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  제  목 : .No ofrezca servicios conmemorativos por los muertos. 추도예배에 다 걸렸어 조회수 : 565
  작성자 : Barnabas 작성일 : 2020-11-04

.추도예배에 다 걸렸어

.No ofrezca servicios conmemorativos por los muertos.

.Do not offer memorial services for the dead.

이 시간에 지옥을 열것이니라~

너희는 액면그대로 본대로 그대로 얘기하라.

더하지도 말고 빼지도 말고 지옥의 실상을 본 그대로 전하라.

교회다닌다고 다 구원받는다고 아느냐? “

"A partir de este momento, verás la realidad del infierno ,Dile a la gente exactamente lo que ves. No sumes ni restes de lo que ves. Predica la realidad del infierno al mundo tal como es. ¿Crees que todo el que va a la iglesia es salvo?

“From this time on, you will see the reality of Hell. Tell people exactly what you see. Do not add or subtract from what you see. Preach the reality of hell to the world as it is. Do you think that everyone who goes to church is saved?



지옥에 교회 다닌 목사님들, 성도들, 장로, 권사들이 바글바글해요.

교회 다닌다고 다 구원받는 줄 아는데 그게 아니라고.

예수 잘 믿으세요. 예수 잘 믿으세요. 확실하게 믿으세요.

교회나간다고 다 구원받는다고 거짓말 하지마. 거짓말 하지마.

교회나가면 다 천국간다고 다 거짓말이야. 진짜 잘 믿어야 돼.

(Un monólogo en el infierno)

En el infierno, hay mucha gente que fue a la iglesia, pastores, ancianos, diáconos, miembros laicos. ¿Sabías que los que van a la iglesia son salvos incondicionalmente? Eso es un gran error. Cree bien en Jesús. Cree de verdad, confía en Jesús con certeza. Es una mentira infernal decir que si vas a la iglesia serás salvo incondicionalmente. No mientas así. No digas que todos los que solo van a la iglesia irán al cielo. Es una mentira. Solo aquellos que verdaderamente creen en Jesús van al cielo.

(A monologue in hell)

In hell, there are many who have attended church, pastors, elders, deacons, lay members. Did you know that those who go to church are unconditionally saved? That's a big mistake. Believe in Jesus well.

Really believe, trust Jesus with certainty. It is a hellish lie to say that if you go to church you will be saved unconditionally. Don't lie like this. Don't say that everyone who only goes to church will go to heaven. It is a lie. Only those who truly believe in Jesus go to Heaven.

회개하는 삶을 살면서 진짜 예수 잘 믿어야 천국가는거지 교회다닌다고 아니야. 거짓말하지마. 거짓말 하지마. 그러면 나 여기 안왔어. 나 여기 안왔어.

나는 주일이면 새벽부터 나가서 식당봉사했단 말이야. 나는 봉사란 봉사는 다 쫓아다니면서 열심히 했고, 새벽예배도, 기도생활도 열심히 했고, 남에게 본이 되는 삶을 살아야 된다고 그렇게 내 마음으로 다짐을 하면서 그렇게 교회 열심히 다녔는데 내가 지옥에 떨어졌어요. 내가 지옥에 떨어졌어요. 내가 지옥에 떨어졌어요.

Solo puede entrar al cielo si vive una vida de arrepentimiento de los pecados y cree sinceramente en Jesús. El simple hecho de ir a la iglesia no puede ir al cielo. Pastores, no prediquen en falso, no enseñen así. Si solo ir a la iglesia fuera ir al cielo, aquí no habría venido. Yo no hubiera estado aquí. Cada mañana iba a la iglesia y serví en la cocina de la iglesia todo el día. No solo estaba haciendo esto, lo hice en los diferentes tipos de servicios de la iglesia. Desde el amanecer hasta la noche trabajé en la iglesia. Asistí diligentemente a los servicios de la iglesia y oré. Pensé que debería ser un buen ejemplo para los demás. Así que viví con una promesa de esto en mi mente. Fui diligentemente a la iglesia. Pero caí en el infierno. Vine al infierno, estoy en el infierno.

You can enter heaven only when you live a life of repentance of sins and truly believe in Jesus. Just going to church cannot go to heaven. Pastors, don't preach false, don't teach like that. If just going to church was to go to heaven, here I would not have come. I wouldn't have been here. Every morning I went to church, and I served in the church's kitchen all day long. I wasn't just doing this, I did it across the different kinds of church services. From dawn to evening I worked at church. I diligently attended church services and prayed. I used to think that I should be a good example for others. So I lived with a pledge to this in my mind. I diligently went to church. But I fell into hell. I came to hell, I am in hell.


발목을 낫으로 탁 베어버려요. 그러니까 사선으로 발이 딱 잘라져 버려요.

이럴줄 알았다면 내가 예수 잘 믿을걸. 사람에게 잘 보이려고 내가 봉사했나봐. 목사님에게 잘보이려고 봉사했나봐. 내가 잘못 믿었어. 그냥 예수를 제대로 믿은게 아니야. 그냥 종교로 믿었나봐. 절에 다니는 사람이 부처믿듯이 종교로 믿었나봐.

잘못했어요. 내가 잘못했어요 하나님. 진짜 그리스도인이 아니었어. 교인이었어


El tobillo del hombre fue cortado con una hoz y fue cortado en diagonal. Él esta llorando Si hubiera sabido que fui castigado así, habría creído sinceramente en Jesús. Lo hice diligentemente en el servicio de la iglesia para ser alabado por otros. Para ser alabado por el pastor, había servido. Creí en Jesús de la manera incorrecta.

No creí en Jesús según las palabras de la Biblia. Solo viví una vida religiosa. Así como los budistas creían en Buda, yo creía en Jesús de esa manera. Estaba equivocado. Estaba equivocado, Dios. No era realmente un creyente en Jesús, solo era un asistente entusiasta de la iglesia.


The man's ankle was cut off by a sickle, and it was cut diagonally. He is crying, If I had known I was punished like this, I would have sincerely believed in Jesus. I did so diligently in the church service to be praised by others. To be praised by the pastor, I had served. I believed in Jesus the wrong way. I did not believe in Jesus according to the words of the Bible. I just lived a religious life. Just as Buddhists believed in Buddha, I believed in Jesus that way. I was wrong. I was wrong, God. I was not a real Christian. I just went to church.

성경말씀보다 목사님 말씀을 더 귀하게 여겼어. 그 목사님의 말씀이 진짜인줄 알았어. 목사님한테 내가 속았어. 목사님이 다 아는건 아냐. 잘못가르쳤어. 봉사하면 천국간다고, 축복받는다고 그랬어. 그런게 어딨어. 무슨 봉사한다고 천국을 가. 아냐. 아냐.

너무 힘들어. 너무 힘들어. 억울해. 너무 억울해.

Valoraba más las palabras personales del pastor que las palabras de la Biblia. Solía ​​pensar en las palabras del pastor como verdad. Me engañaron las palabras del pastor. El pastor no es un ser omnisciente. El pastor enseñó mentiras a los santos. Hacer mucho servicio en la iglesia no era el camino al cielo. El pastor nos enseñó que cuanto más servimos, más vamos al cielo y recibimos más bendiciones. Sus enseñanzas son falsas. Servir en la iglesia no es el camino al cielo. Nunca nunca. Me engañan las mentiras, tan injustas, tan injustas. En el infierno, estoy siendo castigado muy severamente. Esto es muy dificil.

I valued the pastor's personal words more than the words of the Bible. I used to think of the pastor's words as truth. I was deceived by the pastor's words. The pastor is not an all-knowing being. The pastor taught the Saints lies. Doing a lot of service in church was not the way to heaven. The pastor taught us that the more we serve, the more we go to heaven and receive more blessings. His teachings are false. Serving in the church is not the way to heaven. Never, never. I am deceived by lies, so unfair, so unfair. In Hell, I am being punished so severely. This is too hard.

천국간다고 그러더니 다 새빨간 거짓말이야. 봉사하면 천국간다고, 헌금많이 내면 천국간다고 그러더니 새빨간 거짓말이야. 그런게 어딨어. 나는 그런줄만 알고 열심히 봉사했어.

나쁜 목사새끼 **끼야. **의 새끼야 왜 잘못 가르쳤어. 무슨 헌금, 봉사많이 하면 천국가. 내가 지옥에 떨어졌는데. 니가 무슨 목사야. 제대로 가르치지도 못했으면서. 나 억울해 나 억울해. 너무 억울해. 이럴줄 알았다면 교회 안다녔어. 세상에서 내 맘대로 살다가 지옥에 떨어졌어.

El sermón del pastor fue falso. El pastor siempre predicaba: “Hacer mucho servicio en la iglesia y dar muchas donaciones a la iglesia es el camino al cielo. Sus sermones eran tan falsos. Seguí las palabras del pastor, pero el resultado fue que vine al infierno. Como pensé que las palabras del pastor eran correctas, solo trabajé duro en el servicio de la iglesia. La predicación del pastor está mal. Malos pastores, falso pastor, hijo de puta, ¿Por qué me enseñaste una mentira?¿Cómo es que dar muchas ofrendas y dar mucho servicio es el camino al cielo? Viví así, pero ahora estoy en el infierno. ¿Cree que está calificado como pastor? No conocen la verdad y les están enseñando mentiras a los santos. Soy tan injusto. Soy injusto, tan injusto. Si hubiera sabido de antemano que iba al infierno, nunca habría ido a la iglesia.Porque en el mundo es mejor vivir a mi manera y venir al infierno.

The pastor's sermon was false. The pastor always preached, “Doing a lot of service in the church, and giving a lot of donations to the church is the way to heaven. His sermons were so false. I followed the words of the pastor, but the result was that I came to Hell. Because I thought the pastor's words were correct, I only worked hard at the church service. The preaching of the pastor is wrong. Bad pastors, false pastor, motherfucker, Why did you teach me a lie?How is giving a lot of offerings and giving a lot of service the way to heaven? I lived that way, but I am now in hell. Do you think you are qualified as a pastor? You do not know the truth, and you are teaching lies to the saints. I'm so unfair. I am unfair, so unfair If I had known in advance that I was going to hell, I would have never been to church.Because in the world it is better to live my own way and come to hell.

나 그 추운데도 봉사했는데 주일아침마다 식당봉사를 했는데 손이 부르터라고. 이럴줄 알았다면 제대로 가르치는 목사 찾아갈걸, 예수 잘 믿을걸.

잘못 가르치고 잘못 배우니까 이렇게 지옥에 떨어져.

목사가르친대로 그대로 따라갔더니 지옥이야.

