제 목 : Title: Find the Truth in the Bible!! | 조회수 : 85 |
작성자 : Barnabas | 작성일 : 2024-12-03 |
Title: Find the Truth in the Bible!!
When a couple lives together for a long time, their opinions may clash and they may argue. At such times, they should quickly repent and reconcile.
If we worship with a broken heart without repenting, the Lord cannot accept such worship.
If we worship without repenting after committing a sin, our worship becomes like Cain’s worship.
Cain was always angry and jealous. That is why God did not accept his worship, but on the other hand, He gladly accepted the sacrifice of Abel, who had an obedient heart.
Cain should not have been angry about this situation. He himself should have abandoned his evil thoughts and had an obedient and repentant heart.
At that time, in order for a sinner to come before God, he had to offer a blood sacrifice, but Cain brought grain instead of blood (Genesis 4:3).
Even though we worship in the same church, the Lord accepts the worship of some people and does not accept the worship of others. What is the reason for this?
Some believers wash away their sins with the blood of Jesus, while others do not repent at all and thus do not wash away their sins. Cain's offering symbolizes the lives of those who do not repent.
Our lives must become a living sacrifice before Jesus (Romans 12:1).
Jesus’ body was offered to God as a living sacrifice, and he abolished all the sacrificial laws of the Old Testament (Hebrews 10:18).
The sacrificial laws of the Old Testament were a shadow of Jesus’ work of salvation.
When we come before the Lord, we must first repent of our sins and cleanse our sins with the holy blood of Jesus.
Now, the blood of Jesus has become a holy sacrifice that washes away our sins.
We must truly believe in Jesus in order to go to heaven.
It is a very difficult time to evangelize now. Most of the churches in the world are controlled by the WCC.
The WCC is an organization that pursues pluralism. They do not believe the word of God as it is, but mix human ideas with the truth.
Even in the early church, when a person who believed in Judaism believed in Jesus as the savior, his parents and siblings rejected him as a heretic and accused him.
That is why Jesus said that your own family is your enemy (Matthew 10:36).
Such a time has come. No matter how the times change, the truth of salvation does not change.
No matter what human doctrines appear, we must abandon them and believe and follow only the words of Jesus.
Those who are caught up in human doctrines slander us as heretics whenever they get a chance.
The situation in the world is such that most pastors prioritize human doctrines over the words of the Bible.
Nowadays, it is so difficult to believe in the truth of the Bible.
There is no path to salvation in human-made doctrines, not even 0.1%.
Human doctrines have taken over the churches of the world, and they say that we must serve God under the control of human doctrines.
Ignoring the word of God is fake and heresy, and everyone must believe in Jesus under the word of God to go to heaven.
Pluralism and evolution enter the church that rejects the Creator.
Evolutionists do not believe in God's creation and oppose it. They do not obey God's word and do not repent.
The human-created theory of evolution does not know the cause of the beginning of everything.
Evolution begins with a lie and ends with a lie. Their claim is that single cells evolved to form many animals and plants.
Then, when we ask them where those single cells came from, they cannot answer and talk nonsense.
Evolutionists do not know the fundamental cause of the creation of all things and have created numerous theories with human thinking.
Humans are not the result of monkey evolution.
God created the shape of a human from the dust of the ground, and when God breathed life into his nostrils, he became a living human (Genesis 2:7).
Humans were created in the image of God, in order to fulfill God's purpose.
I have heard that some Christians in America do not allow God to be called God the Father.
Calling God the Father means viewing God as masculine. They insist that God should be called as a neutral character, not masculine.
Many pastors and church members like and follow this unbiblical claim.
If they had not legislated human doctrines, such great chaos would not have occurred worldwide.
Historically, many people who did not believe in human doctrines were killed.
That evil influence has continued to this day.
They condemn and treat as heretics those who point out the errors of human doctrines.
The Bible says that God is one. In order to keep this belief, they were martyred by those who believed in human doctrines.
Many people in the early church were martyred because they did not follow false doctrines.
"If you are saved from sin once, you will be saved forever, or sinful acts have nothing to do with the salvation of the soul." These are human doctrines, and human predestination does not fit the Bible.
We are predestined in Jesus (Eph 1:4,5). What does this mean?
This means that God predestined Jesus to come from the beginning.
And it means that when people obey Jesus' words and repent of their sins, they are predestined to be saved in Jesus' name.
We must understand and realize predestination according to the Bible. Calvin’s predestination does not fit the Bible.
