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  제  목 : Online Bible Study on Mondays for pakistan churchs (vudei and writing) 조회수 : 44
  작성자 : Barnabas 작성일 : 2024-07-23




Online Bible Study on Mondays

Pakistan Time: 7:00 PM

Korea Time: 11:00 PM

New Life Church in Seoul, Korea

Because Jehovah came to the world in the name of Jesus, Jehovah is in Jesus, so Jesus said, "The Father and I are one (John 10:30).

Those who do not understand this word cannot interpret the Bible correctly.

God the Father and Jesus the Son are not different Gods, One God with two names.

God existed as the Word, and the Word came to the world in the flesh. That God is Jesus. Therefore, there is always one God.

In the Book of Revelation, it is said not to seal the prophetic words in the Bible (Revelation 22:10).

Anyone who receives the Holy Spirit can explain all the words of the Bible.

The Bible is not difficult because it was written by God and interpreted by God.

In order to go to heaven, you must interpret the Bible correctly and believe correctly.

When salt loses its saltiness, it becomes useless and is thrown out.

When God's people disobey the Lord, the Lord rejects them because they are not worthy of existing before Him, and then the people of the world ignore and trample on them.

Church members today are so corrupt that they commit sins at will and do not even repent.

God's people must strive to live according to the Word, repent for the areas where they have failed to live according to the Word, and receive forgiveness from the Lord.

Many church members say, "I repent of all my sins." However, their hearts and actions do not change at all. This is evidence that they do not repent.

A person who truly repents has a changed life, abandons evil thoughts, compromises his own interests, and becomes at peace with his neighbors.

A stubborn heart must be softened.

How can one go to heaven with a heart like a thorny field or a rocky field?

A plant in a thorny field cannot grow because it is choked by thorns.

The heart of a person is the field where God's Word is planted and grows.

Even in a rocky field, seeds sprout. But the roots of the plant do not take root.

This is like someone who receives the word of God with joy for a while, but then abandons and gives up on the gospel when tribulation or hardship comes.

God's people who seek help from shamans will perish.

Shamans belong to Satan, the spirit of death, and are his servants.

When you encounter difficult problems or suffering, you should read the Bible and earnestly seek the Lord.

When you read the Bible, you will realize your own mistakes and the reason why your relationship with the Lord is blocked.

The purpose of the law given to us is for the Lord to make us realize our sins.

However, many church members do not read the Word of God and seek out gifts and prophets to solve their problems.

That is why his situation worsens and he falls deeper into Satan's trap.

Look at the case of King Saul. He was once filled with the Holy Spirit.

However, because of his greed, he could not keep his faith and the Holy Spirit left him. That is why he tried to kill David.

When the Holy Spirit left him, he was filled with an evil spirit (1 Sam16:14, 15).

When the evil spirit worked, his mind became confused and he tried to kill David.

Even in such a situation, when David played the harp, the evil spirit left Saul for a moment (1 Sam 16:23).

But after a while, the evil spirit entered him again.

Saul could not bear his suffering and went to the witch in the Endor area (1 Sam 28:7~), and as a result, he was killed.

Saul's sin was extremely evil, the one who had received the Holy Spirit tried to get help from a witch.

If believers who have not received the Holy Spirit simply go to church, they do not truly believe in God and do not yet have the faith to go to heaven.

There are several stages of faith. Some believers believe in God but believe in worldly things and follow lies.

What is pure faith? It is not mixing other thoughts with the word of God.

Only the word of God is the pure gospel, and we must not mix human thoughts.

We must believe in the one and only God, and we must never mix other things with the word of the Bible.

Why must we go this way to the end even when we are persecuted?

Because we know the one and only God, because we have found our Almighty Father.

Those who have met the one and only God cannot go any other way.

Those who are in the church building are not saved, but those who are in Jesus are saved.

Being in Jesus means obeying the words of Jesus.

We come to church to hear the words of faith, and when we obey the words of faith, we receive the blessings of heaven and earth.

Those who disobey and do not repent of their sins after hearing the words of God receive curses instead of blessings (Deuteronomy 28:15-19).