Incluso en un clima muy frío, trabajaba en la cafetería de la iglesia.

Lo hice todas las semanas sin descanso. Demasiado servicio en el restaurante me ha causado ampollas en las manos. Si hubiera sabido que sería así, me habría ido con otro pastor adecuado, entonces habría creído en Jesús correctamente y habría ido al cielo.

El pastor enseñó lo incorrecto, y los santos lo siguieron, y el resultado fue este, caer al infierno. Después de recibir la enseñanza de un pastor falso y practicar sus palabras, el resultado fue ir al infierno.

Even in very cold weather, I worked in a church restaurant. I did it every week without a break. Too much of the service in the restaurant has caused blisters on my hands. If I had known it would be like this, I would have gone under another right pastor, so I would have believed in Jesus rightly and went to Heaven. The pastor taught the wrong thing, and the saints followed it, and the result was this, falling into hell. After receiving the teaching of a false pastor and practicing his words, the result was coming to hell.

보따리 만한 불이 위에서 계속 떨어져요. 머리위로 빗방울 떨어지듯이 아~~

아 뜨거. 내 머리가 홀라당 타버려. 내 몸도 타들어가. 물 줘요. 불좀 꺼줘 제발. 내 몸이 타들어가.

이 나쁜 새끼야. 너 때문에 내가 지옥떨어졌어. 너 때문에 지옥떨어졌어.

이것도 모르고 목사한테 칭찬받으면 좋아가지고 그랬는데 아니야

예수를 제대로 못 가르쳤잖아. 어떻게 믿어야 천국간다는 길을 제대로 안가르쳤잖아. 이 나쁜 새끼야. 니가 이 고통을 알어. 왜 나를 지옥으로 떨어뜨린거야. 왜 니말을 듣게 만든거야.

Bolas de fuego del tamaño de una bolsa siguen cayendo desde arriba, como lluvia sobre su cabeza, ah ~~ ah, hace mucho calor.

Toda mi cabeza arde. Mi cuerpo también está ardiendo. Sírveme un poco de agua, apaga esta llama, por favor. Mi cuerpo arde. Oh, mal pastor, hijo de puta. Debido a tus falsos sermones, vine al infierno.

Por tu culpa, estoy bajo esta tortura extrema. Ni siquiera sabía que vendría al infierno, y cuando el pastor me elogió, me sentí muy feliz.Oh, soy tan injusto. El pastor no me enseñó correctamente sobre Jesús. El pastor no sabe cómo creer que los miembros de la iglesia van al cielo. Nos enseñaste mentiras. Mal pastor, hijo de puta. ¿Conoces este dolor del infierno? ¿Por qué me hiciste ir al infierno? ¿Por qué me predicaste un sermón falso?

Bag-sized fireballs are constantly falling from above, like rain on his head, ah~~ ah, it's so hot. All my head is burned. My body is also burning. Pour me some water, extinguish this flame, please. My body is burning. Oh, bad pastor, motherfucker. Because of your false sermons, I came to Hell. Because of your fault, I am under this extreme torture. I didn't even know I was coming to Hell, and when the pastor praised me, I was so happy.Oh, I'm so unfair. The pastor didn't teach me properly about Jesus. The pastor does not know how to believe that members of the church go to heaven. You taught us lies. Bad pastor, motherfucker. Do you know this pain of hell? Why did you make me go to hell? Why did you preach a false sermon to me?

(설명) . 사람배를 잘라서 창자를 꺼내가. 아 배야. 아이고 배야,

(귀신) **의 새끼야. 고만 봐. 그러면 너 죽어.

(설명) 창자를 꺼내가지고 먹어버려.

(독백) 말씀봐요. 목사말 듣는 것도 좋지만 말씀을 봐. 말씀을 봐야 내가 알어. 여기에 떨어진 사람들이 왜 떨어진줄 알아? 목사말 듣다가 그런거야. 자기가 말씀이 없기 때문에.

나도 그랬어.

(Situación del infierno) Oh, un fantasma maligno corta el abdomen del hombre y le arranca los intestinos. Oh, dolor insoportable, su gemido insoportable.

(Espíritus malignos), hijo de puta Oye, no mires más la realidad del infierno.. Si no lo hace, muere.

(Situación del infierno) El espíritu maligno saca sus intestinos y se los come.

(Su monólogo) Todos, lean la Biblia. No se limite a escuchar los sermones del pastor, lea la Palabra de Dios. Los santos deben comprender la palabra de Dios. Aquellos que entienden la Biblia no vendrán al infierno.No entienden la Biblia porque solo escuchan al pastor. Por eso muchos vienen al infierno. Debido a que los mismos santos odian leer la palabra de Dios, no pueden conocer la voluntad de Dios. Por eso todos vienen al infierno.

(Hell Situation) Oh, an evil ghost cuts the man's abdomen and pulls his intestines out. Oh, excruciating pain, his excruciating moan.

(Evil spirits), motherfucker Hey, do not look any more the reality of hell. . If you don't do that, you die.

(Hell Situation) The evil spirit takes out his intestines and eats it.

(His monologue) Everyone, read the Bible.

Don't just listen to the pastor's sermons, read the Word of God. The saints must understand the word of God. Those who understand the Bible will not come to Hell.They do not understand the Bible because they only listen to the pastor. That is why many come to Hell. Because the saints themselves hate to read the word of God, they cannot know the will of God. That's why all of them come to hell.


목사가 추도예배 드려도 아무 말 안했어. 오히려 목사가 와서 추도예배 드려줬어.

그게 죄란걸 가르치지 않았어. .. 죄란걸 몰랐기 때문에 회개안했고 회개할 생각안했어.

다 걸렸어. 다 걸렸어. 추도예배에 다 걸렸어.

그게 우상숭배야. 노골적으로 하는 우상숭배야. 근데 다 속아, 목사도 성도도 다 속아. 목사들 정신차려. 애매하게 너 때문에 지옥에 떨어뜨리지 마. 추도예배드리라는 말 어딨어. 여기에 있는 사람이 억울해 죽으려고 해. 다 걸렸어 다 걸렸어. 추도예배에 안 걸린 사람이 없어. 안걸린 사람이 없어.

Los pastores no creen que sea pecado ofrecer un servicio conmemorativo por los muertos. Más bien, el pastor asiste al servicio conmemorativo, adora y ora juntos. Los pastores no saben que es un pecado y no pueden enseñar. Muchos miembros de la iglesia ofrecen servicios conmemorativos por los muertos y no pueden arrepentirse de sus pecados, ni siquiera saben que deben arrepentirse. Todos son culpables, todos son culpables. Muchos del pueblo de Dios son culpables de ofrecer servicios conmemorativos por los muertos.Adorar a los muertos es idolatría. Esta es una pura idolatría. Pero nadie sabe de esto. Tanto los pastores como los santos son engañados por Satanás. Pastores, despierten. Debido a las enseñanzas erróneas de los pastores, todos los santos van al infierno. ¿No prohíbe la Biblia adorar a los muertos? ¿Por qué los pastores malinterpretan la Biblia? Los que están en el infierno se sienten muy resentidos por esto. Todos los miembros de la iglesia son culpables de este pecado.Son culpables de ofrecer servicios conmemorativos por los muertos.

Pastors do not think it is a sin to offer a memorial service for the dead. Rather, the pastor attends the memorial service, worships and prays together. Pastors do not know it is a sin, and they cannot teach. Many church members offer memorial services for the dead, and they cannot repent of their sins, they do not even know that they must repent. Everyone is guilty, everyone is guilty. Many of God's people are guilty of offering memorial services for the dead.Worshiping for the dead is idolatry. This is an outright idolatry. But no one knows about this. Both the pastors and the saints are all deceived by Satan. Pastors, wake up. Because of the pastors' wrong teachings, all the saints are going to hell. Doesn't the Bible forbid worshiping the dead? Why do pastors misinterpret the Bible? Those in Hell feel so resentful for this. All church members are guilty of this sin.They are guilty of offering memorial services for the dead.

추도예배드리지마. 무슨 예배는 예배야 바보같은 것들아. 다 속고 있는거야. 무슨 예배야 누구를 위한 예배야. 예배는 하나님한테만 드리는거야. 나도 걸렸다니까. 우리 목사가 왜 안가르친거야. 우리 목사새끼가 왜 안가르쳤어? 다 걸렸어. 우리 교회 식구들 지옥에 다 떨어지겠네. 다 걸렸어. 당연한 것처럼 그렇게 드려.

No ofrezca servicios conmemorativos por los muertos. ¿Cómo se ofrecería a Dios tal servicio de adoración? Es tan estupido. Todo el mundo está siendo engañado sobre esto. ¿Cómo se reconoce como adoración a Dios? Ese tipo no puede ser la verdadera adoración. La adoración debe ofrecerse solo a Dios. No tienen idea del propósito y el significado de la adoración. También cometí este pecado. Porque mi pastor no me enseñó esto correctamente. ¿Por qué mi pastor no me enseñó esto?Mi pastor, hijo de puta, ¿por qué no me enseñó? Todos tenemos este pecado. Parece que todos los miembros de nuestra iglesia vendrán al infierno. Todos ellos son culpables de este pecado. Todos piensan que adorar a los muertos está bien.

Do not offer memorial services for the dead. How would such a worship service be offered to God? It's so stupid. Everyone is being deceived about this. How is it recognized as worship for God? That kind cannot be true worship. Worship is to be offered only to God. They have no idea the purpose and meaning of worship. I also committed this sin. Because my pastor didn't teach me about this correctly. Why didn't my pastor teach me this?My pastor, motherfucker, why did not teach me? Everyone has this sin. It seems that all of our church members will come to Hell. All of them are guilty of this sin. They all think that worshiping for the dead is right.

정신차려. 속지마. 말씀을 보면서 깨달아 봐. 추도예배가 어딨나? 추도예배가 누구한테 드리는건가? 귀신한테 하는거야. 귀신에게 속는거야 지옥에 떨어지면 다 알어. 너무 정확하게 안다는거야. 100% 귀신에게 속는거야.

Pueblo de Dios, despierta. No se deje engañar. Lea la Biblia, comprenda la voluntad de Dios. ¿Hay una palabra en la Biblia llamada servicio conmemorativo por los muertos? ¿A quién se ofrece el servicio conmemorativo? Tal adoración es adorar a los espíritus malignos, Está siendo engañado por espíritus malignos. Si quieres ir al infierno, sigue haciéndolo. Los que vienen al infierno llegan a saberlo todo correctamente. No hagas eso, es 100% engañado por demonios.

