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  제  목 : Online Bible Study on Mondays for pakistan churchs ( writing) 24.7.29 조회수 : 79
  작성자 : Barnabas 작성일 : 2024-07-29

Online bible study on monday

Pakistan Time: 7:00 AM

Korea Time: 11:00 PM

New Life Church in Seoul, Korea.

Who is good and righteous?

According to God's law, everyone is a sinner.

Because they sinned, death comes to all humans.

If they had not eaten the fruit of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil in the Garden of Eden,

that is, if they had obeyed God's word, death would not have entered this world.

The Lord promised Adam in the Garden of Eden, "If you eat of this tree of the knowledge of good and evil, you will surely die" (Genesis 2:17).

This means that if he did not eat it, he would not surely die.

However, they broke the Lord's promise. They ate it, His wife ate it first.

That is why the Apostle Paul said that women should be silent in the church (1 Corinthians 14:34).

Because Eve sinned first, women who are weak to temptation should be silent in the church.


When we read 1 Corinthians, we can see that the church was in great confusion.

The Apostle Paul, under the inspiration of God, exhorted them: Women should be silent in the churches.

This means that humans who are weak to Satan's temptations must always be careful.

that is why Prophets should be under the supervision of overseers (1 Corinthians 14:32).

However, most of those who have the gift of prophecy do not want to listen to this command from the Lord.

Most of the prophecies of today’s prophets are outside the Bible. There are few true prophecies.

Do not follow prophecies, but follow the Word of God. Only the Word of God is accurate prophecy.

Therefore, all prophecies outside the Word of God are prophecies that do not conform to the will of God.

Don't like prophecy, gifts, and such, but only believe in and obey the word of God.

If the sewer is clogged, just use a tool and unclog it. You shouldn't ask the prophet how to deal with such a problem.

If a church meeting is held now, people don't want to hear the gospel, but bow their heads and want to receive the laying on of hands to heal the sick.

However, the most important thing is to hear the gospel, repent, and go to heaven.

All church members want to hear the sermon of blessing and prophecy.

That's why many pastors always shout, "Be blessed. Be blessed."

However, the way to be blessed is through obedience and repentance. Just shouting words of blessing is not the way to be blessed.

What should we do to go to heaven?

This must also be obeyed according to the word of God (Deuteronomy 28:1-14).

In Hebrews, it is written that through obedience you enter into rest (Hebrews 3:18)

The meaning of rest is to go to heaven and rest forever.

What are the blessings of this world?

When we obey the Lord, we are not under the control of others, but rather we become their heads (Deuteronomy 28:13)

Your kneading bowl being blessed means that you will receive the blessing of abundance of food (Deut. 28:5)


However, there are many who do not strive for the kingdom of heaven, but only seek to eat on this earth.

They can make money, but it is meaningless. In the end, they put everything down and leave this world.

They regret it later.

If we use what we have for the Lord, we will go to heaven, and our heavenly home will be large and beautiful.

Where our wealth is, there our heart will be (Matthew 6:21).

Those who believe in heaven will truly serve and be loyal, and will devote much material.

However, those who do not believe in heaven are stingy with money, cannot use it for the Lord, and so they pile it up in the world.

Such people cannot go to heaven.

So what must we do to be saved?

Become rich in Jesus, in faith, and use everything for the Lord.


It is very difficult for a rich person to enter heaven. It is more difficult than a camel going through the eye of a needle (Matthew 19:23, 24).

This kind of rich person means someone who does not believe in heaven and lives for earthly things.

The Pharisees were rich people who loved money (Luke 16:14).

They were legalists who loved money but only kept the law outwardly.

The Lord condemned them as sinners and called them a brood of vipers (Matthew 23:33).

A brood of vipers is a creature that bites its own mother.

The Lord came to this earth in the flesh to save all mankind.

The Father God who came in the flesh is Jesus. They rejected Jesus.

This is like a viper biting its own mother.

We must truly believe in Jesus in order to enter heaven. Those who have false faith will all perish.


In the world, they build many golden towers for their flesh. In the end, they are of no use.

Those who believe in God should live godly and always be humble.

Do not be jealous or quarrel with one another before the King of kings.

However, today’s churches are disorderly and chaotic.

Many church members claim to be sinless, but they act rudely and live without virtue.

And many churches are caught up in legalism and sectarian doctrines.

Some churches worship in disorder as if they were enjoying worldly entertainment. Jesus is not among such people.

Before worshipping, we must purify our hearts. We must first repent of our sins and have a heart to forgive others.

When you listen to a sermon, you must think of every word as a word that God is giving to you.

When pointing out the sins of others, we must examine whether there are such sins hidden within us as well.

When a pastor points out sin, do not think, “I am not like that. It applies to others.”

God’s word applies universally to everyone.

All people are under sin. There is no righteous person on earth who does good and does not sin (Ecclesiastes 7:20)


Adam ate the fruit of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, and all his descendants were born under sin.

Those who fail in the fight become servants of the victor (Rom. 6:16),

The moment they ate the fruit of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil in the Garden of Eden, man sinned.

He became a servant of sin, and a servant of sin is a servant of Satan.

