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  제  목 : Online Bible Study on Tuesday 8.13 조회수 : 80
  작성자 : Barnabas 작성일 : 2024-08-13

kenya Time: 12:00 PM, (at noon)

Korea Time: 6:00 PM

New Life Church in Seoul, Korea

[Matthew 16:19] I will give you the keys of the kingdom of heaven; whatever you bind on earth will be bound in heaven, and whatever you loose on earth will be loosed in heaven."

Jesus gave us the key to enter heaven, and the key is to repent of our sins according to the Lord's words and to forgive others' faults. Repenting of all sins is the key to enter heaven.

[Matthew 24:14]

And this gospel of the kingdom will be preached in the whole world as a testimony to all nations, and then the end will come.

What those who believe in God should preach is the gospel of the kingdom of heaven.

They should not boast of reading the Hebrew and Greek Bible and entice the minds of congregation with doctrines.

They are teaching others what they themselves do not realize.

Look at those who say they read the Hebrew Bible and persecute and kill those who believe in Jesus.

Do not forget what they did to those who believe in Jesus.

They were the leaders of the wicked and the false, the false prophets who cruelly killed those who believed in Jesus, and their hearts were like those of beasts.

They were fornicators who left God and were antichrists.

Those who claim that paradise and heaven are not the same place need to read and understand the Bible again.

The water of life comes from the throne of Jesus, and there is a tree of life along the river of the water of life.

If your argument is correct, Jesus' throne must be in two places, one in paradise and one in heaven. But the kingdom of God is never in two places.

[Revelation 2:7]

He who has an ear, let him hear what the Spirit says to the churches. To him who overcomes, I will give the right to eat from the tree of life, which is in the paradise of God.

Those who overcome Satan's temptations and repent of their sins to the end will eat the fruit of the tree of life. Those trees of life are in paradise, because paradise is heaven.

[Revelation 22:1-2]

Then the angel showed me the river of the water of life, as clear as crystal, flowing from the throne of God and of the Lamb

down the middle of the great street of the city. On each side of the river stood the tree of life, bearing twelve crops of fruit, yielding its fruit every month. And the leaves of the tree are for the healing of the nations.

Jesus is one God, and has one throne. From his throne flows the water of life, forming a river. On either side of the river are the trees of life.

Paradise and heaven are not different places. The same place is called by different names.

[Revelation 22:15]

Outside are the dogs, those who practice magic arts, the sexually immoral, the murderers, the idolaters and everyone who loves and practices falsehood.

Outside heaven is hell. Idolaters, murderers, and all evildoers are in hell outside heaven.

[Luke 13:28]

There will be weeping there, and gnashing of teeth, when you see Abraham, Isaac and Jacob and all the prophets in the kingdom of God, but you yourselves thrown out.

The disobedient and unrepentant believers will go to hell, weeping and gnashing their teeth, while Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, and all the obedient ones will live happily in heaven.

Do not just go to church, but truly believe, repent, and obey. Everyone must go to heaven.

Those who do not know where heaven and hell are and the identity of demons should not create false doctrines and theories.

Those who do not understand the Bible deeply should not try to create strange theories, but simply shout the gospel. “There is no other savior but Jesus. Repent and obey.” Just shout this core gospel.

when Preaching such way you can save your souls.

They speak of the Hebrew and Greek Bible and misinterpret and teach the Bible, which they themselves do not know, and they are ultimately being deceived by Satan.

Why do they make up lies and deceive their followers and drag them to hell?

Those of you who boast of having read the original Hebrew Bible, do you think you know it better than Calvin?

Did Calvin create human theories because he could not read the original Hebrew Bible?

Do you think you read the original Hebrew Bible better than the popes?

Do you think you know about it better than the Apostle Paul?

Do you think that Paul killed and persecuted believers in Jesus before he met Jesus because he could not read the original Hebrew Bible?

You who insist that only the Hebrew and Greek Bible is correct, do you think you know of it better than the Jews and the scribes?

But have you forgotten that it was the Hebrew-speaking Jews who killed Jesus?

What do you think the popes who know Hebrew well are doing, then and now?

Those who claim to know the Hebrew Bible so well are caught up in legalism, the Catholic Trinity, and other human doctrines.

Do you think that Calvin did not know the Hebrew Bible so well that he so cruelly killed those who opposed his doctrines?