God exists from everlasting to everlasting. In the Korean Bible, there is an expression, "before everlasting." This word is a mistranslation.
If there was a world before eternity, Jehovah God would be nothing more than a created being.
The world before eternity does not exist. The souls are thirsty because they do not understand the word of God.
In Amos 8:11, it is not thirsty for water. It is thirsty for the soul because they do not understand the word of Jehovah.
Water is life, spiritual life is the word of God.
many in churchs ,do not follow the Word, but follow all human doctrines.
Following something that does not belong to God is idolatry, and God never allows His children to worship idols.
The Lord tells us to love one another and even our enemies.
Therefore, we can be killed by our enemies, but we cannot kill them. By doing so, we must give our enemies time to repent.
The Catholic Church has taken over the world now. They preach the doctrine of the Trinity
Augustine first created the doctrine of predestination, and Calvin created the doctrine of double predestination.
Luther called the Epistle of James the straw gospel, meaning useless Scripture.
They removed all the core contents of the Bible and cleverly created human doctrines.
Luther said that we are saved only by faith (Rom. 1:17). At first glance, his claim seems to be correct.
But his doctrine distorts the words of the Bible. He removes the essential elements of faith from faith.
We must have true faith. True faith is believing in the Word of God and practicing it in our daily lives.
No matter how hard we try, we cannot obey God's will 100%. That's why we always obey while repenting.
The period of our obedience and repentance is while we live on this earth.
Those who claim that those who live in the world are already saved have no need to obey or repent any longer. They believe that they can never go to hell.
When those who obey the word of the Bible and those who disobey are in the same family, conflict arises between the two.
The saints who do not succumb to such persecution and overcome are those who are united with the Lord.
Many people say that we can go to heaven only by faith. However, they do not really know what that faith is.
However, those who say that their souls have already been saved do not need to obey and repent, because they think that they will never go to hell.
The faith to go to heaven is to obey the word of God and repent of disobedience. Faith that only believes with the mouth but does not practice is fake.
Doing the right thing before God is wearing linen (Rev. 19:8).
Some say that linen comes down from heaven. Many people are deceived by these false pastors.
Those who have seen the fake heaven and hell make up such lies.
Many church members do not know the reality of heaven and hell, so God shows them the reality of heaven and hell and tells us to spread this fact to everyone.
Even if we spread the news of heaven and hell, most people do not believe in the real heaven and hell.
The sound of all the people crying in hell is screaming that they came to hell because they could not repent.
And the people in heaven shout joyfully that they came to heaven only through repentance.
All people in the world are sinners, but when they repent to the Lord, they are forgiven and justified.
The right faith is to go to God through the name of Jesus, repent, and receive salvation.
Repenting of sins and obeying the Lord’s words with all your body and mind is the way to heaven.
However, many pastors and church members are now trapped in human theology.
Which should we prioritize between human theology and the Word of God? The Word of God should be the priority.
Who created theology? It was created by people. Human theology has been legislated. They think human theology is more important than the Word of God.
They persecuted and killed the servants of the Lord who pointed out this mistake. The Trinity is a lie that does not fit the Bible at all.
Many heresies arise because of human doctrines.
A human being calls himself the Holy Spirit, or the Jesus who will come again, or the Lord of the Sabbath, etc.
Many heretical leaders have emerged, such as Park Tae-sun, Moon Sun-myung of the Unification Church, Lee Man-hee of Shincheonji, Lee Jae-rok, Shim Hwa-sil, etc.
She sits on a golden chair and wears white clothes. Many worship her. Satan also shows the heretics the fake heaven and hell.
Anything that does not match the words of the Bible is a heresy. We must discern and defeat the fake.
The linen in the Book of Revelation signifies righteous conduct.
Man does not become holy through formal religious practices. He becomes holy only when his heart is transformed by the Holy Spirit.
When we repent of our sins, our souls are purified. When our souls are purified, we are saved.
We are saved when we cast away the lusts and lies of the flesh and receive a new heart given by the Holy Spirit.
When the first humans sinned in the Garden of Eden, their souls died. They became dead because there was no God in their hearts.
When God dwells in our hearts, we live again with new life. This is called being born again.
이전글 : Online Bible Study on Mondays 12/2 Pakistan Time: 7:00 PM Korea Time: 11:00 PM New Life C... | |
다음글 : Online Bible Study on Mondays 12/9 Pakistan Time: 7:00 PM Korea Time: 11:00 PM New Life C... | |