him.God made him king.Following God's command, the priest Semuel appointed Saul as king.When God said he was abandoning Saul, Samuel wept bitterly.However, because King Saul disobeyed and did not repent, God's words were carried out.What did you believe? Do you believe what you see?You shouldn't do that. We all must believe the word of God. Church members must believe in the word of God delivered through sermons.


병이나 고침 받고, 귀신 쫓고, 이런 것만 말고, 말씀을 믿으라는 겁니다. 그 말씀을 내가 받아들이면 생명을 받아 드린 거예요. 생명이 진짜 들어오면 내 속에 어둠이 떠나가요. 그런데 말씀 믿기보다는 맨날 뭐 기도만. 여러분 변하지 않는데. 여러분 군대 귀신 들어온다고요. 더 악해진다고요.이제부터는 변할 때가 됐잖아요. 삼 년 동안 안 변했으면 변해야 돼요. 삼 년 동안 땅만 버리는 나무가 되지 말고(13:7) 이제는 변하여 과일도 열려야 되고, 사랑의 열매도 열려야 되고 가족들도 건져야 되고. 얼마나 성경이 도도하고 예수 믿는지 알아요. 율법까지. 천하에 못 땐 것들이 율법주의에요. 남을 이해할 줄도 모르고 자기 생각만 빠져요. 자기 속으로 판단해 버리고. 여러분 이들이 지옥 가는 겁니다. 율법주의 유대인들 지옥 갔지 어디 갔나요. 그래서 주님께서 그루터기를 남겨 놓은 것은(6:13) 건질 자가 있다는 것입니다.


Do not try to only heal the sick and drive out evil spirits.What is more important is that we believe and obey the word of God.To receive the word of God is to receive life. When we keep the word of life and repent, all forces of darkness leave us. However, many people only want to pray for healing rather than listening to the word of God and obeying it.No matter how much these people pray, their evil and ugly hearts cannot be changed.If you believe in Jesus in that way, later on, military demons will come into you and you will become even more evil.Now everyone must change according to the will of the Lord.A tree was planted in an orchard, and its owner waited for more than three years, but it did not bear fruit. Then the tree is chopped down with an ax (Luke 13:7).We also lived a life of faith for a long time. Now we must bear the fruit of love.We must save our families while bearing the fruit of love.However, many church members remain hard-hearted and very proud and arrogant.Legalists are very cold-hearted, evil, and loveless.They do not know how to understand other people's situations, are always absorbed in their own thoughts, and slander and criticize others.Those who believe this way will go to hell. All legalistic Jews went to hell.Still, the Lord left a stump (Isaiah 6:13). The Lord does this in order to save those who repent among them.



그들이 누굴까요? 바알 섬길 때 엘리야 시대 보세요. 다 바알에게 무릎 꿇었어요. 그리고 다 우상 숭배한 제물 다 먹었어요. 그런데 그 믿음 지킨 자가 숨어서 칠천 명이 있었어요(왕상19:18). 슬쩍 지혜롭게 빠진 자예요. 아 우상 제물 먹으면 안 돼. 하나님 말씀이 있기 때문에 슬쩍 지혜롭게 빠진 자. 나중에 그들을 잡아가지고 바알 선지자 아세라 선지자 850명을 기손 시내로 끌어다가 죽여버렸습니다(왕상18:40).구약에는 죽여버리라고 했어요. 무당은 살려두지 말라고(22:18) 했습니다. 그런데 지금은 뭡니까? 자유국가라고. 오히려 그들 무당이 방송 나와서 판을 칩니다. 그걸 보면서 얼마나 많은 영을 받아요.


Who are they?During the time of the prophet Elijah, many people bowed the knee to the god Baal. They ate food sacrificed to idols.However, even in such a corrupt situation, there were seven thousand people hidden by God, who did not bow down to idols (1 Kings 19:18).They wisely avoided idolatry.Because they knew God's command not to eat food sacrificed to idols, they wisely avoided idolatry.Later, they took 850 prophets of Baal and Asherah to the Kishon River and killed them (1 Kings 18:40).In the Old Testament, God said to kill the shamans (Exodus 22:18).But what is the situation now?Nowadays, no one prohibits the activities of shamans.Shamans are acting as they please. Rather, they appear on broadcasts and promote the work of evil spirits.Many people who watch such scenes are accepting evil spirits.


