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  제  목 : online bible study writing and video for pakistan churchs 24.8.5 monday 조회수 : 82
  작성자 : Barnabas 작성일 : 2024-08-06

no one know Almighty God with human knowledge without being filled with the Holy Spirit

However, some one claim that we can know Almighty God only by knowing Hebrew and Greek bible.

We can find that those who say they know the Greek and Hebrew Bibles are bound by the doctrines of the Law, Catholicism, Calvinism, and various man-made denominations.

Among those who claim to know the Hebrew Bible, there are many who oppose the will of God, our Savior.

We must not forget that it was the knowledgeable Hebrews who killed Jesus.

Jesus was the Word incarnated and came to this earth in the name of the Son.

Even now, those who are immersed in human knowledge do not know that God came as Jesus.

Who are those who act without love?

Those who do not realize the love of Jesus are the legalists and those immersed in human knowledge.

The Lord of the Sabbath was Jehovah God of the Old Testament times.

But Jesus, who came in the New Testament era, said, “I am the Lord of the Sabbath.”

This shows that Jesus worked as Jehovah God during the Old Testament times.

But why do many people not know that there is one God, so they divide the one God into three?

Why are they so deluded by the Catholic doctrine of the Trinity so that they cannot realize the truth?

Before he met Jesus, the Apostle Paul was a famous disciple of Gamaliel, and he was completely blameless in terms of the law.

At that time, Paul was someone who arrested and killed those who believed in Jesus Christ with the law and Gamaliel's teachings, and imprisoned them.

He was only obsessed with human theology and doctrines, and was an opponent of Jesus Christ, who is God.

Then he met the resurrected Jesus on the road to Damascus and from that moment on he was completely transformed.

He threw away the human theology and legalism he had learned like shit, and lived only for Jesus.

He became only a disciple of Jesus and preached the gospel until his death.

He was persecuted countless times because of Jesus, kept his faith until the end, and was martyred in Rome.
The Creator came to the world in the flesh to save all mankind. The Creator came in the name of son and Jesus.
We must realize this truth only through the Bible and the Holy Spirit.

We must understand sin, righteousness, judgment, God, and man only through the Holy Spirit and the Word of God.

Every seminary must teach its students accurately about God.

But these days, in seminaries, rather than learning about God through the Bible, they learn a lot about man-made doctrines and theories.

They learn human doctrines, Hebrew, and Greek at theological schools, and graduate.

Those who learn in this way later become pastors and theologians. They come to oppose God with human doctrines.

In the beginning, the Apostle Paul was also in this process.

However, on the road to Damascus, he met Jesus working as Holy Spirit, and from then on, he abandoned all worldly knowledge,

He abandoned all worldly learning and legalism that he had learned until then,

He lived a life of giving his life only for Jesus, there was a very weak part in his body, it was a thorn belonging to Satan.

But he preached Jesus Christ and repentance until the end of his life.

He was beheaded and martyred in Rome.

Do you think that those who are immersed in human learning and doctrine can be martyred for Jesus?

Those who are immersed in human doctrines cannot be martyred because of fear.

They are opposing the living God with human learning, doctrine, and laws.

Repent, you who claim to know God only through the Greek and Hebrew Scriptures.
Why did they become slaves of Catholic doctrine while boasting of the Hebrew and Greek Bible, and why did they become opponents of the gospel of Jesus?

Why do they become servants of Calvin and hinder the true gospel?

How can they become servants of doctrines made by humans and oppose Jesus Christ, who is God?

Such people are in conflict with Jesus, the living Rock, and they are in conflict with the Word of life.

If you want to go to heaven, abandon the wrongly learned studies and laws like the Apostle Paul and return to God.

That is the way of repentance and the way to heaven.

If someone who has never been to America writes about America, or if someone who has never participated in a war writes about war, is that true?

If someone who has never met God and does not understand the Bible writes about the truth, is that true?

The angels who committed sins and were cast out of heaven are demons.

If someone who has never fought a fierce spiritual battle with demons writes about demons, is that true?

Some people say that they have a spiritual battle with the devil, but they claim that when an unbeliever dies, their spirit becomes a demon.

That is wrong. The Bible says exactly that fallen angels are demons.

Once they die and go to heaven or hell, they can never come back to this world.

There are people who write about heaven based on their own imaginations, without even knowing where heaven is.

People who say that they know Hebrew and Greek say that heaven and paradise are different places.

But the Bible says that heaven and paradise are the same place.

Still others claim that Hell and Hades are different places, without even knowing where Hell is.

However, the Bible says that hell and Hades are the same place.

Nowadays, spiritually blind leaders are leading many spiritually blind people.

The enemies of all people are demons, the angels who committed sin.

However, there are many who write about demons without knowing the identity of demons at all.

