제 목 : . El que cayó en el infierno dice que todos deben creer bien en Jesús. 지옥에서 '예수 잘 믿으라!!'고 외치고 있다. | 조회수 : 753 |
작성자 : Barnabas | 작성일 : 2020-10-05 |
. 지옥에서 '예수 잘 믿으라!!'고 외치고 있다.
. El que cayó en el infierno dice que todos deben creer bien en Jesús.
. The one who fell into hell says that everyone must believe in Jesus well.
야 새끼들아. 여기가 너희들이 믿지 않는 지옥이야. 이 망할 것들아. 여기가 지옥이야. 지옥이야. 새끼들아. 여기는 불바다야. 엄청 불바다야. 예수 잘 믿어라. 시기, 질투 다 버려. 니네 다 지옥와. 예수 믿는 것들 뭐하는거야. 너 예수 헛것 믿는거야. 너희의 죄의 담을 무너뜨려. 결코 죄의 담이 높게 쌓인 상태에서는 주님을 만날 수 없어. 기도도 안올라가. 너희들 회개해라. 회개하고 여기 오지마. 회개는 생명을 얻는거야. 왜 저주는 가르치지 않는거야 . 무슨 목사들이 맨날 복타령만 하는거야. 복,복,복하다가 나처럼 지옥에 떨어져.
Oye, hijo de puta. El infierno es donde estoy ahora, pero no estás admitiendo que el infierno existe. Estos que perecen, estoy en el infierno, el infierno realmente existe. Hijo de puta. Este es un mar de fuego, un mar de fuego tan grande. Cree bien en Jesús. Desecha toda envidia y celos.De lo contrario, todos vendrán al infierno. ¿Cómo viven los que dicen creer en Jesús? Muchos creen en Jesús en vano. Derriba los muros del pecado.Sus oraciones no suben al SeñorChicos, arrepiéntanse de sus pecados. Arrepiéntanse de sus pecados y no permitan que nadie venga a este infierno. Arrepentirse del pecado es ganar vida. Las consecuencias de los pecados son maldiciones, pero ¿por qué los pastores no enseñan a los santos sobre esto? Todos los pastores les dicen a los santos todo el tiempo, serán bendecidos. Para los creyentes que no se arrepienten de sus pecados, los ministros predican solo sobre las bendiciones. Los pastores solo enfatizan la bendición, la bendición, la bendición y vienen al infierno como yo.
Hey, O son of a bitch. Hell is where I am now, but you are not admitting the existence of Hell. These perishing ones, I am in Hell, Hell really exists. O son of a bitch. This is a sea of fire, so great a sea of fire. Believe in Jesus well. Throw away all envy and jealousy. Otherwise, you all come to hell. How do those who claim to believe in Jesus live? Many believe in Jesus in vain. Break down the walls of sin.Even his prayers don’t go up to the Lord You guys, repent of your sins. Repent of your sins, and let no one come to this hell. To repent of sin is to gain life. The consequences of sins are curses, but why don't pastors teach the saints about this? All the pastors always say to the saints, you will be blessed. To believers who do not repent of their sins, pastors preach only on blessings. Pastors only emphasize blessing, blessing, blessing, and come to hell just like me.
왜 귀신의 정체는 밝히지 않는거야. 왜 대한민국에 수많은 목사들 중에 천국, 지옥을 확실히 전하는 목사가 손에 꼽을 정도야. 열 손가락 안에 꼽는다고. 많은 목사들이 안경, 까만 썬글라스를 끼고 있어. 뭘 보자는거야. 그게 소경이요, 그게 영적이지 않는 목사야.
¿Por qué los pastores no revelan la identidad de los espíritus malignos? Entre los muchos pastores en Corea, ¿quién seguramente predica la realidad del cielo y el infierno? Hay pocos de esos ministros, serán menos de 10. La realidad espiritual de muchos pastores es usar lentes oscuros. No pueden ver el mundo espiritual. Son pastores espiritualmente ciegos.Los pastores son espiritualmente ciegos.
Why are the pastors not revealing the identity of the evil spirits? Among the many pastors in Korea, who surely preaches the reality of heaven and hell? There are few such ministers, they will be less than 10. The spiritual reality of many pastors is wearing dark sunglasses. They cannot see the spiritual world. They are spiritually blind pastors. Pastors are spiritually blind.
목사들이 기도하는 것을 싫어해. 기도하는 것을 힘들어하고 귀찮아 해. 기도하는 목사가 옆에 있으면 니네 영혼이 사단의 공격으로부터 보장, 보호받을 수 있어. 양들이 목자의 울타리 안에 있을 때는 위험하지 않아. 하지만 울타리 밖에 나가면 이리에게 잡혀먹을 수 밖에 없어. 기도는 울타리야. 안전을 보장받는거야. 천국으로 갈 수 있는거야. 교회들이 목사들이 다 썩어버렸어. 왜 기도하는 법을 가르치지 않는거야. 왜 기도를 귀찮아 해.
Los pastores odian orar, tienen dificultades para orar y consideran una carga muy pesada orar al Señor.Las almas con el pastor que ora pueden protegerse del ataque de Satanás. Cuando las ovejas están dentro de la cerca del pastor, no es peligroso. Sin embargo, cuando salen de la cerca, son capturados y devorados por los lobos.
La oración es la cerca que los protege.Las vidas de aquellos que están dentro de la cerca de la oración están aseguradas.Y van al cielo.Ahora las iglesias y los pastores están casi corrompidos. Los pastores no enseñan a los santos cómo orar tan importante. Orar al Señor se considera molesto para pastores y creyentes.
Pastors hate to pray, they have a hard time praying, and they consider it a very burdensome burden to pray to the Lord. Souls with the praying pastor can be protected from Satan's attack. When the sheep are inside the shepherd's fence, it is not dangerous. However, when they go out of the fence, they are caught and eaten by wolves. Prayer is the fence that protects them. The lives of those within the fence of prayer are assured of safety.And they are going to heaven. Now churches and pastors are almost corrupted. Pastors do not teach the saints how to pray so important. Praying to the Lord is treated as annoying to pastors and believers.
기도없이는 천국갈 수 없어. 기도는 백과사전, 지름길이야. 천국가는 지름길이야. 야 새끼들아. 기도안하는 것들은 탄 냄비에 구멍뚫린 신앙생활하는거야. 땜빵한 냄비에 수세미질하는 것과 같은거야. 그게 형식적으로 신앙생활하는거야. 니네들이 예수 믿는거냐?
Nadie puede ir al cielo sin orar. Orar al Señor es una enciclopedia celestial de respuestas a todos los problemas y un atajo al cielo. Oye, hijo de puta. Los que asisten a la iglesia sin orar viven una vida de fe con un agujero, como una olla con un agujero. Esta creencia es como fregar una olla rota y con fugas. Esa es la vida formal de la fe. ¿Puedes pensar que estas personas realmente creen en Jesús?