그럼 나도 볼까? 믿음 없는 사람들이 뭘 잡아요. 그걸 잡는 것이지. 우리는 말씀을 잡아야 될 것입니다. 말씀이 육신을 입고 오신 예수!(1:14) 그분 말씀을 잡아야만 진짜를 잡은 것입니다. 헛것 잡지 말고 진짜 잡고, 천국 가는 자가 되시기를 주의 이름으로 축원합니다.역대상 101314,사울이 죽은 것은 여호와께 범죄하였기 때문이라 그가 여호와의 말씀을 지키지 아니하고 또 신접한 자에게 가르치기를 청하고 여호와께 묻지 아니하였으므로 여호와께서 그를 죽이시고 그 나라를 이새의 아들 다윗에게 넘겨주셨더라


What do those without faith feel when they see such a scene?I also want to try something fun like that.These people participate in the activities of evil spirits. We must only hold on to the word of God.God is the Word, and the Word came to the world in the flesh. That God is Jesus (John 1:14).Those who follow the word of God have held on to the truth.Do not hold on to vain things, but hold on to what is true.I bless you all in the name of the Lord that you will all go to heaven.1 Chronicles 10:13-14.Saul died because he was unfaithful to the LORD; he did not keep the word of the LORD and even consulted a medium for guidance,and he did not inquire of the LORD. So the LORD put him to death and turned the kingdom over to David son of Jesse.


성령 받은 사람들 무당 찾아가면 난 죽었다는 행위에요. 그 말에 찔리잖아요. 그 자리에서 회개하세요. 집에 오기 전에 교통사고로 죽을 수 있고, 급사로 죽을 수 있어요. 하나님이 모릅니까? 무당을 찾아가 귀신한테 물어보니까 여러분, 죽이기로 해버린 것입니다. 그런데 지금 목사들 과거 현재 미래까지 죄 사함 받았어. 상관이 없잖아요. 이것이 교리라는 것입니다. 성경은 영원하신 하나님이에요. 왜 그럴까요? 하나님의 나라는 말에 있지 않고 능력에 있어요(고전4:20). 우리는 진실로 하나님 말씀을 따라야 되고, 절대 무당 찾아가자! 입 밖에도 하면 안 되는 것입니다. 어려울 때 무당한테 물어봐요? 당장 사탄 죽음의 영이 차고 들어가서 여러분, 하나님이 죽이기로 작정했어요. 주님의 제일 진노가 뭐예요? 하나님 외에 다른 신을 섬기는 것을 제일 진노하시는 거예요.


If a person who has received the Holy Spirit asks a shaman for help, he or she will be killed by God.If he commits such a mistake, he should repent to the Lord immediately on the spot.If you return home without repenting, you could get into a car accident and die on the way home.Do you think God doesn’t know about such sins?When King Saul did that, God decided to kill him.But now many pastors say, "All our past, present and future sins have been forgiven."That's why many church members think it's okay to commit these sins.It is a false doctrine created by humans that causes church members to become corrupted like this.The Bible is the eternal truth of God.The kingdom of God is not just a theory, but its power is revealed in reality (1 Corinthians 4:20).So we must truly believe and follow the word of God. Never go to a shaman to ask questions.Is there anyone who asks a shaman when faced with difficulties?Such an act may result in immediate death.God is so enraged that he decides to kill him.The Lord is most angry at such actions. God hates worshiping gods other than Him.


그런데 한국교회 보세요. 전부 사람을 신격화해서 아플 때는 가지도 않아 죽었다 하면 가고 그러고 세례 줘요. 죽어가는데 물로 세례를 주고 있어요. 회개하라고 시키는 게 아니라. 우리는 회개해야 돼요. 믿고 세례를 받는 사람은 구원을 얻을 것이고 믿지 않고 세례받으면 정죄 받는 다고(16:16) 말합니다. 그런데 예수 믿고 나서 회개할 때 성령 세례받잖아요. 생명 받는 거예요. 사실 세례가 필요 없어요. 그런데 믿음 약한 사람은 성령이 오기 전에 그 세례를 통해서 죄사함 받는다는 것을 알고 주님과 연합함을 가리켜서 세례를 받으면 되는 것입니다. 그런데 성령 받은 사람은 필요가 없는 것입니다.


But look at the situation of Korean churches. Many churches are deifying the dead,Church members do not visit close friends when they are sick, but visit them after they die.Rather than encouraging the dying to repent, they only offer water baptism.Everyone goes to heaven when they repent of their sins, but being baptized in water does not mean that person goes to heaven.What is important for everyone is to repent of their sins and receive forgiveness from the Lord.Those who believe in Jesus and are baptized will be saved, but those who do not believe in Jesus and are baptized will be condemned (Mark 16:16).Everyone receives the baptism of the Holy Spirit when they believe in Jesus and repent of their sins.Receiving the Holy Spirit and repenting of sins means receiving life. In fact, water baptism is not necessary for salvation.People with weak faith may be baptized in water before receiving the Holy Spirit. Through such rituals, we become more repentant.Through water baptism, church members become more aware of the need to unite with the Lord.However, those who have already received the baptism of the Holy Spirit do not need to be water baptized.