What is a curse? It means that everything he does becomes tangled and fails.

No matter how difficult or hard it is, do not go to a shaman, but discover your sins through the words of God and repent.

When you repent of your sins, obey, and pray, all your problems will be solved by the power of Holy spirit.

1 Samuel 15:22-23

But Samuel replied: "Does the LORD delight in burnt offerings and sacrifices as much as in obeying the voice of the LORD?

To obey is better than sacrifice, and to heed is better than the fat of rams.

For rebellion is like the sin of divination, and arrogance like the evil of idolatry. Because you have rejected the word of the LORD, he has rejected you as king."

Saul rejected the word of God, and God made Saul the first king of Israel.

Although God alone is our eternal king, the people wanted to make a human king, so God granted their request.

The people's request was wrong, because they feared the Lord God, they wanted to make a human king.

The wrong judgment and request of the people brought about difficulties and suffering.

When Jesus came to this earth, who hated Jesus being king?

They were the stubborn Jews (Luke 19:27).

Now, who are those who do not want to believe in Jesus as the only savior?

Israel is God's chosen people. God's people must not serve any other gods besides God.

God commanded King Saul to wipe out the Amalekites, who had attacked God's people, from under heaven (Deuteronomy 25:17-19).

With God's help, King Saul won the war.

However, Saul did not kill King Agag of Amalek, calling him his friend, and did not kill the fattened cattle and sheep. This was against God's will.

When Samuel went to the scene, he heard the sound of the animals that had not been killed.

He asked Saul, "What is this sound, O king?" (Samuel 15:14-).

Saul made an excuse, "I have left these to offer a sacrifice to God."

This was because he had disobeyed God's command. Why did he leave them when God had already abandoned them?

There are still many believers who do things that the Lord has forbidden.

Do not do things that will be cursed.

Why do God's people hold memorial services and funeral services for the dead?

Why do believers secretly visit shamans to ask about their future and ask for help?

Shamans who belong to Satan are spiritually ruined and dead.

Those who are possessed by Satan and controlled by Satan are already dead.

As soon as their bodies die, they fall into hell.

Those who believe in Jesus and repent are in the life of God, so when their bodies die, they immediately receive the resurrection body of life and enter heaven.

Why are churches so corrupt today?

It is because of false pastors who do not follow the word of God.

Some pastors of large churches realize that their sermons are wrong. However, the situation is so wrong that they cannot change on their own.

They know their mistakes, but they cannot change their sermons and continue on the path to hell.

If they repent to the Lord, the Lord will forgive them, but they are too famous and exalted to repent.

Repenting means abandoning their ministry up to now and starting over from the beginning.

That is why they cannot preach the gospel of repentance.

Put new wine in new wineskins (Luke 5:38).

New wine represents the Holy Spirit, and the wineskins represent our hearts.

When we repent sufficiently and our hearts are purified, we are filled with the Holy Spirit.

When we are filled with the Holy Spirit, we are transformed into new people.

Evil spirits work in unclean hearts that have not repented.

The work of evil spirits is similar to the work of the Holy Spirit.

This is because Satan imitates the work of the Holy Spirit.

There are cases where the work of evil spirits and the work of the Holy Spirit occur together.

There are also cases where bitter water and sweet water flow out through the same person.

This is the case of those who have received the Holy Spirit without sufficient repentance.

Such people alternate between obedience and disobedience, which hurts the Lord's heart.

Receiving the Holy Spirit does not mean that he is complete.

Those who have received the Holy Spirit are left with the process of obeying the Word of God from that time on.

King Saul was once filled with the Holy Spirit and prophesied (1 Sam 19:23, 24).

His body became so hot from the fullness of the Holy Spirit that he prophesied all day long with his clothes off.

However, his life began with the Holy Spirit and ended with the desires of the flesh.

There were many Jews who believed in Jesus but then returned to the Old Testament law.

These people began with the Holy Spirit and ended with the flesh (Galatians 3:3).

Our church members must also be careful. Some who received the Holy Spirit and were so happy that they jumped for joy have gone to hell.

Many church members went to hell after following gifts and prophecies, and some went to hell after following money.

