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  제  목 : Por favor clame por el evangelio del arrepentimiento 제발 회개를 외쳐줘요! 조회수 : 515
  작성자 : Barnabas 작성일 : 2020-12-20

제발 회개를 외쳐줘요!

Por favor clame por el evangelio del arrepentimiento

Please cry out for the gospel of repentance


"그 누구도 천국과 지옥을 믿지 않는다. 이것을 전해야 되느니라. 나의 백성들이 지옥으로 우슬우슬 떨어지고 있구나.

내가 왜 이렇게 많은 지옥을 많은 지옥을 보여주는지 아느냐? 지옥을 믿지 않기 때문이다. 내가 어마어마하고 엄청난 지옥을 믿으라고 지옥을 보여주었느니라. 근데 많은 자들이 타락해 가는구나!

(Palabras de Jesús)

“Ahora, pocas personas reconocen y creen la realidad del cielo y el infierno. Por eso este evangelio debe ser predicado al mundo: Mi pueblo está cayendo en el infierno, son comunes con la caída de las hojas caídas al suelo en el otoño. ¿Sabes por qué estoy mostrando tantas realidades del infierno? Es porque mi gente no reconoce la existencia del infierno. La razón por la que le muestro a la gente las realidades tan miserables y terribles del infierno es para hacerles creer esto y volver a mí. Pero muchos están cayendo aún peor.

(Words of Jesus)

“Now, few people acknowledge and believe the reality of Heaven and Hell. That is why this Gospel must be preached to the world, and my people are falling into hell like the lepers of autumn. Do you know why I'm showing so many realities of hell? It is because my people do not acknowledge the existence of Hell. The reason I show people the so miserable, terrible reality of Hell is to make them believe this and return to me. But many are falling even worse.

사랑하는 딸아 너는 나를 실망시키지 말아라. 아무것도 염려치 말라. 강하고 담대하라! 그 무엇도 바라보지 말고 맛보지도 말고 만지지도 말라. 오직 나만 바라보고 가라. 강하고 담대하게 나를 외쳐다오!

 Querida hija, Muchos me han decepcionado. Pero no debes decepcionarme. No se preocupe por nada. ¡Sé fuerte y audaz! No mires a nada más que a mí, no pruebes, no toques. Tienes que vivir mirándome solo a mí. Predica a Jesús con fuerza y ​​valentía.

Dear daughter, Many have disappointed me. But you must not disappoint me. Don't worry about anything. Be strong and bold! Do not look at anything other than me, do not taste, do not touch. You have to live by looking only at me. Preach Jesus with strong and boldness.

너는 지옥을 보고가서 다 전하라. 배가 암초에 걸리듯이 많은 어려움이 올 것이다. 그러나 아무것도 염려치 말라 내가 그 암초를 다 제거해 주리라. 오직 너는 성령의 충만함을 받으라."

 Mira el infierno, vete y debes predicarlo todo. Te llegarán muchas dificultades como si un barco estuviera atrapado en un arrecife. Pero no se preocupe por nada. Eliminaré todos los arrecifes. Solo debes estar lleno del Espíritu Santo ".

See hell, go and you must preach it all. A lot of difficulties will come to you as if a boat is caught on a reef. But don't worry about anything. I will remove all the reefs. You must only be filled with the Holy Spirit."

(지옥에서 망자)

"여기가 지옥이야. 여기가 지옥이야! 이런 엄청난 지옥을 믿지 않기 때문에 이곳에 오나봐요. 이렇게 엄청난 지옥, 너무나 엄청난 지옥이기 때문에 다들 믿지 않나봐!"

(El que cayó al infierno dice)

"Esto es el infierno. Estoy en el infierno. Vine a este infierno porque no reconocí la existencia de este terrible infierno. La escala y el castigo del infierno es tan enorme, tan enorme que nadie parece creer en la realidad del infierno ".

(He who fell into hell says)

"This is hell. I am in hell. I came to this hell because I did not acknowledge the existence of this terrible hell. The scale and punishment of hell is so enormous, so enormous that no one seems to believe in the reality of hell."

(축구 경기장같은 형벌장소인데, 위에서는 주먹만한 유황불이 비가 오듯이 떨어지고, 저수지에 까만물이 있어요. 그 까만 물 속에 사람들이 있어. 한쪽에는 저수지고 한쪽에는 운동장이야. 양쪽에서 형벌을 당해요.

 (Es un lugar de castigo como un estadio de fútbol. Aquí, un fuego de azufre del tamaño de un puño cae del cielo como lluvia. El agua negra se llena en un lugar como un depósito. La gente está parada en el agua negra. Y por otro lado, es como un patio de recreo. Se me muestran dos lugares de castigo.

(It is a punishment place like a soccer stadium. Here, a fist-sized sulfur fire falls from the sky like rain. Black water is filled in a place like a reservoir. People are standing in the black water. And on the other side, it's like a playground. Two places of punishment are shown to me.

사람들이 주먹만한 유황불을 피해 다니는데 피한다고 피하는데 등에 떨어지고 머리에 떨어져버려. 불이 머리에 붙어버려. 얼굴크기만한 유황불이 붙어버려. 사람이 머리를 잡고 막 기겁을하고 비명을 지르면서 돌아다니는데, 너무 뜨거우니까 까만물에 머리를 담그니까 머리가 녹아버려요. 머리를 넣었다고 뺐는데 머리가 녹아서 목까지 밖에 없어요. 수많은 사람들이 그 유황불을 피해 다녀요

 Montones de fuego de azufre del tamaño de un puño caen sobre la gente. Todos luchan por evitarlo. Pero nadie puede evitarlo. El fuego de azufre cae sobre sus espaldas y sobre sus cabezas. Sus cabezas están ardiendo. También cae un fuego de azufre del tamaño de una cara. La gente oscurece la cabeza y grita. Tienen tanto calor que sumergen la cabeza en agua negra. Inmediatamente sus cabezas se derriten y desaparecen. Cuando levantan la cabeza, no tienen cabeza y solo tienen cuello. Miles de personas están tratando desesperadamente de evitar el fuego de azufre.

Clumps of sulfur fire the size of a fist are falling over people. Everyone struggles to avoid it. But no one can avoid it. Sulfur fire falls on their backs and on their heads. Their heads are burning. Sulfur fires the size of a face also fall. People scream as they hold their heads. They are so hot, soak their heads in black water. Immediately their heads melt and disappear. When they raise their heads, they have no heads and only necks remain. Thousands of people are struggling desperately to avoid lumps of sulfur fire.

저 밑에는 동굴 같은 곳이 있는데 바닥이 뱀으로 쫙 깔려버렸어. 바닥이 뱀 자체에요. 벽도 다 뱀이야. 위에는 천장에는 불이 막 이글이글거려요. 불이 파도가 밀려오듯이 확 붙어 버려요)

Hay un lugar parecido a una cueva allí abajo, y el piso está cubierto de serpientes. El suelo de la cueva en sí es de serpientes. Las paredes también están llenas de serpientes y el techo brilla con llamas. Las llamas se precipitan como olas y las queman.)

There is a cave-like place down there, and the floor is covered by snakes. The cave floor itself is snakes. The walls are also full of snakes, and the ceiling flashes with flames. The flames rush like waves and burn them.)

"지옥이 이런 곳인데 아무도 믿지 않아. 지옥을 믿지 않기 때문에 회개를 하지 않는거야. 목사님들이 회개를 가르치지 않아. 왜 이렇게 지식적으로만 가는거야. 성경에서 무엇을 파고 무엇을 찾는거야? 양떼들이 죽어가고 있다구요. 영혼들이 죽어서 지옥에 떨어지는데 목사님들이 뭐하는거야!

“El infierno es tan miserable y realmente existe. Pero nadie admite la realidad del infierno. Debido a que no creen en el infierno, no se arrepienten de sus pecados. ¿Por qué los pastores no enseñan a la congregación que deben arrepentirse de sus pecados? ¿Por qué los pastores están enseñando conocimientos humanos a la congregación? A través de la Biblia, ¿qué estudian los pastores y qué quieren ganar? Muchos rebaños están muriendo porque no se arrepienten de sus pecados. Innumerables almas han muerto y están cayendo al infierno. ¿Qué están haciendo los pastores en esta situación urgente?