Do you think that the Apostle Paul cruelly killed and imprisoned believers in Jesus Christ because he did not know the Hebrew Scriptures?

The context of the situation at that time is still happening today.

Those who know the Bible in Hebrew have the doctrine of the church. They claim that once saved, always saved.

They place Calvin's doctrine above the authority of the Bible.

They worship idols, add their own ideas to the words of the Bible, and say that there is salvation in other religions.

They claim that they have already received salvation of their souls on this earth, that all past, present, and future sins have been wiped out.

They do not want to teach of Jesus Christ, the one God, and repentance, heaven and hell.

and they do not teach about the identity of Satan and demons who committed sins and were cast out of heaven.

Why are they going down the path to destruction?

Those who claim to know Hebrew and Greek believe in the Catholic doctrine of the Trinity, divide the one God into three, and say that there is salvation in other religions.

These people follow idols and hinder the gospel of the kingdom of heaven.

Those who believe that only the Hebrew Bible is correct do not preach about heaven and hell.

They do not realize that God is one, and they believe in the Catholic doctrine of the Trinity.

Their sermons greatly confuse the minds of the congregation, for sometimes they say that God is one, and a little later they say that God is three.

These pastors are teaching their congregations theories that they themselves cannot understand.

Demons were cast out of heaven and came down to this earth to deceive people.

They try to deceive everyone, whether believer or unbeliever.

Their goal is to deceive everyone and drag them to hell.

However, pastors who believe in human doctrines do not know the identity of evil spirits and cannot teach this correctly to their congregation.

Those who are caught up in the Catholic doctrine of the Trinity, those who are caught up in the doctrine of Calvin,

those who are caught up in the doctrine of the denomination, those who are caught up in various false prophecies or false signs,

those who do not know the truth of the Bible must return to the one God now.

God is Jesus. To obey the words of Jesus is to return to God.

The time is urgent now. Look at the situation around the world.

So many people have fallen and are receiving the wrath of God.

Earthquakes, famines, and wars occur everywhere.

Nation rises up against nation, and people of the same race rise up against people of the same race.

People, birds of the air, and beasts die from epidemics.

Fires and floods continue to occur everywhere.

This is because the sins of mankind are overflowing in the world, and God’s wrath is poured out on the whole world.


Now, nations all over the world are worshiping idols by deifying the dead.

They are committing these sins because they were deceived by fallen angels.

They are deceived by demons and are opposing Jesus Christ, the true God.

Those who believe in Jesus must stay away from idols and throw them away.

The time has come when those who do not worship idols but believe only in Jesus Christ, the true God, will be beaten, persecuted, and killed.

[ Acts 5:40-41]

His speech persuaded them. They called the apostles in and had them flogged. Then they ordered them not to speak in the name of Jesus, and let them go.

The apostles left the Sanhedrin, rejoicing because they had been counted worthy of suffering disgrace for the Name.

Those who are caught up in human doctrines claim that they have already received salvation on this earth, that their past, present, and future sins have automatically been wiped away.

Those caught up in the doctrine of the Trinity divide the one God into three.

Such people do not even realize what the sin of idolatry is.

When those who believe in Jesus Christ deify and worship the dead, it becomes the sin of spiritual adultery.

Have you ever deified and worshiped the dead? Such people must repent and be forgiven now.

Those with weak faith and those who went to churches that were caught up in denominational doctrines, Catholic doctrines, and the doctrine of the Trinity had no choice but to do so.

When they realize their past mistakes and repent, the Lord forgives their sins with His blood.


Believers in Jesus must wisely avoid places where idols are worshiped.

And when they inevitably participate in deifying and worshiping the dead, they must immediately repent of their sins and avoid God’s wrath.

God is patient with our sins.

When we truly repent before death, Jesus cleanses all our sins with the blood he shed on the cross and allows our souls to enter heaven.

Repenting of sins means regaining the life we ​​had lost.

The gospel is only Jesus Christ and his words.

Anything other than the words of Jesus is a false gospel.

Doctrines of religious denominations created by humans or the Catholic doctrine of the Trinity are false gospels.

Those who teach these things are all false prophets.


There are so many false gospels being preached on earth today, and there are so many false prophets.