No one can go to heaven without praying. Praying to the Lord is a heavenly encyclopedia of answers to all problems, and a shortcut to heaven. Hey, O son of a bitch. Those who go to church without praying live a life of faith with a hole in it, like a pot with a hole in it. This belief is like scrubbing a broken and leaking pot. Such is the formal life of faith. Can you think that these people really believe in Jesus?
아, 나죽겠네 죽겠네. 아이고. 내가 못살겠네. 사단의 앞잡이 노릇하다가 내가 여기에 떨어졌네. 사단에게 실컷 쓰임받고 여기에 떨어졌네. 예수 믿는 것들아 정신차려. 장독대 항아리를 보여주는데 물을 갖다 부어도 장독대밑에 구멍이 뚫려서 물이 채워지지 않아. 형식적인 신앙생활하지마. 실컷 사단의 앞잡이 노릇하다가 지옥에 떨어졌네.
Oh, estoy sufriendo el dolor de la muerte. No puedo soportar este dolor. Oh, ¿cómo debo lidiar con este dolor? Yo era el instrumento de Satanás en el mundo y, como resultado, caí en este infierno. Satanás me había usado. Ahora, los creyentes en Jesús, solo despierten. El Señor me muestra una olla rota. Incluso si se vierte mucha agua en él, a través del agujero roto, toda el agua sale, al final, no queda agua en el recipiente.Esta escena es una parábola de aquellos que viven una vida religiosa sin una fe verdadera. Nadie debería hacer esto. Todas estas personas viven como herramientas de Satanás y caen al infierno como yo.
Oh, I am in the pain of death. I cannot bear this pain. Oh, how should I deal with this pain? I was Satan's instrument in the world, and as a result I fell into this hell. I had been used by Satan. Now you who believe in Jesus, you only have to wake up. The Lord shows me a broken pot. Even if a lot of water is poured into it, through the broken hole, all the water goes out, in the end, there is no water left in the bowl.This scene is a parable of those who live a religious life without true faith. No one should do this. All these people live as Satan's tools and fall into hell like me.
와, 진짜 지옥이 있었네. 이런 곳이 지옥이구나. 쉴새 없는 고문이 있는곳, 어두컴컴하고 안개가 가득한 곳, 이런 곳이 지옥이야. 불꽃, 불속에, 지네, 뱀소굴에, 지렁이, 구더기에, 아이고 세상에 있는 고문기구들이 다 있네. 연장도구들이 다 있네. 루시퍼 손톱은 왜 저렇게 시뻘겋게 긴 거야. 나 저 손톱이 싫어.
El infierno realmente existe. Esto es el infierno. En el infierno, la gente es torturada constantemente. Es un infierno donde siempre hay tortura, oscuro y lleno de niebla. El infierno siempre se desborda de fuego y está lleno de serpientes, ciempiés, lombrices y gusanos. Oh, los instrumentos de tortura en el mundo también están llenos de infierno. Aquí también hay muchas otras herramientas en el mundo. ¿Por qué las uñas de Lucifer están tan rojas? Odio mucho sus uñas.
Hell really exists. This is hell. In Hell, people are constantly being tortured. It is hell where there is always torture, dark and full of fog. Hell always overflows with fire, and is full of snakes, centipedes, earthworms, and maggots. Oh, the instruments of torture in the world are full of hell as well. There are many other tools in the world here too. Why are Lucifer's nails so red? I hate his nails very much.
<그 포악한 스님이에요>
머리부터 발끝까지 다트가 꽂혀있어요. 서있는 상태에서 고문을 받는데 까만 물이 줄줄 흘러요. 스님들한테 전해요. 석가모니가 지옥에 있다고. 전하지 말고 강하게 외쳐요. 나도 석가모니 믿다가 절간에서 스님이었다. 그런데 절간에 구원이 없네. 기독교가 최고네. 기독교는 종교가 아니야. 생명을 살리는 곳이야. 생명을 공급받는 곳이야. 천국가는 지름길, 문이야. 기독교 문으로 들어가. 절간은 아냐. 그 문이 넓은 문이야. 멸망으로 인도하는 문이야. 기독교는 좁은 문이야. 구원의 문이야. 그리로 들어가.
<Ese monje muy feroz>
De la cabeza a los pies, está lleno de saliva como dardos. Está de pie y está siendo torturado. El agua negra fluye hacia abajo. Difunde esta noticia a los monjes. Predica el hecho de que el Buda está en el infierno. Asegúrate y difunde poderosamente este hecho a la dedicación. Yo mismo era monje, creía en Buda y vivía en un templo budista. El budismo no es un lugar donde los seres humanos puedan salvarse. El cristianismo es el mejor. El cristianismo no es una religión general, sino un lugar para salvar vidas.Es un lugar donde la vida es suministrada por el Creador. El cristianismo es un atajo al cielo y una puerta al cielo. Entra por la puerta cristiana. No vayas a los templos budistas. Los otros caminos son caminos anchos y son las puertas que conducen a la destrucción. El cristianismo es una puerta estrecha y una puerta de salvación. todos, Entra por el camino de la salvación y la puerta de la salvación.
<That very fierce monk>
From head to toe, he is full of darts-like saliva. He is standing and being tortured. Black water flows down. Spread this news to the monks. Preach the fact that the Buddha is in Hell. Make sure and powerfully spread this fact to the dedication. I myself was a monk, believed in Buddha, and lived in a Buddhist temple. Buddhism is not a place where humans can be saved. Christianity is the best. Christianity is not a general religion, but a place to save lives.It is a place where life is supplied by the Creator. Christianity is a shortcut to heaven and a door to heaven. Enter the Christian door. Don't go to Buddhist temples. The other roads are wide roads, and are the gates that lead to destruction. Christianity is both a narrow gate and a gate of salvation. all, Enter the way of salvation and the gate of salvation.
“스님이 웬 말씀을 하냐고?” 죽으면 다 알게 돼. 죽으면 영이기 때문에 다 알어. 그래서 죽고 나면 다 후회하고, 이 지옥에서 다 깨달아. 울면서 이를 갈아. 그런데 소용없다는거. 나갈 수 없다는거.
이게 뭐야 나한테 오지마. 이 징그러운 것들아. 기어오지 마. 난 싫어. 더 이상 들어오지마.
Muchos pensarán: “¿Cómo podría un monje en el infierno decir esto? Cuando alguien muere, lo sabe todo. Dado que el espíritu está vivo cuando el cuerpo muere, el espíritu lo sabe todo. Por eso todos los que caen en el infierno después de la muerte lamentan su vida. En este infierno todos se dan cuenta de la verdad. Así que los del infierno lloran y se arrepienten. Pero lamentarse en el infierno es inútil. Nadie puede salir del infierno. ¿Que es esto? Estas cosas desagradables, no vengan a mí. No te arrastres más hacia mí. Te odio. No te acerques más a mí.
Many will think, “How could a monk in hell say this? When anyone dies, he knows everything. Since the spirit is alive when the body dies, the spirit knows everything. That is why all those who fall into hell after death regret their lives. In this hell everyone realizes the truth. So those in Hell weep and regret. But regretting in hell is useless. No one can get out of hell. What is this? These nasty things, don't come to me. Don't crawl to me any more. I hate you. Don't come any closer to me.