God's people, wake up. Don't be fooled. Read the Bible, understand the will of God. Is there a word in the Bible called memorial service for the dead? To whom is the memorial service offered? Such worship is to worship evil spirits, It is being deceived by evil spirits. If you want to go to hell, keep doing it. Those who come to hell come to know everything accurately. Don't do that, it's 100% deceived by demons.

그리고 목사얘기 잘 분별해. 지금은 귀신들이 목사들을 다 잡았어. 입술과 생각을 다 잡아서 말하게 해서 성도들을 지옥으로 떨어뜨려. 진짜 목사 잘 만나야 돼 이거 안걸리면 저게 걸리고. 저게 안걸리면 딴게 걸리고. 목사들이 자기 지식, 생각을 가지고, 자기것으로 만들어 가지고 성경을 마음대로 풀어가지고 그렇게 만드는거야. 성경을 마음대로 풀어가지고 성도들에게 잘못된걸 먹이니까 잘못된걸 먹고지옥에 떨어지는거야.

Y los creyentes deben discernir adecuadamente los sermones del pastor. Ahora, los espíritus malignos han engañado a muchos pastores y los han convertido en siervos de Satanás. Satanás está usando los labios y los pensamientos de los pastores. Satanás está llevando a los santos al infierno, usando pastores como sus herramientas. Los santos deben encontrarse con el verdadero pastor y escuchar el sermón de la verdad. Los pastores son culpables de esto o aquello. Muchos pastores enseñan sus conocimientos y pensamientos a los santos. Hicieron al pueblo de Dios como el suyo.Los pastores interpretan la Biblia a su voluntad y enseñan conocimientos falsos a los santos. El pueblo de Dios va al infierno porque escucha sermones falsos.

And the believers must properly discern the pastor's sermons. Now evil spirits have deceived many pastors and made them servants of Satan. Satan is using the pastors' lips and thoughts. Satan is taking the saints to hell, using pastors as his tools. The saints should meet the true pastor and listen to the sermon of the truth. Pastors are guilty of this or that. Many pastors teach their knowledge and thoughts to the saints. They made God's people like their own.Pastors interpret the Bible at their will and teach false knowledge to the saints. God's people go to hell because they hear false sermons.

정신차려. 정신차려.

이럴줄 알았으면 세상사람들이 더 나아. 아예 예수 모르고 자기 맘대로 살고, 속편하게 한번씩 산에, 절에 다니는 사람이 나아. 진짜 예수 잘 믿어요. 말씀봐요. 말씀속에서 진리를 찾아요. 내가 말씀이 없기 때문에 목사님 말씀이 옳고 그른줄도 모르고 따라가다가 지옥에 떨어지는거야. 지금은 갈수록 귀신들이 성도를 잡는게 아니라 목사를 잡아. 목사 말 한마디에 의심없이 따라가거든. 고대로 우리 목사님이 최고다라고. 그러다가 지옥이야.

Despertar. Despertar. En el infierno, las personas en el mundo son menos torturadas que aquellos que creen mal en Jesús y van al infierno. Aquellos que viven a su manera sin conocer a Jesús en absoluto van de excursión o van a templos budistas. Y ven al infierno, estas personas son menos dolorosas que las que creyeron en Jesús. Los miembros de la iglesia deben creer bien en Jesús. Lea la Biblia con sinceridad. Encuentra la verdad en la Palabra de Dios. No conocía la Palabra de Dios, así que no pude discernir si el sermón del pastor era correcto o incorrecto.Seguí la mentira y caí en el infierno. Al llegar el fin de los tiempos, los espíritus malignos engañan a los pastores más que a los creyentes. Esto se debe a que los miembros de la iglesia creen fácilmente en las palabras del pastor y las siguen ciegamente. Los miembros de la iglesia creen en las palabras de su pastor sin lugar a dudas. Muchas congregaciones consideran que su pastor es el mejor y se jactan. Después de hacerlo, vienen al infierno.

Wake. Wake. In Hell, people in the world are less tortured than those who misbelieve Jesus and go to Hell. Those who do not know Jesus at all and live their own way, go hiking or go to Buddhist temples. And come to Hell, these people are less painful than those who believed in Jesus. Church members must really believe in Jesus. Read the Bible truthfully. Find the truth in God's Word. I didn't know God's Word, so I couldn't discern whether the pastor's sermon was right or wrong.I followed the lie and fell into hell. As the end times come, evil spirits deceive pastors more than the saints. This is because church members easily believe in the pastor's words and follow them blindly. Church members believe their pastor's words without a doubt. Many congregations consider their pastor the best and boast. After doing so, they come to hell.

육만 죽는게 아니라 영원한 형벌을 받는 지옥에 떨어져. 그러면 너무 억울하잖아. 기껏 예수믿고 지옥에 떨어지면. 내가 그렇게 억울해. 억울하다고 나 미치겠어. 미치겠어. 억울해서.

Estas personas no solo mueren en la carne en el mundo. Sus espíritus vienen al infierno y son castigados para siempre. Esto es demasiado injusto. Es realmente triste que los que creen en Jesús caigan en el infierno. Yo soy el que es tan injusto. Soy injusto, estoy loco. Me estoy volviendo loco. Porque soy injusto.

These people do not only die in the flesh in the world. Their spirits come to hell and are punished forever.This is too unfair. It is really sad that those who believe in Jesus fall into hell.I am the one who is so unfair. I'm unfair, I'm crazy. I'm going crazy. Because I am unfair.

나갈수가 없는곳. 지옥은 나갈수가 없다는 그 얘기는 맞더라. 그 얘기는 맞어.

지옥이 이렇게 고통스러운줄 알았다면 내가 말씀보고 제대로 된 목사 찾아갈걸.

No puedo salir de aqui. Era cierto que los que venían al infierno nunca podían salir. De las palabras del pastor, esta es cierta. Si hubiera sabido que el infierno es un lugar tan doloroso, Habría leído la Biblia por mi cuenta todos los días y habría conocido a un pastor que verdaderamente ministró y vivió una vida de fe.

I can't get out of here. It was true that those who came to hell could never go out. Of the pastor's words, this one is true. If I had known that hell was such a painful place, I would have read the Bible myself every day, and I would have lived a life of faith by meeting a pastor who truly ministers.

지옥에 이렇게 무서운줄 알았으면 제대로 예수 믿을걸. 나는 제대로 믿었다고 했단 말이야. 나처럼 봉사많이 한 사람 없다고 했단 말이야. 목사님도 그랬다고. 목사님도 집사님 처럼 봉사할 수 있는 사람 없다고 그랬다고. 그랬으면 뭐해 지옥에 떨어졌는데. 죽어라고 일하고 지옥에 떨어졌는데. 억울해. 억울해. 억울해. 너무 억울해.

Si hubiera sabido de antemano que el infierno es un lugar tan aterrador, habría creído fielmente en Jesús. El pastor elogió mi fe como si fuera un verdadero creyente en Jesús. Mi pastor me había dicho que no hay muchos comprometidos con la iglesia como yo. Sin embargo, no tiene ningún valor para mí que el pastor me alabe.

Porque ahora estoy en el infierno Trabajé duro por el trabajo de la iglesia y caí en el infierno.Esto es demasiado injusto para mí. Es injusto. Es injusto. Es tan injusto.

Had I known beforehand that Hell is such a terrifying place, I would have believed in Jesus faithfully. The pastor praised my faith as if I was a true believer in Jesus. My pastor had told me that there aren't many who are committed to the church like me. However, it is of no value to me for the pastor to praise me. Because now I am in hell.

I worked hard for the work of the church, and I fell into hell.This is too unfair to me. It is unfair. It is unfair. It's so unfair.

목사새끼들은 잘 가르쳐. 너희가 지옥이 안믿어지니까 제대로 안가르치는거야. 제대로 가르치기만 하면 지옥에 안떨어지는데. 너희들도 모르는 말씀을 니네 생각대로 푸니까 지옥에 떨어지는거야. 나쁜 목사들아. 니네들은 목사도 아냐. 지옥을 가르치면서 지옥을 믿지 않잖아. 지옥을 가르치면서 지옥가는 길로 보내고 있잖아.

El pastor, hijo de puta, Enseñe a los santos correctamente. Porque no puedes creer la realidad del infierno No se puede enseñar a los santos correctamente. Si los pastores enseñan correctamente, los miembros de la iglesia no caerán en el infierno. Los pastores no pueden interpretar correctamente las palabras de la Biblia. Entonces le enseñan sus pensamientos a St. Dor. Por eso los santos van al infierno. Malos ministros, ustedes no son verdaderos ministros. Tu boca enseña sobre el infierno, pero tu mente no cree que el infierno exista.Es por eso que los pastores enseñan a los santos lo que está mal y los santos van al infierno.

The pastor, motherfucker, Teach the saints correctly. Because you can’t believe the reality of hell, You cannot teach the saints correctly. If pastors teach properly, church members will not fall into hell. Pastors cannot correctly interpret the words of the Bible. So they teach their thoughts to St. Dor. That is why the saints go to hell. Bad ministers, you are not real ministers. Your mouth teaches about Hell, but your mind doesn't believe that Hell exists.That is why pastors teach the saints what is wrong, and the saints go to hell.

(설명) 뼈를 잘라. 아주 가는 실지렁이를 한바께스 가지고 와 가지고 입에 콸콸콸 부어버려.

(Descripción de la situación) Sus huesos están cortados. El espíritu maligno trae un cuenco grande lleno de lombrices de tierra muy delgadas y lo vierte en su boca de inmediato.

(Description of the situation) His bones are cut. The evil spirit brings a large bowl full of very thin earthworms and pours it into his mouth immediately.

(독백) 너무 억울해.....너무 억울해... 너무 억울해.

내가 잘못했어요. 내가 잘못했어요. 하나님 말씀 믿지 말고 목사말 들은 것. 제대로 가르치지 못한 목사말 들은 것 잘못했어요. 회개를 얘기 안해. 회개를 얘기 안해. 안가르쳐요.

믿으면 천국간다고만 그렇게만 가르쳐요. 죄를 졌는데 어떻게 천국가. 회개를 해야 가지.

어떻게 믿고만 천국가냐고? 어떻게 죄를 가지고 천국가냐고? 내가 잘못했어요.

(Monólogo) Me siento tan injusto. . . . . Es tan injusto. . . Es tan injusto. Fue mi culpa. Estaba equivocado. Fue mi elección equivocada que no creí en la palabra de Dios y creí lo que dijo el pastor. Fue mi culpa seguir las palabras de un pastor que no entendía la verdad de la Biblia. Los santos deben arrepentirse de sus pecados, pero los pastores no les enseñan sobre el arrepentimiento.