As time goes by, it becomes increasingly difficult to say that there is absolutely no other savior besides Jesus and to call for repentance.

That time is coming, and it has already come in many places.

Those who believe in the doctrines of religious denominations or the Trinity, and those who follow false prophecies or false signs, think that there is salvation in other religions.

There are many believers who say that there is salvation in other religions and deify the dead and worship idols.

Idolatry is clearly a great sin. We must testify to the true gospel, Jesus Christ.

Those believers who have turned away from God and worship idols, repent before it is too late.

The law and the prophets were until the time of John the Baptist.

After that, anyone who hears the gospel of the kingdom of heaven, believes only in Jesus Christ as the Savior, and repents will enter the kingdom of heaven. Why do many people not know this gospel?

[Luke 16:16]

"The Law and the Prophets were proclaimed until John. Since that time, the good news of the kingdom of God is being preached, and everyone is forcing his way into it.

In the New Testament era, God Himself came to this earth in the flesh, shed His blood like a lamb, and died.

He overcame death and was resurrected three days after His death. Jesus is God Himself.

After completing all His work of salvation, Jesus ascended to heaven. Jesus will soon come again as the Judge.

This is recorded in the New Testament.

Now, those who do not believe in Jesus Christ can never overcome the power of death.

By the power of Jesus’ blood, in the life of Jesus, we are forgiven and receive eternal life.

The era of the law and the prophets ended with John the Baptist. Why do they not believe this word?

From that time on, only those who believe in Jesus Christ, the one God, will enter heaven. Jesus himself said that Jesus was the Lord of the Sabbath in the Old Testament era.

This means that Jesus was Jehovah God in the Old Testament era.

Jehovah God is Jesus, and Jesus is Jehovah God.

The Creator God came to the world in human form to forgive the sins of all people. That God is Jesus Christ.

The Word became flesh and came to this earth in the name of the Son. He is Jesus Christ.

Those who believe in Jesus, repent, and receive the Holy Spirit must become witnesses of Jesus to the ends of the earth.

We are witnesses of Jesus Christ, the true gospel.

Repent. Really repent.

Jesus, the one God, does not want even one person to perish.

We must engrave deeply in our hearts the words that Jesus cried out, “Repent, for the kingdom of heaven is at hand.”


[Acts 2:37-38]

When the people heard this, they were cut to the heart and said to Peter and the other apostles, "Brothers, what shall we do?"

Peter replied, "Repent and be baptized, every one of you, in the name of Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of your sins. And you will receive the gift of the Holy Spirit.

The Holy Spirit comes to those who hear the word of God, realize their sins, and repent.

[acts 2:39-40]

The promise is for you and your children and for all who are far off--for all whom the Lord our God will call."

With many other words he warned them; and he pleaded with them, "Save yourselves from this corrupt generation."

However, there are many who only accept the Hebrew and Greek Bibles, many who create religious doctrines, and many disciples of the Catholic doctrine of the Trinity.

There are also many disciples of famous pastors, and many who spread the ridiculous doctrine of the VeriChip.

However, there are not many who want to become disciples of Jesus, the one God.

We must realize that this is such an evil and false time.


[John 5:39]

You diligently study the Scriptures because you think that by them you possess eternal life. These are the Scriptures that testify about me,

Through the Old and New Testaments, what we must preach is Jesus Christ, who became flesh and came to this earth.

We must become witnesses of Jesus, who preach the words of Jesus, the true God who came as the savior of all mankind.

The Bible says that those who have received the Holy Spirit must become witnesses of Jesus to the ends of the earth.


[ Acts 1:8]

But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes on you; and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth."

There are many theologians and pastors today who claim to know the Hebrew Bible but spread false doctrines.

The original language of the Bible was Hebrew.

However, the Jews, the native Hebrew speakers, killed Jesus. Those who know the Hebrew Bible do not have greater authority than others.

Those who understand and obey God’s will have faith and please the Lord.

Those who boast of the Hebrew Bible but do not understand God’s will and misinterpret it hinder the faith of others.

These people say that heaven and paradise are different places, and they also claim that the spirits of dead unbelievers become demons.

They claim that there were no demons in the Old Testament. They are those who have been deceived by Satan.

We must believe and follow only the words of the Bible, because only those who obey the words of Jesus and repent will enter heaven.

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