To those who went to hell, the things they had and enjoyed in this world mean nothing.

Even if you have a lot of money or eat good food, you will not be happy forever. The pleasures of the world are only temporary.

We must come to our senses and believe in one God, and not be foolish like King Saul.

It is so depraved for those who believed in Jesus and were filled with the Holy Spirit to seek out a shaman to solve their problems.

Never do such a thing. If a person who has received the Holy Spirit goes to a shaman, he will die.

It is very difficult for those who do such things to repent.

Jesus is in heaven, and the spirit of Jesus, the Holy Spirit, is among us.

The Holy Spirit talks to everyone at the same time.

Since the Holy Spirit is omnipotent, He talks to everyone at the same time and talks about each person's work.

Do not limit the power or work of the Lord with human thoughts.

Do not be deceived by man-made doctrines.

Never go to a shaman to get help.

If a believer visits a shaman, his soul dies.

Such an act is betraying God, offering his soul to Satan.

When someone who has once received the light of life and tasted the gift of God falls, there is no opportunity to make him repent again (Hebrews 6:4-6).

Many people who have received the Holy Spirit now visit shamans, drink alcohol, and smoke cigarettes.

These people are very foolish. They must fear God.

Alcohol and cigarettes are useless. Those who fall into Satan's temptation bite others, and they are those who have no faith.

Fake faith cannot go to heaven. Those who do not repent even after being disciplined cannot go to heaven.

When you are filled with the Holy Spirit, you can overcome the sins of the world when they come in, and you will come to know the spiritual world that you did not know.

When you are filled with the Holy Spirit, you throw away alcohol.

However, because you receive the Holy Spirit lukewarmly, the spirit of Satan also works lukewarmly.

The faith of these people is like mixed wine, and they do not firmly believe in the promise of the Lord.

Be filled with the Holy Spirit! (Eph 5:18) This is being filled with the Spirit of God.

Jesus said, “I cast out demons by the power of the Holy Spirit, because the kingdom of God has come upon you” (Matthew 12:28).

The only one who casts out demons by the power of the Holy Spirit is Jesus, and the one who casts out demons is God.

Jesus is God Himself, and yet not many people accept this truth.

The Jews did so, and now those who believe in Calvinism do not acknowledge the Holy Spirit.

How do those who do not know the Holy Spirit go to heaven? The Holy Spirit is the Spirit of God. The Holy Spirit leads us to heaven, and makes us realize our sins and repent.

When he comes, he will convict the world of guilt in regard to sin and righteousness and judgment:in regard to sin, because men do not believe in me; in regard to righteousness, because I am going to the Father, where you can see me no longer; (John 16:8-10).

However, there are church members who commit sins but do not have a guilty conscience, their souls are dead.

Now homosexuals are spreading in the church. Our church must also be careful. Homosexuality is against God's order. Those who commit such sins must repent until they die.

There are people like this from birth, this is a curse from their parents.

Whenever such thoughts enter, they must be firmly rejected.

However, many churches now recognize and allow homosexuals.

In the United States, there are homosexuals among pastors. Homosexuality is the worst sin.

If the anti-discrimination law is passed, homosexuals will infiltrate the church, listen to the sermons, and report them to the state.

If that happens, the pastor will be imprisoned for 5 years or have to pay a fine of about 30 million won.

In the end, the law of the country will block the pastor from preaching correctly.

The word of God cannot be preached correctly, just as the sheep scatter when the shepherd is struck (Matthew 26:31).

If the servant who powerfully shouts the word of the Lord disappears, the truth will gradually disappear.

Fake pastors do not preach the word of the Bible as it is, and they do not strongly rebuke those who commit sins.

They say things like, “It’s okay if you don’t repent of your sins, God is love.”

Jesus has already forgiven our past, present, and future sins, and because God loves us, He will let us all go to heaven even if we do not obey.

Discipline is included in God’s love. That is why the Lord strongly rebukes and disciplines God’s people who do not repent of their sins.

A person who sins and is not disciplined is an illegitimate child (Hebrews 12:8). An illegitimate child is a child who does not have a father to guide him.


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