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  제  목 : Online Bible Study on Mondays 11/25 Pakistan Time: 7:00 PM Korea Time: 11:00 PM New Life Church in Seoul, Korea 조회수 : 97
  작성자 : Barnabas 작성일 : 2024-11-25

Online Bible Study on Mondays 11/25

Pakistan Time: 7:00 PM

Korea Time: 11:00 PM

New Life Church in Seoul, Korea

Revelation 20:2

And he laid hold on the dragon, that old serpent, which is the Devil, and Satan, and bound him a thousand years,

The dragon was captured, and that dragon was the old serpent who deceived Eve in the Garden of Eden, and he was also the devil, Satan.

There are many names for Satan in the Bible, such as dragon, devil, Satan, old serpent, Lucifer, etc.

God created three archangels, Michael, Gabriel, and Luciel.

Michael is the military archangel, Gabriel is the messenger, and Luciel is the music archangel.

When Luciel sinned, his name became Lucifer, and when Lucifer was cast out to this earth, he looked like a dragon.

That is why he is called the dragon, Satan, the devil, the old serpent, and the beast.

Although Lucifer had many names, he was one being who opposed God and was cast out of heaven.

Throughout history, those possessed by the spirit of Satan have killed Christians in very cruel ways.

We too can be killed at any time by those who have received the spirit of Satan.

When we are martyred, our blood, like Abel's, will cry out earnestly to the Lord.

The sound of our blood of martyrdom will echo throughout heaven, and the Lord will soon come to take His people on this earth.

It is good whether we die or live in the Lord. Hallelujah! Because we will live forever in heaven.

Jude 1:11

Woe to them! They have taken the way of Cain; they have rushed for profit into Balaam's error; they have been destroyed in Korah's rebellion.

What sin did Korah commit? He rebelled and turned away from God.

The heart of a traitor is stubborn, filthy, and acts in a way that betrays the grace of the Lord.


What sin did the prophet Balaam commit against the Lord? He heard God's command, but he rebelled and disobeyed His command.

The prophet went to King Balak, a corrupt politician, to seek worldly wealth and fame (Numbers 22:15-20).

How could a servant of God do such an ugly thing?

He loved the money, fame, and power of the world more than God.

Then God opened the mouth of the donkey he was riding on and rebuked the prophet for his sin. (Numbers 22:21-30)

The donkey's spiritual eyes were opened, and it saw an angel standing there with a sword, ready to kill the prophet.

So the donkey could not move forward and stood still. The prophet was very angry and beat the donkey.

The prophet Balaam was a famous man, but his spiritual eyes were darker than those of a donkey.

Those who do not obey the word of God and only seek gifts and power will end up miserable like the prophet Balaam.

There are many pastors who do not obey the word of the Lord and use their gifts and abilities to boast about themselves.

In the eyes of the Lord, such prophets are more foolish than beasts, and they rebel against the Lord.

Has your dog bitten and ruined your belongings? First, don't get angry at the dog. Instead, check if you've been living the right way.

This may be a sign from God urging you to repent of your sins.

There are times when the Lord makes us realize our sins through natural disasters, accidents, or the actions of animals.

Balaam told Balak that when the Israelites worshipped idols and ate food sacrificed to idols, God would curse them and destroy them.

Balak worshipped idols in front of the Israelites and invited the Israelites through beautiful women to eat food sacrificed to idols.

So the Israelites committed spiritual and physical adultery because of it, and many people perished from the plague.

The Lord is pleased with those who stop the sins of the people. He seeks those who follow the Lord's commands.

Before you commit a sin, a sinful thought first enters your mind. At this time, you should not follow the sinful thought, but immediately cast it out of your mind.

Those who cannot drive out sinful thoughts will eventually commit those sins. We must practice a lot in driving out sinful thoughts.

It will not be easy at first, and it will not go well. However, if we continue to practice, we will eventually be able to overcome all sins.

A stubborn personality will make it difficult to achieve rapid training results.

However, when we continue to control our sins and strive to repent and obey, changes will gradually occur.

When sinful thoughts come into your mind, control and rule over the evil thoughts. Do not let the evil thoughts lead to evil actions.

