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  제  목 : 2/2 Don't fall, those who lose the chance of repentance go to hell. ( 타락하지 말라, 회개의 기회를 잃어버리면 지옥이다.) 조회수 : 931
  작성자 : Barnabas 작성일 : 2020-03-30

(  part 2)

말라기때부터 400년동안 주님의 음성이 없었어요. 암흑시대에요. 이때는 이렇게 하는 것이 하나님 잘 믿는 것이다, 우리가 말씀만 많이 갖자! 바리새인 서기관처럼. 그리고 십일조하고 안식일만 지키면 구원받는다! 그러고 제사지내고. 어리석은 자들.

From the Old Testament prophet Malachi to John the Baptist, the word of the Lord had not been given to the world for about 400 years.It was a period of darkness.The people of that time did not truly believe in God.They wanted not to have spiritual communication with the living God, but only to have a lot of knowledge. Their faith was the same as that of the Pharisees and scribes, formal religionists.They paid tithing, kept the Sabbath, and offered sacrifices diligently. But their hearts did not love God.They were foolish.

구약시대는 짐승의 제사를 드렸다. 신약에는 예수의 피, 하나님의아들의 피가 필요한 것입니다. 지금은 짐승의 피에 의해 구원받지 못한다.지금 우리는 예수님의 피에 의해 구원받아야 한다.

예수믿고 회개하는 순간에 죽어버리면 천국가게 되어 있습니다. 뭘믿냐 이겁니다. 예수를 모르니까 갈팡질팡하는 것입니다. 무엇이 예수인지 몰라요. 그냥 목사말만 믿고 좇아갑니까?

In the Old Testament, the blood of the beast was shed to forgive human sins.But in the New Testament, our sins are forgiven by the blood of Jesus, the Son of God. When we believe in Jesus and repent, we become people of heaven.Many people do not know that Jesus is the only savior, so they are confused.Why do many church members follow the pastor's thinking without knowing the truth?

소경된 자를 좇아가면 소경되어 같이 지옥에 떨어지는데 여러분 소경안될려면 성경봐요. 그냥 보지 말아요. 많이 암기하기 위해서. 암기해서 뭐해요? 예수가 없는데.

He who follows the spiritual blind is himself a spiritual blind.All of them fall to hell.Do you not want to be a spiritual blind man?If so, read the Bible diligently.And live according to the words of the Bible. If you read a lot of the Bible for the purpose of memorizing a lot of the verses of the Bible, that knowledge has no value.Faith that does not practice the Word of God is false faith.Jesus is not in the hearts of these people.

그러고나서 죽은자 앞에 꽃 드리고, 제사음식 먹고, 죽은 시체놓고 예배드리고. 예배는 거룩한거에요. 신령과 진정으로 예배드려야 되요. 시체는 부정한것 가증한 것이에요. 이게 뭐에요? 그러고 전도된다고 다 저주받는데. 왜 다 이렇게 교인들이 암들어 죽습니까? 형통해야 할 사람들이. 귀신의 밥되어버리는 것이지. 사랑교인들은 자녀들 잘 가르쳐요.

Now, many God's people give flowers to the dead, eat the food that was offered to idols, put the dead in front and worship for the dead. This act is idolatry.Worship is the most holy thing.That is why God's people must worship with the Holy Spirit and sincere hearts only to the Lord God. The dead body is unclean, very abominable. Nevertheless, why are God's people committing these sins?They make excuses for their sins this way."We worship for the dead to preach to the living families of the dead."But these are cursed events.Now, why are so many church members dying of cancer?The people of God, who must prosper in every way, have become the food of the demons. The people of our church,You must teach your children right through the Word of God.

여러분 하나님말씀을 거부하는 시대가 왔어요. 이게 소돔과 고모라성이에요. 그것은 남색여색입니다. 천사까지 범하려고 했던 자, 어리석은 자. 롯 안봤습니까? 자기 두 딸들이 얼마나 타락했으면. 숫처녀라면 주겠습니까? 손님을 상관치 말고 결혼하지 아니한 내 두 딸이 있으니 그들을 상관하라고 내주겠냐고요? 얼마나 음란했으면 딸을 내주겠어요? 말도 안되요.

Now is the time to reject the Word of God. The world now has situations in Sodom and Gomorrah. At that time, they were hormosexal , lesbians, and they would try to commit such sexual crimes to angels. Fools, Lot's behavior at that time was also wrong. To protect the angels with him, from the evil ones, he would give his two daughters into the hands of sex offenders. Lot says, My daughters are virgins, "You take my daughters at your will." Since the time was so obscene, Lot would have tried to give his daughters to the obscene. It was a very evil time.

지금도 그 시대입니다. 자녀들 교회다닌다고 여기 앉아있다고 안심합니까? 언제 타락할지 몰라요. 대학교 가면. 술퍼먹고 담배피우고 음란속에 빠져버리고. 어려서부터 말씀을 줘야만이 죄성이 드러나면 주여 나를 용서해 달라고 회개하는 것입니다. 그리고 돌이키는 것입니다. 근데 지금 뭐합니까? 천국간다고? 그렇게 해가지고 천국이 어디있어요? 천국과 지옥이 믿어진다면 얼마나 자녀들 똑바로 가르치겠어요? 예수믿고 니가 만일 범죄했더라고 회개하라! 그리고 남색여색은 안된다! 그런 영화나 보다가 귀신이 차고 들어와서 자동적으로 들어가서 그렇게 만들어 버리는 것입니다.

It is still the same situation.Do your children go to church? Are they here now?Since your children simply go to church, don't you need to worry about them?Your children can always fall.Especially when your children enter college, they are likely to drink, smoke, and fall into obscenity. That's because most college students have changed that way.Your children, from childhood, must learn and practice the word of the Lord.When children sin, they must pray to the Lord themselves."Lord, forgive my sins."You have to make your children turn away from their sins.Even if your children go to church, you should not think that they will go to heaven unconditionally. Unrepentant children cannot go to heaven.If you believe in the reality of heaven and hell, you should actually teach the Bible to your children."My children, when you have sinned, repent immediately! And don't be homosexual. When you watch that kind of movie, such an evil spirit will come in to you automatically.Do not participate in evil. "You must always teach your children this way.

그때 회개하고 귀신쫓으면 끝나는 것입니다. 다 귀신의 역사에요. 지금 청소년들 초등학교 유치원생도 귀가 있으니 들으라는 것입니다. 엄마 아빠한테 대들지 말라 이겁니다. 그래서 유치원생부터 청소년들 부모를 절대 대적하지 말고 대적한 것 있으면 주일날 와서 회개하기 주의 이름으로 축원합니다.

If your children then repent quickly, then the daemon leaves them, and serious problems do not occur to your children.All problems are caused by demons. Youth, elementary school students, kindergarten students, all have ears, so you have to listen to the Lord. any children should not be against their mam, father.So all children should never oppose their parents from the time of kindergarten.If the children were against their parents, they should come to church on Sunday and repent thoroughly.I pray in the name of the Lord that all my children and parents will be able to clearly understand this.

교회오기 전에 자녀들에게 회개를 가르치세요. 집에서 회개치 못한 것 있으면 너 가서 회개해! 성전에 와서만 회개가 아네요. 죄를 짓는 순간에 그 자리에서 회개할 때 회개가 성립되는 겁니다. 범죄했을 때 몇일 기다리지 말고 즉시로 회개하시길 바랍니다.

Before the children come to church, parents should teach them repentance.And if your children haven't been able to repent at home, ell them, like this, "When you go to church today, be sure to repent." However, it is not only necessary to repent in the temple. The moment you sin anywhere, you must immediately repent there. That is the best repentance.If you have sinned, don't wait for a few days. Then repent immediately.

삼상 8:7 여호와께서 사무엘에게 이르시되 백성이 네게 한 말을 다 들으라 이는 그들이 너를 버림이 아니요 나를 버려 자기들의 왕이 되지 못하게 함이니라.

1 Samuel 8: 7. And the Lord told him: "Listen to all that the people are saying to you; it is not you they have rejected, but they have rejected me as their king.