Such people are truly foolish and go against God's will.

There are those who write about how to believe in God without even knowing why God created humans. those are so foolish.

Heaven and paradise are the same place. Evil spirits are angels who committed sins and were cast out from heaven, the kingdom of God.

The leader of evil spirits is the dragon, the old serpent, Satan, and the devil. He has many names, but he is one.

There are many angels who committed sins with Satan. They are demons. They are like a military organization.

Satan was arrogant and tried to elevate his own position to the position of God.

He is an archangel who became arrogant.

God gave the title "El" to all the archangels.

Satan became arrogant and thought that he was as beautiful and perfect as God.

His unrighteousness was exposed.

That is why he was cast out of heaven.

He always slanders and opposes God's people.

His name is the opposer, the deceiver, and the name Satan.

One being has multiple names.

In the Old Testament, Satan was an archangel who traveled between heaven and earth, deceiving people and accusing God’s people.

Originally, Satan was an archangel who was beautifully created in heaven to hold musical instruments and praise God.

Satan was perfect on the day he was created, but his unrighteousness was finally revealed.

He sinned because he was arrogant, and lost his beautiful ministry.

Later, he was cast out to this earth and is deceiving everyone, both believers and unbelievers.

He made people not know that there is one God, and created various religions with the spirit of Satan.

Through human doctrines and theories, false gifts, and false signs, Satan causes people to abandon the one God, Jesus Christ, and makes people take false paths.

Those who are deceived by Satan are used by Satan like the king of Tyre and oppose God.

It was Satan who captured the king of Tyre and made him his servant.

Legalists, those with human knowledge, do not know the one God.

So these people use the law, the doctrines of the church, human theories, and the Greek and Hebrew Bibles to oppose the word of God.

The proud eventually become food for Satan.

Satan is the one who makes many kings on earth proud, causing them to persecute and kill those who believe in God, prevent them from believing in God, and oppose them.

Those who hold the power of the air are demons, the organization of Satan. Do not be deceived by them!

Those who go to church but do not know Jesus Christ, the one God, do not try to humble themselves.

Such proud church members become prey to Satan.

Humble yourself before the Lord is the way to block Satan’s attacks.

The king of Babylon and the king of Tyre were all arrogant because of the spirit of Satan Lucifer, and they died and fell into hell after opposing God.

Those who were directly used by Satan received the name of the beast and the spirit of Satan, "666."

These people became one with the devil who opposes God. Satan also caught and used Judas Iscariot directly.

[John 8:44]
You belong to your father, the devil, and you want to carry out your father's desire. He was a murderer from the beginning, not holding to the truth, for there is no truth in him. When he lies, he speaks his native language, for he is a liar and the father of lies.

[John 6:70-71]
Then Jesus replied, "Have I not chosen you, the Twelve? Yet one of you is a devil!" (He meant Judas, the son of Simon Iscariot, who, though one of the Twelve, was later to betray him.)

Believers, do not be arrogant, cast away greed, and obey the word of God.

Everything you do without love and faith is revealed as sin. And if you have sinned, repent immediately.

The way to overcome the power of Satan Lucifer is to believe in Jesus Christ as my God, live a life of repentance, and live with love and forgiveness for one another.

What does this age without love mean? It means that Satan has now deceived the whole world and has captured it with sin.

Believers, do not boast that you are perfect, but be humble.

Do you boast that you know the Greek and Hebrew Bible?

If you do not know the spiritual words of the Bible and do not know about the one God, then knowing such things is worthless.

Do not think that knowing the doctrines of men is knowing God.

Satan seeks out such people and uses them as his workers.

God is eternally one, and He is Jesus Christ.

In the Old Testament, Satan traveled between heaven and earth, commanding his subordinate demons to deceive people all over the world, preventing them from knowing God and making them worship idols.

Satan even deceived those who believed in God, causing them to worship idols, causing them to receive God’s wrath.

Satan is the one who slanders God’s people.

Those who do not know the true God, Jesus Christ, and are full of laws, knowledge, doctrines, theories, greed, and pride are those who are filled with the spirit of Satan.

We must realize our sins through the law and quickly repent to Jesus.

God will pour out the Holy Spirit on those who truly repent. Through the path of truth, the Holy Spirit protects our lives and leads us to heaven.

Satan tries to steal our hearts through so many channels: language, worldly trends, human relationships, pride, greed, etc.

Satan tries to prevent us from giving our hearts to God in any way.

We must know Satan’s strategies, discern, and defeat Satan.

We must acknowledge that God is the master of all things and follow the Lord’s instructions.

We must defeat Satan’s cunning thoughts in the name of Jesus.

When we strive to stay close to the Lord, the Lord forgives us and protects us.



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