Eve was deceived and deceived by Satan's cunning words.

This is like a father who had to feed his family being deceived of all his property by a swindler.

The deceived father is guilty of sin to his family.

How will he solve that difficulty?

Be careful not to be a victim of fraud.

The snake's tongue is the swindler's tongue.

Swindlers are very good at talking.

Many church members fall for the swindler's clever lies.


Proverbs 28:13, He who hides his sins will not prosper.

The Lord will have mercy on those who repent and abandon their sins.

In the Garden of Eden, humans sinned. However, they did not confess their sins to the Lord, but hid in the forest (Genesis 2:8~).

They tried to hide their sins. This attitude did not bring God's mercy to them .

If they had repented, the Lord would have had mercy on them.

They were only ashamed and hide.

They thought that God could not see them.

God, who created all things, sees and knows everything, and there is not even a shadow (James 1:17).

God sought them out, and he caught an animal, shed its blood, and clothed them with its skin (Gen. 3:21).

They were driven out of the beautiful Garden of Eden. That was being driven out of heaven.


The Garden of Eden actually existed in the area near Palestine.

When they were driven out of there, the Garden of Eden was moved to heaven.

Lucifer walked among the granite (Ezekiel 28:14).

He was driven out of heaven to earth because he tried to be like God.

When Lucifer was driven out to this earth, he came down to the world with money, music, and musical instruments.

That is why the people of the world are good at playing musical instruments and love music.

The people of the world make songs that suit the lusts of the flesh and sing them joyfully, and they become corrupt.

God's people must make new songs and praise God joyfully (Ps. 96:1)


Those who have not received the Holy Spirit and do not understand the Word of God do not like to listen,

when we create new hymns and sing them, and criticize us as heretics.

These people only want to sing quiet hymns. That is not in accordance with the Bible.

When we sing gospel song earnestly, our hearts are moved and run to the Lord.

The same thing happens when we sing hymns passionately.

We should not only sing quiet hymns, but also create exciting new hymns and sing them while playing various instruments.

Praise the Lord with all the instruments! (Psalm 150:3-6).


The sounds of all the instruments are included in this this accompaniment device for praise. It is a very good worship tool.

When repenting, it is good to sing hymns that help us repent, and it is very effective to choose gospel songs depending on the situation.

When we are moved by the grace of the Lord and praise the Lord, the Lord is more pleased.

We can sing the same song with various lyrics.

It is also good to use the Word of God as the lyrics of praise.

We can praise the Lord with many new lyrics. We do it according to the Bible. But those who cannot do this call us heretics.


The Apostles' Creed or the doctrine of the Trinity is not in the Bible, it was made by man.

We must believe in the words of the Bible, and we do not believe in what man made because it does not fit the Bible.

The Bible teaches us about the Creator God.

He came to the world as Jesus, we believe only in Jesus as the Savior.

The Creator God, who worked in the name of Jehovah in the Old Testament, came to the world in the flesh.

(John 1:14).

God Himself came in the name of the Son of God.

That Son is Jesus, Jesus died for me, shed His blood, was resurrected, and ascended back to heaven.

When we repent, the blood of Jesus washes away my sins and saves me.

Jesus is the foundation and God Himself (Hebrews 1:3).

God is not the Son, He came to the world only in the name of the Son.

However, many people are caught up in man-made doctrines. That is why they cannot interpret the Bible correctly.

They say that demons do not exist because they are invisible.

I find the words of demons written in the Bible and show them directly to their eyes. They say that they have not found the word until now.

Why do they not acknowledge and use the words of the Bible?

Those who believe in human doctrines do not believe in God, but believe in the one who created the doctrine and become a human servant.


Those who follow Calvin's doctrine are disciples of the human Calvin, and cannot become disciples of Jesus.

When Jesus tells us to go, we must go, and when he tells us to stand, we must stand. We must move according to the words of Jesus to become children of Jesus.

We cannot help but ignore other theories besides Jesus, or we cannot follow the words of God.

Only by following Jesus will we go to heaven. There are so many things that deceive us in the world.

Many human groups call us here and there to come to them.

Acts 4:12,

The only name under heaven that saves us is Jesus.

In Malachi 3:1, it is written that the messenger of the covenant will come.

See, I will send my messenger, who will prepare the way before me. Then suddenly the Lord you are seeking will come to his temple; the messenger of the covenant, whom you desire, will come," says the LORD Almighty.

This messenger is referring to John the Baptist.

Six months earlier, John the Baptist was born into the world, and Jesus was born later.

John the Baptist cried out, “Believe in the Savior who is coming after me” (Mark 1:7,8).

That Savior is Jesus, and he is the covenant.

John the Baptist was sent first as the Lord’s messenger.

After that, Jesus appeared and cried out, “Repent!”

After John the Baptist died, Jesus cried out, “Repent, for the kingdom of heaven is near” (Matthew 4:17).

“The kingdom of heaven is near to you” means that the Savior Jesus is near.

This means that those who do not believe in Jesus will not be able to go to heaven, but will go to hell.

We must tell those who are facing death to believe in Jesus, repent, and go to heaven.

We must be diligent every day to go to heaven. I bless you in the name of Jesus.


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