사울왕이 생기기전까지는 하나님을 왕으로 섬겼습니다. 그런데 하나님 섬기기가 두렵습니다. 하나님음성이 얼마나 두렵습니까? 그래서 우린 이제 무서워서 하나님 따라갈 수 없으니 사람을 왕으로 세워 주시옵소서! 이것이 하나님을 버린 것입니다. 사랑교인들은 누가 왕입니까? 목사가 왕입니까? 교회가 왕입니까? 자식 돈이 왕입니까? 다 버려버리고 예수가 나의 왕이라고 시인하세요. 우리의 만왕의 왕은 예수에요.

The Israelites had served God as king until Saul became king.At that time, they were very afraid to serve God as their king.God's voice is very dignified and fearful.So they said to the prophet Samuel."We cannot follow him because God is so afraid. Therefore, establish another king among us."This idea is that they have abandoned God.Who do you think is the king of our church?Is the pastor the king of the church?Is the church building king?Are your children and money king?These things can never be kings.Jesus alone is the King of all things, the King of our church.Everyone should admit this. The king of all kings is Jesus.

이스라엘백성들은 하나님 두기를 싫어했어요. 사람을 왕으로 세워서 뭐하겠다는 겁니까? 그러고 왕국을 짓기 위햇거 자기 자식들도 땅도 바쳐야되고. 그렇게 손해가 나면서도 왜 하나님을 버렸던 것일까요? 하나님이 두렵다는 겁니다. 그분앞에서는 막바로 죄가 드러나기 때문에.

The Israelites did not want God to be their king in their hearts. Instead, they wanted one person to be their king.But what can a human do for them?They had to offer their children and their land to the king to create an artificial kingdom.Why did they try to serve the new king, not God, with so much damage?Because they feared God for their sins.Those who have sinned should not try to avoid God unconditionally.Rather, they must repent of their sins before the Lord.All sin is immediately revealed before God.

여러분 고린도교회를 보세요. 바울이 얼마나 강하게 훈련시켰는지. 아비의 아내를 범한 자도 있습니다. 그때 바울이 눈감아 줬습니까? 이런 자는 내쫓아라, 사단에게 내어주라! 교회에서 내쫓은 겁니다. 그러면 시험들어서 나가서 다른 교회 다니나요? 안다닙니다. 그러다가 죽을병 걸리면 그때가서 깨닫는거에요. 그리고 주 예수의 날, 죽는 날입니다. 그때 내가 아비의 후처를 범한걸 용서해 달라고 눈물로 통회하며 기도할 때 그 죄가 용서함받고 영혼은 구원받게 되어 있는 것입니다.

Everyone, think of the Corinthian church. How strong did Paul train them?One of them had committed his father's wife. Then Paul rebuked the wicked one.Paul said."Put him out of the church, give him to Satan!"Does anyone who is kicked out of the church goes to another church? Such a person almost gives up going to church.Such a person falls into the world and meets the disease of death.At that time, he truly realizes his sin."Oh, Lord, I have sinned so badly.Please forgive me. "When he repents in tears for the sin he committed his father's second wife, his sins are forgiven.When he dies, his soul is saved if he repents.

교회는 죄를 지적해주고 안듣는 자는 내쫓아야 되는 것입니다. 죄라는건 누룩처럼 번져버리는 것입니다. 한 사람 입술 때문에 많은 사람이 요동하고 있잖아요? 왜 그걸 참지 못하는지. 여러분 본대로 얘기하고 삽니까? 이들이 기독교인입니까? 교인이라면 들어도 못들은척 봐도 못본척해야 되는 것입니다. 그런데 기독교인들이 뭐하냐 이거에요. 예수외에는 구원자가 없는데 왜 나발나발 하는지. 그러면서 여러분이 어떻게 천국의 보장이 있고 이땅에 복이 있다는 겁니까? 순종할 때 하나님이 모든걸 준비하시는걸 깨닫기를 축원합니다.

The church's role is to rebuke the people for their sins, and to expel those who do not intend to forsake their sins to the end. Just as the yeast spreads, the nature of sin is widespread.Because of a person's wrong words, many people are hurt and shaken. When you feel a little offended, why can't you stand it? Are you telling everyone your thoughts? How are these people Christians? When God's true people see others' faults, they should not rumor them.Jesus 'will is for you to cover others' faults.There is no other savior other than Jesus.Why do many church members enjoy rumoring others' faults? How can those who resist Jesus' words go to heaven? How will these people be blessed on earth? When you obey the word of the Lord, God prepares everything for you. I beg everyone to realize this.

예수외에는 구원자가 없다는걸 명심하고 자식들은 부모를 공경하세요. 이게 주님의 첫째되는 계명이에요. 네 부모를 공경하라 그러면 네가 땅에서 잘되고 장수하리라! 비록 별볼일 없는 인생이지만 하나님께 인정받는 자, 이건 그리스도의 신부로써 회개하는 삶을 사는 자, 하나님이 이 자에게 관심이 있는걸 깨닫기를 바랍니다.

Remember that there is no other savior besides Jesus.All children should honor their parents, that is Jesus' command.This is the Lord's greatest commandment, "Honor your parents, and all your things will go well and live long on the earth!"Those who obey God's Word may not be great by people, but God recognizes him.Those who obey Jesus' will and repent are all brides of Christ. All of God's attention is centered on these people.I wish everyone realized this.

2:19 네 악이 너를 징계하겠고 네 반역이 너를 책망할 것이라 그런즉 네 하나님 여호와를 버림과 네 속에 나를 경외함이 없는 것이 악이요 고통인 줄 알라 주 만군의 여호와의 말씀이니라.

Jeremiah 2: 19. Your wickedness will punish you; your backsliding will rebuke you. Consider then and realize how evil and bitter it is for you when you forsake the Lord your God and have no awe of me," declares the Lord, the Lord Almighty.

왜 하나님을 무시할까요? 내 속에 하나님이 없는겁니다. 에덴동산에서 선악과를 따먹고 나도 하나님처럼 될거야! 이건 나도 하나님이야! 이런 뜻이에요. 그래서 사람이 죽게 되면 신격화시켜서 우리 조상이 신이라고 무덤 만들어서 그 무덤 속에 우리 조상이 산다고 생각하기에 거기서 예배드리고 절하고 술 따르고 이러는 겁니다. 절대 어리석은 짓 하면 안되는 겁니다.

Why do many church members ignore God? It is because there is no God in their hearts.In the garden of Eden they ate the fruit that God had forbidden, because they also wanted to be like God.The meaning of this sin is that they sat themselves in God's place.So people are deifying the dead,They think that the dead ancestors have become gods.They bow in front of their ancestors' graves.They think their ancestors live in the grave.So they worship in front of the grave, bow, and pour alcohol.Never do something stupid like this.

하나님이 없는 심령, 다 말라 있습니다. 하나님은 생명 생수에요. 그래서 하나님의 생명수가 내게 들어오면 그 사람은 사는 것입니다. 우리는 아담이후로 다 죽어가고 있어요. 선악과를 따먹은 순간에 영과 육이 다 죽어가고 있습니다. 그래서 육체가 살아있는동안

예수를 잡으면 그 영이 살아나서 생명의 부활체 입고 천국 가게 되어 있는 것입니다.

Spirits without God are like a desert without water. God is the water of life. So when God's water of life enters us, the dead souls are brought back to life.Every human born after Adam has a dead soul. At the moment of eating the forbidden fruit, spirit and flesh were judged by God, and death came. As long as our body is alive, when we realize Jesus as our Savior and repent, our spirit is alive,On the last day, wear a resurrection of life and go to heaven.

여러분 천국가기 위해 예수믿으세요. 다른거 필요없어요. 그리고 순종하면 이땅에서 머리가 되게 해 주신다는데 왜 불순종하냐 이거에요. 순종해서 능력 권능받아서 주님을 위해 쓴다면 얼마나 복되겠습니까? 근데 다들 주님이 주시면 교만해져버려요. 어려움속에서는 주님을 찾다가 문제가 해결되면 또 교만해요. 내가 뭐했어! 그러면서 막 자기를 드러내요. 그러다가 지옥가는 겁니다. 그래서 엎드려 회개할 수 밖에 없는 겁니다.

You must believe in Jesus for the purpose of going to heaven.Do not have any other purpose outside of this.When you are trying to achieve this goal,God makes you the head of people on this earth. Yet, why do many church members disobey the Lord's Word?When we all obey the Lord, receive the power and authority of the Lord, and use it for the Lord, our lives are most blessed.However, most church members become proud when the Lord blesses them.So the Lord's discipline is brought upon him again.When a difficult problem arises, they pray to the Lord, receive the Lord's response, and become proud again when the difficult problem is solved.We must be careful not to repeat this situation.When people get a little better, they ignore God's grace and boast themselves.So many church members go to hell.We must always bow before the Lord and live a life of repentance.