십자가 강도 두 사람이 있는데 성경은 우편 좌편 안 나와요. 그런데 우편에 강도가 구원받더라고. 주님이 보여 주셨는데 우편 강도가 세례받고 낙원에 들어갔나요? 요단강에 가서 세례받았나? 어디서 세례받고 갔어요. 여러분, 믿을 때 성령을 주시는 거예요. 그래서 너희가 믿을 때 성령을 받았느냐고(19:2) 묻잖아요. 사도바울. 사도행전 너희가 믿을 때 예수를 믿을 때 예수가 성령이란 말입니다(19:4). 우리가 성령도 듣지 못했고, 우리는 요한의 세례로라(19:2,3). 그러니까 내려가서 너희가 믿으라고 복음 전파하고 안수할 때 그들이 성령이 임했던(19:5,6) 것입니다. 성령이 바로 예수에요. 그러니까 믿음이 뭘까요? 예수를 영접한 거잖아요. 아 믿음은 예수 믿은 것이 바로 성령을 받아들인 것이다. 성령 세례받았으면 우리 마음이 깨끗해요. 성령으로. 그러니까 성령 받으면 첫째 화목해야 되는 것입니다.


Two thieves were crucified next to the cross of Jesus.Although not mentioned in the Bible, the thief on the right side of Jesus repented and was saved. The Lord showed me that scene.The thief on the right died and entered paradise.He has never been water baptized.When you believe in Jesus and repent, you receive the Holy Spirit as a gift.Anyone who lives a life of repentance until the end will enter heaven.That is why it is written in the Bible, “Did you receive the Holy Spirit when you believed? (Acts 19:2).The Apostle Paul asked people this question in the Book of Acts.Jesus came as the Holy Spirit (Acts 19:4).They answered Paul, We have not heard that there is a Holy Spirit, but only John's water baptism (Acts 19:2,3). So when Paul preached the gospel and laid hands on them and prayed, the Holy Spirit came upon them (Acts 19:5,6).The Holy Spirit is Jesus.What is faith? It is accepting Jesus.Believing in Jesus means accepting the Holy Spirit. Those who receive the baptism of the Holy Spirit have cleansed hearts.Those who have received the Holy Spirit strive first to be reconciled.


그런데 성령 받으면 화목합니까? 왜 그렇게 혈기 짜증도 많고. 직장에서 잘렸다고 하더라고. 그렇게 분노하지 말라고 그런데 안 돼. ? 참으려고 하는데 올라오면 터져. 이걸 어떻게 할까요. 그냥 참아야지 십자가 짊어져야지. 그리고 난 죽었다! 죽었다. 그런데 십자가? 못 져요. 나는. 주님이 지라고 하시면 주님은 질지라도 난 못 지겠습니다! 버럭버럭. 버럭버럭 버리세요. 버럭버럭 여러 가지 죽입니다. 가족도 죽이고 다 죽이는 겁니다. 나도 버럭버럭하다가 징계 많이 받았어요.성격이 아주 곧은 데다가 하나님 믿지 않을 때는 아주 율법주의에다가 판단하고 정죄하고 아주 악한 자였습니다. 그것 때문에 연단도 깊었고 내 가족까지 다 연단 받고 고난받고. 막 다~!. 난리가. 극한 가난 속에 들어가고. 죽을병까지 왔고. 그렇게 해서 주님이 건져서 지금 가는 걸 깨달아야 할 것입니다.


However, there are many who have received the Holy Spirit but do not make efforts to be reconciled.Why do people who have received the Holy Spirit get angry so easily?I heard that some people were kicked out of their jobs.The Bible says, do not be angry. Be patient.We must forgive others and be patient. To do this is to bear our own cross. However, many church members cannot bear their cross.The Lord has told everyone to do so, but they do not obey the Lord's commands, and when they feel a little offended, they become angry and scream.Such an act kills one's own family and kills the people around them.Therefore, many church members receive rebuke and discipline from the Lord.I had a very stubborn personality. When I did not believe in God, I lived according to legalism. So, I judged and condemned others.Because of that, I received a lot of training, and my family also suffered along with me.I was in extreme poverty and suffered from severe illness.Through that process, the Lord enlightened me, changed me, and saved me. That is why I am now walking this path of ministry.



