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  제  목 : Online Bible Study (Monday Alternative) Pakistan Time: 7:00 PM Korea Time: 11:00 PM New Life Church in Seoul, Korea 조회수 : 83
  작성자 : Barnabas 작성일 : 2024-08-30

Online Bible Study (Monday Alternative)

Pakistan Time: 7:00 PM

Korea Time: 11:00 PM

New Life Church in Seoul, Korea


God's people have to worship the Lord in spirit and truth.

Worship with a pure heart and do not mix anything else with the word of the Lord.

When we receive and obey the word of God with a pure heart, we can bear fruit 30, 60, and 100 times what was sown.

We must go to heaven, and those who do not have a purpose for going to heaven have no need to go to church.

The Olympics were held in Paris recently, and at their event, Jesus was portrayed as if he were gay.

This contains Satan's strategy to rule the people of the world and destroy Christianity, This scene shows that the whole world is held captive by Satan.

These days, I keep preaching about human doctrines. All doctrines are created by Satan.

When Satan put the idea of ​​betraying Jesus into Judas Iscariot, he betrayed Jesus (John 13:2).

This is what Satan did by entering into him directly (John 13:27).

Human doctrines were created in human knowledge.

As thousands of years of Christian history passed, the scale of Christianity grew, but the faith of the believers did not develop in a way that pleased God, and instead became more corrupt.

The fundamental cause is human doctrine. If the doctrine of the Trinity, the doctrine of Augustine, Luther, and Calvin is true, then the Bible that contradicts them cannot but be false.

Those who believe in human doctrines cannot help but deny the Bible.

The Bible teaches repentance and obedience, but those who believe in human doctrines do not need obedience and repentance.

Those who believe in human doctrines treat us as heretics because we only teach the Bible.

Because they believe that they have already received salvation for their souls, they criticize those who emphasize repentance.

If they are already saved, why do they worship and pray?

They claim that the work of the Holy Spirit ended with the early church. Absolutely not. The work of the Holy Spirit has always been present throughout human history.

The Holy Spirit makes us love one another. Prophecy and tongues will end, but love will last forever (1 Corinthians 13:8)

God is love, so love is eternal.

If the work of the Holy Spirit ended in the early church, then the preaching of the Word of God must also end.

The Holy Spirit teaches us the Word and enables us to preach the gospel to all people.

Heaven does not need tongues, prophecies, or human knowledge; it is filled only with the word of God.

Human doctrines ultimately deny 100% of God's truth.

When you truly understand the Word of God, you realize that all human doctrines are false.

The faith of Christians in Korea and around the world is now a mixture of charismatics, legalism, and various human doctrines.

The Bible describes this condition as mixed wine. In this situation, we must always hold on to the word of truth.

What is the original essence of the Word?

When we realize that God is one, all the words of the Bible are interpreted correctly.

The doctrine of the Trinity has spread widely, and many believers divide the one God into two or three.

But we believe and preach that there is one God, the only Savior, and those who belong to human doctrines treat us as heretics.

They force people to believe in the Trinity even though they cannot explain it accurately.

Why do they spread what they do not even know?

Human doctrines have a negative influence and harm God's people.

Now, science has reached its peak, and when science is developed, people rely on science and do not seek God.

Catholicism and Islam are destroying Christianity.

Christians must protect their faith through the Word of God.

Homosexuality is now prevalent all over the world, destroying the creation order established by God. It is a very serious sin.

Satan gives people such thoughts. When such thoughts come to you, you must immediately repent and cast out evil and dirty thoughts.

Demons put evil thoughts into people, and the curse of ancestors comes to descendants, and that is how it is.

Such dirty and evil acts deny the word of God and are very shameful (Rom. 1:26, 27).

But now such people do not know shame, and they do such things openly.

Nowadays, sins are so prevalent in the world, just like in the days of Noah (Gen. 6:5).

When something happens on one side of the earth, news of it spreads throughout the world in an instant.

How many people can be saved in a world where sins are so rampant?

Be saved from this evil and obscene age (Acts 2:40).

Nowadays, look at the behavior of the youth. The Lord says that they have become so worldly that there is no one among them who can be saved.

In this day and age, it is very difficult to find young people with true faith who can be saved.

In the past, there were children who truly believed in God by following the faith of their parents.

Nowadays, we cannot find teenagers who follow the faith of their parents who have true faith. The laws of the nations do not follow the laws of God.

When parents hit their disobedient children to correct them, the children report their parents to the police for child abuse. The parents then have to pay a fine.

The laws of the country make enemies between parents and children.

Children should learn the word of God from young age, but the current situation is not easy to do so.

When they meet friends at school, they share how to report their parents.

Now, children become enemies.

There is a verse written in the Bible, “Your family members are your enemies” (Matthew 10:36).

Because churches have become so corrupt, the lives of churchgoers and non-believers have become similar.

There are many unbelievers in the church who do not believe in the word of God. There are many churches that teach against the will of God.