Por eso los santos no se arrepienten de sus pecados. Porque los pastores no enseñan la absoluta necesidad del arrepentimiento.Los pastores enseñan que ir a la iglesia es ir al cielo. ¿Cómo puede ir al cielo una persona que ha pecado contra Dios y no se arrepiente de sus pecados? Solo aquellos que se arrepienten de sus pecados son perdonados y van al cielo. ¿Cómo pueden ir al cielo aquellos que no se arrepienten de sus pecados y solo asisten a la iglesia? ¿Cómo puedo ir al cielo con el pecado? Señor, estoy equivocado.

(Monologue) I feel so unfair. . . . . It's so unfair. . . It's so unfair. It was my fault. I was wrong. It was my wrong choice that I did not believe the word of God and believed the word of the pastor. It was my fault to follow the words of a pastor who did not understand the truth of the Bible. Saints must repent of their sins, but pastors do not teach them about repentance. So the saints do not repent of their sins. Because pastors do not teach the absolute necessity of repentance.Pastors teach that going to church is going to heaven. How can a person who has sinned against God and does not repent of his sins go to heaven? Only those who repent of their sins are forgiven and go to heaven. How can those who do not repent of their sins and only attend church go to heaven? How can I go to heaven with sin? Lord, I am wrong.

큰일났다 큰일났어. 회개를 안가르쳐. 회개가 진짠데 진짜를 다 빼버려 회개를 가르쳐요. 회개를 가르쳐요. 회개를 해야 돼. 회개를 가르치는 목사가 진짜야. 천국지옥을 얘기하는 목사가 진짜야. 다 가짜야. 가짜가 너무 많아. 가짜가 너무 많아. 교인 비위맞추는 목사들, 돈있는 사람 비위맞추는 가짜가 너무 많아. 어케할려고 그래 목사들아..

Es un gran problema. Pasó algo grande. Los pastores no enseñan que aquellos que se arrepientan del pecado irán al cielo, este es el problema más serio. El verdadero evangelio es que todos deben arrepentirse de sus pecados. Pero los pastores no enseñan sobre el arrepentimiento. Enséñeles a arrepentirse de sus pecados. Todos los seres humanos deben arrepentirse de sus pecados. El pastor que enseña a los santos a arrepentirse de sus pecados es el verdadero siervo de Dios. El pastor que enseña que el cielo y el infierno realmente existen es un verdadero pastor.Hay demasiados pastores falsos. La mayoría son falsificaciones. Hay demasiados pastores que no pueden reprender los pecados de la congregación al ver su temperamento e impresión. Los pastores luchan por igualar el temperamento de los que tienen mucho dinero. Hay demasiados pastores falsos como este. ¿Están los pastores haciendo eso sin saber qué pasará después?

It's a big problem. Big thing happened. Pastors do not teach that those who repent of sin will go to heaven, this is the most serious problem.The real gospel is that everyone must repent of their sins.

But the pastors do not teach about repentance. Teach them to repent of their sins. All human beings must repent of their sins. The pastor who teaches the saints to repent of their sins is the true servant of God. The pastor who teaches that heaven and hell really exist is a true pastor.There are too many fake pastors. Most are fakes. There are too many pastors who can't rebuke the congregation's sins by looking at their temper and impression. Pastors struggle to match the temperament of those who have a lot of money. There are too many fake pastors like this. Are pastors doing that without knowing what will happen later?

너희들이 지옥보내고 있는거야. 지옥이 얼마나 무서운지 알어? 아냐고? 너희들이 가리치는 지옥이 아냐. 상상이 안돼. 이 형벌을 상상할 수가 없어. 이 상상도 안되는 지옥을 너희도 안 믿잖아? 그래서 지옥보내는거야.

교회마다 추도예배, 추도예배, 추도예배 물결을 치는구나! 교회마다 난리가 났어!

Pastores, están enviando a los santos al infierno. ¿Saben los pastores lo aterrador que es el infierno? La realidad del infierno no es el tipo de dolor del que estás hablando. La tortura y el castigo del infierno están más allá de tu imaginación. El infierno del gran sufrimiento realmente existe, pero incluso los pastores no creen en la realidad del infierno. Por eso los pastores envían a los santos al infierno. Cada iglesia ofrece servicio conmemorativo, servicio conmemorativo y servicio conmemorativo por los muertos.Los servicios de adoración, que son idólatras, están desbordados en todas las iglesias.

Pastors, you are sending the saints to hell. Do pastors know how terrifying hell is? Hell's reality is not the kind of pain you're talking about. Hell's torture and punishment are beyond your imagination. Hell of great suffering really exists, but even pastors do not believe in the reality of Hell. That's why pastors send the saints to hell. Each church offers memorial service, memorial service, and memorial service for the dead.Idol worshipers are overflowing in every church.

다 걸렸어. 귀신에게 목사도, 교인도 다 걸렸어,

장례식장가서 그렇게 하는 것도 다 우상숭배야... 우상숭배야.

너희들 다 죽어. 다 지옥으로 떨어져. 제발 정신차려. 제발 정신차려

억울하게 지옥에 떨어지지 마, 교회다니는 사람들 특별히 잘 배워. 억울하게 지옥에 떨어지지 마. 지옥에 어떤 곳인줄 아냐고? 불바다. 녹는물도 있고, 너무너무 무서운 곳이 지옥이야.

Todos cometen este pecado. Muchos pastores y miembros de la iglesia están involucrados en el servicio conmemorativo, la trampa de los espíritus malignos. El funeral de los muertos en la funeraria también es idolatría. . . Idolatría clara. Todas estas personas son juzgadas y caen al infierno. Por favor despierta. Por favor despierta.

No caigas al infierno injustamente. Los que asisten a la iglesia deben tener especial cuidado con la idolatría. Aprenda bien la Palabra de Dios.

No caigas al infierno injustamente como yo. Sabes que es el infiernoEl infierno es un mar de fuego y también hay agua que disuelve a la gente. El infierno es demasiado aterrador.

Everyone is committing this sin. Many pastors and church members are involved in the memorial service, the snare of evil spirits. The funeral service for the dead at the funeral home is also idolatry. . . Clear idolatry. All these people are judged and fall to hell. Please, wake up. Please, wake up. Don't fall into hell unfairly. Those who attend church should be particularly careful about idolatry. Learn God's Word well. Don't fall into hell unfairly like me. You know what hell is.Hell is a sea of ​​fire, and there is also water that dissolves people. Hell is so too scary.

형벌이란 형벌 말도 못해. 온 몸을 잘라가 비명을 질러도 눈하나 까딱안해. 귀신들이 얼마나 악독한지. 피를 짜먹는 곳이 지옥이야. 목구멍을 뚫어가지고 피를 받아먹는곳이 지옥이야.

근데 이 고통이 어마어마하다는거야. 껍데기를 홀랑 벗기는 고통을 아냐고?

사람이 막 떨어지면 피가 신선하다가 짜먹는 그 고통, 두려움을 아냐고?

그 공포와 두려움을 생각해 봤냐고? 사람을 빨래짜듯이 짜가지고 그 피를 받아 마셔.

Hay tantos tipos de castigo en el infierno. Cuando todo el cuerpo está cortado, no importa cuánto gritemos, los espíritus malignos no tiemblan en absoluto y no se compadecen. Los espíritus malignos son tan viciosos que exprimen la sangre de la gente y la beben. Esto es el infierno. Los fantasmas malignos perforan la garganta de las personas y chupan su sangre. El dolor del infierno es tan grande que nadie en el mundo puede imaginarlo. La piel de las personas está completamente pelada. ¿Conocen estos castigos y torturas?¿Ustedes conocen el gran horror? ¿Alguna vez has pensado realmente en los horrores y temores del infierno? La sangre de la gente se exprime como si se tejiera ropa mojada, y Satanás la bebe como bebida.

There are so many kinds of punishment in hell. When the whole body is cut off, no matter how much we scream, evil spirits do not shake at all and do not pity. The evil spirits are so vicious that they squeeze people's blood and drink them. This is hell. Evil ghosts pierce people's throats and suck their blood. Hell's pain is so great that no one in the world can imagine it. People's skin completely peels off. Do you guys know of these punishments and torture?Do you guys know great horror? Have you ever truly thought about the horrors and fears of hell? People's blood is squeezed like weaving wet laundry, and Satan drinks it as a drink.

그 고통을 아냐고? 정신차려. 정신차려. 교회다니는 사람들.

앞으로 지옥으로 너무 많이 떨어져. 천주교, 불교, 안믿는 사람은 100%떨어지는것은 말할 것도 없고, 이제는 교인들이 지옥으로 떨어지는 시대야. 교회다닌다고 믿기만 한다고 천국가는것이 아냐. 믿음으로 가는것이 아냐. 회개하고 믿고 가야돼. 말씀대로 순종하면서 가야 돼.

Miembros de la iglesia, ¿conocen una tortura tan tremenda? Despierta. Despierta. Personas que van a la iglesia. Desde entonces, cada vez serán más las personas que vendrán al infierno.

El 100% de los católicos, budistas e incrédulos caen al infierno, Ahora es el momento en que los miembros de la iglesia están cayendo al infierno. Aquellos que simplemente llaman a Jesús de boca y van a la iglesia no pueden ir al cielo. Los que van al cielo son los que tienen la fe adecuada ante el Señor. Aquellos que quieran ir al cielo deben tener la fe para arrepentirse de sus pecados mientras obedecen al Señor, Todos deben obedecer la palabra del Señor.

Church members, do you know such tremendous torture? Wake up. Wake up. People who go to church. Since then, there will be more and more people who come to Hell. 100% of Catholics, Buddhism, and non-believers fall into hell, Now is the time when church members are falling into hell. Those who simply call Jesus by mouth and go to church are not able to go to heaven. Those who go to heaven are those who have proper faith before the Lord. Those who want to go to heaven must have the faith to repent of their sins while obeying the Lord, Everyone must obey the word of the Lord.

교인들이 지옥으로 쏟아진다. 교인들이 지옥으로 쏟아진다. 목사들이 떨어진다. 낙엽처럼 낙엽처럼 떨어진다. 다 떨어진다. 다 지옥불에 떨어지는구나. 낙엽을 모아서 아궁이에 넣는것처럼 떨어지는구나.

정신차려. 지옥에 와서 통곡하지 말고, 억울하지 말고. 지옥에와서 아무리 회개해도 안돼. 살아있을때 회개해야 돼.

Los miembros de la iglesia se están precipitando hacia el infierno.