사울을 죽이려고 했던 거는 다른 신을 좇아갔단 말입니다. 다른 신. 무당이 신인가요? 무당 속에 귀신이 들어있잖아요. 귀신은 하나님을 내쫓은 아주 악한 짓이에요. 그래서 주님께서 이 더러운 귀신 악하고 더러운 귀신아(5:8) 말하는 거예요. 귀신은 악한 것만 나와요. 성격이 막 포악하죠. 귀신이에요. 여러분이 아니란 말입니다. 귀신이 막 건드려요. 그렇게 만들어 버립니다. 조상으로부터 오는 저주가 귀신입니다.저주가 귀신이에요. 저주가 귀신이 들어왔기 때문에 악하게 변질되는 겁니다.어려서 배울 때 그렇게 배웠나요? 어렸을 때 두들겨 맞아서 버릇 고쳤지만, 지금은 애들을 건들지를 못해요. 엄마한테 욕해도 매도 필요 없어요. 아들 때리면 부모한테 책임을 밀어버리는 이런 악한 시대.


The reason God tried to kill King Saul was because he was following a false god.What kind of being is a shaman?There are demons inside shamans.Demons are very evil and unclean spirits.So the Lord cast out the demons, “Get out of this man, you unclean and evil demon” (Mark 5:8). When an evil spirit enters a person, the person's personality becomes very vicious. Demons make people like that. Demons give people curses that come from their ancestors. The curse is an evil spirit.People turn evil because a cursed spirit enters them.When growing children do something wrong, their parents need to teach them by spanking them in order to correct them.However, the current law of the country does not allow parents to beat their children, even if the children have done something very wrong. If a child swears at his parents, the parents cannot beat their children.If parents educate their children by beating them, they are violating the laws of the country and must pay a fine.So we are now living in a very corrupt era.


전교조 애들 보세요. 전부 잘못 가리키잖아요. 어른은 있으나 마나 어른이 없으면 아이가 어떻게 생기나요. 말도 안 되지. 하나님이 없으면 우주가 어떻게 생깁니까? 태초에 말씀이 계시니라 이 말씀이 이 말씀이 하나님과 함께 계셨는데(1:1,2). 여러분, 이 말씀이 하나님과 함께 했데. 말씀이 하나님이에요. 말씀이 육신으로 오신 예수!(1:14). 이걸로 이단이라고 말하는 겁니다. 삼위일체 얘기하고 한 분이라고 얘기하고. 이게 말이 안 되지 않아요? 구약에 한 분 하나님 잘 믿다가 이 땅에 여호와께서 육체로 오신 사건을 도무지 이해를 못 하는 거죠. 그러니까 그를 십자가에 못 박아 죽인 거예요. 그리고 그분을 좇아가면 이단으로 몰아서 죽였던 것이고. 지금도 한 분 하나님 예수 외에 구원자 없다면 이단 소리 듣는 겁니다.


The way children are educated now goes against the Bible.Adults cannot discipline their children properly.How can children arise and grow if adults do not exist? How does the universe come into existence without God? In the beginning there was the Word, and the Word was with God (John 1:1,2).That word is God. The Word came to the world in the flesh, and he is Jesus (John 1:14).When we say that God is Jesus, many pastors label us as heretics.They believe in the doctrine of the Trinity and slander us as heretics.Their claims greatly contradict the Bible.They cannot accept that the God of the Old Testament came to this earth in the flesh.They do not believe that Jehovah has become Jesus. This means not believing the words of the Bible.So, those who did not understand the Bible thought that Jesus was a heretic and crucified him.Those who believe and follow this truth are treated as heretics by them.We believe that there is absolutely no other savior than Jesus, the one God. No matter how much they slander us as heretics.


다른 길도 구원이 있는데 조용기 목사도 다른 길에도 구원이 있다고 하잖아요. 이슬람이 형제라는 거죠. 여러분, 목사 하나 때문에 이렇게 다 망하게 가는 겁니다.주남 여사 베리칩이 666이라고 외치고 여러분, 속지 마세요. 이것저것 돌아보지 마세요. 오직 예수 외에 구원자가 없는 것이고(4:12), 하나님은 한 분이에요. 성경도 디모데전서 25절에도 하나님은 한 분이시요 사람과 하나님과 사람 사이의 중보도 한 분이시니, 곧 사람이신 그리스도 예수라 말씀하신 겁니다. 그리스도는 신성이에요. 하나님. 그리고 인성은 육체. 하나님이 사람이 된 사건을 말씀하시기 때문에 여러분들은 진실로 무당 찾아다니지 말고, 성경 찾아요. 그리고 주의 이름으로 상담하고. 주의 종하고 상담할 때. 예언은 성령 충만 받지 않을 때 예언이 가짜 나와요. 빗나간단 말입니다. 성령 충만하지 않으면 빗나가요. 이렇게 위험한 게 예언이에요.