더 이상 더러울 것도 없어. 굼벵이, 지네, 구더기, 실뱀, 실지렁이 그런 것들이 스님이 십자가 틀에 손 벌리고 서 있는데, 어디서 왔는지 수많은 벌레들이 땅이 보이지 않을 정도로 있는데, 스님의 몸에 붙어서 올라가요, 구더기들만 입안으로 들어가요. 몇억개 이상이 들어가요. 구더기는 속을 파먹어요. 발등부터 속으로 껍데기만 놔두고 속에만 파 먹어요.
No podría ser peor y sucio que esta situación. Babosas, ciempiés, gusanos, serpientes, gusanos, etc. llegaron al monje. Está en una cruz, con las manos y los pies atados y los brazos abiertos. De donde vienen, innumerables gusanos vienen a él. Se pegan al cuerpo del monje y suben. Entre los muchos tipos de gusanos, los gusanos entran en su boca y comen dentro de su cuerpo. Dejando la piel de su cuerpo, alguna parte cava y se come solo su interior.
It couldn't be worse and dirty than this situation. Slugs, centipedes, maggots, snakes, worms, etc. came to the monk. He is on a cross, his hands and feet tied, and his arms open. Where they come from, countless worms come to him. They stick to the monk's body and climb up. Among the many types of worms, maggots enter his mouth and eat inside his body. Leaving the skin of his body, the maggots dig and eat only his inside.
그리고 벌레들이 겉에 붙어 있어요. 거머리가 피를 쪽쪽 빨아 먹어요. 거머리는 세상에 있는 거머리가 아니에요. 뱀처럼 길어요. 입에서 얇은 뱀이 나와서 살에 구멍을 뻥뻥 뚫고, 쭉쭉 피를 뽑아 먹어요. 정확하게 성대있는대도 구멍이 뻥 뚫렸어요. 말을 하는데 구더기를 토해요 너무 많아서 목에서도 구멍에서도 나와요. 구더기가 쏟아 져요. 모래를 갖다 붓는 것처럼.
Y muchos gusanos se quedan pegados en el exterior de su cuerpo.
El tipo sanguijuela chupa su sangre. Las sanguijuelas del infierno son diferentes de las sanguijuelas del mundo y son largas como serpientes. De la boca de la sanguijuela salen serpientes muy delgadas, perforan un agujero en su cuerpo y chupan sangre. También hay un agujero en su cuerda vocal. Los gusanos vomitan cuando habla. A través de su garganta y agujeros, salen demasiados gusanos, La cantidad de gusanos es tan grande que parece que la arena se está derramando.
And many worms are stuck on the outside of his body. The leech kind sucks his blood. Hell's leeches are different from the world's leeches and are as long as snakes. Very thin snakes come out of the leech mouth, pierce a hole in his body, and suck blood. His vocal cords are also pierced. Maggots are vomiting when he speaks. Through his throat and holes, too many maggots pour out, The amount of worms is so great that it seems like sand is pouring out.
니네들이 믿지 않는 지옥이야. 목사들이 다 썩어버렸어. 천국과 지옥을 전하지 않아. 거저 말씀속으로 말씀속으로 들어가야 돼. 말씀안으로 들어가야 돼. 그런데 성경에서 예수가 나오는게 아니라 자기 지식이 나와.
자기를 비우지 않고서는 예수가 안 나와. 성령감동받을 수 없어. 마음이 지식으로 가득 차버려서 자기 지식이 나오는거야. 자기 생각이 나오는거야. 사단이 생각을 잡아서 사단이 말하는대로 생각 주는대로 이끄는거야.
Aquí está el infierno que no admite y no cree. Todos los pastores están podridos, no prediques cielo ni infierno. Todos deben creer solo en la palabra de Dios, solo en la palabra hay vida. Entra en la Palabra de Dios. Muchos pastores no enseñan a Jesús a través de la Biblia, están enseñando su propio conocimiento. Los pastores no pueden verdaderamente enseñar a Jesús sin renunciar a su propio conocimiento. Jesús no aparece en sus sermones. No pueden ser movidos por el Espíritu Santo.Sus propios pensamientos se desbordan. Satanás usa y manipula sus pensamientos. Muchos pastores predican los pensamientos de Satanás y se sienten atraídos por él.
Here is the hell you don't admit and don't believe. All the pastors are rotten, they do not preach heaven and hell. Everyone must believe only the word of God, only in the word there is life. Go into the Word of God. Many pastors do not teach Jesus through the Bible, they are teaching their own knowledge. Pastors cannot truly teach Jesus without giving up their own knowledge. Jesus does not appear in their sermons. They cannot be moved by the Holy Spirit.Their own thoughts overflow. Satan uses and manipulates their thoughts.
Many pastors preach the thoughts of Satan and are drawn to Satan.
지식적인 목사들, 다 사단이 잡았어. 언제 깨달을거야. 그 밑에 있는 성도들은 언제 깨달을거야. 이 눈먼 소경들아. 나와 제발부탁이야. 내가 이렇게 소리지르잖아. 나와. 나와. 왜 눈에 까만 안대를 쓰고 있는거야. 지식적인 목사 교회 다니는 성도들은 까만옷을 입고 까만 안대로 가려놨어요. 다 지옥와. 흰옷 세마포 옷을 입어야지. 니네 회개치 않으면 다 지옥가.
Todos los pastores que han estado obsesionados con el conocimiento humano están en manos de Satanás. ¿Cuándo pueden estos pastores darse cuenta de la verdad de la Biblia? ¿Cuándo se darán cuenta de la verdad los miembros de la congregación bajo el ministerio del conocimiento humano? Ciegos espirituales, Sal del lugar equivocado rápidamente, te pido por favor. ¿No estoy en el infierno gritando así? Sal de ahí rápidamente, ven a la verdad. Cada uno de sus ojos tiene un parche en el ojo negro. Las personas que asisten a la iglesia del pastor que pertenecen al conocimiento humano visten ropa negra y parches en los ojos negros.Toda esta gente viene al infierno. Vístase de lino blanco, esto es para arrepentirse de los pecados. Aquellos que no se arrepientan de esos pecados vendrán al infierno.
All the pastors who have been obsessed with human knowledge are held by Satan. When can these pastors realize the truth of the Bible?
When will the members of the congregation under the minister of human knowledge become aware of the truth? Spiritual blind men, Get out of the wrong place quickly, I ask please. Aren't I in Hell screaming like this? Get out of there quickly, come to the truth. Each of their eyes is wearing a black eye patch. The people who attend the pastor's church belonging to human knowledge are wearing black clothes and black eyepatches.All these people come to Hell. Dress in white linen, this is to repent of sins. Those who do not repent of those sins are to come to Hell.
거기서 예수 안나와. 예수 없어. 지식적인 목사들은 자기를 자랑해. 오직 예수가 아냐. 오직 내 자랑 내 자신만 높아. 지식이 많을수록 교만이 꼭 차있어. 그 목사님 머리에 코브라가 청진기처럼 돌돌 감아서 딱 서있어요, 이마 정 중앙에. 사단이 잡았어요. 지식적인 목사님들을.