“Hell is so miserable, and it really exists. But no one admits the reality of Hell. Because they do not believe in hell, they do not repent of their sins. Why don't pastors teach congregation that they must repent of their sins. Why are pastors teaching their congregation about human knowledge? Through the Bible, what do pastors study and what do they want to gain? Many flocks are dying because they do not repent of their sins. Countless souls have died and are falling into hell. What are the pastors doing in this urgent situation?

다들 나처럼 지옥에떨어지네 ~~ 이런 지옥이 있는데 믿지를 않아 믿지를 않아~ 내가 이렇게 고통스러워요 너무 고통스러워 너무고통스러워~~~

 나 좀 꺼내줘요. 예수님 잘못했어요. 내가 회개를 모르고 살았어요. 회개가 이렇게 중요한건지 몰랐어요. 나는 입으로만 시인하면 되는줄 알았어. 누가 내 영혼을 보상해 줄거야!"

 Todos están cayendo al infierno como yo ~~ Este terrible infierno existe realmente, ¿y por qué no todos lo creen? ¿Por qué no lo cree? Oh, sufro tan severamente, tan dolorosamente. No soporto este dolor, tanto dolor. Estoy tan adolorido ~~~ Por favor, sácame de aquí. Jesús, estaba equivocado. Viví sin arrepentirme de mis pecados.

No sabía que arrepentirse del pecado era tan importante. Pensé que si admitía a Jesús como Salvador solo con mi boca, iría al cielo. ¡Quién pagará mi resentimiento! "

Everyone is falling to hell like me~~ This terrible hell really exists, so why doesn't everyone believe it? Why don't you believe it? Oh, I suffer so severely, so painfully. I can't stand this pain, so much pain. I am so in pain~~~ Please take me out of here. Jesus, I was wrong. I lived without repenting of my sins. I did not know that repenting of sin was so important. I thought that if I admitted Jesus as Savior only with my mouth, I would go to Heaven. Who will pay for my resentment!"

(이 여자집사님이 여기(덕정사랑교회) 앉아있는 사람들을 다 봐요, 여기 있는 사람들을 다 보면서 애걸해요. 내 손 한번만 잡아 달라고)

 (Esta diácono en el infierno ahora está mirando a los santos sentados en la iglesia Deokjeong Sarang. Al ver a todos los miembros de la iglesia, suplica así).

(This female deacon in hell is now watching the saints sitting at Deokjeong Sarang Church. Seeing all the members of the church, she is begging like this.)

내 손 한번만 잡아줘 봐요. 나는 나가야돼, 나가야 돼. 세상에 이런 곳이 있다니. 이런 곳이 있다니. 나 좀 꺼내줘요. 내가 너무아파요. 너무 억울해.

 “Por favor, toma mi mano una vez. Tengo que salir de aquí. Debo salir del infierno. ¿Cómo podía existir un lugar tan terrible? ¿Por qué existía un lugar así? Por favor, sácame. Estoy muy enfermo. Soy tan injusto

“Please hold my hand only once. I have to get out of here. I must go out of hell. How could such a terrible place exist? Why did such a place exist? Please take me out. I am so sick. I am so unfair.

왜 회개를 가르쳐 주지 않은거야. 이 시대사는 목사들이 뭐하는거야. 회개 좀 가르쳐요. 그랬다면 내가 여기 안오는데...귀신들이 무서워 하는게 뭔데? 루시퍼가 귀신들이 깜짝 깜짝 놀라는게 뭔데? 하나님의 일을 방해하다가 하던 일을 중단하고 깜짝 깜짝 놀라는게 뭔데? 회개하고 회개를 외칠때마다 귀신들이 놀라서 도망간다구요. 강단에서 회개를 외칠 때마다 귀신들이 놀라서 뒤도 안돌아 보고 가는데.

 ¿Por qué los pastores no enseñan a los santos que deben arrepentirse de sus pecados para ir al cielo? ¿Qué están haciendo los pastores de esta época? Enséñeles a arrepentirse de sus pecados.

Si los pastores me hubieran enseñado a "arrepentirme del pecado", no habría venido al infierno. Lo que más temen los espíritus malignos es cuando los santos se arrepientan de sus pecados. ¿Cuándo se sorprenderán terriblemente Lucifer y los espíritus malignos? Están interfiriendo con la obra de Dios, y cuando el pastor declara el arrepentimiento del pecado, huyen sorprendidos. Cuando los santos escuchan el sermón de "Arrepentíos del pecado", los espíritus malignos oyen y tienen mucho miedo. Cuando el púlpito de la iglesia clama por el arrepentimiento de los pecados, los espíritus malignos abandonan rápidamente la iglesia.

Why don't pastors teach the saints that they must repent of their sins to go to heaven? What are the pastors of this era doing? Teach them to repent of their sins. Had the pastors taught me "repentance of sin", I would not have come to hell. What evil spirits fear most is when the saints repent of their sins. When will Lucifer and the evil spirits be terribly surprised? They are interfering with God's work, and when the pastor declares repentance of sin, they run away in surprise. When the saints hear the sermon of “Repent for sin”, the evil spirits hear and are very afraid. When the church's pulpit is shouting to repent of sins, evil spirits quickly leave the church.

이 시대 목사님들이 다 썩어 곪아 터져버렸어, 문둥병자인가봐! 나는 이렇게 지옥에 떨어져서 고문에 고문에, 쉴새없이 형벌을 당하는데 이시대 목사님들은 문둥병자가 되어 버렸나봐!

Ahora, muchos pastores se han vuelto tan corruptos que han perdido su sentido espiritual porque son leprosos espirituales. He caído en el infierno y constantemente me someten a torturas y castigos extremos. Sin embargo, los pastores de esta época no creen en la realidad del infierno y ni siquiera pueden reconocerlo, y todos se han convertido en leprosos espirituales.

Now, many pastors have become so badly corrupt, they have lost their spiritual sense because they are spiritual lepers. I have fallen into hell and are constantly being subjected to extreme torture and punishment. However, the pastors of this era do not believe in the reality of hell and cannot even recognize it, and all have become spiritual lepers.

나 좀 꺼내줘. 보고만 있지 말고. 지식에 갖혀 버린 바보들, 성도들은 그걸 원하는게 아닌데 잘 짜여진 말씀이 아니야! 목사님들, 성도들의 심령을 울려야지, 그럴때 회개가 터니는거야!

아무리 잘 짜여진 말씀을 전하면 뭐해. 성도들의 마음을 움직이지 못하는데 성도들의 마음이 시원치가 않은데..."

 Sácame de aquí. No me mires solo. Pastores atrapados en el conocimiento humano, necios, Lo que necesitan los santos no es un sermón bien estructurado. Los pastores deben tocar el corazón de los santos a través de la Palabra de Dios. Entonces los santos pueden arrepentirse de sus pecados. No importa cuán bien organizada se predique la Palabra, si el corazón de los santos no se puede conmover, el corazón de los santos no puede ser renovado ".

Get me out of here. Don't just look at me. Pastors trapped in human knowledge, fools, What the Saints need is not a well-structured sermon. Pastors must touch the hearts of the saints through the Word of God. Then the saints can repent of their sins. No matter how well-organized the Word is preached, if the hearts of the saints cannot be moved, the hearts of the saints cannot be cooled.

(이렇게 위에서 내가 쳐다보는데 밑에 돌들이 쫙 깔려있고 사람들이 열십자로다 누워 있어요. 그 돌바닥에 작두 칼날을 다 깔아놨어요. 사람들을 거기에 눕혀놨어요. 피가 돌 밑으로 떨어지는데, 밑에서는 뱀들이 그 피를 먹고 재래식 화장실에서 구더기가 꿈틀거리듯이 손가락 크기만한 실뱀들이 꿈틀거려요. 너무 징그러워. 돌 밑에 바닥들은 전부 뱀이에요)

 (I'm looking down from the top. There are stones on the floor, and people are lying down here. There are many blades installed on the stone floor. People are lying on the blade. A lot of blood flows down the stone floor. Numerous snakes are eating the blood. This scene is as if the maggots wriggle in an old conventional toilet. Finger-sized thread snakes wriggle. It looks so disgusting. The stone floor is covered with numerous snakes)

(Estoy mirando hacia abajo desde arriba. Hay piedras en el suelo y aquí hay gente acostada. Muchas espadas están instaladas en el suelo de piedra. La gente yace sobre espadas afiladas. Mucha sangre fluye por el suelo de piedra. Numerosas serpientes se comen la sangre. Este espectáculo es como si los gusanos se movieran en un viejo inodoro convencional. Se mueven serpientes de hilo del tamaño de un dedo. Parece tan repugnante. El suelo de piedra está cubierto de numerosas serpientes)

"나는 이런 곳이 싫어! 싫어! 너무 아파요. 너무 아파요, 너무 아파요. 예수님 너무 아파요.

