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  제  목 : 3/3 Obey the Word of God and never visit a shaman.하나님 말씀 안에서 순종하라! 절대로 무당 찾아가지 말라. 조회수 : 101
  작성자 : Barnabas 작성일 : 2024-03-09


잠언 2813,자기의 죄를 숨기는 자는 형통하지 못하나 죄를 자복하고 버리는 자는 불쌍히 여김을 받으리라.에덴동산에서 인간이 죄짓고 주님한테 자백하지 않아요. 그냥 숨어버렸어요(2:8~). 정직한 자가 돼요. 죄를 감췄어요? 주님한테 불쌍히 여김을 받지를 못하는 것입니다. 아담이 범죄하고 여호와께 나는 죄인입니다! 했으면 주님이 뭐하러 수고하고 찾아가세요? 숨어버렸어요. ? 죄는 부끄럽고 두렵잖아요. 그러니까 안 보이는데, 가서 하나님은 여기는 안 보이겠지. 숲속에. 여러분 하나님이 만물을 다 아시는 분인데 회전하는 그림자도 없으신 분인데(1:17). 찾아가셔서 짐승 잡아 피 흘리고 나서 가죽옷을 입혀서(3:21) 에덴동산에서 쫓겨나요. 천국에서 쫓겨났다는 거죠.


Proverbs 28 verse 13,He who conceals his sins does not prosper, but whoever confesses and renounces them finds mercy.Adam sinned in the Garden of Eden, and instead of asking the Lord for forgiveness, he just hid (Genesis 2:8~).We must be honest before the Lord.He who hides his sins will not have mercy from the Lord.If after Adam had sinned, he would have been forgiven if he had repented, “I am a sinner, forgive me, O Lord.”The reason the Lord visited him hiding behind a tree was because he wanted him to repent.Fearful of sin, he hid behind a tree because he thought the Lord would not find him.Does the Lord not find him if he hides in the deep woods? God created all things and knows everything.There is no one who escapes the gaze of the Lord.The Lord has no shadow (James 1:17).The Lord slaughtered an animal, caused it to bleed, made clothes out of the animal's skin, and clothed him (Genesis 3:21).But he was kicked out of the Garden of Eden. This means being kicked out of heaven.


에덴동산은 팔레스타인 진짜 있었습니다. 그리고 에덴동산은 천국에 올라갔어요. 천국 가면 거기에 금광이 있어요. 에덴동산에 하윌라 정금이 나오는 곳이에요(2:11,12). 금이 있는 광산인데 루시퍼가 화강석 사이 그 산을 왔다 갔다 하면서(28:14) 구경하고 자가기 하나님 노릇한 겁니다. 그렇게 하다가 떨어져 버렸어요(28:15,16). 이 돈 갖고 떨어졌어요. 노래 갖고, 음악 갖고, 악기 갖고 떨어졌어요. 세상 사람들 얼마나 악기를 잘 다뤄요. 막 신나게 춤도 얼마나 만들어내. 새 노래도 얼마나 만들어내. 그런데 교회는 아니야 맨날 찬송가. 주님은 새 노래로 여호와를 찬양하라(96:1) 하시는데도 새 노래가 안 나와.


The Garden of Eden existed in the Palestine region.And after human sin, the Garden of Eden was moved to heaven.When we go to heaven, we can see it; there are gold mines there and pure gold is produced (Genesis 2:11, 12).It was a mine with gold, and Lucifer walked among the granites.(Ezekiel 28:14), He tried to be like God.When he did so, he fell from heaven to earth (Ezekiel 28:15,16).When Lucifer was kicked out of heaven, he took with him music and musical instruments.So the people of the world receive Lucifer's talent and become good at singing, playing instruments, getting drunk, and dancing well.They make new songs every day and sing about physical love.All churches must be inspired by the Holy Spirit and offer more spiritual praise than the people of the world. However, because many churches do not have the Holy Spirit, their hearts have sunk to dryness.The Lord says: Praise the Lord with a new song (Psalm 96:1).