록펠러가 왜 지옥에 있어요? 다 자기 자랑한거지요. 교회마다 록펠러 십일조한 것 자랑하지 않습니까? 성도들 십일조 하라고. 없는 자는 못하는 것이지. 있어도 못하는 자는 악한 거지만 없는데 뭘해요? 없는 자는 교회것 갖다가 먹고 살아야지.

십일조 제도가 뭔데요? 성막해서 일하는 자들, 과부들 고아들 힘없는 자들, 그들 먹이라고 십일조제도를 만들었어요.

Why did Rockefeller go to hell? Those who boast of themselves go to hell.However, many churches now emphasize that Rockefeller gave many tithes to the church.The purpose of teaching it is to have the Saints pay much tithe to the church.However, those who lack the cost of living cannot pay tithing.It is an evil act for a person with a lot of money not to tithe.The very poor need financial help from the church's finances.Why does God have his people keep the tithing system?It was to provide living expenses for those who worked for the tabernacle, widows, orphans, and helpless people.We must realize the purpose of the tithing system.

그런데 지금 뭐합니까? 다 짜서 대형교회 만들어서 성도들은 배고파 죽겠다는데. 그래도 돈만 내라 이겁니다. 이들이 삯군목자, 거짓선지자입니다. 거짓선지자가 뭡니까? 하나님말씀 팔아서 자기 배불리고 자기 명예 높이는 자입니다. 교회 커져보세요. 목사는 별볼일 없는데도 그 목사 대단합니다. 이게 명예에요.

But what is the attitude of the churches now?Large churches do not consider the position of the poor saints, leading the saints to bring only a large offering.These pastors are false prophets.What do false prophets do?The pastors quoted the words of God,The pastor grows the size of the church for himself, earns money from the saints, and raises his honor.When a church is large, the pastor of the church automatically becomes famous.Many pastors want to have this honor.

우리는 이런 것 다 버려버리고 영혼을 위해 사는 자가 되어야 할 것입니다. 하나님을 사랑하는 것은 영혼을 사랑하는거에요. 그래서 죽어가는 영혼들을 보살필줄 아는자, 주님이 축복 능력주시면 그들 찾아가 기도해 주는 자, 이런 자가 되야지, 아니면 자기 자랑하다가 끝나요. 내가 뭐했어 내가 뭐했어! 하긴 뭘해요. 하나님 것이지. 하나님이 우리를 도구로 쓰시는 것 밖에 없어요.

We must abandon these things, but we must be the ones who live for the souls.The way to love God is to love the souls of God's people.The Lord's servants must know to care for dying souls.Those who have received the Lord's grace and power should go to the dying souls and the poor and the weak to help, pray.Many have received the Lord's grace, power, and authority, but after boasting it, they go to hell.They say, "Oh, I have great powers, I have cured many diseases, I have cast out evil spirits."This is not achieved in human power, but in God's grace and power. Humans can never boast of themselves. God is using us as his tool.

전기선을 깔아낳고 여기서 스위치를 올리지 않으면 절대 전기가 들어가지 않아요. 근데 전기선깔아놓고 스위치 올리고 내가 불들어 오게 했어! 그러면 되겠습니까? 원천자를 높여야지. 사랑교인들은 은사 능력 다 폐지시켜 버리고 예수만 높이세요. 그리고 순종하세요. 이 길만이 천국가는 길입니다. 이것이 복음입니다.

For example, if an electric cable is placed in a building and the power switch is not turned on, there is no power in the building.If the electric wire is laid out, the power switch must be turned on to have the light inside the building. Light fixtures cannot boast of themselves.Power plants that send electricity must be praised.God is doing a bigger job than a power plant.No one in our church boast of yourself.Do not boast of your power over you, but exalt Jesus, who gives you all it.And always obey the Lord. Only this way is the way to heaven, the true gospel.

17:13 이스라엘의 소망이신 여호와여 무릇 주를 버리는 자는 다 수치를 당할 것이라 무릇 여호와를 떠나는 자는 흙에 기록이 되오리니 이는 생수의 근원이신 여호와를 버림이니이다.

Jeremiah 17: 13. Lord, you are the hope of Israel; all who forsake you will be put to shame. Those who turn away from you will be written in the dust because they have forsaken the Lord, the spring of living water.

흙에 기록될자가 있고 천국의 생명록에 기록될자가 있어요. 어떤자가 생명록에 기록되요? 예수의 이름으로 사는 자, 회개하는 자입니다. 회개하고 감사할 때 엄청나게 그 이름이 빛이나고 천국의 집이 쫙쫙 늘어납니다. 이 감사 한마디가. 그래서 루시퍼는 원망불평하게 만들고 루시퍼가 영광받고 우리가 고난속에서 감사할 때 하나님이 영광받으시는 겁니다. 근데 감사가 어디있어요? 조금만 어려우면 원망불평하고 그게 지옥가는 통로인줄 모르고. ? 이땅에서 이미 구원받았다고 배웠기 때문에 그렇게 잘못가고 있는 겁니다.

Among the people in the church, there are those who will be written on dust, and his name will be written on the book of life in heaven. What life is recorded in the book of life?Those who live in the name of Jesus, those who repent of their sins, are written in the book of life.When we repent and thank the Lord, our name shines tremendously in the book of life.The heavenly house of the obedient grows every day.Even a word of thanks to the Lord makes the house of heaven bigger. So Lucifer struggles to make the people of God blame and complain.When we complain, Lucifer is honored.When we thank the Lord even in suffering, God receives that glory.Now, there are very few who thank the Lord. Even in the face of small difficulties, most of the members of the church have a lot of resentment and complaints.The life of those who resent and complain is the way to hell.However, many church members do not know this. What is the reason? Because they have learned the false gospel."On this earth, once you confess Jesus as a savior, everyone goes to heaven unconditionally." This is never the truth of the Bible.

구원은 이루어져나가는 겁니다. 그래서 믿음의 결국은 영혼구원이라. 끝까지 믿음을 지킨자입니다. 안디바가 왜 우상숭배 황제숭배하라고 할 때 죽기까지 믿음을 부인하지 않았을까요? 다 죄사함받았다면 부인해버리고 살면되지. 그런데 다른신은 없습니다. 그러고 천국간 것입니다.

Our salvation is done gradually. That is why the Bible uses this expression. The end of faith is the salvation of the soul. Those who keep their faith to the end, on the last day, he completes his salvation.Why didn't Antiba ever worship idolatry, the emperor?He kept his faith even though he was killed, and refused to worship the emperor.He did so to save his soul.If we have already been forgiven for the sins of the future, it would be okay if we deny Jesus and live according to the lusts of the world.He only confessed this to the end. “There is no other God but Jesus.“ so he was martyred and went to heaven.

다른 신은 없어요. 다른신을 인정하는 다원주의 목사 만나게 되면 다 똑같이 지옥갑니다. 지옥가서 내가 목사 잘못만났네! 할겁니다. 어느날 김양환목사가 다른 신을 인정하면 다 썰물처럼 빠져나가야 되는 것입니다. 신은 창조주는 없어요. 예수님밖에.

그래서 흙에 기록될 것인가 아니면 천국에 기록될 것인가 양단간에 결정하세요. 어디에 기록될 것입니까? 생명책에 기록되어야 할 것입니다. 그게 회개에요.

There is no other god outside the Creator.Anyone who follows a pluralist pastor who acknowledges a god other than Jesus as a savior goes to hell with him.These people go to hell and cry, "Oh, I followed a false pastor."Everyone,If I, Pastor Yang-Hwan Kim, acknowledges a god other than Jesus, all of you must escape from me.Only the Creator, Jesus, is God.Will your name be written on the dust? Or will it be written in the book of life in heaven?Of the two, you have to choose one path.Our name must be written in the book of life.One way, only by achieving complete repentance.