 "¡Odio tanto este lugar! ¡Lo odio! Oh, estoy tan enferma. Tan enferma, tan enferma. Jesús, estoy tan enfermo.

"I hate this place so much! I hate it! Oh, I am so sick. So sick, so sick. Jesus, I am so sick.

교회들이 책망이 사라져 가고 있네. 그러니 회개를 외칠수 있냐고? 죄를 지적할 수 있냐고? 목사님이 나한테 책망 한 마디만 해 줬다면 이곳에서 고통당하지 않을 수 있었는데... 내 죄를 지적해 주지 않았어요. 내가 이렇게 음란하고 악한데...

 Ahora, los sermones de todas las iglesias señalan los pecados de los santos y no los reprenden. Entonces los miembros de la iglesia no pueden arrepentirse de sus pecados. ¿Por qué los pastores no señalan los pecados de los santos? Si mi pastor hubiera reprendido mis pecados, me habría arrepentido de mis pecados y no habría venido a este infierno. En este infierno no sufriré así. El pastor no señaló mis pecados. En el mundo yo era muy lascivo y malvado ...

All the churches' sermons now point out the sins of the saints and do not reprove them. So the members of the church cannot repent of their sins. Why don't pastors point out the sins of the saints? Had my pastor rebuked my sins, I would have repented of my sins, and I would not have come to this hell. If I had, I wouldn't have to suffer like this in this hell. The pastor did not point out my sins. In the world I was very lewd and wicked...

많은 목사님들을 만났어! 많은 기도도 받았어요. 그런데 목사님들이 돈앞에꼼짝을 못하더군요. 목사님들이 돈, 권력, 명예앞에 꼼짝을 못하더군요. 왜 나는 돈이 너무 많았거든요. 얼마나 내가 교만했겠어요? 남편 무시하고 내가 왕이 되었어요. 그러니까 결국은 지옥이네.

 He conocido a muchos pastores y he recibido muchas oraciones de ellos. Pero todos los pastores sucumbieron a mi dinero. Todos los pastores sucumbieron a mi dinero, poder y honor. Tenía mucho dinero. Yo era una mujer de tanta arrogancia y arrogancia. Ignoré a mi esposo y viví como una reina. Como resultado, vine al infierno.

I have met many pastors, and I have received many prayers from them. But all the pastors succumbed to my money. All pastors succumbed to my money, power, and honor. I had a lot of money. I was a woman of so arrogance and arrogance. I ignored my husband, and I lived like a queen. As a result, I came to Hell.


음란을 끊어야 돼. 나는 음란이 이렇게 아주 아주 질긴 것인줄 몰랐어요. 사탄이 사람들을 가장 쓰러뜨리기 좋은 방법이 바로 음란이야. ? 사람들은 쾌락을 쫓아가거든.

 Debería haber dejado de hacer actos obscenos. Los pensamientos obscenos son los engaños de Satanás demasiado persistentes. La forma más fácil de que Satanás derribe a la gente es mediante la obscenidad. ¿Por qué? Porque muchos persiguen los placeres físicos.

Debería haber dejado de hacer actos obscenos. Los pensamientos obscenos son los engaños de Satanás demasiado persistentes. La forma más fácil de que Satanás derribe a la gente es mediante la obscenidad. ¿Por qué? Porque muchos persiguen los placeres físicos.

목사님들이 왜 이렇게 물질을 밝히고 주머니에 돈이 많은거야? 예수님이 그것을 보고 한탄하고 계시는데. 목사님들이 재산다툼을 하네. 세상사람들이 그걸 보고 예수를 믿겠냐고? 그게 사탄의 방법이야. 예수님보다 물질을 더 사랑하기 때문이야. 가룟유다와 같은 목사님들이야."

 ¿Por qué los pastores buscaban tanto material y tenían tanto dinero? Cuando Jesús los ve, se lamenta de verdad. Los pastores pelean por más propiedades. ¿Cómo los verá el mundo y creerá en Jesús? Esa es la forma de Satanás. Aman el material más que a Jesús. Hay demasiados pastores como Judas Iscariote ".

Why did pastors so seek material and have a lot of money? When Jesus sees them, he really laments. Pastors quarrel for more property. How will the world see them and believe in Jesus? That is Satan's way. They love material more than Jesus. There are too many pastors like Judas Iscariot."

(~~ ~~ 사탄이 뒤에서 누워있는 사람 목을 줄(뱀줄) 같은 걸로 걸어서 쭉 잡아당기는데 목이 얼마나 길어지는줄 몰라. 목의 살들이 찢어줘요. 이 여자집사님이 미쳐 버릴려고 그래요)

 (Ah ~~ Ah ~~ Satanás ata una cuerda de serpiente al cuello de la mujer que yace en el suelo y tira de la cuerda desde atrás. El cuello de la mujer se vuelve muy largo y la carne de su cuello se desgarra. La mujer no puede soportar el dolor y trata de volverse loca).

(Ah~~ Ah~~ Satan binds a serpent's rope to the woman's neck lying on the floor, and pulls the rope from behind. Her neck becomes very long and the flesh of her neck is torn. The woman cannot bear the pain, and she is going crazy.)

"이런 곳이 지옥이야 이런 곳이 지옥이야! 이 지옥에 안 올려면 회개해야 돼.회개만 하면 피할 수 있어. 목사님들 회개를 외쳐요. 잘먹고 잘 사는게 아냐! 육의 복이 아니고 영생의 복이 먼저야! 회개를 외쳐야 돼! 교회마다 회개하라 천국이 가까이 왔다그런 교회는 영적인 교회야!

"El infierno es el lugar para ser castigado así. Este es el infierno. Todos aquellos que no quieran venir a este infierno deben arrepentirse de sus pecados. Cualquiera que se arrepienta del pecado puede escapar de este infierno. Los pastores deben clamar que deben arrepentirse de sus pecados.

Estar sano y tener mucho dinero en el mundo no es el propósito de asistir a la iglesia. No vienen primero las bendiciones carnales, sino las bendiciones de vida eterna para los santos. En cada iglesia, enseñe a los santos que el pecado debe ser arrepentido. "Arrepiéntanse de sus pecados. El cielo está cerca." La iglesia que enseña esta palabra es una iglesia espiritual.

 "Hell is the place to be punished like this. This is hell. All those who do not want to come to this hell must repent of their sins. Anyone who repents of sin can escape this hell. Pastors must cry out that they must repent of their sins. Being healthy and having a lot of money in the world is not the purpose of attending church. Not fleshly blessings come first, but eternal life blessings to the saints. In every church, teach the saints that sin must be repented. “Repent of your sins. Heaven is near.” The church that teaches this word is a spiritual church.

기도많이 한다고 영적인 교회가 아니고 회개를 외치는 교회가 기도 많이 하는교회이고, 진정 예수님의 말씀대로 순종하며서가는 교회야!

 목사님, 나한테 한 말씀이라도 죄를 지적하시지요. 나의 음란한 행실, , 나의 교만함을 지적하시지요.

 Debido a que la iglesia ora mucho, no se la reconoce incondicionalmente como una iglesia espiritual. La iglesia que enseña a los santos a arrepentirse de sus pecados es la iglesia espiritual. Los santos deben orar para arrepentirse de sus pecados. Aquellos que se arrepienten del pecado son aquellos que verdaderamente obedecen las palabras de Jesús, son las iglesias espirituales y agradan a Jesús. Pastor de mi iglesia, debería haberme señalado mis pecados. Mi conducta lasciva, pecado y mi orgullo debían ser señalados, y tenía que arrepentirme de mis pecados.