Muchos miembros de la iglesia vienen al infierno. Los pastores se caen al infierno, se caen al infierno como si las hojas caídas cayeran en otoño. Todos están cayendo en el infierno. Así como las hojas caídas se queman en un horno, muchos pastores y creyentes son quemados en el infierno. Despierta. Después de llegar al infierno, no llores ni digas que eres injusto. No importa cuánto te arrepientas de tus pecados en el infierno, nadie puede ser perdonado.Al vivir en el mundo, todos deben arrepentirse de sus propios pecados.

Church members are pouring into hell. Many church members come to hell. Pastors are falling to hell, they are falling to hell as if fallen leaves fall in autumn. Everyone is falling into hellfire. Just as fallen leaves are burned in a furnace, many pastors and believers are being burned in hell. Wake up. After you come to hell, do not weep or say that you are unfair. No matter how much you repent of your sins in Hell, no one can be forgiven.When living in the world, everyone must repent of their own sins.

우상숭배한 것 회개해. 철저하게 회개해 귀신에게 속지마, 철저하게 회개해. 회개해. 회개해야 용서를 받어. 죄를 짓고 어떻게 믿음으로 천국가. 다 거짓말이야. 목사새끼들이 다 걸렸어, 제대로 가르치는 목사 찾아가 당신들이 살려면.

Arrepiéntete de los pecados de la idolatría, arrepiéntete completamente. Ahora no te dejes engañar por los espíritus malignos y arrepiéntete completamente de tus pecados. Arrepiéntete de tus pecados. Arrepiéntete de tus pecados, así que Dios te perdone los pecados de idolatría. ¿Cómo dicen que irán al cielo cuando han pecado y no se han arrepentido de ese pecado? La verdadera fe es arrepentirse del pecado. La afirmación de que quien no se arrepiente del pecado va al cielo es una mentira. Los pastores están cometiendo estos pecados. Todos los miembros de la iglesia van al pastor que enseña la Biblia correctamente.Aquellos que quieran salvar sus vidas deben acudir al pastor que les enseñe la Biblia correctamente.

Repent of the sins of idolatry, repent thoroughly. Now do not be deceived by evil spirits, and thoroughly repent of your sins. Repent of your sins. Repent of sins, so be forgiven of idolatry sins from God. How do they say they will go to heaven when they have sinned and have not repented of that sin? Real faith is to repent of sin. The claim that one who does not repent of sin goes to heaven is a lie. Pastors are committing these sins. All church members go to the pastor who teaches the Bible correctly.Those who want to save their lives must go to the pastor who teaches the Bible correctly.

. 송곳으로 여기 무릎을 돌려서 뱅뱅뱅뱅 찔러요. 햐얀뼈가 나왔어요. 계속 송곳으로 뚫어요. 여기를 계속 뚫어. 몇 개를 뚫었는지 몰라요. 그 하얀뼈사이로 지네들이 왔다갔다 해요. 이런 곳이 지옥이야. 이 여자가 이렇게 누워있는데 발바닥을 시뻘겋게 달군쇠로 지저버려요. 지지직 소리가 나요. 오른쪽 다리만 그렇게 고통을 줘요. 오른쪽 다리만 이런 곳이 지옥이야.

¡Ah! Un fantasma maligno hace girar su punzón y le perfora las rodillas. Sus huesos blancos fueron revelados. Le hicieron varios agujeros en las rodillas. Se revelaron huesos blancos en cada agujero, y los ciempiés entraban y salían por el agujero. El infierno es un lugar tan miserable. Una mujer está acostada Las plantas de sus pies están quemadas con bolas de hierro calientes. Se escucha un sonido ardiente. Su pierna derecha está muy torturada. El infierno es un lugar tan terrible.

Ah. An evil ghost is spinning his awl and piercing his knees. His white bones were revealed. Several holes were drilled in his knees. White bones were revealed in each hole, and centipedes went in and out through the hole. Hell is such a miserable place. A woman is lying down The soles of her feet are scorched with hot iron balls. A burning sound is heard. Her right leg is so severely tortured. Hell is such a terrible place.

말도 안돼. 나 좀 꺼내줘요. 하나님 나 좀 꺼내줘요. 내가 잘못한거 다 용서하고 나 좀 꺼내줘요. 나 한번만 용서해 주세요. 내가 말씀대로 순종할게요. 목사님말씀 잘못된건 내가 분별해 가지고 내가 제대로 갈게요. 나 너무 억울해요. 나 하나님일, 봉사 많이 했잖아요. 나 좀 살려줘.

No puedo decir nada más. Sácame de aquí. Dios, sácame. Perdóname todas mis malas acciones y sácame, Señor. Por favor, perdóname una sola vez. Señor, te obedeceré. Señor, discerniré las cosas incorrectas en las palabras del pastor y seguiré el camino correcto. Me siento tan injusto. Señor, he hecho mucho del trabajo y servicio de Dios en la iglesia. Por favor salvame.

I can't say any more. Take me out of here. God, take me out. Forgive me all my wrongdoings and take me out, Lord. Please forgive me only once. Lord, I will obey you. Lord, I will discern the wrong things in the pastor's words, and I will go the right path.

I feel so unfair. Lord, I have done a lot of God's work and service in the church. Please save me.

저쪽에서 목사님이 얘기해요. 구덩이에 빠져가지고.

내가 잘못 가르쳤어. 내가 잘못가르쳤어.

개척교회 목사님이에요. 내가 교인이 나갈까봐 책망한번 못하고 제대로 가르치지 못했어요. 성도들 눈치보는 목사였어요. 나갈까봐. 교인이 너무 적어서. 나는 비위맞춰준 목사였어

La persona que fue su pastor frente a ella está sufriendo junta.

El pastor dice en un lugar como un pozo. Enseñé mal a los santos. Lo enseñé mal. Yo era pastor de una iglesia pequeña. Me preocupaba que los miembros de la iglesia se fueran de nuestra iglesia, por lo que no podía señalar ni reprender los pecados de los santos. No enseñé la Biblia correctamente. Traté de evitar herir el corazón y los sentimientos de los santos. Entonces no pude reprender sus pecados, yo era el ministroDado que el número de congregaciones era tan pequeño, puse toda mi atención en hacerlos sentir bien.

The person who was her pastor across her is suffering together.

The pastor says in a place like a pit. I taught the saints wrong. I taught it wrong. I was a pastor of a small church. I was worried about the members of the church leaving our church, so I could not point out or reprove the sins of the saints. I didn't teach the Bible correctly. I tried to avoid hurting the hearts and feelings of the saints. So I couldn't rebuke their sins, I was such a pastor.Since the number of congregation was so small, I spent all my attention only on making them feel good.

그게 죄인줄 알면서도 죄라고 지적하지 못했어요. 주님 내가 잘못했습니다. 내가 제대로 가르치지 못해서 내가 지옥으로 떨어졌어요.

나 좀 용서해 주세요 추도예배는 제사랑 마찬가지에요. 똑같애. 그걸 하나님이 안 받으신다는걸. 나도 그럴 여기와서 알았어요. 그건 귀신에게 속아서 하는거야. 제사랑 똑같다는걸 여기와서 알았어요.

Aunque sabía que era un pecado, no podía señalar que era un pecado. Señor, estaba equivocado. Debido a que no enseñé a los santos correctamente, caí en el infierno. Por favor perdoname. Ofrecer un servicio conmemorativo por los muertos es lo mismo que ofrecer un sacrificio por parte de incrédulos. Ambos son idolatría.

Vine al infierno y descubrí que Dios no acepta los servicios conmemorativos de los muertos.Eso es lo que hacen los que son engañados por los malos espíritus. Vine aquí y descubrí que ambos son idolatría.

Even though I knew it was a sin, I couldn't point out that it was a sin. Lord, I was wrong. Because I did not teach the saints correctly, I fell into hell. Please forgive me. Offering a memorial service for the dead is the same as offering sacrifices by unbelievers. Both are idolatry. I came to Hell and found out that God does not accept memorial services for the dead.That is what those who are deceived by evil spirits do. I came here and found out that both are idolatry.

잘못했어요. 그게 얼마나 큰 죄인지, 우상숭배인지 내가 여기와서 알았어요.

하나님말씀을 변질시킨 나를 용서해 주세요.

나도 천국 지옥이 100% 믿어지지 않은 목사였어요.

신학해야지 된다고 주위에서 그래서 나 안하고 싶었어요. 근데 내 몸이 병들어 가지고. 신학안해서 그렇다고 해서 신학했어요.

Estaba equivocado. Son pecados ante Dios, idolatría. Pero cuando llegué al infierno, supe que era idolatría. Señor, perdóname por distorsionar la Palabra de Dios. Yo era un pastor que no creía al 100% en la realidad del cielo y el infierno. No quería ir al seminario.

La gente a mi alrededor me dijo: Me dijeron que la razón por la que mi cuerpo está enfermo es la señal de Dios de que voy al seminario.Gracias a sus consejos, entré al seminario.

I was wrong. It is sins before God, idolatry. But when I came to Hell, I knew it was idolatry. Forgive me for distorting the word of God, Lord. I was a pastor who did not believe 100% of the reality of heaven and hell. I didn't want to go to the seminary. People around me told me: They told me that the reason my body is sick is God's sign that I go to the seminary.Because of their counsel, I entered the seminary.

나이먹어가지고 신학해서, 이제 겨우 개척교회 열고 그러다가 죽었어요.

내가 죽고나니까 지옥이야. 나는 지옥, 천국도 확실히 믿어지지 않았어요.

내가 천국 지옥을 가르치면서도 그걸 확실하게 믿지 않았어요.

Me gradué del seminario en la mediana edad. Y comencé una pequeña iglesia. Y después de un tiempo morí. Vine al infierno después de morir. No tenía una creencia sólida en la existencia del cielo y el infierno. Mientras predicaba sobre el cielo y el infierno, no creía firmemente en él.

I graduated from seminary in middle age. And I started a small church. And after some time I died. I came to hell after I died. I did not have a solid belief in the existence of hell and heaven. While I was preaching on Heaven and Hell, I did not firmly believe in it.

그런데 지옥에 진짜 있어요. 내가 막연하게 믿었던 지옥이 진짜 있어요. 하나님 나 용서해 줘요. 나 용서해 주세요. 나 좀 꺼내 주세요. 나 좀 꺼내 주세요. 나 예수도 천국도 지옥도 확실하게 믿어지지 않았어. 그런데 지옥이 진짜 있어요.