죄안짓고 사는 사람이 어디 있어요? 7:20 선을 행하고 죄를 범치 아니하는 의인은 세상에 아주 없느니라. 의인은 없는 겁니다. 그래서 주님께서 십자가에서 피를 흘리셔서 회개만 하면 값없이 죄를 용서해 주는 것 이걸 은혜라고 하는 것입니다. 은혜속에 있기를 축원합니다. 부지중에 죄를 지었습니까? 죄에 걸리지 말고 주여 제가 또 죄를 지었습니다. 용서해주세요! 그러고 믿어버리세요. 죄가 찔리지 않습니까?

Is there anyone who can live without sinning at all? Ecclesiastes 7:20, There is no one righteous in the world who does only good and does not commit any sin.There is no perfect righteous man in the world.Because of that, the Lord shed blood on the cross. By the power of Jesus' blood, if anyone repents, he will be forgiven without paying any price.This is called the grace of Jesus. I pray that all of you will always be in the grace of the Lord. Have you sinned unconsciously? Don't hide your sins. Repent immediately."Lord, I have sinned again, please forgive me." No one should be deep in sins.Believe that what you have sincerely prayed to the Lord has come true. When we sin, the Holy Spirit rebukes our conscience.

율법적인 회개는 죄사함 없습니다. 율법은 지키다가 끝나는 거니까. 은혜가 뭡니까? 내 마음이 찔리는 겁니다. 내가 또 죄를 지었구나 주님 어떻게 하죠? 용서해주세요! 그때 주님께서 염려치 말라, 이미 십자가의 보혈로 네 죄가 사해졌느니라! 다시는 죄를 범치말라!

No one can be forgiven through legal repentance.It is because they do not repent with a sincere heart. Those who are under the law must go to hell,even when he has committed only one sin. But those who are under the grace of the cross are different from them.When we sin, the Holy Spirit pierces my conscience."Oh, I have sinned again. Lord, please forgive me!" Then the Lord speaks. Don't worry, you.I forgave your sins by my blood on the cross. Don't sin again!

그러다가 또 죄를 범하면 어떡합니까? 또 회개합니다. 그러나 축복은 없는 겁니다. 개처럼 또 토하고 먹고. 이런 자는 개와 같은 겁니다. 토하고 먹고 토하고 먹고. 이런 자가 무슨 열매가 있어요? 열매 달릴만하면 톡 떨어져 버리고. 그리고 내년에 또 열리면 톡 떨어져버리고. 그러나 예수를 버려버리고 똥같은 자는 영원히 지옥가서 형벌받는 것입니다.

There are times when we sin again after we are forgiven. So what should we do? We must also repent.When this situation repeats, his sins can always be forgiven, but not blessed.The dog eats the vomit again. Those who repeatedly commit the same sin are living like dogs.Beautiful fruit is not obtained from the life of such a person. Because his beautiful fruit falls before it matures.Fruits begin in summer, but fall before ripening.He who completely forsakes Jesus is a life of shit.All of these go to hell, punished forever.

예수외에는 절대 구원자가 없는데 왜 다른걸 좇아가죠? 돈 명예 권력 자식 아니에요. 바울이 많은 자를 옳은데로 인도하고 지옥갈까 두렵다고 고백한걸 왜 모르냐 이거에요. 내 자신이 예수 안믿고 다른 사람 백날 전도하면 뭐할겁니까? 사랑교인들은 전도하기 전에 내가 예수님과 관계가 회복됐는지 먼저 확인하세요. 그래야 전도할때도 누가 상처주더라도 그걸 감사함으로 갈 수 있어요.

There is absolutely no other savior except Jesus, why do many church members follow the fake savior?Many people love money, honor, power, children, more than Jesus, these people can never be saved.We must ponder Paul's confession."I am afraid that I will go to hell after I have brought many to heaven." If I don't really believe in Jesus and preach the Gospel only to others, there is no benefit to me.Saints in our church, we must keep this in mind. Before you spread the gospel to others, make sure that your relationship with Jesus is restored.The hearts of those who have a right relationship with Jesus are not hurted by others,When you preach the gospel, you are to be persecuted and slandered from opponents.

여러분들은 무엇이 예수믿는 것인지 알아야 됩니다. 이제부터라도 정신차려서 죄악을 끊고 입술을 조심해요. 다 귀신이 붙어서 혓바닥으로 나발나발 다 남얘기. 형제의 눈에 티를 보지 말고 네 눈에 들보를 보라는데 만나서 누군가를 정죄해서 죽여버려요.

Have you clearly realized what it means to truly believe in Jesus? From now on, we all need to be alert, stop sin, and be extremely careful when speaking. Demons stick to our tongue and spread others' faults. Do not look at the dust in your brother's eyes first, but the beam in your eyes.Satan, through your mouth, is struggling to condemn and kill others.

그러면서 여러분이 무슨 기독교인이고 기도하는 교회고 회개를 외친다고 하고 있습니까? 사랑교회 회개의 열매가 나타나야 인정받는 것이지, 여러분조차도 회개치 못하면서 나발나발 남을 정죄하는데 무슨 기독교인이에요? 신앙생활 몇 년 했어요? 내놔봐요. 그게 무슨 자랑인지. 예수님도 지혜가 자랐어요. 지혜가 없으니까 주르르 가가지고 입방아 쪄버리고 어쩌구 저쩌구. 뭐 먹을거 있어요? 다 저주만 뿌리고 저주받고 오는거지.

Still, can you say that you are a Christian, a praying church, and cry out for repentance?Your faith can only be acknowledged when there is fruit of repentance.Those who condemn others without repenting of their own sins are not yet children of God.How many years have you been to church?You must show me the fruits of your faith.Don't brag about going to church for a long time. You must have the fruit of love.It is said in the Bible that Jesus' wisdom grew gradually.Those who do not have the wisdom of the Holy Spirit are wandering from house to house, to reveal the faults of others. These people curse others, and they themselves are cursed.

예수만 생명인걸 깨닫기를 축원합니다. 돈이나 긁어내는게 목삽니까? 다 삯군이지. 돈을 사랑함이 일만악의 뿌리라니까요. 앞에서는 멋있게 설교 잘하는데 뒤에가서는 돈타령이에요. 가난한 자의 심령도 알지 못하고 다 시험들어 교회 떠나고 또 새로운 자가 채워지고 또 돈내고. 사람이 중요합니까? 영혼이 중요해요. 여러분 육체속에영혼. 영혼을 싸고 있는게 무덤이에요 그게 육체에요.

I bless all to believe that Jesus is the Lord of life.It is not the pastor's mission to squeeze a lot of money from the Saints.Many pastors are doing this.Money-loving thoughts are the root of all evil.Many pastors speak very well in the pulpit. However, his mind has a strong desire for money.The pastors do not even consider the positions and difficulties of the poor saints.So many are tempted and leave the church.And new church members fill the church.The pressure to give money to the church continues to be put on the new church members.The salvation of the souls of the Saints is more important than money.There is a soul in the human body.It says in the Bible: The bodies that contain the soul are the graves.

그래서 여러분이 주님 부르시는날 내가 어떻게 발견될 것인가? 회개하는 순간에 천사를 보내서 여러분 영혼을 천국으로 인도하는걸 믿으시길 바랍니다.

So you should not always forget about this."When the Lord ends my life on earth, what will the Lord think and judge about my life?Depending on what the Lord regards me as, my soul will go to heaven or hell.Those who make full repentance at the moment of death enter heaven by angels.The Lord leads the soul of the repentant to heaven.I hope everyone meditate deeply on this.

고전 9:27 내가 내 몸을 쳐 복종하게 함은 내가 남에게 전파한 후에 자신이 도리어 버림을 당할까 두려워함이로다.

1 Corinthians 9: 27. No, I strike a blow to my body and make it my slave so that after I have preached to others, I myself will not be disqualified for the prize.

바울은 그 시대의 석학중의 석학이었어요. 그런데 내 자신을 쳐서. 무엇을 쳐요? 육신의 정욕적인걸 치는겁니다. 혈기도 참고, 갖고 싶어도 배고파도 참는 겁니다. 무엇을 위해서? 복음을 위해서. 예수를 위해서 무조건 참는겁니다. 하나님이 그때마다 바울을 통해서 영광받으셨어요.

Paul was, at the time, the best intellectual, the best doctor among the Bible doctors.But he trained himself to submit to God's will.He suppressed all the lusts of his body, endured what he wanted, and endured hunger.For what did he do this? He sacrificed fleshly desires for the gospel.When Paul unconditionally sacrificed and endured for Jesus, God was glorified through him.