A Jesús no se le puede enseñar correctamente en una iglesia así. Sal de ahí rápidamente. Jesús no está ahí. Los pastores que caen en el conocimiento humano se jactan de sí mismos. La misión de los ministros es predicar solo a Jesús. Muchos pastores están tratando de exaltarse y jactarse solo de sí mismos. Cuanto más conocimiento humano tiene, más se desborda su orgullo. La cabeza de tal pastor está envuelta en una serpiente cobra, y la forma de la serpiente está envuelta como un estetoscopio. La serpiente de Satanás está envuelta alrededor del centro de sus frentes, y la serpiente enderezó la cabeza.
Jesus cannot be taught correctly in such a church. Get out of there quickly. Jesus is not there. Pastors who fall into human knowledge boast of themselves. The mission of ministers is to preach Jesus alone. Many pastors are trying to exalt themselves and boast only of themselves. The more human knowledge he has, the more his pride overflows. Such a pastor's head is wrapped in a cobra snake, and the snake's shape is wrapped like a stethoscope. Satan's serpent is wrapped around the center of their foreheads, and the serpent put his head upright
나는 기회를 잃었어. 나는 거저 참선하고 깨끗하게 살면 되는줄 알았는데 다 아니네. 다 아니네. 예수가 최고네. 도닦는 스님들 제발 나와요. 거기서 나와요. 거기는 아니야. 절간은 루시퍼가 장악했어. 크고 유명한 절간일수록 너무 너무 큰 구렁이가 절간 전체를 감고 있어요. 근데 그 뱀 입에서 새끼뱀들이 쏟아져와요. 그리고 사람 머리속으로 파고 들어가요. 사람머리에 물이 스며들듯이 파고 들어가요. 사람들은 몰라요. 사람들이 신들린듯 절을 해요. 거기 아니야. 나와. 나와.
Debido a que ya caí en el infierno, perdí la oportunidad de ser salvo. Me había equivocado al pensar que vivir bien y limpio a través del budismo es la forma de salvarse. No era el camino de la salvación, Jesús es el mejor. Monjes en el templo, por favor salgan de allí. No es un lugar para salvarse. Todo el budismo está dominado por Lucifer. Cuanto más grandes y famosos son los templos budistas, más grandes los envuelven las serpientes. Y pequeñas serpientes salen de la boca de la gran serpiente. Las pequeñas serpientes se clavan en la cabeza de las personas.La forma en que cavan en la cabeza de las personas parece agua que se filtra en la cabeza de las personas. Pero la gente no lo siente. La gente se inclina frente al Buda de piedra como loca. No hagas eso, sal de ahí.
Because I have already fallen into hell, I have lost my chance to be saved. I had been mistaken that living good and clean through Buddhism is the way to be saved. It was not the way of salvation, Jesus is the best. Monks in the temple, please come out of there. It is not a place to be saved. All Buddhism is dominated by Lucifer. The larger and more famous Buddhist temples, the larger the snakes wrap around them. And little snakes pour out from the mouth of the big snake. Small snakes dig into people's heads.The way they dig into people's heads looks like water seeping into people's heads. But people don't feel it. People bow in front of the stone Buddha like crazy. Don't do that, get out of it.
나도 거기에 구원, 생명이 있는 곳인줄 알았어. 생명의 꽃이 석가모니인줄 알았어. 석가모니가 신인줄 알았는데 우리와 같은 사람이야. 오직 신은 예수 한분이야. 하나님이 예수님이야. 석가모니는 신아냐. 인간이야 인간이 만든 우상이야. 그 분을 통하지 않고서는 누구든지 천국 못들어가. 제발 나와 나와 *4
También pensé que había salvación y vida en los templos budistas.
Solía pensar que la flor de la vida es Buda. Creí que el Buda es un Dios que salva a los humanos. No, es el mismo ser humano que nosotros. Solo el Dios Todopoderoso es Jesús. Dios es Jesús. Jesús es Dios mismo. Buda nunca es Dios. Buda era un ser humano, pero los humanos lo idolatraban. Nadie puede entrar al cielo excepto a través de Jesús. Por favor sal de lo falso. Sal de las mentiras (repite 4 veces)
I also thought that there was salvation and life in Buddhist temples.
I used to think that the flower of life is the Buddha. I believed that the Buddha is a God who saves humans. No, he is just the same human being as we are. Only the Almighty God is Jesus. God is Jesus. Jesus is God Himself. Buddha is never God. Buddha was a human being, but humans idolized him. No one can enter heaven except through Jesus. Please come out of the fake. Come out of lies (repeat 4 times)
스님들이 동그랗게 둘러앉아 있는데 그 중간에 지옥의 문이 열려버려요. 거기 들어가면 100% 지옥이야. 제발 회개하고 나와. 교회와. 교회는 종교가 아니야. 생명을 살리는 곳이야. 그게 틀리다는거야. 이걸 지옥에 와서 알았어. 지옥에 진짜 있더라. 제발 나와라. 이 세상에 살아있을 동안에 유명할수록 사단이 잡아 쓰는거야. 제발 나와 부탁이야.
En un templo budista, los monjes están sentados, la puerta del infierno está abierta en medio de ellos. El 100% de los que ingresan al budismo van al infierno. Por favor, arrepiéntete de tus pecados y sal del budismo. Ven a la iglesia. La iglesia no es solo una religión. La iglesia es un lugar para salvar vidas humanas. Esa diferencia es la diferencia entre el budismo y el cristianismo. Vine al infierno y supe esto. El infierno realmente existe. Por favor salga de la religión y el lugar equivocados. Por favor, sal de ese lugar. Cuanto más famoso en este mundo, más lo usa Satanás.Por favor sal de las falsificaciones. Pregunto así.
In a Buddhist temple, monks are sitting around, the gate to hell is open in the middle of them. 100% of those who enter Buddhism go to Hell. Please repent of your sins and come out of Buddhism. Come to church. The church is not just a religion. The church is a place to save human life. That difference is the difference between Buddhism and Christianity. I came to hell and knew this. Hell really exists. Please come out of the wrong religion and place. Please come out of such a place. The more famous in this world, the more Satan uses it.Please come out of the fakes. I ask like this.
스님이 무릎을 꿇고 빌어요. 제발 나오라고 빌어요.
예수 믿는다고 다 천국 가는거 아냐. 진짜 예수 확실히 잡고, 내가 구원받을 만한 회개를 했는지. 구원을 얻을만한 예수를 잡고 있는지, 내가 맘속에 무엇이 있는지 항상 점검하고 점검해. 진짜 예수 한분만으로 만족해야지 천국갈 수 있는거야. 그 어떤 것도 품어서는 안돼. 진짜로 천국갈 수 있는 확률이 너무나 적다는거야.