Many pastors teach that salvation exists in other religions.The famous pastor Cho Yong-gi also claimed that there is a path to salvation in other religions and called Islam his brother.If one pastor makes a mistake, the entire church becomes corrupted and collapses.Mrs. Joonam, who saw a fake heaven and hell, claimed that Verichip is 666.Many were deceived by her lies.Don't be fooled.Do not be distracted by this or that, everything is false, only Jesus is the savior.There is absolutely no other savior other than Jesus (Acts 4:12). God is one. In 1 Timothy 2:5, God is one, He is also the one who reconciles between people and God.That is, he is God, and he is Christ Jesus who came as a man.“Christ” refers to the divinity of God,“Jesus” refers to God coming in the flesh.Only believe in Jesus Christ and do not go to shamans.Read the Bible and pray to the Lord.And when necessary, consult with the Lord's faithful servants.The Lord's servants can prophesy for church members when they are filled with the Holy Spirit. If a pastor prophesies without being filled with the Holy Spirit, it becomes a false prophecy.

When one is not filled with the Holy Spirit, everyone deviates from the truth.This is why prophecy is so dangerous.


그래서 주님께서 함부로 예언하지 말고 은사를 통해서 표적을 통해서 귀신 역사를 봤다면 전능자 하나님 여호와를 찾고, 예수를 찾아서 이 길을 가면 천국이지만, 진짜를 만났더라도 여러분, 잘못된. 끝까지 표적 따라가면 예수가 없다는 것입니다.

이 표적이 뭘까요? 여러분이 죽을 때 마지막 때는 방언도 예언도 그치고 모든 게 폐해지고 사랑만 남게 되요(고전13:8). 사랑이 천국에 하나님이시지. 그래서 온통 죽음 앞에서 하나님만 찾아야 돼요. 그리고 천국만 사모해야 돼요. 아버지 보고 싶다고 막~. 아버지 보고 싶어요! 보고 싶어요! 가야 할 텐데. 가족이 생각나 영안이 열려서 천사가 보여? 예언이 터져? 사랑하는 딸아 조금 있으면 너를 취할 것이다? 아니, 여러분 침상에 던져지면 회개하라고 하는 거예요. 귀신이 속삭이고 있는 겁니다. 그런데 뭘 듣고 있어요. 귀신이요. 귀에서 아니요. 심령에 똑같이 들려요. 귀신이라고 우리 속에 안 들어오나요?


That is why the Lord told us not to prophesy carelessly.If we have seen the work of demons through gifts or signs, from then on we must seek Almighty God and Jesus.Those who follow the path the Lord wants will enter heaven.Even though we have experienced and seen miracles, signs, and prophecies given by the Holy Spirit, if we pursue only those things and do not obey and repent, Jesus will gradually disappear from our hearts. In the end times, speaking in tongues and prophecy will cease, and only love will remain forever (1 Corinthians 13:8).Love is heaven and God.So, when we face death, we must seek only God and long for going to heaven.At that time, we must leave everything behind and only want to see God the Father.But does the dying person think of his family, and does his false spiritual eye open to see angels and make prophecies? Such a person is caught in the spirit of a confused Satan. A person lying on a death bed must first repent of his sins.To prevent the dying person from repenting, the evil spirit whispers various words.We must resolutely reject and not listen to such evil voices. The sound of an evil spirit is heard in one's ears or mind.We hear not only the voice of the Holy Spirit, but also the voice of evil spirits.


어떤 자는 천사니까 우리 속에 못 들어온다고? 아니에요. 거짓말 말아요. 가룟 유다가 마귀가 들어가. 사탄과 마귀는 똑같은 겁니다. 생각을 집어넣어(13:2) 들어가서(13:27) 예수를 판 겁니다. 우리는 진실로 속지 말고, 어떤 경우든지 무당 좇아가지 말고, 하나님 말씀에 순종하다가 천국 들어가는 자가 되시기를 주의 이름으로 축원합니다. 전도서 720, 선을 행하고 전혀 죄를 범하지 아니하는 의인은 세상에 없기 때문이로다


Some say angels cannot come into us. Not like that. That is a lie. The devil entered into Judas Iscariot and gave him devilish thoughts (John 13:2).Satan put the idea into him to betray Jesus (John 13:27).We must not be deceived by lies, and we must not become people who go to a shaman for help no matter what problem we encounter.We must always obey the word of God and become those who enter heaven.Ecclesiastes 7:20,There is not a righteous man on earth who does what is right and never sins.