Pero cuando morí, el infierno realmente existe. El infierno, que yo creía vagamente, realmente existe. Dios, perdóname. Por favor perdoname. Por favor, sácame de aquí. Por favor, sácame. No estaba seguro de que Jesús existiera y que el cielo y el infierno realmente existieran. Pero el infierno realmente existe.

But when I died, hell really exists. Hell, which I vaguely believed, really exists. God, please forgive me. Please forgive me. Please take me out of here. Please take me out. I wasn't sure that Jesus existed and that Heaven and Hell really existed. But hell really exists.

(설명)이 목사님을 웅덩이안에 넣어놓고 굵은 소금으로 다 채워버려요. 그리고 밑에서 불을 지펴요. 소금도 되게 굵은 소금이에요. 아 뜨거워. 아 뜨거워. 살려주세요. 나 좀 꺼내줘요.

목사들이 다걸렸어! 다 걸렸어! 큰일났다. 수많은 양떼들이 지옥으로 떨어져. 목사들이 잘못 가르쳐서 목사들이 사단의 밥이 되어 버렸어. 사단의 조롱거리가 되어 버렸어.

(Descripción) El pastor quedó atrapado en un pozo y el resto del espacio se llenó de sal gruesa. Y el fuego arde debajo de él. Las partículas de sal son muy gruesas. Él grita. Oh, hace calor. Oh, hace mucho calor. Ayuadame. Por favor, sácame. ¡Todos los pastores están atrapados! ¡Atrapado! Hubo un gran problema. Innumerables ovejas caen al infierno. Esto se debe a que los pastores enseñaron incorrectamente a los santos. Los pastores se han convertido en el alimento de Satanás y se han convertido en la burla de Satanás.

(Description) The pastor was confined in a pit, and the rest of the space was filled with coarse salt. And the fire is burning under it.

The salt particles are very coarse. He screams. Oh, it's hot. Oh, it's so hot. Help me. Please take me out. The pastors are all caught! Caught! There was a big problem. Countless sheep fall into hell. This is because the pastors taught the saints incorrectly. The pastors have become Satan's food and have turned into Satan's mocking.

목사들을 완전히 쥐고 흔들어. 이건 하나님의 종이 아니야, 말로만 하나님의 종이라고 그러지만 사단에게 쓰임받는 사단의 종이야. 너무 많아. 잘 가르쳐요. 우상숭배하지마. 추도예배드리지마. 추도예배라고 드리지마. 그런게 더 우상숭배야 . 절에가서 부처에게 절하는건 당연히 우상숭배라고 그러면서, 추도예배를 우상숭배인줄 모르고 드리기 때문에 그 죄가 더 커.

Los espíritus malignos agarran completamente a los pastores y los sacuden. Estos pastores no son verdaderos siervos de Dios, Se les llama siervos de Dios, pero Satanás los usa. Hay demasiados pastores como este. Despierta Enseñe bien la Palabra de Dios a los santos. No adore a los ídolos. No ofrezca servicios conmemorativos por los muertos. Adorar a los muertos es idolatría. Ir a un templo budista e inclinarse ante un Buda es, por supuesto, idolatría.Y es idolatría que los cristianos ofrezcan servicios conmemorativos por los muertos. La idolatría cristiana es un pecado más grave ante Dios.

Evil ghosts completely grasp the pastors and shake them away.

These pastors are not true servants of God, They are called servants of God, but are used by Satan. There are too many pastors like this. Wake up, Teach well the Word of God to the saints. Don't worship idols. Do not offer memorial services for the dead. Worship for the dead is idolatry. Going to a Buddhist temple and bowing to the Buddha is, of course, idolatry.And it is idolatry that Christians offer memorial services for the dead. Christian idolatry is a more serious sin before God.

아 죽음의 말씀을 선포하면서 무슨 천국이야. 죽음의 물을 먹이면서 무슨 천국이야. 다 지옥 끌고 가면서. 목사들 정신차려요. 진짜 지옥이 있어요. 나도 확실하게 믿지 않았던 지옥이 있어요. 어슬프게 가르치지 마.

Oh, ¿cómo irán al cielo los que proclaman la palabra de muerte?

¿Cómo dicen los pastores que alimentan a los santos con agua de muerte que sus santos van al cielo? Los pastores están arrastrando a los santos al infierno. Pastores, despierten su mente. Hay un verdadero infierno. También vine al infierno porque realmente no creía en la palabra de Dios. Los pastores deben enseñar bien la Palabra de Dios.

Oh, how will those who proclaim the word of death go to heaven?

How do the pastors who feed the saints with water of death say that their saints go to heaven? Pastors are dragging the saints to hell. Pastors, wake up your mind. There is real hell. I also came to hell because I didn't really believe the word of God. Pastors should teach God's Word well.

예수를 위해 죽는 종들이 뭔지 알어? 천국과 지옥이 확실하게 믿어지기 때문에 예수를 위해 죽는거야. 예수를 위해 죽지 않는 종들은 다 가짜야. 믿어지면 다 예수님을 위해 죽게 되어 있어. 근데 안믿어지기 때문에 자기를 위해 사는거야. 땅의 것을 바라보고 가르치면서 사는거야. 천국 지옥이 안 믿어지기 때문에 그런거야.

¿Quiénes son los siervos que mueren por Jesús? Aquellos que ciertamente creen en la existencia del cielo y el infierno dan su vida por Jesús. Todos los siervos que no mueren por Jesús son falsos. Aquellos que creen que el cielo y el infierno realmente existen, morirán voluntariamente por Jesús. Los que no lo creen viven para sí mismos, no para el Señor. Los pastores que no creen en la realidad del cielo y el infierno siempre esperan y enseñan cosas que pertenecen al mundo.Como no se cree en la realidad del cielo y el infierno, no tienen más remedio que hacerlo.

Who are the servants who die for Jesus? Those who are surely believed in the existence of heaven and hell lay down their lives for Jesus. All servants who do not die for Jesus are fake. Those who believe that heaven and hell really exist will volunteer to die for Jesus. Those who do not believe it live for themselves, not for the Lord. Pastors who do not believe the reality of heaven and hell always hope and teach things that belong to the world.Because the reality of Heaven and Hell is not believed, they are bound to do so.

그런데 예수, 천국 지옥이 확실히 믿어지는 목사들은 죽어도 좋데. 목숨내놔버렸어. 그런 목사가 진짜 진짜 목사야. 예수님을 위해 죽겠다는 목사가 진짜 목사야. 천국과 지옥이 있는걸 알거든. 그래서 제대로 가르쳐. 그걸 알기 때문에 자기 목숨을 내 던지는거야. 땅의 것 좋아하고 보이는 것 좋아하는 목사들 다 가짜야. 다 귀신에게 사로잡혔어. 다 가짜야.

Bienaventurados los que creen en Jesús y la realidad del cielo y el infierno. Estos pastores están muy felices de morir por Jesús. Tal pastor es un verdadero pastor. Los que quieren morir por Jesús son los verdaderos pastores. Los verdaderos pastores pueden hacerlo porque saben que el cielo y el infierno realmente existen. Es por eso que los verdaderos pastores enseñan la Biblia correctamente. Debido a que realmente cree en Jesús, el verdadero pastor está dispuesto a dar su vida por el Señor.Todos los pastores a los que les gustan las cosas que pertenecen a la tierra y lo que ven son pastores falsos.

Todos estos pastores están poseídos por espíritus malignos, falsos.

Blessed is the one who believes in Jesus and the reality of heaven and hell. These pastors are very happy to die for Jesus. Such a pastor is a real pastor. Those who want to die for Jesus are the true pastors. True pastors can do so because they know that heaven and hell really exist. That is why true pastors teach the Bible correctly. Because he truly believes in Jesus, a true pastor is willing to give his life for the Lord.All pastors who like things that belong to the earth and what they see are fake pastors. All of these pastors are possessed by evil spirits, fakes.

확실하게 믿어지면 죽지 않을 수가 없어, 자기 목숨을 생각할 시간도 없어, 오직 예수를 위해 죽겠다는 목사는 천국과 지옥이 믿어지는 목사야. 그런 목사가 진짜야. 자기 목숨 안 아까운 사람이 어딨어? 돈 싫어하는 사람 어딨어? 그런데 이땅의 것보다 더 좋은 천국이 있다는 것을 알기 때문에 이땅의 것을 안 잡는거야. 그리고 자기 목숨보다 예수를 위해 죽는것이 더 좋아. 그런 목사가 진짜고 천국을 보장받는목사야.

Aquellos que ciertamente creen en la existencia del cielo morirán voluntariamente por el Señor. No tienen tiempo para pensar en sus propias vidas. Los pastores que solo quieren morir por Jesús son aquellos que creen en la realidad del cielo y el infierno. Un pastor así es real. No hay nadie cuya vida no sea preciosa. Nadie odia el dinero. Sin embargo, debido a que las cosas que pertenecen al cielo son mejores que las que pertenecen a esta tierra, pueden renunciar a las cosas de esta tierra. Y como es mejor para Jesús que para su propia vida, está dispuesto a dar su vida. Un pastor así es real. El cielo le está garantizado.

Those who are surely believed in the existence of Heaven will die voluntarily for the Lord. They have no time to think for their own lives. Pastors who only want to die for Jesus are those who believe in the reality of heaven and hell. Such a pastor is real. There is no one whose life is not precious. No one hates money. However, because things that belong to heaven are better than those that belong to this earth, they can give up the things of this earth. And because it is better for Jesus than for his own life, he is willing to give his life. Such a pastor is real. Heaven is guaranteed to him.

천국을 보장받는 목사를 찾아가. 내가 그렇지 못했어. 나도 땅의 것을 바라봤어. 땅의 것을 바라봤더니 지옥이더라. 사람비위 맞추니 지옥이야. 두말한 것도 없이 100%지옥이야. 믿어지지 않기 때문에 땅의 것을 바라보는거야.

집이 왜 필요해. 무슨 좋은 차가 필요해. 좋은 옷이 필요해. 그런 것을 좋아하는 목사들은 지옥에 와. 지옥와요.

Ve al pastor que tiene el cielo garantizado. Yo no era un pastor así, tenía la esperanza de pertenecer a la tierra. Esperaba pertenecer a la tierra, y el resultado fue venir al infierno. Mi política pastoral era tratar de hacer que los creyentes se sintieran bien. El 100% de los que ministran como yo vienen al infierno. Debido a que no se cree en la realidad del cielo, los pastores desean cosas en la tierra. ¿Por qué los pastores necesitan buenas casas? ¿Por qué necesitas buenos coches, buena ropa, estas cosas? Todos los pastores que aman las cosas del mundo vienen al infierno.