? 새 노래 찬양 나오면 이단이래. 온통 찬송가. 성경을 보니까. 잘못된 걸 압니다. 여러분, 찬양은 우리 심령을 움직여요. 찬송도 움직입니다. 나 같은 죄인. 이것만. 은혜가 안돼 이제는 옮겨가야 돼요. 막 기쁜 찬양 신나는 찬양으로. 그런데 맨날 찬송. 조용히 거룩하게. 맨날 피아노. 여러분 시편에 보니까 너희는 모든 악기를 다 하여 여호와를 찬양하라!(150:3~6) 모든 악기 다 동원해서. 우린 이거. 그런데 모든 악기가 다 들어있어요. 얼마나 좋아요? 우리 마음이 회개하고 찬양할 때 주님께서 새 노래로 받으시는 거예요. 그리고 하나님 말씀으로 가사를 붙여서 곡을 붙여. 아름답게 만들어 주님을 찬양해야 하는데. 이거 안된다고. 찬양해도 이단? 말이 안 돼. 사도신경 안 해도 이단이래. 사도신경은 천주교에서 나온 거예요.


It is very moving to sing new songs when praising the Lord. The Lord is pleased with the new song.However, church members who do not receive the Holy Spirit sing only traditional hymns. And they actually treat those who sing new songs as heretics.That doesn't fit the Bible.When we praise, our own hearts change, and God's heart also becomes very happy.There are times when praise is appropriate when repenting, and there are also times when we are so grateful and moved by the grace of the Lord that we dance and praise Him. In times like these, we need to sing fast and exciting praise.Both types of praise are what we need.However, some church members always sing only slow hymns and hymns of repentance. It's not enough.They only sing quiet praise and try to use only piano instruments.It is not biblical.We must use various instruments to praise the Lord, and we must praise the Lord with slow or fast songs to suit the situation. In the Psalm, “Praise the Lord with all your instruments!” (Psalm 150:3-6). All instruments must be used.When various instruments are mobilized to praise the Lord, the harmony is very moving. When our hearts repent and praise, we must sing with different types of instruments in order to give more of our hearts to the Lord. And it is even better if you create lyrics of praise using the Word of God. If we do not confess the Apostles' Creed, they say we are heretics.However, the Apostles' Creed does not come from the Bible, but from the Catholic Church.


사도신경 삼위일체 정확하게 만들어놓은 겁니다. 아버지 아들과 성령 만든 것. 그걸 안 하면 이단이래. 아니요. 사도신경 하지 말아요. 잘못됐어요. 우린 한 분 하나님이기 때문에 그걸 다 없애고. 오직 예수 외에는 구원자 없고, 구약에 여호와께서 육체를 입고 오신 분이다!(1:14) 이분이 나 때문에 죽으시고 피 흘리시고, 이젠 천국 본체에 들어가셨고, 내가 회개할 때 그분의 피로 그분의 영으로 나를 살린다고 믿으면 됩니다. 그분이 누구예요? 그분이 본체 아니에요? 그는 근본이신 본체입니다(1:3). 본체가 어떻게 아들이 될 수 있어요? 근본이 어떻게 꼬리가 될 수 있어요? 근본이 시작을 말하는 건데. 그러니까 전부 교리에 빠지면 안 보여요. 귀신이 없다고 해요. 성경에. 이렇게 보여 주면. 어 있긴 있네! 그래요.


They consider the Apostles' Creed and the doctrine of the Trinity to be more important than the truth of the Holy Spirit.They believe that the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit are different Gods.We accept only the Bible and do not accept man-made doctrines.However, they call us heretics.The Apostles' Creed does not come from the Bible. Do not think that it is the truth of the Bible. That is wrong.We believe in one God. God is the Creator alone.There is no other savior except Jesus.The Lord of the Old Testament came to the world in the flesh (John 1:14).He is Jesus, and he died on the cross for us.And he returned to his throne in heaven.Jesus returned to his original position as God.When we repent, the blood of Jesus washes away our sins.And the Holy Spirit comes into us. The Holy Spirit is also God Himself.If you believe this fact, obey it, and repent, you will be saved.Jesus is God Himself.He is the origin and substance of God (Hebrews 1:3).God came into the world with the name of his Son There is one God, and he came in the name of his Son. But they are not two, but one.How can the head become the tail? God is always one.So no one should fall into human doctrines. They say demons do not exist.I show these people a Bible page with demonic words written on it. At that time, they are surprised and say this. “Oh! That word is really written in the Bible.