여러분들 착하게 산다고 하죠? 그런데 율법 갖다 데면 다 죄인이에요. 죄를 졌기 때문에 이 땅에 사망이 있는 것 아니겠어요. 에덴동산에 선악과를 따먹지 않았다면 말씀에 순종했으면 죽음이 안 옵니다. 에덴동산은 아담한테 이 선악을 알게 하는 나무 실과를 따먹으면 네가 정녕 죽으리라(2:17) 그랬어요. 그러면 안 따먹으면 정녕 죽지 않는다는 말이 아니에요. 그런데 따먹었어요. 그것도 누가? 여자가. 그래서 여자들은 교회에서 잠잠하라(고전14:34)는 것입니다. 먼저 하와가 범죄했기 때문에 여자들은 교회에서 잠잠하라 하는 거죠.


Is there anyone who thinks of themselves as living a good life?When we compare our lives to the law, everyone is revealed to be a sinner.Everyone dies on this earth because they have sinned.If the first man in the Garden of Eden had not eaten of the tree of knowledge of good and evil, but had eaten of the tree of life, death would not have come to humans.The Lord commanded Adam:When you eat from the tree of knowledge of good and evil, you will surely die (Genesis 2:17). He should have believed the word of the Lord and not eaten it. If they had obeyed, they would not have died. But the woman, Eve, ate the fruit from the tree of knowledge of good and evil first.And she gave it to her husband, and her husband Adam ate of it.This incident has a lesson for all of us.So even today, women must remain silent in church (1 Corinthians 14:34).Because Eve sinned first, women should be silent in church.



고린도전서 읽어 보세요. 예언으로 교회가 굉장히 시끄러워요. 나중에 사도바울이 하나님 영감받아 하는 소리가 그거에요. 여자들은 교회에서 잠잠하라. 예언하는 자들은 제재를 받아야(고전14:32). 그런데 예언의 은사 받은 사람들도 제재받나요? ~ 자기가 옳다고 나와. 그러면 왜 이렇게 틀려요. ? 어떤 자는 예언자들 다섯 사람 모여서 기도해서 응답이 두 사람이 틀리고 세 사람이 맞았어! 그럼 맞은 거예요. 이런 짓들을 하고 있습니다. 여러분, 응답은 하나님 말씀이 맞는 거예요. 그래서 말씀밖에 넘어가면 안 되는 것입니다.


Read 1 Corinthians carefully.The gift of prophecy caused great confusion in the church.Because of this, Apostle Paul spoke under the inspiration of God. Those who prophesy must be under the control of the senior pastor (1 Corinthians 14:32).However, people who have the gift of prophecy do not like to be controlled.Everyone thinks their prophecy is the best.They consider themselves to be right.Most of them do not fit the words of the Bible.So some people, after prophesying, draw conclusions in a strange way.When five people pray and receive an answer, two people's thoughts are on one side and three people's thoughts are on the other.In that case, they conclude that the thoughts of the three are God's will.This way is never God's will.The true answer to everyone is always the Word of God written in the Bible.So we must not go beyond the words of the Bible.


응답 너무 좋아하지 말고, 하나님 말씀을 찾아서 고쳐요. 구멍이 막혔으면 뚫어버려야 되지 않겠어요. 하수가 막혔는데 뭘 가서 물어봐요. 뚫으면 되는 것이지. 다 잘못된. 외국도 나가면 전부 은사예요.집회 나가면 맨 병이나 고치라고 머리만 들이대고. 여러분, 복음 안 들어요. 이 복음을 통해서 여러분 변해서 천국 갈려고 하는 것이 아니라 그냥 병이나 고치고 어떡하면 축복에 소리만 듣고 맨 이런 것만. 교회 맨 축복받아라! 축복받아라! 이런 것만. 축복받으려면 어떻게 해야 돼요? 축복받으려면 어떻게 해야 된다고 했어요? 순종이에요. 천국 갈려면 어떻게 해야 돼요? 말씀에 순종해야 돼요(28:1~14). 히브리서에 너희가 순종함으로 안식에 들어간다고(3:18) 말씀하십니다. 안식은 천국 가서 영원히 쉰다는 뜻입니다. 여러분, 이 땅에 축복이 뭡니까? 너희가 순종하면 위에만 있고 머리가 되고 꼬리가 되지 않을 것이라고(28:13) 떡 반죽 그릇(28:5) 먹고 사는 문제 해결 다 한다는 겁니다.