Un monje se arrodilla de rodillas y suplica a la gente del mundo de esta manera. "Por favor, salga del mal, falsificaciones." El hecho de que creas en Jesús no significa que todos vayan al cielo. Cree realmente en Jesús. Vea si se ha arrepentido sinceramente de sus pecados para que usted mismo pueda ser salvo. Asegúrese de aferrarse a Jesús lo suficiente para ser salvo. Siempre verifique lo que su mente es lo primero. Solo aquellos que están satisfechos solo a través de Jesús pueden ir al cielo.No debes tener nada en tu corazón que no sea Jesús.En el mundo actual, la probabilidad de ir al cielo es muy pequeña.
A monk kneels on his knees and begs the people of the world in this way. "Please, get out of the wrong, fakes." Just because you believe in Jesus does not mean that everyone goes to heaven. Really believe in Jesus. See if you have sincerely repented of your sins so you can be saved yourself. Make sure you hold on to Jesus enough to be saved. Always check what your mind comes first. Only those who are satisfied through Jesus alone can go to heaven.You shouldn't have anything in your heart other than Jesus. In the present world, the probability of going to heaven is very slim.
말씀 많이 봐. 목사 따라가지도 잡지도 마. 그게 지옥가는 지름길이야. 목사 옷 잡고 간다고. 아니야. 니네들이 말씀보고 기도하고 깨어 있어. 깨어있다는 것은 기도한다는거야. 남을 바라볼 것이 아니라 나를 살피고 살펴서 내가 무엇이 회개되지 않은 부분이 있나, 내가 무엇이 하나님말씀에 걸려있나, 내가 하나님 말씀에 비추어 봤을 때 무엇에 불순종하고 있는지 알고, 그 불순종을 끊어야 천국에 들어갈 수 있는거야
Todos deben leer muchas de las palabras de la Biblia. No siga los pensamientos personales del pastor, no confíe en el conocimiento humano. Seguir el conocimiento humano es el atajo al infierno. No puedes ir al cielo aferrándote a los pensamientos del pastor. El pueblo de Dios debe leer la Biblia directamente, orar directamente al Señor y estar despierto. Decir que el alma está despierta significa rezar. No mires a los demás, mira tu propia vida y tu corazón. Primero, arrepiéntete de tus propios pecados.Descubra qué partes de mi vida están en contra de la Palabra de Dios. Date cuenta de cuál es tu propia desobediencia a través de la Palabra de Dios. Cuando esa desobediencia sea eliminada, puedes entrar al cielo.
Everyone must read a lot of the words of the Bible. Do not follow the pastor's personal thoughts, do not rely on human knowledge. Following human knowledge is the shortcut to hell. You cannot go to heaven by holding onto the pastor's thoughts. God's people should read the Bible directly, pray directly to the Lord, and be awake. To say that the soul is awake means to pray. Don't look at others, look at your own life and heart. Repent of your own sins first.Find out what parts of my life are against the Word of God. Realize what your own disobedience is through the Word of God. When that disobedience is cut off, you can enter heaven.
불순종하는 자는 안식에 들어갈 수 없어. 이스라엘 백성들을 봐봐 왜 안식을 얻지 못하고 지옥에 갔는데. 불순종이야. 불순종하는 자들은 천국갈 수 없어. 불순종을 끊어야 돼. 여기에 이스라엘 지파 사람들이 얼마나 많이 떨어졌는데. 그들은 그들끼리 모여서 형벌받아. 그렇게 하나님을 체험하고, 그렇게 많은 기적과 표적들을 보았는데, 믿지 않았어. 믿지 않아서 불순종했던거야. 하나님을 마음에 두기 싫어해서, 욕심이 있어서 말씀에 순종하지 못하고, 우상숭배한거야.
Los que desobedecen no pueden entrar en el descanso eterno. Mire las vidas y los resultados de los israelitas. ¿Por qué no entraron en el descanso eterno? La razón por la que fueron al infierno fue por su desobediencia. Todos los que desobedecen no pueden ir al cielo. Aquellos que se arrepienten y cortan la desobediencia van al cielo. Hay tantos israelitas en este infierno. Están reunidos en un solo lugar y están siendo castigados. Los israelitas experimentaron muchos del poder de Dios. Sin embargo, no creyeron en Dios y desobedecieron la Palabra.Odiaban poner a Dios en sus corazones. Debido a su codicia, no obedecieron la palabra y adoraron ídolos.
Those who disobey cannot enter eternal rest. Look at the lives and results of the Israelites. Why Did They Not Enter Eternal Rest? The reason they went to hell was because of their disobedience. All those who disobey cannot go to heaven. Those who repent and cut off disobedience go to heaven. There are so many Israelites in this hell. They are gathered in one place and are being punished. The Israelites experienced many of the power of God. However, they did not believe in God and disobeyed the Word.They hated to put God in their hearts. Because of their greed, they did not obey the word and worshiped idols.
제발 불순종을 끊어 그들은 천국에 못가. 불순종을 많이 한 자일수록 회개가 힘들어. 불순종이 쓴 뿌리야. 그게 교만한거야. 왜 불순종하는줄 알어? 교만하기 때문이야. 철저하게 불순종한 부분을 끊어달라고 기도해. 그리고 천국 가. 나처럼 어리석은 스님이 되어 지옥에 떨어지지 말고.
Por favor, corte la desobediencia, de lo contrario no podrá ir al cielo. Cuanto más desobediencia es, más difícil es arrepentirse. La desobediencia es una raíz amarga, un corazón orgulloso y arrogante.
¿Sabes por qué tantos son desobedientes? Porque están orgullosos.
Todos deben orar y pedirle al Señor que ponga fin a su desobediencia. Después de hacer eso, puedes ir al cielo. No seas un monje tonto como yo, no caigas en el infierno.
Please cut off disobedience, otherwise you cannot go to heaven. The more disobedience is, the harder it is to repent. Disobedience is a bitter root, a proud and arrogant heart. Do you know why so many are disobedient? Because they are proud. All of them should pray and ask the Lord to end their disobedience. After doing that, you can go to heaven. Don't be a foolish monk like me, don't fall into hell.
그 스님을 눕혀놨어요 양팔과 양발을 벌려놨어요. 그리고 칼을 입에 물려놨어요. 그런데 칼날 안쪽이 막 돌아가요. 믹서기에 과일을 갈아버린 것처럼 사람을 갈아버려요. 코에서도 눈에서도 피가 튀어요. 지옥이 이런 곳이야. 이것보다 더 처참하고, 너무너무 무섭고, 무섭고, 무시무시한 고통과 고문이 너무 많아. 이거는 아무것도 아니야. 차라리 이거면 좋겠어. 너무나 많다는거. 너~~무나 많다는거야. 고문과 형벌이.
El monje está acostado y sus brazos y pies están abiertos. Y el cuchillo está mordido en su boca. Pero la punta del cuchillo gira en su boca, como si la fruta se muele en una licuadora. Le sale sangre por la nariz y los ojos. La realidad del infierno es esta. Hay muchas torturas que son peores y más aterradoras que este castigo. Esta tortura es fácil en comparación con otras torturas. Más bien, si solo este nivel de sufrimiento estuviera en el infierno, su sufrimiento sería menor. Hay tantas torturas insoportables en el infierno.