사람은 어쩔 수 없는겁니다. 그래서 바울은 다멕섹에서 예수님 만나고 나서 주님께서 그에게 가시를 줬어요. 사단의 사자가 귀신입니다. 그래서 조금만하면 힘들고 피곤하고 그 몸을 이끌고 복음전파하다가 로마가서 죽었습니다. 이게 복음의 일군들 사자들이에요.

Everyone is weak, and may fall into the temptations of the world. So, after Paul met Jesus on the road to Damascus, the Lord gave a thorn to his body.Satan's soldier is a thorn, a daemon.So Paul always felt tired as he preached the gospel of the Lord.He was tired and preached the gospel to the end.And he was martyred in Rome.Those who live like him are workers of the gospel and servants of God.

나도 너무 힘들어서 주님께 도봉산가서 간구했습니다. 주님 나 좀 고쳐달라고! 그런데 주의 음성은 뭔지 아세요? 내가 너를 구쳐주리라!가 아니라 너는 바울보다 낫지 않느냐? 사랑하는 내 종아! 사돌바울이 얼마나 힘들었길래. 나도 얼마나 힘들면 주님께 간구했겠어요? 국가와 민족과 나라를 위해 기도하는 목사가 주님 좀 고쳐달라고. 단에서는 힘이 팔팔나는데 내려오면 힘이 없고. 그때마다 주님께서 나를 쳐 복종시킨겁니다. 연약한 모습으로.

My body, at first, was very weak and tired. So I went to Dobong Mountain and prayed earnestly to the Lord to restore my body. I prayed, "Lord, please heal my body!"Then the voice of the Lord came to me."Your strength is better than that of the apostle Paul."The Lord never said this, "My dear servant, I will heal your body."I used to think then, how hard the apostle Paul was.At that time, I was so exhausted that I prayed to the Lord so much for my health.When I pray and preach in the pulpit for the nation, the people, and the people of God, my body is full of strength.But when I came down from the platform, my overflowing health quickly disappeared.Every time the Lord humbles me and makes me obey His words.

내가 단에서 팔팔하고 내려가서도 팔팔해 보세요. 얼마나 또 교만하겠습니까? 그래서 주님이 낮춰놓고. 그리고 주님이 사랑하는 종아, 너는 사도바울보다 낫지 않느냐? 이 말에 내가 더 이상 할말이 없습니다. 도대체 바울은 얼마나 힘들었길래. 바울도 주님께 세 번을 간구했을 때 너 받은 은혜가 족하도다! 하셨는데. 너는 바울보다 낫지 않느냐 그 소리에 얼마나 울었는지 모릅니다. 그 뒤로는 병 고쳐 달라고 하지 않아요. 나한테 지울게 있구나!

If I preach with strength on the pulpit, and when I go out of the pulpit, and my strength continues to overflow, my heart can become proud again as in past life.So after I finish preaching, the Lord makes me lower again.The Lord told me. "My beloved servant, your health is better than that of the apostle Paul. Upon hearing this from the Lord, I could no longer pray for my health. Because of how weak the apostle Paul's health was, he had asked the Lord three times for his health.But the Lord said to him. The grace you have received is enough for you. I heard the voice of the Lord's advice, and wept and prayed with thanksgiving. Since then, I have never prayed for my health.

나는 사업하다가 폭력적인 자였어요. 싸움꾼이었습니다. 그렇게 악하게 살았어요. 나중엔 죽을병 걸려서 목탁쳤구요. 그래서 주님의 생각이 저 놈이 또 건강이 회복되면 나가서 또 타락할텐데! 그래서 사단의 가시를 붙혀준 것입니다. 그런데 단에만 서면 20대의 힘으로 일하게 하시잖아요. 바울도 마찬가지입니다. 설교할때는 성령의 힘으로 설교를 얼마나 많이 했습니까?

Before believing in Jesus, I was a businessman, a violent character, so I was a frequent fighter.Then I had a bad life.So I had the disease of death, serving different religions and idols. As a result of many sufferings, I came to believe in Jesus.The Lord knows exactly everything about me.The Lord already knows that when the Lord gives me full health, I can fall again.So the Lord sent me Satan's thorns. Only when I preach at the pulpit, I preach with full force, like a young man in his twenties.However, at the end of the sermon, strong power disappears from me.The apostle Paul was in the same situation.I can preach only by the power provided by the Holy Spirit.

그런데 지금 아무나 목사들이 병들면 하나님의 가시라고 그래요. 기도도 회개도 빠져버린 자들이 무슨 가시입니까? 우상숭배하고 우상의 제물먹고 술먹는 목사들 주님이 진노했는데 죽어가고 있는데 그게 사단의 가시입니까? 기도하고 주님께 목숨을 건자, 변질될까봐 주님이 사단의 가시를 붙힌겁니다. 그런데 아무데나 이 말을 써먹어요.

Now, many pastors have serious illnesses.Pastors say all of them are God's thorns.When ministers who do not repent and try not to obey God's Word are sick, is that God's thorn? That is a wrong expression. There are many pastors who worship idols, eat sacrifices to idols, and drink alcohol. God is destroying these pastors. So many pastors are being judged and dying, going to hell.The pastor on the road to destruction is in a different situation than the pastor with Satan's thorns. Being destroyed is different from receiving Satan's thorns.There are those who pray and risk his life for the Lord,The Lord protects and keeps these people to the end.But to prevent their fall, the Lord sends Satan's thorns to them.Do not say that the other situation is the same.

사랑교인들은 자기를 쳐 복종시키세요. 바울처럼. 주님도 자기를 쳐 복종시킨겁니다. 십자가에 달려서 명령만하면 열두영이나 더 되는 천사들이 쏟아져 내려와서 다 멸해버릴 수 있었습니다. 일군단이 얼만데요? 12군단이면. 열두영이라는 것이 12진영을 얘기하는 것입니다. 진영마다 만명이있고 만 이천명이 있고 다 다르죠. 그 천사가 내려오면 거기가 다 초토화되죠. 천사 하나만 내려와도 초토화되는데.

The saints of our church,Train yourself, obey the Lord's command, as Paul did. Jesus also submitted himself to His Word. When Jesus was crucified, he was able to command the angels to stop their evil deeds.If the Lord commanded, angels of the 12 corps would have immediately exterminated them.A corps has about 10,000-12,000.Had the angels come down, all of them would have been devastated.Even if only one angel descends, the entire enemy is devastated

근데 주님이 자신을 쳐 복종시키신 겁니다. 내가 죽어야 모든 인류를 구원할 수 있다! 내가 죽어 피흘려야만 저들에게 생명을 줄 수 있다! 그래서 끝까지 참아 죽어서 전 인류를 구원해 놓은걸 깨닫기를 축원합니다.

그래서 이제는 예수믿으면 구원얻는다는 이 소리에 나가서 회개만 하면 누구든지 구원받는걸 깨닫기를 축원합니다.

However, the Lord humbled himself and submitted himself to the will of God.The Lord's goal is this. "When I die, all mankind can be saved! My blood can give life to all who believe!"So to the end, Jesus endured the pain of death.Because Jesus died for us, the way of salvation was wide open to all mankind.I hope everyone is clear about this.Only by the grace of Jesus' cross, anyone who believes in Jesus and repents goes to heaven.

그런데 선택된자만 천국간다고요? 거짓말쟁이들. 그러면 본인들은 선택됐는지 안됐는지 어떻게 알아요? 이런 거짓말을 하는 삯군들이 어딨습니까? 교회있다고 다 선택됐습니까? 아니에요. 주님앞에 회개할 때 선택받고 천국가는 것입니다. 예수의 피가 묻어있으면. 구약에는 짐승의피를 갖고 나갔지만 신약에는 예수의피만 있으면 천국문이 열리게 되어 있어요. 이것이 주님의 사랑, 긍휼이에요.

Many say that only those pre-selected can go to heaven.This is not the truth of the Bible, it is a lie.How do those who make these claims know whether they have been chosen by the Lord themselves?

They are lying too badly.Are they chosen because they are in the church? No.The Lord chooses those who repent as the people of heaven.Those who depend on the blood of Jesus in the New Testament, and those who sacrifice in the blood of the beast in the Old Testament go to heaven.Those who have the blood of Jesus and the blood of the beast are those who repent of their sins.Through the blood of Jesus, the door to heaven is to be opened to those who repent.This way of salvation is the Lord's love and compassion.