Because the church prays a lot, it is not unconditionally recognized as a spiritual church. The church that teaches the saints to repent of their sins is the spiritual church. The Saints must pray to repent of their sins. Those who repent of sin are those who truly obey Jesus' words, are the spiritual churches, and please Jesus. Pastor of my church, you should have pointed out my sins to me. My lewd conduct, sin, and my pride had to be pointed out, and I had to repent of my sins.

목사님들이 책망하지를 않아. 미쳤나봐. 말씀은 달달 외우시면서 죄를 지적하지 않아. 무엇을 그렇게 겁내는걸까? 뭐가 그렇게 두려운거야. 하나님말씀보다 더 두렵고 떨리는게 어디있냐고? 목사님들이 사람의 종이야. 하나님의 종이 아니지. 그게 삿군목자야.

 Ahora, los pastores no reprenden a la congregación por sus pecados. Parece que están todos locos. Memorizan mucho la palabra de Dios, pero no señalan los pecados de la congregación. Por eso los miembros de la iglesia no se arrepienten de sus pecados. ¿De qué tiene miedo el pastor? ¿Temen los pastores que los miembros de la iglesia dejen su iglesia? Para los pastores, no hay nada más terrible que rebelarse contra la Palabra de Dios. ¿Por qué los pastores se convirtieron en personas que encajaban con el temperamento y el estado de ánimo de la congregación? Los pastores se convirtieron en siervos humanos. Los pastores deben ser completamente siervos de Dios. Pero están ministrando para ganar dinero.

Now, pastors do not rebuke the congregation for their sins. It seems they are all crazy. They memorize the word of God a lot, but they do not point out the sins of the congregation. That is why church members do not repent of their sins. What is the pastor afraid of? Are pastors afraid that members of the church will leave their church? For pastors, there is nothing more fearful than rebelling against God's Word. Why did the pastors become those who match the temper and mood of the congregation? The pastors were turned into human servants. Pastors must be thoroughly servants of God. But they are ministering to make money.

예수님 내가 잘못했어요. 내가 잘못했어요. 나 한번만 꺼내주세요. 내가 회개를 외칠게요. 회개해야만 천국간다고. 회개가 그렇게 쉬운게 아니라고.

 목사님들이 회개를 너무 쉽게 가르치고 있어. 교회가 천주교가 되어가고 있네. 입으로만 시인하는 회개가 되어가고 있네. 교회들이 천주교바가 되어가고 있네. 신부처럼 편한 사람이 어딨어? 목사님들 제발 신부처럼 되지마. 예수님처럼 되야지.

 Jesús, lo hice mal. Viví mal. Sácame de aquí solo una vez. Saldré al mundo y clamaré a la gente para que todos se arrepientan de sus pecados. Solo aquellos que se arrepienten de sus pecados van al cielo. No es tan fácil arrepentirse de tus pecados. Sin embargo, los pastores están predicando el arrepentimiento del pecado como si fuera demasiado fácil. Las iglesias se están volviendo como el catolicismo. Los miembros de la iglesia admiten y confiesan sus pecados solo con la boca, No es una actitud de arrepentimiento verdadero del pecado. Las iglesias predican como el catolicismo. Los sacerdotes de la Iglesia Católica son los que han dejado la Palabra de Dios y viven con mucha facilidad. Los pastores no deben ser como sacerdotes católicos. Sigue a Jesus

Jesus, I did it wrong. I lived wrong. Take me out of here only once. I will go out into the world and cry out to people that everyone should repent of their sins. Only those who repent of their sins go to heaven. It is not so easy to repent of your sins. However, the pastors are preaching the repentance of sin as if it were too easy. Churches are becoming like Catholicism. Church members admit and confess their sins only with their mouth, It is not an attitude of truly repenting of sin. Churches preach like Catholicism. The priests of the Catholic Church are those who have left the Word of God and live very easily. Pastors should not be like Catholic priests. Follow Jesus

교회가 왜 이렇게 빈곤층이 많은거야? 빈익빈 부익부야. 교회가 가난한 사람들을 돌보지 않아. 교회들이 선교헌금 여기저기 잘 보내면서, 자기 교회 영혼이 가난에 찌들어 죽어가고, 자살할 생각까지 하는데 영혼들을 쳐다보지 않아. 무책임한 목사들! 가장 가난한 이웃들을 돌아봐! 그들이 바로 목사님들의 양떼들이야.

 Hay mucha gente pobre en las iglesias. La diferencia entre ricos y pobres es muy severa entre ellos. Pero las iglesias no se preocupan por los miembros pobres de la iglesia. Las iglesias envían ofrendas misioneras aquí y allá, Pero las iglesias no se preocupan por los pobres en sus iglesias. Los miembros pobres de la iglesia se mueren de hambre, incluso pensando en suicidarse. ¿Por qué las iglesias no ayudan a sus miembros pobres? Hay tantos pastores e iglesias irresponsables. En primer lugar, ayude y cuide a los miembros pobres de la iglesia. Los miembros pobres de la iglesia son las ovejas de Dios que los pastores deben cuidar.

There are many poor people in the churches. The difference between the rich and the poor is very severe among them. But the churches do not care for the poor members of the church. Churches send mission offerings here and there, But churches do not care for the poor in their churches. Poor church members are starving to death, even thinking of committing suicide. Why don't the churches help their poor members? There are so many irresponsible pastors and churches. First of all, help and care for the poor members of the church. Poor church members are God's sheep that pastors should take care of.

이러지마. 이러지마. 회개를 외쳐야 돼. 교회가 책망이 사라져가고 있어서 타락의 물결속에 죄가 너무 누적되어 버렸어. 사탄이 완전히 뒤덮혀 버렸어."

 Los pastores no deberían hacer eso. Iglesias, no hagas eso. Las iglesias deben enseñar y clamar por el arrepentimiento del pecado. Señalar y corregir pecados en la iglesia está casi desapareciendo. Las iglesias se están ahogando en las olas de corrupción y muchos de sus pecados se acumulan. El poder de Satanás cubrió completamente las iglesias y se apoderó de ellas ".

Pastors should not do that. Churches, don't do that. Churches are to teach and cry out to repent of sin. Pointing out and correcting sins in the church are almost disappearing. The churches are drowning in the waves of corruption, and their sins have accumulated so much. Satan's power completely covered the churches and took over."

(루시퍼 보좌가 보여요. ~ 손이 너무 징그러워 아~ 루시퍼가 골똘히 생각해요)

 (Ahora, estoy viendo el trono de Lucifer. Ah ~ Su mano es muy repugnante. Ah ~ Lucifer está pensando profundamente en qué)

(Now, I'm seeing Lucifer's throne. Ah~ His hand is very disgusting. Ah~ Lucifer is thinking very deeply about what)

이 세상이 얼마 남지 않았는데....”

"El fin de este mundo casi ha terminado, ¿qué debo hacer ..."

Lucifer murmuró para sí mismo.

“The end of this world is almost done, what should I do....”

Lucifer muttered to himself.

(루시퍼 생각을 하나님이 읽게 해 주세요)

루시퍼가 어떻게 해야지 더 많은 사람들을 지옥에 데려올까 그것만 궁리해요. 한 사람 한 사람이 아니라 무더기로 어떻게 데려올까 그것만 생각해요.

큰 교회를 노리는 이유가 영혼들이 많기 때문이에요 한꺼번에 데려오려고 해요. 어떻게 하면 인간들이 회개를 못하게 할까 그 궁리만해요. 어떻게 하면 인간들이 죄를 짓고서도 죄책감이 들지 못하게 할까 생각만 해요)

(Dios me deja leer los pensamientos de Lucifer)

Lucifer solo está pensando en traer más gente al infierno. Lucifer está buscando una manera de llevar no uno por uno, sino a un montón de personas al infierno. La razón por la que Lucifer apunta a una iglesia grande es que hay muchas almas allí. Piensa llevarlos a todos al infierno a la vez. Oh, ¿qué debo hacer para que todos ellos no tengan la fe de que deben arrepentirse de sus pecados? Lucifer sigue pensando en cómo. Lucifer está buscando una manera de evitar que los humanos se sientan culpables cuando pecan.

(God lets me read Lucifer's thoughts)

Lucifer is only thinking about bringing more people to Hell. Lucifer is looking for a way to bring not one by one, but a bunch of people to hell. The reason Lucifer aims for a large church is that many souls are there. He thinks to bring them all to hell at once. Oh, what should I do so that all of them will not have the faith that they must repent of their sins? Lucifer keeps thinking about how. Lucifer is looking for a way to keep humans from feeling guilty when they sin.