The monk is lying down and his arms and feet are open. And the knife is bitten in his mouth. But the tip of the knife turns in your mouth, as if the fruit is ground in a blender. Blood comes out of his nose and eyes. The reality of hell is this. There are many tortures that are worse and more terrifying than this punishment. This torture is easy compared to other torture. Rather, if only this level of suffering were in hell, his suffering would be less. There are so many unbearable torture in hell.
아, 내 배가 까맣게 타들어간다. 아, 재같은 것을 배에 올려놨는데 까맣게 타들어가요. 원이 크게 구멍이 뚫어지면서 타들어가요. 무슨 지옥에는 고문이 이렇게 많을까! 세상에서 영화에서도 보지 못한 고문이 이렇게 많아 너무 잔인하다. 너무 잔인하다. 사람을 이렇게 취급할까! 니네 세상에서 사람 취급받고 살지 않는다고 그러지 지옥보다는 나아. 지옥보다는 나아. 지옥에는 진짜 사람 취급 안해.
Oh, mi abdomen está siendo quemado por fuego. Le colocaron una bola de fuego sobre el estómago. Está quemando su cuerpo de negro. Su abdomen se quemó y se formó un gran agujero. ¿Por qué hay tantos tipos de tortura en el infierno? Hay muchos tipos de tortura que ni siquiera puedes ver en las películas del mundo. Son castigos tan crueles. ¿Cómo puede Satanás tratar a la gente así? Hay muchas personas en el mundo que se arrepienten de no haber sido tratadas como personas. No lo creo.La tortura y el desprecio en el infierno están más allá de la imaginación del mundo.
Oh, my stomach is being burned by fire. A fireball was placed over his stomach. It's burning his body black. His abdomen was burned and a large hole was formed. Why are there so many kinds of torture in Hell! There are many types of torture that you cannot even see in the world's movies. They are so cruel punishments. How can Satan treat people like this? There are many people in the world who regret not being treated as people. Don't think so.Torture and contempt in hell is beyond the imagination of the world.
이 세상에는 살맛나는 세상이야. 이 세상이 낙원이고 천국이야. 이 지옥을 생각하면.. 그러니까 자살하지 말고 살아. 이 지옥보다는 몇 만배, 몇 억배 나아. 이 세상은 살맛나는 곳이야. 너무 좋고 행복한 곳이야. 너무 행복해서 자살하고 원망하고 투덜거리는거야. 이 지옥을 생각해봐. 그러면 날마다 웃고 살거야. 기쁨으로 살거야.
Comparado con el castigo del infierno, el mundo es un lugar muy, muy bueno para vivir, el mundo es como un paraíso. No te suicides pensando en este infierno. El sufrimiento de este mundo es cientos de millones de veces menor que la tortura del infierno. El mundo es un buen lugar para vivir, un lugar muy bueno y feliz. Debido a que las personas son tan felices en el mundo, se resienten, se quejan e incluso se suicidan. Piense en esta situación infernal. Entonces todos vivirán con una sonrisa todos los días y vivirán con una alegría desbordante.
Compared to the punishment of hell, the world is a very, very good place to live, the world is like a paradise. Do not commit suicide while thinking of this hell. The suffering of this world is hundreds of millions of times less than the torture of hell. The world is a good place to live, a very good and happy place. Because people are so happy in the world, they resent, complain, and even commit suicide.
Think of this hell situation. Then everyone will live with a smile every day, and live with overflowing joy.
자살하지마. 100%지옥이야! 자살하면 지옥이라고 외쳐. 왜 천국지옥을, 자살하면 지옥이라고 알면서도 왜 안 전하는지 알어? 사단이 입을 막고 생각을 잡아버렸어. 사단을 이길 수 있는 방법은 오직 기도야. 사단의 공격을 막을 수 있어. 행복해 해. 행복해 해. 원망불평하지 말고, 기도 많이 하는 교회들은 많이 행복해해. 기쁘게 살아. 우울하고 찝찝하게 살지 말고 기쁘게 살아. 기도하기 때문에 사단의 정체를 알고 공격을 막을 수 있어. 기도가 사단을 막는 영적인 방패야. 기도하는 교회가 많이 생겼으면 좋겠어.
No te suicides. El 100% de ellos viene al infierno. El mundo debe saber que todo el que se suicida va al infierno. ¿Por qué los pastores no predican el cielo y el infierno? Sabiendo que los que se suicidan van al infierno, ¿por qué no predican este hecho? Porque Satanás bloqueó sus bocas y pensamientos. La única forma de vencer a Satanás es a través de la oración. Cuando reza, se evita el ataque de Satanás. Todos, hagan su propia vida feliz, sean felices. No te resientas ni te quejes de tu vida.Date cuenta de que las iglesias que oran mucho están felices. Vive felizmente. No viva deprimido y molesto. Viva con gozo en el Señor. Las iglesias y las personas que oran conocen la identidad de Satanás y pueden prevenir el ataque de Satanás. La oración es un escudo espiritual contra el ataque de Satanás. Ojalá hubiera muchas iglesias de oración.
Do not commit suicide. 100% of them come to hell. It must be known to the world that everyone who commits suicide goes to hell.
Why don't pastors preach Heaven and Hell? Knowing that those who commit suicide go to hell, why don't they preach this fact? Because Satan blocked their mouths and thoughts. The only way to overcome Satan is through prayer. When you pray, Satan's attack is prevented. Everyone, make your own life happy, be happy. Do not resent and complain about your life.Realize that the churches who pray a lot are happy. Live happily. Don't live depressed and upset. Live joyfully in the Lord. Churches and individuals praying know Satan's identity and can prevent Satan's attack. Prayer is a spiritual shield against Satan's attack. I wish there were many prayer churches.
많은 교회들이 기도불이 꺼져버렸어. 절간, 천주교는 더 늘어나고 더 기를 쓰고 들어가는데, 기독교는 사람은 많지만 영적으로는 다 죽어있어. 교회는 높고 아름답게 지었지만 그 안에는 다 썩어버렸어. 교회들이 기업화, 산업화가 되어가고 있어. 교회들이 무슨 기업체와 똑같애. 기도로 기도로 교회를 막아야 되는데 돈으로 막아. 돈이면 다 되는 줄 알어. 장로님이고 권사님들이고 돈으로 모든걸 해결하려고 그래.
El fuego de la oración en muchas iglesias se ha apagado. Por otro lado, está aumentando el número de templos budistas e iglesias católicas. Todas las personas de la iglesia están muertas espiritualmente. El edificio de la iglesia es grande y hermoso. Pero el interior de las iglesias se arruinó. Las iglesias se están volviendo más corporativas. La forma en que operan las iglesias se ha convertido en el mismo sistema operativo de las empresas del mundo. La iglesia debe crecer mediante la oración y la oración, y debe evitarse el ataque de Satanás. Pero las iglesias tratan de resolver todos los problemas con dinero. Las iglesias han perdido su misión original.Los ancianos y diáconos de la iglesia tratan de resolver todo con el poder del dinero.