회개했느냐? 그래 나는 무조건 용서한다! 회개하면 천국가는 것입니다. 꼭 회개하세요, 자기를 쳐 복종시키세요. 이건 자기를 낮추라는겁니다. 어디에 복종? 말씀에 복종 순종하라는 겁니다. 아무데나 복종합니까? 말씀에 안맞는데 목사가 하라고 한다고 합니까? 다 지옥가는 것이지.

This is the Lord's will."All, repent. I forgive those who repent!"So when sinners repent, all of them go to heaven.All of us must obey the Lord, striking our minds.Whipping yourself means lowering yourself.Who should we obey? It is to obey God's Word.Do not obey anything in the world.Do not obey creatures.Obedience to creation is disobedience to God.Even though it does not conform to the Bible, do you follow the pastor's words and thoughts because it is the pastor's sermon?All of these people in the church go to hell.

여러분들이 성경을 보고 성령충만받아야만이 서로 살 수 있는 것입니다. 아빠가 잘못 갈 때 자식이 이건 아니지 않습니까? 서로 알려주고 이끌어 줘야할텐데 그냥 맹목적으로 가요. 눈감고 가요. 목사만 잡으면 천국가요? 뭘 가요? 나중에 세상으로 나가서 지옥가는데.

When you read the Bible and receive the filling of the Holy Spirit, you can lead others to heaven.When parents go the wrong way, his children can tell him the truth."Father, this is not the teaching of the Bible."We must be able to lead each other through the Bible.Are you just blindly going to church?Do you believe in Jesus with spiritual eyes closed?If you hold onto the words and thoughts of a pastor who does not fit the Bible, can you go to heaven?You must be able to discern truth from fakes.Those who do not know the truth will eventually fall and go to hell.

지금 목사들은 돈짜먹어요. 대형교회 성도들이 상담와서 뭐라고 하는줄 아세요? 한 둘이 아니에요. 돈 때문에 신앙생활 못하겠답니다. 얼마나 짜내는지. 주일 수요일 금요일날 구역예배때 뭐 작정 일천번제 번제 절기 뭐 정신이 없어요. 매년 그러니 이젠 질려가지고 자빠지는 겁니다. 여기에 믿음이 있습니까? 있던것도 싹 까먹는 것이지. 이럴때는 싹 빠져서 회개를 외치는 교회에 들어가야 됩니다. 사랑교회도 누군가 후계자로 선다면 이렇게 변질되면 다 나가야 되는 것입니다.

Now, many pastors focus on squeezing the Saints' money.The saints of large churches visit and consult me ​​from time to time.What is their mind conflict?In many cases,They are forced by the pastor to give more money to the church.Their complaining was that because of the money, they could no longer attend their church.Many churches are forcing money from the Saints,Sunday Worship, Wednesday Worship, Friday Night Worship, Cell Meeting, Church Feasts, through many channels.Churches exploit money very often from the Saints.The Saints feel a very heavy burden, and they fall tired.In this situation, the believers' faith cannot grow, and their faith is lost.Quickly they should go to churches that teach and cry out repentance.If I fall like this in our church, you all have to leave here quickly.

천국은 돈이 아니에요. 예수이름 부르고 회개하면 가는 나라가 천국인걸 깨닫기를 축원합니다. 이것이 값없이 구원받는 은혜라는 겁니다. 왜 율법으로 구원받으려고 합니까? 절대 그런 곳이 아니에요 천국은. 예수님의 핏값으로 가는겁니다.

The way to heaven is not through money,Whenever anyone believes in Jesus as Savior and repents of sin, he is supposed to go to heaven.I hope everyone will surely realize how to get to heaven.We are saying that the way of salvation is grace, because we are only going to heaven by faith without paying any money. Why are you trying to be saved under the law? Never think so.By the power of Jesus' blood, when we repent, all sins are forgiven and we go to heaven.

다른곳에 무슨 구원이 있어요? 베리칩에 구원있다고요? 이런 새빨간 거짓말쟁이들. 주님의 핏값을 부정하는 자들. 그들은 지옥가서 능지처참 당할 것입니다. 이건 이단도 아니에요. 똥같은 이단입니다. 말도 안되는 이단입니다. 베리칩받으면 회개해도 지옥간다면 그리스도의 핏값은 뭐냐 이거에요? 예수이름은 뭡니까? 이것이 다른 예수를 믿고가는 겁니다. 속지 말아요. 다른 예수는 절대 없어요.

You can never be saved through any means other than Jesus. Can we be saved through verichip's theory?It is absolutely impossible.It is a false doctrine, against the Word of the Bible.It is the worst sin that denies the grace and power of the blood of the Lord.They will go to hell and be punished the worst.Verichip's doctrine is a shit-like false theory.It is a ridiculous false theory.If, upon receiving the verichip, the repentant goes to hell,The power of Christ's blood will be nullified.Their mouths call on Jesus, but these are those who never believe in Jesus as Savior. Don't be fooled by those who preach the verichip.There is no other savior except Jesus.

하늘에서 내려온 인자 그 분이 전능자 여호와하나님이고 그 분이 부활하시고 보좌에 앉아계셔서 호령하십니다. 그 분이 성령으로 우리에게 오셔서 우리를 지시합니다. 그래서 성령충만받고 성경을 읽게 되면 예수밖에 안나와요. 예수를 만나야 되는겁니다. 여러분 입술에서 뭐가 나와요?

The one who came down from heaven, Jesus Christ is the Almighty God Himself. Jesus rose from the dead and now sits on the throne of heaven, rules over all things and commands all humans.And Jesus is the Holy Spirit, who comes to us and guides us and directs us.So when we are filled with the Holy Spirit and read the Bible, Jesus is clearly realized in our hearts.We all have to meet the living Jesus. What comes out of your lips?

이제부터 정신차려요. 광야에서 원망할 때 불뱀한테 물려죽었어요. 그때 하나님께서 너는 지팡이에 놋뱀을 만들어 달라! 그것을 바라보는 자는 살 것이다! 놋뱀이 바로 십자가상의 예수를 말하는 겁니다. 죄를 짊어진 예수. 루시퍼는 좋아서 껄껄댔지만 그 분이 죽었다가 삼일만에 부활하는순간에 창세기에 기록된것처럼 뱀머리를 밟아버린 겁니다. 십자가 사건은 뱀이 예수님 발꿈치 물어뜯은 사건이고.

From now on, everyone has to wake up.When the Israelites resentd in the wilderness, suddenly snakes appeared and bit them.Then God instructed Moses,"Make a brass serpent and hang it high on the pole.

He who looks at it will heal and live! "The brass serpent was a preview of Jesus hanging on the cross.The scene shows Jesus dying on behalf of humans to forgive all human sins.Lucifer then laughed with great joy.But three days after that, Jesus rose from the dead.At that moment, the prophecy written in Genesis was fulfilled."The snake will bite Jesus' heel, and Jesus will break the snake's head." (The woman's descendants symbolize Jesus.)The crucifixion points to the snake biting Jesus' heel.

왜 여러분들이 회개를 놓쳐요. 회개를 했으면 열매를 맺어야지. 결단해야지. 왜 이렇게 주님의 마음을 아프게 하냐고요. 그만하라고 그래도.

마태복음 4장에 예수님도 마귀가 와서 말씀을 가지고 시험했어요. 그 시험을 통과했을 때 천사가 와서 수종들었습니다. 우리도 똑같아요. 우리도 인자 예수를 믿는 순간에 하나님의 자녀가 되어서 마귀의 시험을 이기면 천사가 와서 수종들게 되어 있어요.

Why do many of you miss the opportunity to repent?He who repents on the lips, in the field of your life, must bear fruit of repentance, that is, live by practicing the word of God.Why do God's people hurt the Lord's heart so much?We have to stop this life.In Matthew 4, the Devil tempted Jesus, and Jesus overcame Satan's temptations.Then angels came to Jesus and attended.Even when we defeat Satan's temptations, angels come and serve and help us.It is the same principle.The moment we believe in Jesus Christ, the Son of Man, Become a child of God.

천사는 복이에요. 타락한 천사 귀신은 저주를 갖고 오지만 하늘의 천사는 축복을 갖고 오는 겁니다. 순종할 때 하늘의 천사가 우리에게 축복을 갖고 온다는 사실을 깨닫기를 축원합니다.