Don't try to get strange answers. Try to discover and correct your mistakes in your life through the Word of God. If the drain pipe is clogged, remove the debris and the water will flow normally. Why do you ask God such questions? If you have suffered because you have deviated from God's will, you must correct your wrong life.Instead of following the right method, many people try to get strange answers. All churches around the world are in this situation.When I go to revival meetings as a lecturer, everyone desperately wants to have me lay hands on them and pray for them to be healed of their diseases. However, they do not like to obey the gospel. More important than being cured of an illness is hearing the gospel, changing their own hearts, and going to heaven. Many church members are only interested in being healed and blessed. So now the churches only preach like this, be blessed! Be blessed! But reality doesn't work that way. What must everyone do to receive blessings? The only way is to obey the words of the Lord. In order to go to heaven, you must obey the words of the Lord (Deuteronomy 28:1-14).Hebrews, we enter into rest through obedience (Hebrews 3:18).This rest is eternal life in heaven.When you obey, you are above people and become the head of the world, not the tail (Deuteronomy 28:13).The Lord blesses the vessels of those who obey (Deuteronomy 28:5),This means that the food problem is solved.


그런데 하늘나라는 찾지 않고 이 땅에 먹을 것만 찾다 보니까 벌기는 벌었어. 나중에 다 놓고 가야 돼요. 억울해서 못 가는 거예요. 그런데 우리가 많을수록 주님만 위해 산다면 어떻게 돼요? 천국만 봐. 아 천국에 내 집이 얼마나 잘 돼 있을까. 천국 가면 뭐 있을까? 궁금하지 않겠어요? 막 천국. 그래서 제물이 있는 곳에 너희 마음이 있다는 겁니다(6:21). 천국에 우리가 많은 봉사, 충성해놓고, 물질도 많이 해서 천국에 있어요. 그런데 천국이 안 믿어져요. 이 땅에 잔뜩 싸놨어? 천국 절대 못 가는 거예요. 그래서 구원을 받으려면 어떻게? 예수 안에서, 믿음 안에서 부자가 되는 것입니다.


Many church members do not seek to go to the kingdom of God, but want to eat well and be healthy in the world.So they always pray only for this.However, everyone later has to give up everything in the world and leave the world.The greedy people of the world feel so unfair and sad at that time.But no one can escape death.The more we receive, the more we must use them for the Lord.When you do that, your hope for heaven increases day by day.How big and beautiful will my home in heaven be?He expects to go to heaven and lives happily every day.In the Bible, where you put your offering, there your heart is with it (Matthew 6:21). Those who have hope in heaven always want to serve the Lord, are loyal to the gospel, and give a lot of money. However, those who do not believe in the reality of heaven want to accumulate a lot of everything on this earth.People like this will never go to heaven. So how should we live in order to be saved? Become rich in Jesus, in faith, help the poor, and use it for the Lord's will.


부자? 유대인. 여호와 믿던 자들이에요. 예수님이 유대. 부자가 천국 가기가 얼마나 어려운지 약대가 바늘귀로 들어가는 게 어렵다(19:23,24). 이게 뭘까요? 천국을 안 믿고 이 땅에 있는 율법으로 사는 자들이에요. 바리새인은 돈을 좋아하잖아요. 바리새인은 돈을 좋아합니다(16:14). 돈 좋아하면서 모든 율법을 지킨 자들이에요. 그런데 주님은 그들을 죄인이라고 정죄해버립니다. 이 독사의 새끼들아!(23:33). 독사의 새끼는 아비를 물어뜯은 자를 말하는 거예요. 부모를. 자기 부모가 여호와께서 이 땅에 육체를 입고 오셔서 자기를 구원하러 왔는데도 예수를 배척한 자들이에요. 우리는 천국 가기 위해서 예수를 믿는 자가 돼야지. 아니면 패망 당하는 걸 알 겁니다.


The Jews who believed in Jehovah were rich.Jesus said that it would be very difficult for rich Jews to go to heaven.How difficult is it? It was like a camel going through the eye of a needle (Matthew 19:23,24).What does this parable mean? They did not believe in the reality of heaven, but wanted to accumulate wealth on earth. They lived according to legalism.They loved money more than the word of God. The Pharisees love money (Luke 16:14).The Lord condemned them as sinners and scolded them. You brood of vipers! (Matthew 23:33).A viper's baby bites its mother.Look at the viper-like behavior of the Jews. Jehovah came to this earth in the flesh. This was to save them. But they rejected Jesus and killed him. We must become believers in Jesus in order to go to heaven. If one does not believe in Jesus for this purpose, he will ultimately perish.