The fire of prayer in many churches has gone out. On the other hand, the number of Buddhist temples and Catholic churches is increasing. All people in the church are spiritually dead. The building of the church is large and beautiful. But the insides of the churches were ruined. Churches are becoming more corporate. The way the churches operate has become the same as the operating system of the world's businesses. The church must grow through prayer and prayer, and the attack of Satan must be prevented. But the churches try to solve all problems with money. Churches have lost their original mission.The elders and deacons of the church try to solve everything with the power of money.
기독교는 그런 곳이 아니잖아. 기도해. 기도해. 기도한다고 남주냐? 니네들 유익하잖아. 제발 외쳐줘. 석가모니는 신이 아니고 인간이라고. 인간이 그러는게 아니라 사단이 쓰는거야. 제발 교회크다고 그리로 몰려가지도 말고, 목사들 유명하다고 그리로 몰려가지마. 갑자기 뜨는 목사들, 갑자기 부흥되는 교회들 다 사단이 그리로 몰가 가는거야.
El cristianismo es diferente a los negocios del mundo. Orar. Orar. Rezar es en beneficio de quienes rezan. Por favor, grite sobre la importancia de la oración. Buda no es un dios, es una criatura. Satanás engañó a la gente, haciendo creaciones como dioses. Son las herramientas que usa Satanás. Tenga en cuenta que es una iglesia grande, por lo que la gente no debería estar abarrotada. Debido a que el pastor es famoso, no debe acudir en masa a la iglesia. Hay pastores que de repente se vuelven famosos e iglesias que de repente reviven.Todas son herramientas que usa Satanás. No vayas allí.
Christianity is different from the world's businesses. Pray. Pray. To pray is for the benefit of those who pray. Please, shout out about the importance of prayer. Buddha is not a god, it is a creature. Satan deceived people, making creations like gods. They are the tools used by Satan. Please realize, it's a big church, so people shouldn't be crowded. Because the pastor is famous, you should not flock to the church. There are pastors who suddenly become famous, and there are churches that are suddenly revived.They are all tools Satan uses. Don't go there.
거기는 천국지옥소리도 없어. 기도도 없어. 오직 복,복,복 이 세상 복만 얘기한다. 니네들 잘 생각해보고 점검해봐. 진짜 복만 얘기하지. 저주는 얘기 안한다. 오직 즐기고 잘사는 비법만 얘기해준다. 불교도 아니고 토정비결도 아니고 뭐하는거야. 속지마.
엄청 큰 사단이 부채질을 한다. 그러니까 갑자기 뜨는 목사님들 갑자기 부흥하는 교회들로 사람들이 우루루 몰려간다.
Tales iglesias no enseñan sobre la realidad del cielo y el infierno, ni oran sinceramente al Señor. Solo predican sobre bendiciones, bendiciones, bendiciones, bendiciones del mundo. Piense con cuidado, compruébelo. El pastor solo dice que la congregación está bendecida y nunca habla de ser maldecida. Estos pastores solo enseñan cómo disfrutar y vivir bien en el mundo. ¿Por qué las iglesias se vuelven como el budismo? ¿Por qué enseñan como chamanes? No se deje engañar. Satanás los está engañando y guiando enormemente.Entonces, muchas personas acuden en masa a pastores que de repente se vuelven famosos e iglesias que de repente están creciendo.
Such churches do not teach about the reality of heaven and hell, nor do they sincerely pray to the Lord. They only preach on blessings, blessings, blessings, blessings of the world. Think carefully, check it out. The pastor only says that the congregation is blessed and never talks about being cursed. Such pastors only teach how to enjoy and live well in the world. Why do churches become like Buddhism? Why do they teach like shamans? Don't be fooled. Satan is enormously deluding and leading them.So, many people are flocking to pastors who are suddenly becoming famous and churches that are suddenly growing.
근데 사람들이 까만 옷을 전부 입었다는거. 그런 곳은 구원은 없어. 영적인 교회, 기도하는 교회는 힘들기 때문에 그리로 안들어가. 힘들기 때문에.
그런데 영적이지 않고 지식적인 목사, 돈, 명예, 음란을 밝히는 목사들은 너무 쉬워. 영적인 목사님 길 하고 아닌 목사님의 길을 보여주는데,
Los que pertenecen a esas iglesias están todos vestidos de negro.
Tales iglesias no enseñan ni predican la verdadera palabra de salvación. La gente odia ir a una iglesia espiritual, una iglesia que ora mucho y enseña la palabra de salvación. La razón es que odian orar, obedecer y arrepentirse. Es fácil para los pastores que no son espirituales y siguen el conocimiento humano. Esto se debe a que a la gente le gustan esos pastores y los sigue. La vida de los pastores que siguen el dinero, el honor y la lascivia es fácil.El camino de un pastor espiritual es diferente al de un pastor físico. Jesús me muestra dos tipos de caminos.
Those who belong to such churches are all dressed in black. Such churches do not teach or preach the true word of salvation. People hate to go to a spiritual church, a church that prays a lot and teaches the word of salvation. The reason is that they hate praying and obeying and repenting. It is easy for pastors who are not spiritual and follow human knowledge. This is because people like those pastors and follow them. The lives of pastors who follow money, honor, and lewdness are easy.The path of a spiritual pastor is different from that of a physical pastor. Jesus shows me two kinds of ways.
영적인 목사님들의 길은 삐죽삐죽한 꼬불꼬불한 길인데, 밑에는 완전히 낭떠러지에요. 돈, 명예, 음란 버리고 애를 쓰고 가는 목사님들은 그런 길을 가는데, 영적이지 못하고, 복만을 가르치는 목사들이 가는 길은 넓고 일직선이에요. 너무 너무 길이 편해. 아스팔트길이야. 그런데 영적인 교회 목사님 길은 비포장도로야. 오직 복과 물질만 강요하는 교회들은 포장이 잘되서 편해요. 편하게 신앙생활하려는 사람들은 다 그리로 들어가요. 막아요.
El camino de los pastores espirituales es un camino estrecho, áspero y sin pavimentar.
Hay un acantilado muy profundo al lado de la carretera.
Los pastores espirituales desechan la codicia y lascivia del dinero y el honor, y siguen caminando por el camino aunque sea difícil.
Sin embargo, los caminos de los pastores que no son espirituales y enseñan a los santos solo las bendiciones del mundo son anchos, rectos, muy cómodos y como un camino asfaltado.
Por otro lado, el camino del pastor de una iglesia espiritual es un camino sin pavimentar.
Los caminos de las iglesias que solo fuerzan bendiciones y materiales son como un camino ancho y bien pavimentado.Todos aquellos que quieren hacer su vida religiosa más fácil acuden en masa a tales iglesias.
