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  제  목 : Online Bible Study on Tuesday for kenya churchs 24.8.6 tuesday 조회수 : 84
  작성자 : Barnabas 작성일 : 2024-08-06

Online Bible Study on Tuesday

kenya Time: 12:00 PM, (at noon)

Korea Time: 6:00 PM

New Life Church in Seoul, Korea


[Ezekiel 28:13]

You were in Eden, the garden of God; every precious stone adorned you: ruby, topaz and emerald, chrysolite, onyx and jasper, sapphire, turquoise and beryl. Your settings and mountings were made of gold; on the day you were created they were prepared.

God created Satan beautifully and adorned him with all kinds of jewels.

[Ezekiel 28:15]

You were blameless in your ways from the day you were created till wickedness was found in you.

He was created perfect, but he became proud and evil.

In the Old Testament, Satan's position was to travel between heaven and earth with the fallen angels who followed him, deceiving people.

He deceived people into leaving God by worshiping idols, and he deceived people into committing sins through fornication and all kinds of falsehood.

Satan entered the Garden of Eden and deceived Eve into eating the fruit of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil,

and through Eve, he made Adam eat the fruit of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. He is a very clever angel who commits sins.

He made God's children disobey God's word and eat the fruit of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, causing them to disobey God's word, and he killed souls because of sin.

The loser becomes the servant of the one who defeated him. I hope everyone realizes this.

Adam and Eve, who ate the fruit of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, were placed under Satan's power of death from that time on.


Because man sinned, God, the source of all life, departed from man.

So death came to the soul of man.

However, God did not completely abandon mankind. He called Adam and clothed him with animal skin.

God took pity on the sinners. If God had not been with them, every soul would have died forever.

Jehovah God, the Creator of life in the Old Testament, came to the world in the flesh.

The Word of God came to the world in the name of the Son, whose name is Jesus.

God, who is eternal life, always exists as one God.

After being deceived by Satan and committing a sin, God came to find Adam, caught an animal for him, shed its blood, and made clothes out of its skin to wear.

From then on, the sacrificial law was established.

In order for humans to approach God, they had to shed the blood of a lamb and offer a burnt offering.

Without a sin offering, humans could not approach God.

In the New Testament era, Jesus shed His blood like a lamb to atone for the sins of humanity.

Just as in the Old Testament era, sin offerings, peace offerings, and sacrificial offerings were offered to the Lord, Jesus offered His own body to atone for the sins of humanity.

(John 1:29]

The next day John saw Jesus coming toward him and said, "Look, the Lamb of God, who takes away the sin of the world!


Because Adam sinned, all his descendants, all human beings, have sinful nature and live in sin between the spirit and the flesh.

Those who have sinned can go to God through sacrifice.

Satan makes the people who have been deceived by him his servants, and through his minions, he persecutes and kills those who believe in Jesus.

Demons make people commit sins through all kinds of methods and thoughts.

They attack the human body and make them not believe in God. All kinds of human doctrines and theories are Satan's instruments.

[Romans 5:14]

Nevertheless, death reigned from the time of Adam to the time of Moses, even over those who did not sin by breaking a command, as did Adam, who was a pattern of the one to come.

Because of Adam's sin, all his descendants became sinners, just as through Jesus' righteousness, all people become righteous.

[Romans 5:21]

so that, just as sin reigned in death, so also grace might reign through righteousness to bring eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord.

Satan and his minions operate like a military organization.

Satan is the leader of the fallen angels.

The fallen angels are demons, and they are Satan's minions that Satan uses to deceive people.

Evil demons deceive people into committing sins.

They create false doctrines and theories, and deify the living and the dead.

They create false gods and make God’s people turn away from God.

The spirits of demons enter people and make them false prophets, and make them perform false prophecies and false signs.

They create pluralistic WCC, various theories and doctrines, and the VeriChip theory to make people turn away from God.

The evil demons, who are the fallen angels, deceive people into turning away from God and worshipping idols.

They pour the spirits of demons into people, making them shamans and making them make false prophecies.

They deify various creatures, the living and the dead, and make false gods.

He pours out the spirit of Satan on those who do not know and believe that Jesus is the only God, and leads them to the path of death with the power of Satan.

Then, those who have received the spirit of Satan can heal diseases and perform various miracles.

With these miracles and signs, they deceive believers and non-believers and lead them to the path of destruction.

The works of Satan disguised as the works of the Holy Spirit are now appearing in many places around the world and in churches.

The works of Satan disguised as the works of the Holy Spirit are false prophecies, signs, healings, and seeing false heaven and hell.


God, who came as light and is life itself, is Jesus.