The coming of an angel is a blessing to us.But the demons, the fallen angels, come with a curse.On the other hand, heavenly angels come to us with blessings when we obey the word of the Lord.You must clearly understand this fact.

그래서 나를 날마다 복종시키세요. 말씀에 나를 쳐서 순종 복종시키는 겁니다. 주님이 뭐라고 했어요? 복음전파하다가 누가 왼뺨을 때렸냐? 때리더라도 그를 용서하고 그래도 예수믿으세요! 하면 저가 돌아가면서 저가 누구인가? 맞으면서도 예수를 전파하는 저가 누구인가? 그러면서 하나님께서 그 맘을 돌이켜서 주님께 돌아오게 하는 것입니다.

So we all have to make ourselves subject to the Lord.I must submit myself to the word of the Lord.What has the Lord told us?"When you preach the Gospel, who hit your left cheek? Then, turn your right cheek to him, so that he may hit you more."When you say to him despite your harm, "I want you to believe in Jesus"He becomes curious about you, "Oh, who is he?Who is he who preaches Jesus to me to the end? " At this time, God will move his heart and he will be able to return to the Lord.

나를 날마다 쳐서 죽여야 됩니다. 이 자는 자존심을 꺾어버린 자입니다. 자존심 때문에 교만이 나오는겁니다. 지기 싫어하는 겁니다. 자존심에서 미움 다툼 시기 질투가 나와요. 자존심은 자기 자신을 말하는겁니다. 건드렸다하면 팍팍 나오는겁니다.

사랑교인들은 자존심을 빼버리십시오. 말씀따라 사는자, 이 자는 천국이 보장될 것이고 이땅에서 자자손손 천대가 복 받을 것입니다.

We must lower our own proud heart every day, Break your self-esteem.When we have high self-esteem, we become proud.Minds that don't want to be lower than others,proud creates hatred, contention and jealousy.Pride means one's own existence.Untrained people can't stand when his pride is hurt. Our church saints must throw away your worthless self-esteem, and be eager to live according to the word of the Lord.For this life, the Lord guarantees heaven, Even he and his descendants are blessed by the Lord.

이 복이 중요한게 아니에요. 이 복받아서 주님의 영광위해서 쓰라는 것이지 주님 떠나서 세상 사랑하는 자 다 지옥이에요. 우리교회도 복받아 미끄러진 자들을 보세요. 없을때는 신앙생활 잘하다가 하나님이 복주시니까 어떻게 되요? 미끄러져요. 그래서 고난을 통과하고 복을 받아야만이 진짜 주님을 찾는다는걸 또 깨달은 겁니다. 그냥 아무나 복받는게 아니구나! 편하니까 결국 미끄러지는구나. 기도생활도 쉬고 빠져버리고 주일도 어영부영하고 나중에 뚝 떨어져요.

There is something more important than having a lot of money and abilities.It is more important for those who have been blessed by the Lord to use them for the glory of the Lord.Everyone who leaves the Lord and loves things in the world is supposed to go to hell.Among the people of our church, after receiving many things from the Lord, there are those who have fallen, leaving the Lord. When he was poor, he zealously prayed to the Lord.But when the Lord blessed him, he loved the world and left the Lord.So, after training and suffering, we must be blessed.Then, we can keep the Lord's blessings to the end.Please remember this principle.If an untrained person is blessed, he cannot keep it.Eventually, because of the blessing, he loses his faith.Do you know what happens when untrained members are blessed? He neglects daily prayers, and he doesn't even care about Sunday worship.After more time, he stops coming to church on Sunday.

주님은 자신을 죽인자까지도 사랑했어요. 우리 인간은 그게 안되지만. 그러나 주님 닮아서 나를 죽이려는 원수까지도 사랑해야 되는 겁니다. 이것이 믿음이고 성경인걸 믿으시고 날마다 나를 쳐서 복종시키세요.

Jesus loved even those who crucified him.Humans cannot do that.But we should try to follow the Lord.When there is someone who wants to kill me, we must love the enemy.This life is keeping faith, the Bible teaches us about it.Every day you have to control yourself and submit yourself to the word of the Lord.

여러분 누가 꼴보기 싫은 사람이 있습니까? 축복해 주세요. 그 빈 평안이 거기에 머물수 있는 자가 된다면 거기 갈것이고 아니면 여러분에게 돌아올 것입니다. 평안이 뭔데요? 축복이에요. 모든 것이 형통한 겁니다. 아무리 축복받아도 평안이 없고 불안하면 어떻게 되요? 그건 평안이 아니에요. 평안이 오면 모든게 다 와버린겁니다. 하늘나라가 온겁니다. 하늘의 평안. 평안하소서! 지금 평안하시길 축원합니다.

are you hating about meting someone?The mind must be fixed quickly.Bless him for his peace, from now on.When you bless him, if he is worthy to receive it, he is blessed. But when he doesn't deserve it, the Lord will return the blessing to you.when you pray for the peace of others, God will make all of you prosperous.If the one who owns a lot has no peace and lives in anxiety, He was not yet blessed by God.When peace comes, all blessings are already upon you.The kingdom of heaven has come to you.Peace in heaven, I wish you all peace now.

벧전 3:21 물은 예수 그리스도의 부활하심으로 말미암아 이제 너희를 구원하는 표니 곧 세례라 육체의 더러운 것을 제하여 버림이 아니요 오직 선한 양심이 하나님을 향하여 찾아가는 것이라.

1 Peter 3: 21. and this water symbolizes baptism that now saves you alsonot the removal of dirt from the body but the pledge of a clear conscience toward God. It saves you by the resurrection of Jesus Christ,

지금 많은 사람들이 세례받았다고 하는데 얼마나 타락합니까? 세례받은자가 술먹고 담배피우고 음란합니까? 세례받은 자가 자기 아내두고 다른 여자 취합니까? 자기 남편 두고 다른 여자 찾습니까? 세례받는 순간에 내 죄성은 물속에서 죽은거에요. 수장된거에요. 물속에서 나오는 순간에 주님과 연합한 것입니다. 이제는 내 마음이 하나님을 찾아 따라가는 겁니다. 이것이 세례에요.

Many people are now fallen after being baptized.A baptized person drunken, smokes, commits obscene sin.The baptized deceive his wife, enjoying pleasure with other women.Or enjoy pleasure with other men without knowing her husband.Do you think these people are believers in God?What does baptism mean?At the moment of baptism, it is to abandon the sinful nature of man.His old life is dead and buried in water.When he comes out of the water, he is united with the life of the Lord.From then on, it means that he is baptized to seek only God and follow only the word of the Lord.

그럼 세례안받고 죽으면 지옥입니까? 착각하지 마세요. 회개해야 되는 겁니다. 강도가 세례받고 천국갔나요? 무슨 감사 십일조 했습니까? 아니에요. 나와 나는 동일한 죄인이다, 저분은 죄가 없다! 당신나라 임하실 때 주여 나를 기억하소서! 예수믿고 회개하고 천국믿고 천국간걸 믿으시기 바랍니다. 이 사람이 부끄러운 구원이에요. 마짐막 죽음앞에서 예수 실토하고.

When he dies without baptism, is he going to hell? It is not so.Don't be mistaken.Whether baptized or not, only those who repent are supposed to go to heaven.The robber beside Jesus' cross, did he go to heaven after he was baptized?After giving a gift of gratitude or tithing to the church, did he go to heaven?Because he went to heaven?He didn't do that at all.He said to another robber next to him. "You and I are the same sinners, but Jesus is not guilty at all!"And he prayed to the Lord." Lord, when you go to the kingdom of God, remember me. "He believed in Jesus as the Savior, repented, and believed in the reality of heaven. As a result, he entered heaven. I pray that everyone will believe this.This man was saved without the reward of heaven.Just before his death, he confessed Jesus as the Savior, and only his soul was saved dramatically.

세례요한은 회개하라 천국이 가까이 왔느니라! 내 뒤에 오시는 분을 믿으라! 그 분이 예수란 말입니다. 그리고 세례요한이 목이 잘려 죽고 나서 예수님도 하신 말씀이 회개하라 천국이 가까이 왔느니라! 그런데 어떻게 이땅에서 과거 현재 미래 죄사함 받았다고 말하죠?