The path of spiritual shepherds is a narrow, rough, and unpaved path. There is a very deep cliff next to the road. Spiritual shepherds cast off the greed and lust for money and honor, and keep walking the path even though it is difficult. However, the paths of the shepherds that are not spiritual and teach the saints only the blessings of the world are wide, straight, very comfortable and like an asphalt road. On the other hand, the path of the pastor of a spiritual church is an unpaved path. Church roads that only force blessings and materials are like a wide, well-paved road. All those who want to make their religious life easier flock to such churches.
다 지옥으로 들어가는 통로야. 자기네들도 구원받을 줄 도 몰라. 소경이 돼서 매일 매일 줄줄이 영혼들을 낚아 와요. 희안한게 깨어서 기도하고 주님 뜻대로 사는 교회는 전도를 해도 잘 안되요. 잘 안 낚여요. 그런데 영적이지 못하고, 기도하지 못한 교회는 너무 너무 전도가 잘되요. 힘들더라도 전도해요. 외쳐요. 뿌려놓으면 하나님이 다 오게 해요.
Sin embargo, es un pasaje al infierno. Tales ministros e iglesias ni siquiera saben que ellos mismos no son salvos. Los ciegos espirituales predican todos los días, trayendo muchas almas a sus iglesias. Una iglesia que está espiritualmente despierta, ora mucho y trata de vivir la predicación de la voluntad del Señor, pero la gente no entra bien en las iglesias espirituales. No hay muchos efectos del evangelismo. Por otro lado, el evangelismo de iglesias que no son espirituales y no oran lleva a muchas personas a la iglesia.Las iglesias espirituales deben continuar evangelizando aunque sea difícil.
Si planta la palabra de la verdad de Dios, algún día Dios cosechará su fruto.
However, it is a passage to hell. Such ministers and churches do not even know that they themselves are not saved. Spiritual blind men preach every day, bringing many souls to their churches. A church that is spiritually awake, prays a lot, and tries to live the Lord's will preach, but people do not come into spiritual churches well. There are not many effects of evangelism. On the other hand, the evangelism of the churches that are not spiritual and do not pray leads many people to the church.Spiritual churches should continue to evangelize even if it is difficult. If you plant the word of God's truth, someday God will reap its fruit.
기도꾼들이 많이 오게 많이 기도하세요. 기도를 뿌려야 씨앗을 얻고 열매를 얻어요. 이 수로는 안되요 기도가 아직 약해요 더 강하게 부르짖고 무장해야 되요. 지금 초비상상태고, 사단이 책을 못 내게 방해를 할거예요. 확실하게 승리해요 사단과 일대전을 벌여야 된다는거. 그것은 기도로 무장하는거에요. 쉬지말고 기도해요. 기도밖에 없어요. 목사님도 시간 뺏기지 마시고 기도와 말씀에 전무하세요.
Ore al Señor para que muchas personas de Dios en oración se reúnan en la iglesia. Primero debes sembrar la oración para obtener semillas y frutos. Actualmente, el número de personas que rezan es muy escaso. La fuerza y la cantidad de la oración es insuficiente para cumplir su voluntad. A través de fuertes oraciones de llanto, la iglesia debería tener un armamento espiritual más fuerte. Ahora, su iglesia se encuentra en un estado de súper emergencia y Satanás interferirá con el trabajo de la iglesia de manera más severa. Asegúrate de triunfar sobre Satanás. Guerra contra Satanás y su iglesia debe ganar.La forma de ganar es armarse fuertemente con la oración. Orar sin cesar. La única forma de vencer a Satanás es orando. Incluso el pastor, no pierda su tiempo en otras cosas. Solo debes concentrarte en la oración y la Palabra de Dios.
Pray to the Lord so that many praying people of God will gather in the church. You must sow prayer first to obtain seeds and fruits. Currently, the number of people praying is very scarce. The strength and quantity of prayer is insufficient to fulfill its will. Through strong crying prayers, the church should have a stronger spiritual armament. Now, your church is in a state of super emergency, and Satan will interfere with the church's work more severely. Be sure to triumph over Satan. War against Satan, and your church must win.The way to win is to arm strongly with prayer. Pray without ceasing. The only way to overcome Satan is to pray. Even the pastor, don't waste your time on other things. You should only focus on prayer and the Word of God.
시간을 너무 빼앗기시네요. 말씀과 기도로 채워서 하나님이 목사님을 어떻게 쓰시나 보세요. 하나님이 많이 낮추셨네요. 그게 하나님이 쓰시기 위한 전초전이에요. 기도로 이를 악물고 무장하세요. 하나님의 계획은 무한대에요. 당신이 생각한 것보다 더 깊은 계획이 있어요. 그러나 준비되지 않은 사람은 쓸 수가 없어요. 여호수아가 준비되었기 때문에 쓰임받을 수 있었어요.
Otras cosas le están quitando mucho tiempo al pastor.El pastor debe enfocarse más en la Palabra de Dios y la oración. Dios llenará al pastor con oraciones y palabras, y usará al pastor en gran medida.
Dios humilló mucho al pastor. Es un preludio para que Dios use al pastor. Sea más decidido y armado a través de la oración. El plan de Dios es infinito. Dios ha hecho un plan que es más profundo y más grande de lo que piensas. El Señor no puede usar a alguien que no esté listo.Como Josué estaba listo, Dios podía usarlo.
A lot of pastor's time is being taken away by other things. The pastor should focus more on God's Word and prayer. God will fill the pastor with prayers and words, and use the pastor to a large extent. God humbled the pastor a lot. It is a prelude for God to use the pastor. Be more determined and armed through prayer. God's plan is infinite. God has made a plan that is deeper and bigger than you think. The Lord cannot use someone who is not ready.Because Joshua was ready, God could use him.
오직 준비하고 하나님의 때를 기다리세요. 당신이 생각한 것보다 하나님의 뜻은 깊어요. 너무너무 깊어서 측량할 수 없어요. 앞만 보고 달려가세요. 당신의 그 결단력이 성도를 살리고 교회를 살리고 예수님을 기쁘게 하시네요. 더욱 더 결단력과 강하고 담대하게 해 달라고 기도하세요. 기도로 뿌려놓으면 그게 집을 쌓듯이 다 쌓이는거예요.
Debes prepararte completamente para el Señor y esperar el tiempo de Dios. La voluntad de Dios es más profunda de lo que piensas. La voluntad de Dios es tan profunda que el hombre no puede medirla. Solo mira al Señor y corre hacia el Señor. Su determinación salvará a los santos, salvará a la iglesia y agradará el corazón de Jesús. Ore al Señor por una determinación más fuerte y un corazón fuerte y valiente. Cuando siembras muchas semillas de oración, es como colocar muchos ladrillos para construir una casa.
You must thoroughly prepare for the Lord and wait for God's time.
God's will is deeper than you might think. God's will is so deep that man cannot measure it. Only look to the Lord and run to the Lord.
Your determination will save the saints, save the church, and please the heart of Jesus. Pray to the Lord for a stronger determination and a strong, bold heart. When you sow a lot of prayer seeds, it is like laying a lot of bricks to build a house.
하나님 감사합니다.
영광받아 주세요
Doy todas las gracias a Dios,
toda la gloria es para Dios.
I give all thanks to God,
all the glory is to God.
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