어떻게 해야 되지.....”

 "Oh, qué debo hacer ..." Lucifer sigue pensando en esto.

“Oh, what should I do....” Lucifer keeps thinking about it.

(루시퍼가 갑자기 일어나는데 손끝에서 채찍이 나오면서 귀신들에게 화풀이를 해요)

 (Lucifer de repente se levanta de su trono, y un látigo sale de la punta de su mano, y golpea a sus hombres, los espíritus malignos, con ese látigo, y se enoja con ellos).

(Lucifer suddenly stands up from his throne, and a whip comes out of the tip of his hand, and he beats his soldiers, the demons, with that whip, and angers them.)

도대체 니네들 뭐하는거야. 이새끼들아!”

 “Hey, ¿qué están haciendo chicos? ¡Esto, hijo de puta! " Lucifer grita así.

“Hey, what are you guys doing? This , O son of a bitch ! " Lucifer screams like this.

(한 영혼이 천국으로 올라가는 것을 보고 귀신들에게 화풀이를 해요)

 (Mientras observa la escena de un alma que asciende al cielo, Lucifer está enojado con sus demonios).

(As he watches the scene of a soul ascending to heaven, Lucifer is angry at his demons.)

야 **의 새끼들아! 저 영혼 누가 놓치라고 했어. 일처리를 그렇게 하고..

빨리 빨리 나가! 한 영혼이라도 데리고 와야 돼. 한 영혼이라고 천국가게 하면 안돼, 놓치면 안돼! 빨리 빨리 움직여! 다 내 나라로 만들어야 돼. 예수님이올 때까지 그때까지 내가 이세상에서 왕이거든.

 “¡Hey, tontos! ¿Por qué perdiste esa alma? ¿Por qué trabajan tan estúpidamente? Sal al mundo rápidamente y lleva incluso un alma más al infierno. De ahora en adelante, asegúrese de que un alma nunca vaya al cielo. No te pierdas ni una sola alma. Muévete rápido, engañales. Todos deberían ser mis sirvientes. Hasta que venga Jesús, yo soy el rey de este mundo.

“Hey, fools! Why did you lose that soul? Why do you guys work so stupid? Go out into the world quickly and bring even one more soul to hell. From now on, make sure that one soul never goes to heaven. Don't miss a single soul. Move fast, deceive them. Everyone should be my servants. Until Jesus comes, I am the king of this world.

나 대왕 루시퍼의 세력들을 온세상에 퍼뜨려라. 음란 세력을 퍼뜨려라, 돈 좋아하는 것들은 돈 좋아하게 퍼뜨려라. 명예좋아하는 자들은 그쪽으로 미혹시켜라. 자 빨리 나가라. 많은 사람들을 미혹시켜라. 그들에게는 내가 어머어마한 상급으로 갚아주리라.

 Yo soy el rey, esparce las fuerzas de Lucifer por todo el mundo. Difunde el poder de la lascivia, Haga que los amantes del dinero sigan más al dinero. Haz que los que aman el honor lo sigan aún más. Utilice todos los medios para engañar a los humanos. Ahora, sal al mundo rápidamente. Engaña a más gente. Les daré una gran recompensa a los que hayan cumplido mi trabajo.

I am the king, spread the forces of Lucifer all over the world. Spread the power of lewdness, Make money lovers more follow money. Make those who love honor more to follow that honor. Use every means to deceive humans. Now, go out into the world quickly. Deceive more people. I will repay those who have accomplished my work with a great reward.

어서어서 움직여라 때가 가까웠다. 큰 교회를 집중공격하라. 큰교회 목사들을 다 사수하라. 내 밥이다. 물질을 사랑하게 만들어라. 지식속에 갚히게 만들어라.?

 Logra mi trabajo rápidamente. Muévete, el tiempo está cerca. Enfocar el ataque a los pastores de iglesias grandes. Toma el control de los pastores de la gran iglesia. Son mi arroz. Hazles amar el mundo y la materia, Inducirlos a sumergirse en el conocimiento humano.

Achieve my work quickly. Move, the time is near. Focus attack on the pastors of mega churches. Take control of the pastors of the large church. They are my rice. Make them love the world and material, Induce them to immerse themselves in human knowledge.


(목사님에게 귀신이 말함)

왜 우리들의 정체를 자꾸 드러내는거야. 왜 그러는거야. 뭔 원수가 졌길래 이러는거야. 이곳에서 우리도 살아야 되잖아. 우리가 빠져나가면 갈 곳은 지옥밖에 없는데 왜 이러는거야. 우리도 좀 살게 해 줘야지. 왜 이렇게 죄를 지적하는거야. 우리가 살수가 없잖아. 우리 정체가 드러나잖아. 제발 그러지마 왜 자꾸 이러는거야.

 (Un fantasma habla con el pastor Yang-Hwan Kim)

“¿Por qué sigues revelando nuestras identidades? ¿Por qué nos molestas? ¿Me estás haciendo peor como tu enemigo? También tenemos que vivir aquí. Si nos echas de este lugar, nuestro único lugar al que ir es el infierno. ¿Por qué nos haces esto? Tienes que estar de acuerdo para que podamos vivir aquí también. ¿Por qué señala tan mal los pecados de la congregación y los hace arrepentirse? Cuando los miembros de la iglesia se arrepienten de sus pecados, no podemos vivir en ellos. Porque toda nuestra identidad se revela. Por favor, ya no deberías hacer eso. ¿Por qué intentas revelar nuestra identidad?

(A ghost speaks to Pastor Yang-Hwan Kim)

“Why do you keep revealing our identities? Why do you bother us?

Are you making me worse as your enemy? We also have to live here. If you drive us out of this place, our only place to go is hell. Why do you do this to us? You have to agree so that we can live here too. Why do you point out the sins of the congregation so badly and make them repent? When church members repent of their sins, we cannot live in them. Because all of our identity is revealed.

Please, you shouldn't do that anymore. Why are you trying to reveal our identity?

자꾸 죄를 지적하는 목사는 밥맛없어. 그러면 회개를 하기 시작하잖아. 지옥가서 우리가 어떻게 형벌을 받는데 ... 우리는 사람보다 더 한 형벌을 받는데. 협정을 하던지 제발. 너도 힘들잖아. 우리가 무슨 협정을 하자. 그러면 니네 교인들 공격안할게.

 Odiamos al pastor que señala y se arrepiente de los pecados de la congregación. Cuando los santos se arrepienten de sus pecados, no podemos permanecer en ellos, debemos ir al infierno y debemos ser castigados tremendamente por Lucifer. El castigo que reciben los demonios es peor que el de las personas. Sería bueno que tuviera un acuerdo razonable entre usted y nosotros. También es muy difícil para ti seguir haciendo esto. Si cede con moderación a nuestras demandas, tampoco atacaremos a los miembros de su iglesia.

We hate the pastor who points out and repents of the sins of the congregation. When the saints repent of their sins, we cannot abide in them, we must go to hell, and we must be punished tremendously by Lucifer. The punishment that demons receive is worse than that of people. It would be good for you to have a reasonable agreement between you and us. It is very difficult for you to keep doing this too. If you give in moderation to our demands, neither will we attack the members of your church.

우리가 죄를 지적하는 교회에 있을 수가 없어. 무서워서 못살겠어. 견딜수가 없어. 죄를 회개하는 인간들은 싫어! 회개 안하는 인간들이 나는 너무나 좋고 사랑스러운데 왜 이렇게 내 사랑을 안 받을려고 그러는거야. 회개하는 것들은 너무나 밥맛없고 재수없어.

 Nosotros, los espíritus malignos, no podemos permanecer en la iglesia que se arrepiente del pecado. Le tenemos miedo y no podemos soportarlo entre ellos. Odio a los humanos que se arrepienten de sus pecados. Los miembros de la iglesia que no se arrepienten de sus pecados nos hacen sentir muy cómodos. Por eso amamos mucho a los que no se arrepienten de sus pecados. ¿Por qué su iglesia trata de no recibir mi amor? Los miembros de la iglesia arrepentidos son desagradables y desafortunados para nuestros espíritus malignos.