Look at the process in which Judas Iscariot committed sin. First, the evil thought of betraying Jesus entered his heart (John 13:2).

At that time, he had to overcome the evil thought of sin and control his heart.

Because he could not overcome the evil thought given to him by the devil, he ended up committing that sin.

Because he could not control his heart, the devil entered him directly and made him betray Jesus.

Satan made him commit that sin. But he did not realize that he was deceived by Satan.

When people are possessed by the devil, they do not even know that fact.

There are many churchgoers who have this level of faith.

Those who want to go to heaven must always read the Bible, repent, and realize this spiritual world.

Satan has taken over the whole world. People get angry, hate, and fight over trivial matters.

Satan makes people greedy and hate each other. Parents and children hate each other, oppose each other, and kill each other.

These ruthless and vicious people have received the spirit of the beast, the spirit of Satan, "666:" (Rev. 13:18; 16:13, 14).

Even if you have not respected your parents, worshipped idols, and not believed in Jesus,

if you now believe in Jesus, repent, and live a life of obedience to the end, you will be forgiven and go to heaven.

Those who commit sins and do not repent are always under sin, even if they go to church, and when they die in that state, they all go to hell.

The wages of sin is death (Romans 6:23). Those who believe in Jesus but do not repent of their sins will all go to hell.

Obedience and repentance are the shortcuts to heaven for everyone.

Anything that does not follow the word of the Lord is sin. However, when you repent, you are forgiven and the penalty for sin is removed.

The path to heaven is opened for all sinners through repentance.

No one can go to heaven by keeping the law 100%, but when we repent, we can all go to heaven.

Through repentance we go to heaven. But we must repent while doing our best to obey.

How long must we repent and obey? Until the end of our lives on this earth.

When we get to heaven, we will realize how precious the life of repentance was.

Those who go to hell will forever regret not repenting when they are rebuked for their sins.

It is painful to be rebuked for your sins. But because of that rebuke, you can avoid the path to hell and go to heaven.

When one person among the church members receives a strong rebuke, all those who live similar lives will come to their senses and repent.

Mary Magdalene was a prostitute. But she truly repented. And she poured 300 denarii worth of perfume on Jesus for his burial.

Jesus told his disciples to proclaim her deeds of devotion to the whole world.

The Lord no longer looks upon the sins of the repentant, but makes her good deeds known to all generations.

Whether good or bad, all deeds will eventually be revealed to the world.

When someone who has been living a wicked life believes in the Lord and changes to be good,

many people repent and return to the Lord through his influence.

However, there are church members who strongly dislike and resist when the pastor points out or rebukes someone’s sin.

When Peter did not realize his mistake, the rooster crowed.

Then he remembered the words of Jesus, 'Before the rooster crows tonight, you will deny me three times.' He wept bitterly and repented.

When we hear the words of Jesus and keep them in our hearts, we can repent when such an opportunity comes.

Peter remembered Jesus' words, so he immediately repented when the rooster crowed.

To those who hold on to Jesus' words until the end, the Lord gives them various opportunities to repent.

The crowing of the rooster is so common and ordinary, yet it served as a special occasion only for Peter.

When his life was threatened, Peter denied Jesus three times, just as Jesus had said.

Peter, who repented and turned back at that time, later became Jesus' foremost disciples.

Nowadays, there are few pastors who realize their sins and repent with tears like Peter.

The reason is that pastors believe in human doctrines rather than the Bible.

They live according to their own ideas and think that they have already received salvation for their souls.

Now, most pastors trust and follow Calvin’s doctrine more than the words of Jesus.

We should read the four Gospels, which contain the words of Jesus, every day.

The truth of the Bible and spiritual secrets are all included here.

When the disciples went out to preach the gospel, they preached according to Jesus’ words.

The Four Gospels and the New Testament are the books that help people understand God’s will and give them inspiration.

However, many people fall for Satan’s temptation and fall into human doctrines while reading the Book of Romans.

Human doctrines make those who are still living in the world believe that they have already received salvation.

It never happens that way. No one can receive salvation while living in the world.

When the body dies, our souls come out of the body, and only those who repent go to heaven.

When our souls enter heaven in the resurrection body, only then will our salvation be completely achieved.



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