Go to the pastor who is guaranteed heaven. I was not such a pastor, I had a hope of belonging to the earth. I hoped to belong to the earth, and the result was to come to hell. My pastoral policy was to try to make the believers feel good. 100% of those who minister like me come to hell. Because the reality of heaven is not believed, pastors wish for things of the earth. Why do pastors need good houses? Good cars, good clothes, why do you need these things? All pastors who love the world's things come to hell.

천국이 믿어지지 않기 때문에 소유할려고 그러는거야. 그래서 큰 교회 목사들이 지옥에 떨어질 확률이 그렇게 많은거야.

땅의 것을 너무 너무 많이 쌓아놓았거든. 사람들이 보기에는 성공한 목사같거든, 속지말어. 이 바보들아. 웃기는 소리하지마. 안 믿어지는 천국, 예수, 지옥을 가르치면서 무슨 천국을 간다는거야. 영혼들을 지옥으로 쏟아붓는 목사가 무슨 성공한 목사야.

Debido a que no se cree en la existencia del cielo, los pastores luchan por poseer muchas cosas que pertenecen a la tierra. Es por eso que los pastores de iglesias grandes tienen más probabilidades de caer en el infierno. Han amontonado demasiadas cosas de la tierra para su vida terrenal. A los ojos del mundo, los pastores de iglesias grandes parecen pastores exitosos. Pero no se dejen engañar, tontos. Eso suena muy divertido. Los pastores que no creen en la realidad del cielo y el infierno están enseñando sobre el cielo, el infierno y Jesús. ¿Cómo pueden estos pastores ir al cielo? ¿Cómo pueden ir al cielo los pastores que vierten almas en el infierno? ¿Cómo son pastores exitosos?

Because the existence of heaven is not believed, pastors are striving to possess many things belonging to the earth. That's why pastors of large churches are more likely to fall into hell. They have piled up too many things of the earth for their earthly life. In the eyes of the world, the pastors of large churches seem like successful pastors. But don't be fooled, you fools. That sounds so funny. Pastors who do not believe in the reality of Heaven and Hell are teaching about Heaven, Hell, and Jesus. How can these pastors go to heaven? How can pastors who pour souls into hell go to heaven? How are they successful pastors?

그래 성공했다. 루시퍼가 보기에는 성공했다. 하나님보기에는 완전히 실패자야. 지옥으로 수많은 영혼들을 끌고가니 얼마나 좋아하겠니?

루시퍼가 놔줄 것 같애. 한번 잡히면 빠져나오기가 힘들어. 이래 저리 다 걸어놨어. 올무에서 빠져나올려면 회개밖에 없어. 자기 죄를 깨닫고 회개하는수밖에 없어. 목사들이 회개를 안가르쳐. 죄짓고 살아라고 그러는거야. 아이 나쁜 새끼들. 깨달아... 돈 좋아하는 목사들은 진짜 예수가 없는 목사야.

Desde el punto de vista de Lucifer, son pastores exitosos. Pero desde el punto de vista de Dios, son fracasos totales. Satanás ama mucho a los pastores que llevan a innumerables almas al infierno. Lucifer nunca soltó a los pastores que una vez lo atraparon. Es muy difícil para los pastores atrapados en la trampa de Lucifer ser libres. Los pastores son sostenidos por Lucifer de muchas maneras. La única forma de salir de la trampa de Lucifer es arrepentirse del pecado. Cuando se arrepiente de sus propios pecados, se libera de la trampa de Lucifer. Sin embargo, los pastores no enseñan a los santos que deben arrepentirse de sus pecados. Lo que enseñan a los santos es pecar y vivir cómodamente. Malos pastores, deben darse cuenta de sus pecados ... Los pastores que aman el dinero no tienen a Jesús en sus corazones.

From Lucifer's perspective, they are successful pastors. But from God's point of view, they are utter failures. Satan is very fond of pastors who lead countless souls to hell. Lucifer never let go of the pastors who once caught him. It is very difficult for pastors caught in the Lucifer snare to be free. Pastors are held by Lucifer in many ways. The only way out of the Lucifer snare is to repent of sin. When he repents of his own sins, he is freed from Lucifer's snare. However, pastors do not teach the saints that they must repent of their sins. What they teach the saints is to sin and live comfortably.

Bad pastors, you must realize your sins... Pastors who love money do not have Jesus in their hearts.

정신차려요. 지옥을 우습게 보지마. 견딜수 있는 형벌이 아냐. 당신들 손목을 한번 잘라봐봐 기계톱으로. 손가락을 칼로 잘라봐. 그게 몇십배 몇천배 몇만배 더 고통스러운곳이 지옥이야. 당신들 튀김할 때 쓰는 기름 팔팔 끓여서 당신들 손을 넣어봐. 견딜수 있나 지옥이 그런 곳이야. 실험해봐 안 믿어지면. 팔팔 끓는 기름을 몸에다 부어버려봐. 뜨거운지 안뜨거운지. 팔팔뛰겠나 안뛰겠나? 그런 곳이 지옥이야. 지옥이라고. 팔팔 끓는 기름가마에 집어 넣어버리는 곳이 지옥이야.

Sal de la oscuridad No lo tomes a la ligera acerca de ir al infierno.

El castigo del infierno no es de ninguna manera un nivel que los humanos puedan soportar. ¿No puedes darte cuenta del insoportable dolor del infierno? Si es así, la sierra debe cortarle los dedos una vez. La tortura del infierno es un dolor y una tortura más severos que docenas, miles y decenas de miles de veces ese dolor. Al freír, agregue los ingredientes al aceite hirviendo, Sumerja sus manos en aceite hirviendo una vez, como este. ¿Crees que puedes soportar ese dolor? El sufrimiento del infierno es peor que eso.Si no puedes entender el dolor del infierno, De esta manera, puedes experimentar algo del sufrimiento del infierno. Imagínese aceite hirviendo vertido sobre su cuerpo. Saltarás. El infierno es peor que esto. Se echa a una persona al aceite hirviendo. ¿Quién puede soportar este dolor?

Come out of the dark ,Don't take it lightly about going to hell. Hell's punishment is by no means a level humans can tolerate. Can't you realize the excruciating pain of hell? If so, your fingers should be cut once by the saw. Hell's suffering is more severe pain and torture than dozens, thousands, and tens of thousands of times that pain. When frying, add ingredients to boiling oil, Dip your hands in boiling oil once, like this one. Do you think you can endure that pain? Hell's suffering is worse than that.If you can’t understand the pain of hell, In this way, you can experience some of the suffering of Hell. Imagine boiling oil poured over your body. You will jump. Hell is worse than this. A person is thrown into the boiling oil. Who can stand this pain?

쇠꼬챙이로 온 몸을 찔러버려. 눈알을 빼다가 맛있게 먹어버리고, 머리통을 *어 먹어버리는 곳이 지옥이야. 모가지를 짤라가는 곳이 지옥이야.

나도 안믿었다니까. 그런데 지옥이 진짜 있어요. 진짜 있어요. 우습게 보지마.

우상숭배 가르치지 마. 추도예배에 다 걸렸어. 우상숭배야. 확연히 우상숭배야

La brocheta de hierro apuñaló todo el cuerpo. Al quitar los globos oculares, los espíritus malignos los mastican. Son el delicioso alimento de los malos espíritus. Muerden la cabeza de una persona. Esta es la realidad del infierno. A la gente le cortan el cuello. Esto es el infierno. Tampoco podía creer la realidad del infierno. Pero realmente hay un infierno terrible. El infierno realmente lo es. No te tomes el infierno a la ligera. No adore a los ídolos. Los miembros de la iglesia ofrecen el servicio conmemorativo de los muertos.Adorar a los muertos es idolatría. Es una clara idolatría.

The iron skewer stabbed the whole body. By removing the eyeballs, evil spirits chew on them. They are the delicious food of evil spirits.

They chew on a person's head. This is the reality of hell. People's necks are cut. This is hell. I also couldn't believe the reality of Hell.

But there really is a terrible hell. There really is hell. Don't take hell lightly. Don't worship idols. The members of the church offer memorial services for the dead.Worship for the dead is idolatry. It is a clear idolatry.

- 목사님들 불러요(지옥의 개척교회 목사가)

목사님은 하나님이 깨닫게 해 주셔서 추도예배가 우상숭배라는 걸 알잖아요.

목사들이 다 걸려있어요. 이젠 지옥으로 믿는 사람이 떨어지는 시대에요..

너무 적은 숫자만 천국가고 다 지옥이야. 다 지옥이야. 이제 믿는 사람들이 지옥에 떨어져.

Pastor Kim ~ (El pastor en el infierno llama al pastor Yang-hwan Kim)

Dios hizo que el pastor Kim se diera cuenta de esto, que el servicio conmemorativo por los muertos es idolatría. Sin embargo, la mayoría de los pastores no lo saben. Entonces, el pueblo de Dios se está vertiendo en el infierno. Ahora es el momento en que los que creen en Jesús están cayendo al infierno. Solo un número muy pequeño de miembros de la iglesia va al cielo y todos los demás van al infierno.

Ahora es el momento en que las personas que creen en Jesús vienen al infierno.

Pastor Kim~ (The pastor in Hell calls Pastor Yang-hwan Kim)

God made Pastor Kim realize this, that the memorial service for the dead is idolatry. But most pastors don't know about this. So God's people are pouring into hell. Now is the time when those who believe in Jesus are falling into hell. Only a very small number of church members go to heaven, and all others go to hell. Now, it is the time when people who believe in Jesus come to Hell.

교회 다닌다고 제대로 다닌, 열심히 했다는 사람들도 떨어지고. 교인들이 목사들이 떨어져요. 이를 빨리 전하세요. 추도예배 이것에 걸려서 지옥에 떨어지는 사람이 너무 많아요.

Los que van a la iglesia deben seguir la Biblia y creer en Jesús.

Incluso aquellos que dicen creer en Dios diligentemente caen al infierno. Muchos pastores y miembros de la iglesia caen al infierno. Necesita difundir este mensaje rápidamente. Mucha gente de Dios está ofreciendo servicios conmemorativos por los muertos. Debido a este pecado, el pueblo de Dios se está derramando en el infierno.

Those who go to church must follow the Bible and believe in Jesus. Even those who claim to believe in God diligently fall into hell. Many pastors and church members fall to hell. You need to spread this message quickly. Many people of God are offering memorial services for the dead. Because of this sin, God's people are pouring out into hell.

100% 우상숭배에요. 장례식장에서 꽃드리는 것도, 영정앞에 고개숙이는 것도, 죽은 사람에게 하는 것은 다 우상숭배에요. 목사님이 이 소식을 전하면 뒤집어져요. 목사님한테 엄청난 핍박이 올거에요. 오히려 목사들이 들고 일어날거에요. 각오하셔야 되요.