John the Baptist also exclaimed this. Repent, "Heaven is coming near to us, and believe in Him who comes after me! He is the Savior Jesus." John the Baptist was martyred after preaching the news, and his head was cut off. Since his death, Jesus preached the same gospel. "Everyone, repent, Heaven is at hand!" The Bible always teaches this gospel. But too many are teaching the false gospel. "On this earth, when you confess Jesus as the Savior only once, your past, present, and future sins are completely gone." This is a very bad lie.

13:3절에 18명이 망대에 치여 죽었잖아요? 그때 제자들이 저들은 무슨죄로 죽었습니까? 아니라, 너희도 회개치 아니하면 다 이와같이 망하리라! 이게 무슨 말이죠? 주님하고 같이 있는데도. 너희도 회개치 아니하면 망한다. 이땅에 있는 동안 죄를 지을 수 밖에 없다. 그때마다 회개하라 그러면 내가 너희를 용서해 줄 것이다! 이 뜻입니다.

It is written In Luke13:3 that 18 people died in an accident where the tower collapsed. Then when the accident became known, Jesus mentioned the cause of their death.What do you think of the cause of their death?If you do not repent, you will perish like them.The disciples live with the Lord.Nevertheless, Jesus said, "If you do not repent, you will perish like them."All who live on this earth cannot escape sin completely.So there is no perfect righteous man.So everyone must repent every day.We are living in sin, but those who always have lives of repentance are always forgiven by the Lord.This is the Lord's will, an unchanging promise.

사랑교회도 맨날 기도하고 회개한다 하지만 몇 명이나 가겠어요? 맨날 입으로 귀신에게 쓰임받는데. 그렇게 자랑하고 싶습니까? 예수를 자랑해요. 예수외에는 구원이 없어요. 살아도 죽어도 먹어도 예수! 예수 예수 예수 예수! 예수가 빠져버리면 뭐가 있어요? 안꼬없는 찐빵이지. 허울만 좋은거지.

Our church holds prayer meetings every evening.How many of our saints can go to heaven?Some are still used by the daemon.Do you still want to brag about yourself?Do not boast of humanity, but of Jesus.There is absolutely no other savior other than Jesus.Whether you live or die, and eat or not, you must boast of Jesus, Jesus! Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus! It has no value where Jesus is not. That are like waterless wells

교회 목사 성도 숫자자랑하다가 다 지옥가서 잘못배웠다고, 지옥가서 믿는 자들이 이구동성으로 나 목사한테 잘못 배웠어요, 예수님 진짜있네! 회개하세요 회개하세요! 이게 가짜란 말입니까? 천국지옥 예수 회개빠지면 다 가짜에요 지금 나오는거. 천국지옥간증 보세요. 회개하라고 어디 나옵니까? 몇마디 나오다가 다 천국지옥 본 것, 내가 이렇게 봤어! 다 자랑이지요. 근데 회개하라 예수외에는 구원자가 없다! 이게 진짭니다. 이게 성경이니까. 얼마나 많아요 가짜가. 가짜를 보고 다 좇아가요.

The saints are proud of their pastors, boasting a large number of church members, and going to hell.Realizing their fault in hell, they are crying like this."Oh, when I lived in the world, I learned wrong.My pastor taught me false things and wrong things. "It was the real truth to believe in Jesus and follow Jesus' words.All who live in the world,Repent of your sins. Repent.Do you think those in hell are crying for fakes?The core of the gospel is the reality of heaven and hell, Jesus is the only Savior, and repentance of sin.The sermons without this core gospel are fake gospels.Many are now testifying of Heaven and Hell.But they all do not speak of the importance of repentance.Those who testify emphasize only that they have seen heaven and hell. These testimonies boast of themselves, not the realities of heaven and hell.the purpose of testifying of Heaven and Hell must be "Repent, there is no other savior but Jesus!" This testimony fits the teachings of the Bible.However, many church members hear fake testimonies and follow them.

돈많이 내면 복받는다고. 무슨 복입니까? 우리 영혼의 복은 회개할 때 받는걸 주의 이름으로 축원합니다.

아무것도 걸리지 말고 예수만 잡아요. 예수외에는 보이면 안됩니다. 5:39 너희가 성경에서 영생을 얻는줄 생각하고 성경을 상고하거니와 이 성경이 곧 내게 대하여 증거하는 것이로다. 성경은 예수에 대해서 증거하는 책이란 말입니다.

Pastors say that if you give a lot of money to the church, you will receive many blessings.Do you think this sermon is biblical?This does not fit the teachings of the Bible.The blessing of the soul is received when we repent.I pray in the name of the Lord that everyone will realize.Don't follow other words.Follow only Jesus' words.We only have to rely on Jesus.Don't focus on anything other than Jesus.John 5: 39.You study the Scriptures diligently because you think that in them you have eternal life. These are the very Scriptures that testify about me,

1:8 오직 성령이 너희에게 임하시면 너희가 권능을 받고 예루살렘과 온 유대와 사마리아와 땅 끝까지 이르러 내 증인이 되리라 하시니라.

Acts 1: 8. But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes on you; and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth."

성령받으면 예수의 증인되는 겁니다.

살아있는 동안에 죄를 지을 때 즉시로 회개하세요. 회개치 못해서 주님의 진노가 임하는 겁니다. 사랑교인들은 꼭 회개하고 천국들 갑시다.

다른 것 다 때려치워야 천국가요.

Those who have received the Holy Spirit are witnesses of Jesus.While living, repent immediately whenever you sin.When we cannot repent, the wrath of the Lord comes.All of our congregations must repent and go to heaven.Throw away the theories and false ideas outside of Jesus' words, to go to heaven.

나는 상상할 수 없는 지옥을 보여주셨고 지금 사랑교회에 보여주는 지옥을 믿냐구요? 한국에서는 이단삼단 정죄하는데 외국에서는 난리가 났어요. 외국에 사는 목사님들이 막 질문하고 여기 오신다고 하고. 지금 성경을 다시 보는 목사님들이 많이 있고.

The Lord showed me the reality of hell that humans cannot possibly imagine.At the command of the Lord, I am spreading the reality of Heaven and Hell to the world.However, not many accept this.In Korea, many pastors say my testimony and preaching are heresy.Some people want to meet me and want to hear more of my testimony.Pastors in other abroad are calling or visiting me.Many say that they hear the testimony of Heaven and Hell, have a new heart, and read the Bible again.

사랑교회는 예수외에는 절대로 구원자가 없습니다. 한번 못을 박아 봅시다. “예수외에는 절대로 구원자가 없어!! 다른 신은 없어!!” 절대로 우상숭배하지말고, 돈 명예 권력 좇지말고, 자기 자신을 바울처럼 복종시켜서 주님 말씀을 좇아 가시기 바랍니다.

We can never admit that there are other saviors besides Jesus.Let us swear once more.“There is absolutely no other savior but Jesus! Never worship idolatry, don't follow money, honor and power.Let us submit ourselves to the Lord, like Paul.Please follow the word of the Lord.

3:2우리가 다 실수가 많으니 만일 말에 실수가 없는 자면 곧 온전한 사람이라 능히 온 몸도 굴레 씌우리라.

James 3: 2. We all stumble in many ways. Anyone who is never at fault in what they say is perfect, able to keep their whole body in check.

말많이 하려면 예수 전하세요. 예수의 생명으로 싸버려요. 이제 땅의 것을 바라보라 고개를 들라는데도 지금도 땅의 것을 바라보고 이걸 가르치니.예수만 잡아요. 그 핏값으로 죄사함받고 천국가는 겁니다. 그 이상은 다 가짜에요. 무조간 100% 가짜에요. 구원받을 이름은 예수밖에 없어요. 이것을 듣고서 명심해서 깨닫고 천국까지 침노하시길 주의 이름으로 축원합니다.

Do you want to talk a lot to people?Then spread the love and grace of Jesus to people.Surround your life with the life of Jesus.From now on, do not cling to things that belong to the earth.Why do those who have listened to the Lord's words continue to be attached to things in the world?Our sins are forgiven by the grace and power of Jesus Christ, and we go to heaven.Everything else outside this truth is fake, 100% are fakes.The only name that saves us is Jesus.Those who have realized the truth should always keep this in mind. you all, force to go into heaven. I bless you all in the name of the Lord.


  이전글 : 1/2 Don't fall, those who lose the chance of repentance go to hell! 타락하지 마라, 회개의 기...
  다음글 : Call of famous people in Hell!(지옥에서 유명인들의 외침)