있으면 써야지. 안 써. ? 고신측에서 귀신이라고 하면 이단 소리 들어. 이단 소리 안 들으려고 안 쫓아요. 그러면 누구 종입니까? 칼빈 제자지. 교리의 제자지. 예수님이 하라면 해야 되는 겁니다.앞으로 가라 하시면 가라면 가야지 못 가. ? 가다 보면 걸려 교리에. 버리고 가는 거죠. 우리는 다 무시해 버립니다. 오직 예수만 좇아가다가 천국 가는데 얼마나 미혹이 많아요. 가다가 이리 와보세요. 여기도 와보세요. 여기도 가는 길. 여기도요. 그런데 없어요. 거기 있지 않아요. 사도행전 412절 말씀에 천하에 하늘과 땅에 구원받을 이름을 우리에게 주신 일이 없다 이거에요. 그러면 뭐요? 예수예요. 언약에 사자 말라기 31절에 나오잖아요? 만군의 여호와가 이르노라 보라 내가 내 사자를 보내리니 그가 내 앞에서 길을 준비할 것이요 또 너희가 구하는 바 주가 갑자기 그의 성전에 임하시리니 곧 너희가 사모하는바 언약의 사자가 임하실 것이라 여러분 세례요한을 말하는 것입니다.


Why can't they just quote the words of the Bible? Human denominations accuse us of heresy when we preach about demons. Although many pastors know the identity of evil spirits, they do not speak about it in order to avoid being treated as heretics. Pastors who do this have become servants of Satan. Many pastors became disciples of Calvin's doctrine. Do not be disciples of human doctrines. Practice and shout out the words of Jesus as they are.Even if human doctrines interfere with the truth, we must follow the truth of the Bible until the end.All human doctrines must be abandoned.We ignore all false doctrines that are not Biblical.We can enter heaven only by following Jesus.There are so many delusions in the world now.“The truth is here, come here, come to me, come to us.”However, everything other than the words of the Bible is deceptive.Where is the truth outside the Bible? Don't go for fake ones. In Acts 4:12, other than the word of God, there is no word in heaven or earth that can save me. The Lord has never given us any other name than Jesus. Only Jesus is the savior. The messenger of the covenant is written in Malachi 3:1. “Behold, I will send my messenger unto you, saith the LORD of hosts.” He will prepare my way before you. And the Lord whom you seek will suddenly come to his temple.The messenger of the covenant is Jesus, and the one who testifies about Jesus is John the Baptist.


육 개월 먼저 세례요한을 보내고 그 뒤에 예수님이 가셨어요. 세례요한이 내 뒤에 오신 분을 믿으라고(1:7,8) 했어요. 그런데 그분이 누구예요? 그 예수를 믿어야만 구원받을 언약이라는 것입니다. 언약의 사자. 세례요한은 주님의 사자로 간 것이고, 예수님은 그 뒤로 가셔서 회개해라! 세례요한 죽고 나니까 회개하라 천국이 가까이 왔다고(4:17) 외치신 겁니다. 가까웠다는 것은 뭐예요? 내가 왔다는 것이고, 이제 죽을 때가 왔다는 것입니다. 예수 안 믿으면 죽는다는 것입니다. 그리고 회개하라 천국이 가까웠느니라! 그래서 죽음 앞에 있는 자에게 예수 믿고 회개하라고 이제 천국 갈 준비하라는 것입니다. 우리는 날마다 천국 가기 위하여 열심 낸 자가 되시기를 주의 이름으로 축복합니다.


John the Baptist came six months before Jesus.John the Baptist exclaimed, Have faith in the Savior who comes after me (Mark 1:7,8).

That savior is Jesus.Jesus is the messenger of the covenant who saves us.However, as a messenger of Jesus, John the Baptist announced to the people that Jesus had come to the world.After John the Baptist died, Jesus cried out: “Repent, heaven is at hand.” Anyone who does not believe in Jesus will die.And repent, for heaven is at hand! There are many people who are close to death now. Believe in Jesus and repent. Now prepare to go to heaven.We must give this word to them.We must live diligently spreading the gospel every day in order to go to heaven.I bless you all in Jesus name.


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