We evil spirits cannot remain in the church that repents of sin. We are afraid of it and cannot bear it among them. I hate humans who repent of their sins. Church members who do not repent of their sins make us very comfortable. That is why we very much love those who do not repent of their sins. Why does your church try not to receive my love? The repentant church members are unsavory and unlucky to our evil spirits.

그러니까 빨리 빨리 다 나가라는 거야. 죄를 지적하지 않는 교회로 다 나가란 말이야. 그래야 니네들도 살고 우리도 살지. 우리 서로 상부상조하자. 니네들도 힘들고 우리들도 힘들어. 너무 힘들다. 죄를 지적하지 않는 곳에 가면 너무 편하게 살텐데..

 죄를 지적하는 교회는 많지 않아.왜 목사들이 사람의 종이거든 사람의 눈치를 보거든. 하나님의 영광보다 사람의 영광을 밝히거든."

 Por lo tanto, esperamos sinceramente que todos los miembros de la iglesia vayan a una iglesia que no señale el pecado. De esa forma, ellos están cómodos y nosotros estamos cómodos. Quiero que nos ayudemos unos a otros. La situación actual también es difícil para ti y también lo es para nosotros. Estamos tan duros ahora. Si los miembros de su iglesia van a una iglesia que no señala el pecado, estaremos muy cómodos. Muy pocas iglesias señalan los pecados de los santos y se arrepienten de ellos. Por otro lado, demasiadas iglesias no señalan los pecados de sus miembros. ¿Por qué es así? La razón es que muchos pastores se han convertido en siervos humanos. Los pastores de hoy no pueden reprender a la congregación por sus pecados, sino que hacen que la congregación se sienta bien y tratan con todo su corazón de complacer sus oídos. Estos pastores no buscan la gloria de Dios, sino que tratan de obtener su propia gloria. "

Therefore, we sincerely hope that all members of the church go to a church that does not point out sin. That way, they are comfortable and we are comfortable. I want us to help each other. The current situation is difficult for you too, and it is difficult for us too. We are so hard now. If the members of your church go to a church that does not point out sin, we will be very comfortable. Too few churches point out the sins of the saints and repent of them. On the other hand, too many churches do not point out the sins of their members. Why is it that way? The reason is that many pastors have become human servants. Today's pastors cannot rebuke the congregation for their sins, but instead, they make the congregation feel good, and they work with all their heart to please their ears. Such pastors do not seek the glory of God, but try to obtain their own glory. "

(지옥에서 망자)

"내가 괴로워요 이곳에서 나갈 수가 있다면 한번만 기회를 예수님이 주신다면 내가 열심히 회개하겠습니다. 입으로만 회개하는게 아니라 마음으로 진실로 진실로 통회하고 자복하고 죄를 자르겠습니다. 죄와 상관없는 생활을 하겠습니다. 형식적으로 신앙생활하지 않고 진정으로 예수님을 믿겠습니다. 마음으로 시인하겠습니다.

(Una persona en el infierno)

"Soy tan doloroso. Si pudiera salir de este lugar, si Jesús me diera una oportunidad, viviría en arrepentimiento. No me arrepentiré de los pecados solo con mi boca, sino que con un corazón genuino, cortaré todos mis pecados. Viviré sin pecado. No viviré una vida falsa de fe y realmente creeré en Jesús. Verdaderamente admitiré a Jesús como mi Salvador.

(A person in hell)

"I'm so painful. If I could get out of this place, if Jesus gave me one chance, I would live in repentance. I will not repent of sins only with my mouth, but with a genuine heart, I will cut off all my sins.

I will live without sin. I will not live a false life of faith, and I will truly believe in Jesus. I will truly admit Jesus as my Savior.

내가 입으로만 예수님을 믿었나봐. 그래서 내 안에 예수님이 없었나봐. 나는 예수님이 내안에 있다고 생각했는데... 그래서 내가 돈이 많아서 목사님을 쥐고 흔들었나봐. 그런데 목사님이 내 돈앞에 꼼짝을 못하네. 하나님말씀앞에 꼼짝 못하는게 하니라, 내 부, 명예, 권력앞에 꼼짝을 못하네.

 Creí en Jesús solo con mi boca. No había Jesús en mí. Pero solía pensar que Jesús habita en mí, fue mi error. Solía ​​tomar el control de mi pastor a través del poder de una gran cantidad de dinero. El pastor estaba abrumado por el poder de mi dinero y no podía moverse. El pastor debe ceder a la Palabra de Dios. Pero el pastor se rindió a mi dinero, honor y autoridad.

I believed in Jesus only with my mouth. There was no Jesus in me. But I used to think that Jesus dwells in me, it was my mistake. I used to take control of my pastor through the power of a lot of money. The pastor was overwhelmed by the power of my money and couldn't move. The pastor must yield to God's Word. But the pastor surrendered to my money, honor, and authority.

(~ 이 집사님이 얘기하는데 사탄이 순식간에 불타는 석탄을 입에 집어넣어버려요. 연기가 막 나요 귓구멍, , , , 머리에서도 연기가 나요. 입을 다물지 못해. ~~~ ~~~ 그 집사님 소리를 질러요. 그 상태에서 얘기를 해요)

(Ah ~ dice el diácono, Satanás rápidamente le puso carbones encendidos en la boca. Sale humo por los agujeros de las orejas, los ojos, la nariz y la boca. El humo también sale de su cabeza. Ella no puede cerrar la boca. Ah ~~~ Ah ~~~ Incluso en tal situación, la diácono de la iglesia está hablando.)

(Ah~ The deacon says, Satan quickly put burning coals in her mouth. Smoke comes out, through her ear holes, eyes, nose and mouth. Smoke comes out from her head as well. She can't shut her mouth. Ah~~~ Ah~~~ Even in such a situation, the female deacon of the church is talking.)

~~ 뜨거워서 못살겠네, 뜨거워서 못살겠네. 지옥은 내가 뿌리는대로 거두는구나. 세상에서 뿌린대로 내가 형벌로 거두는구나! 내가 말 함부로 하고 시험, 상처주고 그랬더니, 남 험담하고 당을 지었더니 내가 이렇게 고문당하는구나! 악을 뿌리니까 지옥에서 악을 거두는구나! 악을 뿌리면 안되는구나! 너희들 입조심해야지.. 입조심해야지...그러다가 사단에게 속고 홀랑넘어간다. 결국은 내가 뿌린대로 고문 당하는구나!”

 “Ah ~~ Hace tanto calor que no puedo soportarlo, hace demasiado calor que no puedo vivir. La tortura y el castigo del infierno es donde cosecho lo que planto. Las cosas que hice mal mientras vivía en el mundo, en el infierno, las estoy cosechando como castigo. Estoy siendo torturado así por lo que dije, por lo que lastimé a otros, por lo que calumnié, por ser partícipes, por todos mis pecados. En el mundo planté el mal, y ahora, en el infierno, recibo el castigo por el pecado para siempre. Nadie debería plantar el mal, ten cuidado con lo que dices. Cuidado con tu boca, cuidado con tus palabras. Los que no tienen cuidado al hablar son engañados por Satanás y vienen al infierno. Soy torturado en el infierno por el mal que sembré ”.

“Ah~~ It's so hot that I can't stand it, it's too hot that I can't live. Hell's torture and punishment are where I reap what I plant. What I did evil while living in the world, in hell, I am reaping as punishment. I am being tortured in this way for the things I said, the things I hurt others, the things I slandered, the facts that I had committed, and all my sins. In the world I planted evil, and now, in Hell, I receive the penalty for sin forever. No one should plant evil, be careful what you say. Be careful your mouth, be careful your words. Those who are not careful when speaking are deceived by Satan and come to Hell. I am tortured in Hell for the evil I have sown.”

말 좀 해줘봐요, 여기가 지옥 맞지요? 여기 지옥맞지요?”

 "Respóndeme. ¿Es este el infierno aquí? ¿No es este el infierno?

“Answer me. Is this hell here? Isn't this hell?”