Es 100% idolatría. Ofrecer flores a los muertos en un funeral, inclinar la cabeza ante una imagen de los muertos, y todas las acciones por los muertos son idolatría. Cuando el pastor Kim difunda esta noticia en el mundo, habrá una gran conmoción. Muchos caerán en confusión espiritual. El pastor Kim será perseguido por pastores que se han enamorado de la doctrina humana. Más bien, muchos otros pastores odiarán más al pastor Kim. El pastor Kim debe estar preparado para muchas críticas.

It is 100% idolatry. Offering flowers to the dead at a funeral, bowing your head in front of an image of the dead, and all actions for the dead are idolatry. When Pastor Kim spreads this news to the world, there will be a great commotion. Many will fall into spiritual confusion. Pastor Kim will be persecuted by pastors who have fallen for human doctrine. Rather, many other pastors will hate Pastor Kim more. Pastor Kim must be prepared for a lot of criticism.

강하고 담대하지 못하면 못해요. 목사들이 들고 일어나요. 추도예배를 들춰내면.자기들이 여태껏 그렇게 해 왔거든. 큰 교회에서 압력이 들어와요.

이걸 외쳐요. 이것 때문에 지옥에 온 사람이 너무 많아요.

목사들을 깨우세요. 목사들을 깨우세요. 목사들에게 엄청난 핍박이 올거에요.

그래도 깨우세요. 목사들이 깨어져야되요. 지금은 목사들이 잠자고 있어요.

Aquellos que no son fuertes y valientes no pueden permitírselo.

Muchos pastores se oponen. Sobre el hecho de que el servicio conmemorativo de los muertos resulta ser idolatría. Esto se debe a que han estado ofreciendo servicios conmemorativos por los muertos hasta ahora. Grandes críticas y presión de la gran iglesia estarán sobre ti. Sin embargo, este mensaje debe difundirse ampliamente. Porque hay tantos miembros de la iglesia que vienen al infierno por este problema. Despierta a los pastores de la idolatría. Los pastores deben despertar del pecado de la idolatría.El pastor Kim enfrentará una tremenda persecución por parte de muchas iglesias. Aun así, muchos pastores deben apartarse de los pecados malignos. Los corazones obstinados de los pastores deben romperse. Ahora los pastores están durmiendo espiritualmente.

Those who are strong and uncourageous cannot afford this.

Many pastors object. About the fact that the memorial service for the dead turns out to be idolatry. This is because they have continued to offer memorial services for the dead. Great criticism and pressure from the large church will be on you. However, this message must be spread widely. Because there are so many members of the church who come to Hell because of this problem. Awaken pastors from idolatry. Pastors must awaken from the sin of idolatry.Pastor Kim will face tremendous persecution from many churches. Even so, many pastors must turn away from evil sins. The stubborn hearts of pastors must be broken. Now the pastors are sleeping spiritually.

깨어 있는 목사들은 어디있는거야. 모양은 목사인데 왜 목사처럼 가르치지 않는거야. 모양만 목사야. 양의 탈을 쓴 이리,늑대처럼 모양만 목사고 완전히 사단의 종들이야. 루시퍼가 얼마나 좋아하는줄 알아요. 루시퍼에게 속는거예요.

목사들이 떨어지면 루시퍼가 너무 좋아요. 다 속아. 다 속아.

Pocos ministros están despiertos del sueño espiritual. ¿Por qué los que tienen el cargo de pastores no enseñan correctamente la Palabra de Dios? Muchos pastores son pastores solo en apariencia. Estos pastores son como lobos con máscaras de oveja. Su apariencia es la de un pastor, pero sus corazones son siervos de Satanás como lobos. Lucifer ama mucho a estos pastores. Muchos pastores están siendo engañados por Lucifer. Cuando los ministros caen en el infierno, Lucifer se regocija. Todo el mundo está siendo engañado.

Few ministers are awake from spiritual sleep. Why don't those who hold the position of pastors teach the Word of God correctly? Many pastors are pastors only in appearance. These pastors are like wolves in sheep's masks. Their appearance is a pastor, but their hearts are wolf-like servants of Satan. Lucifer loves these pastors very much. Many pastors are being fooled by Lucifer. When the ministers fall into hell, Lucifer rejoices. Everyone is being deceived.

어디 루시퍼가 귀신들이 있냐고 그래. 목사들이.. 아이고 답답하다. 귀신의 왕을 섬겨주니 루시퍼가 얼마나 좋아. 예수와 원수된 루시퍼를 들춰내야 되는데 루시퍼한데 속아서 들춰내지도 못하고.

귀신들만 있데. 목사들이. 그냥 귀신만 있는줄 알어, 아이고 답답해.

귀신들이 얼마나 센 귀신들도 약한 귀신들도 있고 종류가 얼마나 많은데.

그 계급이 얼마나 높고 낮음이 있는데. 지옥은 나라인데. 왜 왕이 없어. 바보들아. 다 속아

Muchos pastores dicen que Lucifer no existe. Oh, son tan frustrantes. Lucifer está muy feliz porque los pastores esconden a Lucifer, el rey de los demonios. Todos los pastores deben revelar la identidad de Lucifer, el enemigo de Jesús. Sin embargo, dado que muchos pastores son engañados por Lucifer, no pueden revelar la identidad de Lucifer al mundo. Algunos pastores dicen que solo existen los espíritus malignos. En realidad, Lucifer existe y hay varios fantasmas malvados.Entre los fantasmas malvados, hay fantasmas fuertes y débiles. Hay muchos tipos de fantasmas malvados. El orden de los demonios malvados es diverso, de clase alta o baja. El infierno es un país. ¿Por qué no puede haber un rey en un país? Estos tontos. Todo el mundo está siendo engañado.

Many pastors have said that Lucifer does not exist. Oh, they are so frustrating. Lucifer is very happy because the pastors hide Lucifer, the king of demons. All pastors must reveal the identity of Lucifer, the enemy of Jesus. However, since many pastors are fooled by Lucifer, they are unable to reveal Lucifer's identity to the world. Some pastors say that only evil spirits exist. In reality, Lucifer exists, and there are various evil spirits.Among the evil ghosts, there are strong and weak ghosts. There are many kinds of evil ghosts. The order of evil demons is diverse, high or low class. Hell is a country. Why couldn't there be a king in a country? These fools. Everyone is being deceived.

정신차리고 들춰내요. 두려워하지 말아요. 하나님이 목사님과 함께 하시기 때문에 이 일을 꼭 해야 되요. 교인들 한 사람 한 사람한테보다 목사들을 깨우는 것이 더 중요해요. 무조건 얘기해 주세요. 목사들이 다 숨겨놔, 죄인데 다 가려놨어. 목사들한테 회개를 가르치라고 얘기해 주세요. 회개가 살길인데 그걸 안가르쳐요.

Todos los pastores deben estar alerta y revelar la identidad de Lucifer. No tengas miedo. Debido a que Dios está con el pastor Kim, debe hacer esto. Es más importante despertar a los pastores que despertar a una persona, una persona en la congregación. El pastor Kim debe difundir este hecho con fuerza incondicionalmente. Muchos pastores han ocultado la identidad de Lucifer, Y no enseñan a los pecadores a arrepentirse de sus pecados.Pastor Kim, Por favor, cuéntele a muchos pastores sobre esto. Por favor dígales que deben arrepentirse de sus pecados. Arrepentirse del pecado es el camino a vivir y al cielo.

All pastors must be alert and reveal Lucifer's identity. Don't be afraid. Because God is with Pastor Kim, you must do this.It is more important to awaken pastors than to awaken one person, one person in the congregation. Pastor Kim must unconditionally spread this fact strongly. Many pastors have hidden Lucifer's identity, And they do not teach sinners to repent of their sins.Pastor Kim, Please tell a lot of pastors about this. Please tell them that they must repent of their sins. Repenting of sin is the way to live and to heaven.

믿으면 천국간데... 나도 그랬어. 예수 믿으면 천국간다고 나도 확실하게 안믿는 예수를 가르쳤어. 꼭 전하세요. 내가 못한거 목사님이 대신해 주세요. 내가 깨닫지 못해서 잘못 가르친거 목사님은 깨달았으니까 이 소식을 들고 나가세요 부탁해요.

Debes creer verdaderamente en Jesús para ir al cielo. Pero enseñé el evangelio solo con mi boca sin una fe real. Sin ninguna convicción, simplemente les enseñé a los santos que si creían en Jesús, irían al cielo. Yo mismo no creía en Jesús con certeza, pero enseñé a Jesús a otros. Pastor Kim, por favor haga lo que yo no pude hacer por mí. Como no entendí la verdad, la enseñé mal. El pastor Kim ya se ha dado cuenta verdaderamente de la verdad.

You must truly believe in Jesus to go to heaven. However, I taught the gospel only with my mouth without real faith. Without any conviction, I simply taught the saints that if they believed in Jesus, they would go to heaven. I myself did not believe in Jesus with certainty, but I taught Jesus to others. Pastor Kim, please do what I couldn't do for me. Because I didn't understand the truth, I taught it wrong. Pastor Kim has already truly realized the truth.

하나님 일 제대로 하다가 천국가세요. 여기만큼은 오지 마세요. 억울하게 여기 오는 사람이 너무 많아요. 죽도록 일하고 예수 믿고 지옥오는 사람이 너무 많아. 억울한 사람이 너무 많아. 여기 못오게 만들어요.

하나님 감사합니다.


Después de realizar la obra de Dios, ve al cielo. Nadie debería venir a este infierno. Son muchos los que vienen al infierno desde una posición injusta. Trabajaron duro en la iglesia, pero como no creyeron en Jesús según la verdad, están llegando al infierno. Quiero que la gente injusta no venga al infierno. Pastor Kim, Asegúrate de que nadie venga al infierno.

Gracias a Dios.

¡Señor, recibe toda la gloria!

After accomplishing God's work, go to heaven. No one should come to this hell. There are many who come to hell from an unfair position. They worked hard in the church, but because they did not believe in Jesus according to the truth, they are coming to hell. I want unfair people to not come to hell. Pastor Kim, Make sure no ones come to hell.

Thank God.

Lord, receive all the glory!


  이전글 : (Lucifer) ¿Aprendes a amar en extrema traición?(루시퍼) 극한 배신속에서 사랑을 배우느냐?
  다음글 : Sobre el sonido del cielo y el infierno (스페인어 / 천국과 지옥 소리에 대하여)