많이 탑을 쌌어요. 금자탑을 쌌어요. 무슨 의미가 있어요. 아무 쓸모 없는 것입니다. 그러니까 교회 다니면 경건해야 돼요. 여러분, 경건하고 나는 낮춰야 되고 조심해야 되는 겁니다. 왕 앞에 나가는데 경건해요? 분쟁하고. 아니에요. 조용해야 돼요. 그런데 교회 지금 엉망입니다. 자유 얻었다고 너무나 엉터리로 믿음 생활하는 자들 많다는 겁니다. 다른 교회 보세요. 율법에 교리에 빠진 자들 얼마나 예배드리는 데 정신. 하나님도 없는데. 우리는 그러지 말고, 예배 때 정갈한 마음으로 먼저 회개하고, 그리고 오늘 저 말씀은 나한테 주신다! 이 말씀은 공동이에요. 여러분 다 혜택이 돌아가는 것입니다. 나는 아닐 거야? 누구 좀 들었으면? 이건 안되는 겁니다. 모두가 우리는 죄 아래 있어요. 선을 행하고 죄를 범치 않은 의인은 이 세상에 아주 없다!(7:20) 이게 뭘까요? 다 죄인이에요.


Many people want to accumulate great wealth and great achievements in the world.But it has no meaning and is useless. Children of God must live godly.We must always have a godly life, be humble, and always be careful.Live godly before God, the King of kings.Do not fight against each other, humble yourself, and live by serving others.However, today's churches have no godliness and are very disorderly.They say they have achieved freedom unconditionally, but they have false beliefs and live disorderly lives.Churchgoers who are immersed in legalism and human doctrines worship in a pious manner. But although they are holy on the outside, their hearts are very unclean.We should not do that, but worship the Lord with a pure heart.When listening to sermons, you should have this mindset. Those words today are given to me, and I must take them seriously.The sermon is preached communally to everyone.Everyone benefits.However, many church members think this way.“Those words do not apply to me.“I hope someone else hears that.”That thinking is very wrong. Everyone is under sin. Everyone must humble themselves and repent. There is no righteous person in this world who does good and never sins! (Ecclesiastes 7:20) This means that everyone in the world is a sinner.


이 땅에 의인 하나만 있으면 그가 기도해서 예수 올 필요 없어요. 여호와께서 이 땅에 오실 필요가 없는 것입니다. 그런데 다 죄인이에요. 선악과 따먹고 모두가 죄 아래 갇혔어요. 진자는 이긴 자의 종이라!(6:16) 에덴동산에서 선악과 따먹는 순간에 사탄의 간교한 말에 속아 버린 것입니다. 사기당했죠. 그가 죄인이에요. 가족들 먹여 살리려는 돈 갔다가 사기당했어요. 그게 죄인이라고요. 사기꾼은 처먹으려고 사기 쳤지만, 사기당한 자는 가족들한테 죄를 진 거예요. 그 어려움 어떻게 할 거예요? 조심들 하라는 것입니다. 그 뱀 혓바닥에 사기꾼. 짐승한테 당한 거 아니에요? 혓바닥으로 말 얼마나 잘합니까? 말을 잘하니깐 걸려들게 돼 있어요.


If there was only one righteous person on this earth, there would be no need for Jesus to come to the world.In other words, there is no need for Jehovah to come to this earth in the flesh.But all mankind are sinners. After Adam ate the fruit from the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil, everyone was born under sin. The loser becomes the servant of the one who overcomes (Romans 6:16).The moment he ate from the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil in the Garden of Eden, everyone became slaves of sin. He was deceived and defrauded by Satan's cunning words.Many people are being cheated out of money that should be used to feed their families. Of course, a fraudster is a bad and evil person.However, being defrauded by a fraudster is also a big sin. You must always be careful to avoid falling into such difficulties.The snake's tongue speaks to you through a deceiver. Don't be deceived by that evil beast. Scammers are very good at talking.Because they are deceived by such beautiful lies, their wealth is taken away.


If everyone in the world have any questions about this article, please contact me.

To Pastor Choi Jong-Dae

Cell phone: 010-7228 1115


Cafe: https://cafe.daum.net/newlifechurchinkorea

Email: cjdingod@naver.com

New Life Church Location: in Seoul,South Korea


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