(저쪽에 있는 사람에게 이쪽에 있는 사람한테도 물어봐요. 목사님에게도 물어봐요. 누구하나 대답 안해줘요. 다 고문당하기 때문이야. 다 예수믿다가 지옥에 떨어진 사람들이에요)

(Le pregunta a la persona de allí, a la persona de aquí y al pastor, pero nadie puede responderle, porque todos están siendo torturados severamente. Todos fueron a la iglesia, pero creyeron en Jesús de la manera incorrecta, así que todos cayeron al infierno)

(He is asking the person over there, and the person over here, and the pastor, but no one can answer him, because everyone is being severely tortured. All of them went to church, but they believed in Jesus the wrong way, so everyone fell to hell)

아무리 지옥이라도~ 이런 지옥이 있을줄이야!”

"Incluso si esto es el infierno ~, ¿cómo se pueden infligir a la gente estas terribles torturas y castigos?"

“Even if this is hell~, how can these terrible tortures and punishments be inflicted on people?”

(~~ 사람을 긴탁자 앉혀 놨는데 손가락을 탁자위에 올려놨어요. 어떤 사람은 사탄이 도끼로 손가락을 내리치고, 어떤 사람은 팬치로 손톱을 뽑아 버리고, 어떤 사람은 손가락을 비틀어 버리는데 손톱 빼는 소리가 들리는데 너무 듣기 싫어! 어떤 사람은 발가락을 툭 잘라버려요. 어떤 사람은 혀를 쭉 잡아당기는데 혀가 너무 너무 길어요. 가위로 혀를 싹뚝 잘라버려요. 이 사람 얼굴을 어떻게 설명할 수 없어요)

 (Ah ~~ La gente está sentada en la mesa larga. Se colocan dedos humanos sobre la mesa y Satanás los corta con un hacha. A algunas personas se les arrancan las uñas y a otras se les retuercen y rompen los dedos. Se escucha un ruido al arrancar las uñas. Odio escucharlo. A algunas personas se les cortan los dedos de los pies. A alguien le sacaron la lengua, muy larga, y le cortaron con unas tijeras. El rostro de sufrimiento de este hombre no se puede expresar con mis palabras).

(Ah~~ People are seated on the long table. Man's fingers were put on the table, and Satan cut them off with an ax. Some people's fingernails are plucked, and some people's fingers are twisted and broken. A noise is heard plucking nails. I hate to hear it. Some people's toes are cut off. Someone's tongue was pulled, very long, and cut with scissors. This man's suffering face cannot be expressed in my words.)

(사탄이 그 사람보고 말해요)

 “너 세상에 있을 때 남의 말 많이 했잖아 이 새끼야! 어떠냐? 맞이. 우리한테 속은줄도 모르고 이 바보야

 (Satanás le habla)

“Cuando estabas en el mundo, difamabas mucho a los demás. ¡El hijo de puta! ¿A qué sabe a ser torturado ahora? En ese momento, ni siquiera sabías que te engañamos. tu estupido"

(Satan speaks to him)

“When you were in the world, you slandered others a lot. The son of a bitch! How does it taste like being tortured now? At that time, you didn't even know you were fooled by us. you stupid"

(세상에서 뿌린대로 고문을 받아요. 어떤 사람은 인두지지는 걸로 지지는데 사람 살이 이글이글 타들어가요.

어떤 사람은 긴 침을 온머리에, 얼굴에, 눈속에도, 혀속에도 꽂아놨어요. 피가 줄줄줄 나요.

(Las cosas que las personas sembraron en el mundo se cosechan al ser torturadas en el infierno. Algunas personas sufren quemaduras en la faringe y la carne de esa persona se quema. Algunas personas tienen largos alfileres de hierro incrustados por todo el cuerpo, la cabeza, la cara, los ojos, la lengua. Fluye mucha sangre.

 (The things people sown in the world are reaped by being tortured in hell. Some people are burned by the pharynx, and that person's flesh is burned. Some people have long iron pins embedded all over his body, his head, his face, his eyes and his tongue. A lot of blood is flowing.

또 고문장소가 있는데 사람들을 일렬로 쭉 앉혀놓고 전기를 머리에만 통하게 해 놨어요. 손을 뒤로 묶어놨는데 서로 마주보게 해 놨어요. 머리 쪽에서 전기가 통하는데 바비큐타는 냄새가 나요. 사람들이 여기저기서 이구동성으로 얘기해요)

 Hay otro sitio de tortura. Aquí, la gente está sentada en fila. Cables eléctricos fuertes les tocan la cabeza. Tienen las manos atadas a la espalda. Están uno frente al otro. Una fuerte corriente fluye de los cables que tocan sus cabezas. Hay humo y olor a barbacoa ardiendo. Dicen mientras son severamente torturados)

There is another torture site. Here, people are seated in a row. Strong electric wires are touching their heads. Their hands are tied to their backs. They are facing each other. A strong current flows from the wires that touch their heads. There is smoke and the smell of barbecue burning. They say while being severely tortured)

세상에 이런 곳이 지옥이라니... 여기가 지옥이야. 지옥이 맞는거야? 믿고 싶지가 않아!”

 “Oh, esto es el infierno ... esto es el infierno. La tortura del infierno es tan severa. ¡No quiero admitir esto! "

“Oh, this is hell... this is hell. Hell's torture is so severe. I don't want to admit this!”

(~~ 큰 사탄이 사람을 뱅뱅 돌리는데 꽈배기 돌아가듯이 돌아가버리고, 저쪽 편에서는 귀신둘이서 사람을 완전히 빨래짜듯이 짜버리니까 피가 쭉 나오는데 장기들이 즙짜듯이 나와버려요.

~ 또 어떤데는 사람을 통바베큐 하듯이 꽂아서 돌려요.

또 형벌장소가 보이는데 목욕탕 비슷한 물인데 뜨거운 물인데 사람하나만 담글 수 있어요. 사람들 누워놓고 손과 발을 쇠고랑 채워서 움직이지 못해요. 그 사람이 얘기를 해요)

 (Ah ~~, un gran fantasma malvado retuerce a una persona como una maraña. Y del otro lado, dos fantasmas malvados torturan a una persona, y la hacen girar como si estuviera tejiendo ropa, y sale mucha sangre, Sus órganos se exprimen como jugo y sale del cuerpo. Ah, y algunas personas son perforadas por una barra de hierro y están girando como una barbacoa. Se ve otro lugar de castigo. Contiene agua caliente como una bañera. Es el tamaño que le queda a una persona. Con un hombre acostado en él, sus manos y pies estaban esposados, no podía moverse en absoluto. Esa persona esta hablando)

(Ah~~ ,A big evil ghost twists a person like a tangle. And on the other side, two evil ghosts torture a person, and they spin it like weaving laundry, and a lot of blood comes out, His organs are squeezed like juice, and it flows out of the body. Oh, and some people are pierced by an iron bar and are rotating like a barbecue.

Another place of punishment is seen. It contains hot water like a bath tub. It is the size that one person fits. Putting the man in it, his hands and feet are clad in his handcuffs, he is completely immobile. That person is talking)

여기가 지옥이야. 예수믿고 회개치 못하고 지옥에 오니까 더 한 형벌을 받네! 예수님 잘 믿다가 지옥에 오니까 더한 형벌을 받네. 차라리 예수믿지 말걸! 이래도 저래도 지옥이네!

 "Esto es el infierno. Creí en Jesús, pero no me arrepentí de mis pecados. Soy castigado en el infierno con más severidad que un incrédulo. Cuando los que creen en Jesús van al infierno, son castigados con mayor severidad. Habría sufrido menos si no hubiera creído en Jesús. Todos los que han asistido a la iglesia o no, que no se arrepienten de sus pecados, deben ir al infierno.

“This is hell. I believed in Jesus, but I did not repent of my sins. I am punished more severely in hell than an unbeliever. When those who believed in Jesus come to Hell, they are punished more severely. I would have suffered less if I had not believed in Jesus. All who have attended church or not, who do not repent of their sins, must come to hell.

그러니까 회개를 외치는 교회를 들어가요. 큰 교회라도 좋아하지마! 너희들의 영혼이 죽어가고 있어! 지옥으로 지옥으로 지옥으로 사탄이 조금씩 끌어당기고 있어!

그러니까 목사님 보지말고, 교회 큰것보지 말고, 작은 것 보지 말고, 오직 회개를 외치고, 죄를 지적하고, 책망을 하는 교회로 들어가! 그것만이 살길이야! 아무리 기도 많이 한다고 회개치 않으면 지옥인데 무슨 소용이야!”