Without believing in Jesus and being filled with the Holy Spirit, they cannot escape from the doctrines made by men,

such as denominational doctrines, legalism, days and months and many feasts, the Sabbath, false prophecies, false signs, and the desire to acknowledge only Hebrew and Greek.

Without being filled with the Holy Spirit, how can they realize the secrets of God hidden in the Bible?

Such people misinterpret the spiritual word of God and perish,

They are broken and disappear when they hit the rock, Jesus.

In order not to be deceived by Satan's lies, you must obey the Lord's words, and all results depend on your own choices.

Whether reading the Hebrew and Greek Bible or the Korean Bible, everyone must read it in order to know God in the Bible.

The Bible is a book written about Jesus Christ.

[John 5:39]

You diligently study the Scriptures because you think that by them you possess eternal life. These are the Scriptures that testify about me,

Those who are deceived by Satan will eventually perish.

How many false prophets have appeared in the world so far?

You all must beware of Satan's tricks and clearly understand the words of Jesus.

There is only one way to heaven, and that is to believe in Jesus Christ as my God and my Savior, and to repent of my sins.

There is no other way.

Those who misinterpret and teach the Bible are false prophets.

There are some difficult words in the Bible, and those who forcefully interpret them will perish.

In the Old Testament, the way to salvation was to believe in Jehovah God, offer sacrifices on the altar, repent of sins, and obey.

In the New Testament, the way to salvation was to believe in Jesus Christ, who became flesh and came to the world, repent of sins, and obey.

There is no other way to salvation than walking this path.

Whether in the Old Testament or the New Testament, only those who believe in one God, obey Him, and live a life of repentance can go to heaven.


Those who do not know the true identity of the devil should keep their mouths shut and not pretend to know.

They misinterpret the Hebrew and Greek Bibles and say that the souls of dead unbelievers become demons.

Many believers are being deceived by these lies.

Also, those who say that there were no demons in the Old Testament, keep quiet.

The spiritual world is not something that can be realized by knowing the Hebrew and Greek Bibles.

Remember the true that those who know the Hebrew and Greek Bibles killed Jesus.

Even now, these people are caught up in the doctrine of the Trinity, the doctrine of denominations, false gifts and signs, the doctrine of the VeriChip, various idolatries, and various heresies.

The true gospel is to realize the one God, Jesus Christ, repent of sins, and preach it.

"Repent." We proclaim this gospel. However, those who do not understand the Bible call us heretics.

The reality is that false doctrines are condemning the true gospel.


In both the Old and New Testaments, the demons, the angels who sinned, always deceived people.

That is why so many people in the Old Testament disobeyed the Lord and perished.

Israel was a chosen nation, but they disobeyed God through idolatry and were destroyed by God's wrath.

Why did so many Israelites leave God and serve false gods and perish?

Satan and demons deceived them, and they could not overcome Satan’s deception, disobeyed, did not repent, and perished.

Satan Lucifer is the leader of the angels who sin.

Satan Lucifer, except in special cases,

always commands his minions, the demons, to deceive people. I hope you all realize about this.

The demons who enter the shaman and prophesy through the shaman's mouth are low-ranking demons.

The power of Satan is a military organization.

Those who do not know the identity of demons read the Hebrew and Greek Bible and interpret it incorrectly.

When these people believe in Calvin's doctrine and we cast out demons in the name of Jesus, they condemn us as heretics.

Jesus said to all believers, Cast out demons in the name of Jesus.

Do you think Calvin killed those who cast out demons because he did not know the original Hebrew Bible?

Absolutely not. He opposed God because he did not understand the truth of the Bible.

Even now, those who call us heretics if we cast out demons in the name of Jesus Christ are Calvin's disciples.

Those who have become servants of Satan must repent before it is too late.

Everyone must become a disciple of Jesus Christ and become a true witness of Jesus to the ends of the earth.


There are many who claim to know the Hebrew Bible but are immersed in human doctrines and theories.

These people must quickly repent and turn from their sins. Heaven and hell actually exist.

And receive the fullness of the Holy Spirit through repentance and prayer.

Some people say that Satan Lucifer is trapped in the Abyss and cannot come out on earth.

These people do not know anything about the spiritual world.

If Satan was trapped in the Abyss and could not move, how could he have tempted Jesus?


These people do not even know what the Abyss is or where it is. And yet they write about it.

God gave this earth and the universe to Satan. Why do they not believe this word of the Bible?

God gave this world to Satan and did not take it back.

There are many ways Satan deceives people.

We cannot understand all of Satan’s many methods.

However, we only need to know one way. That is to obey God’s word, and repent to the Lord when we sin.

When we repent and obey the Lord’s word, many of Satan’s plans are rendered powerless.

Praying, repenting, and obeying are the best ways to overcome Satan.


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