 Entonces, todo el que quiera ir al cielo debe ir a una iglesia que les enseñe a arrepentirse de sus pecados. No me gusta porque su iglesia es una iglesia grande. Tus almas están muriendo. Satanás está tirando de esas almas poco a poco, al infierno, al infierno, al infierno. Satanás los conduce poco a poco. Así que no mires el nombre famoso del pastor, no mires la iglesia grande, no mires la iglesia pequeña, busca una iglesia que te enseñe a arrepentirte de los pecados solamente. Encuentre una iglesia que señale los pecados de las personas y las reprenda. Esa es la única forma en que puedes vivir. Aunque rezan mucho, todos aquellos que no se arrepienten de sus pecados vienen al infierno. La oración de los que no se arrepienten de sus pecados no tiene valor ”.

So, everyone who wants to go to heaven must go to a church that teaches them to repent of their sins. Don't like it because your church is a big church. Your souls are dying. Satan is pulling those souls little by little. To hell, to hell, to hell. Little by little Satan leads them. So don't look at the famous name of the pastor, don't look at the big church, don't look at the small church, look for a church that teaches you to repent of sins only. Find a church that points out people's sins and rebukes them. That's the only way you can live. Even though they pray a lot, all those who do not repent of their sins come to Hell. The prayer of those who do not repent of their sins is of no value.”

(사람을 동태 말리듯이 일렬로 쭉 머리를 줄로 꿰놨어요. 사람들이 완전히 말랐어요. 좀비같애요. ~ 너무 많아!)

 (Las cabezas de las personas colgaban de cuerdas en fila como si se secaran un pescado abadejo. La gente está completamente seca. Parecen zombis. Ah ~ ¡Hay demasiadas personas bajo esta tortura!)

(People's heads hung on a rope in a row as if drying a pollock fish. People are completely dry. It looks like a zombie. Ah~ There are so many people under this torture!)

한경직목사님도 결국 왜 지옥에 왔는데? 결국 회개를 외치지 않았어. 당신조차도 회개치 못했어. 자기 지식 자랑하다가 끝나버렸어. 그게 교만이라는거야.

지식 속에서는 결국 교만이 나올 수 밖에 없어. 성령으로 가는 사람은 순종으로 나오거든. 순종 뒤에는 바로 회개라는거야. 그 사람들이 회개만했다면 그곳을 피할 수 있었을 거야.

 “El pastor Kyung-Jik Han también finalmente llegó al infierno. Eso es porque incluso el pastor famoso no predicó que los pecados deben ser arrepentidos. Incluso el pastor mismo no se arrepintió de sus propios pecados. Era un pastor respetado de una gran iglesia, pero solo se jactaba de sus conocimientos. Tal comportamiento es arrogante. El conocimiento humano es, después de todo, arrogancia.

Aquellos que son guiados por el Espíritu Santo van por el camino de la obediencia. Los que obedecen al Señor son los que se arrepienten de sus pecados. Todos aquellos que se arrepientan del pecado pueden escapar del infierno.

“Pastor Kyung-Jik Han also finally came to Hell. That's because even the famous pastor did not preach that sins should be repented.

Even the pastor himself did not repent of his own sins. He was a respected pastor of a large church, but he boasted only of his knowledge. Such behavior is arrogant. Human knowledge is, after all, arrogance. Those who are led by the Holy Spirit go the path of obedience. Those who obey the Lord are those who repent of their sins. All those who repent of sin can escape Hell.

목사님들 정신차려. 많은 양떼들을 천국으로 인도하고 자기 자신이 구원받지 못한다면 무슨 소용이야! 내 자신은 지옥으로 떨어진다면 그것처럼 억울한게 어딨겠어? 하나님일 열심히 한다고 했는데, 충성하고 봉사하고 했는데, 내 자신은 구원 못받는다면 그것처럼 억울한게 어디있겠어?"

Pastores, estad alerta. Si un pastor lleva muchas ovejas al cielo, pero él mismo no es salvo, ¿qué beneficio le aporta ese ministerio?

Si el pastor mismo cayera en el infierno, nada sería más injusto para él que eso. Los pastores trabajaron mucho para Dios, fueron leales y sirvieron Si el pastor mismo va al infierno, no habrá nada más injusto que eso ".

Pastors, be alert. Even if a pastor leads many sheep to heaven, if he himself is not saved, what benefit does such a ministry do to you?

If the pastor himself fell to hell, he would do nothing more unfair to him than that. Pastors worked a lot for God, were loyal, and served If the pastor himself goes to hell, he will have nothing more unfair than that.”

"아무리 아무리 기회를 달라고 그래도 두 번 다시 기회가 없는곳이 이곳 지옥이야."

 전해주세요! 아무리 천국과 지옥이 막힌다고 그래도 전할건 전해야 돼. 전하지 않는 사람에게는 예수님이 핏값을 물어! 제발 전해주세요! 회개하라 천국이 가까웠다고!!

 "No importa cuánto ruegues, no importa cuánto le pidas al Señor la oportunidad de arrepentirte de tus pecados, el lugar donde no puedes tener esa oportunidad es el infierno". Deja que la gente sepa esto. No importa cuántas personas se opongan a los sonidos del cielo y el infierno, Pero esta noticia es algo que se debe comunicar a la gente. Aquellos que conocen la realidad de este infierno pero no predican serán juzgados por el Señor. Jesús le pedirá el precio de la sangre de Jesús. Por favor, predique el evangelio de la vida: "¡Arrepiéntanse de sus pecados, el cielo está cerca!"

"No matter how much you plead, no matter how much you ask the Lord for an opportunity to repent of your sins, the place where you can't have that opportunity is hell." Let people know this. No matter how many people oppose the sounds of Heaven and Hell, But this news is something that must be communicated to the people. Those who know the reality of this hell but do not preach will be judged by the Lord. Jesus will ask him for the price of Jesus' blood. Please, preach the gospel of life, "Repent your sins, heaven is near!"

회개하는 사람은 천국을 소유할려고 하는 사람들이야. 그러니까 회개를 맣이 해요! 죄를 지적, 책망한다고 시험들지 말고 그런 교회에 있다는 것을 성도님들 감사하세요. 회개를 외치는 목사님 목사님한테 붙어 있어요. 그것만큼은 천국으로 가는 확률이 너무 높거든...

 Los que se arrepienten de sus pecados son los que buscan poseer el cielo. Entonces, arrepiéntete diligentemente de tus pecados. Cuando el pastor señala y reprende los pecados de los santos, Los santos no deben rechazar el sermón. Los santos deben sentirse muy agradecidos por asistir a una iglesia así. Los miembros de la iglesia deben estar unidos a un pastor que les enseñe a arrepentirse de sus pecados. Es muy probable que los que lo hagan vayan al cielo.

Those who repent of their sins are those who seek to possess heaven. So, diligently repent of your sins. When the pastor points out and rebukes the sins of the saints, The saints should not reject the sermon. Saints should feel greatly grateful for attending such a church. Church members should be attached to a pastor who teaches them to repent of their sins. Those who do so are very likely to go to heaven.

나처럼 돈, 명예앞에 꼼짝 못하는 그런 목사님 만나서 죄 한 번 지적 못당하고, 책망한 번 받지 못해서 교만해지고, 음란하고 회개치 못한 나처럼 되지 말아요!

 Conocí a un pastor falso. Bajo un pastor que sigue el dinero y el honor, viví una vida de fe. El pastor nunca señaló mis pecados, nunca reprendió mis pecados. Entonces me volví tan orgulloso, arrogante y obsceno. Y no me arrepiento de mis pecados. Nadie debería ser como yo.

I met a false pastor. Under a pastor who follows money and honor, I lived a life of faith. The pastor never pointed out my sins, he never rebuked my sins. So I became so proud, arrogant and obscene. And I did not repent of my sins. No one should be like me.

(하나님 감사합니다. 영광받아 주시옵소서)

(Gracias a Dios, por favor recibe toda la gloria)

(Thank God, please receive all the glory)


  이전글 : (Lucifer) ¿Aprendes a amar en extrema traición?(루시퍼) 극한 배신속에서 사랑을 배우느냐?
  다음글 : Sobre el sonido del cielo y el infierno (스페인어 / 천국과 지옥 소리에 대하여)