Those who believe in human doctrines do not need to believe in God.

How can those who claim that their past, present, and future sins have already been forgiven repent of their sins?

Those who say that salvation once received is eternal salvation do not want to obey the word of the Lord.

Repentance and obedience are of utmost importance, but they are of no concern to these believers.

Why do these people go to church? Their faith is false.

In this day and age, how many people are truly seeking the Lord?

So the Lord said, "When I come again to the world, will I find true believers?" (Luke 18:8).

The meaning of this verse is that there were very few true believers at that time.

Most believers think that they are unconditionally saved without repenting or obeying.

Why do many people divide one God into three? These believers have a false faith.

Where in the Bible are there three Gods, and where is the doctrine of the Trinity?

This doctrine was created by a human pope. What the king said became the law of religion, and believers who did not accept their false doctrine were put to death.

Such false doctrines continue to dominate the world to this day.

However, the present age does not immediately kill those who deny the Trinity.

Now is the time when churches voluntarily follow the doctrines of the Trinity and man-made doctrines.

The Catholic popes were those who worshipped the sun as a god.

The Catholic Church established Christmas on December 25th, which was the Feast of the Sun.

I saw many such situations when I went to South America.

The churches in South America made shapes of the sun, stars, moon and put them on the ceilings and walls of the churches.

In their markets, they also had such things all over the place and merchants were selling their goods.

In such confusion, demons run rampant, and Jesus is not in their hearts.

Such formalities dominate them, and they are like the Jews who tried to be saved through legalism.

Among those who go to church today, there are many who do not truly believe in God, but serve, pray, preach, and help the poor.

You cannot be saved by just doing things to show people, all activities must include true faith.

Faith is believing in Jesus Christ (Gal. 3:23), and believing in the Word of righteousness.

The Word of righteousness came to the world in the flesh, and the God of the Word is Jesus (Jn. 1:14).

Jehovah is Jesus (Phil. 2:6).

Satan prevents this word from being spoken.

Satan created the doctrine of the Trinity, making it seem as if Jehovah the Father, Jesus the Son, and the Holy Spirit are three Gods, and hinders true faith.

The Holy Spirit is Jesus. Jesus was conceived by the Holy Spirit (Matt. 1:18-20).

Since Jesus was conceived by the Holy Spirit, the Holy Spirit dwelled in Jesus’ flesh.

The Holy Spirit was Jehovah God in the Old Testament.

We openly declare that the Trinity is wrong and not in accordance with the Bible.

Calvin’s doctrine is also wrong, their predestination is not in accordance with the Bible.

They claim that we were predestined to be saved before eternity.

This doctrine is the same as fatalism. Fatalism means that we go as we are determined in advance. but God’s will is never like that.

Jehovah came in the name of Jesus (Isaiah 9:6,7, Matthew 1:21). Our salvation is predestined in Jesus (Ephesians 1:4,5).

Predestined in Jesus means that we are saved when we obey Jesus' words and wash away our sins with Jesus' blood.

In the Old Testament, the Israelites were predestined in Jehovah.

At that time, there was no way for Gentiles to be saved.

At that time, sins were forgiven through the blood of animals, and in the New Testament, we are saved through the blood of Jesus.

Jesus is Jehovah who came to the world in the flesh.

Behold, the Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world (John 1:29).

This means that Jesus died like a lamb to forgive the sins of mankind, but Jesus is not a lamb, but God.

Jesus is our high priest (Hebrews 6:20).

A priest exists for the sacrificial law of the Old Testament.

The moment Jesus shed his blood on the cross, all the sacrificial laws of the Old Testament were abolished, including the Sabbath law, the feast law, and the circumcision law.

Now, we cannot be saved through the sacrificial law of the Old Testament.

However, the Ten Commandments are still valid, they have not disappeared.

Even now, there are those who try to be saved through the eating laws, circumcision law, the Sabbath law, and the feast law of the Old Testament.

Some people try to be saved by doing the Holy Communion well. No one can be saved by these laws.

In the Catholic Church, they claim that when the priest gives a blessing during the Holy Communion, the wine changes into the blood of Christ and the bread changes into the body of Jesus.

That is a lie, it does not happen that way.

On the last day, Jesus ate bread and wine with his disciples during dinner, and the Holy Communion is a memorial of that.

At that time, Jesus said that he would die on the cross, and told his disciples to spread it to all people.

When those who believe in Jesus participate in the Eucharist, they remember that they must bear witness to Jesus until the Lord comes.

However, Catholics mistakenly believe that they will be saved if they only eat the bread and wine of the Eucharist.

The Eucharist is a ritual and a ceremony that helps believers repent.

The wine of the Eucharist does not change into the blood of Jesus.

It is a ritual, and through the ritual that the Lord performed at dinner, we remember Jesus' command for a long time and spread Jesus widely.

The day before Jesus died, while eating dinner, he gave bread to his disciples and said, “Eat this, for it is my body.” Then he gave them wine and said, “It is my blood.”

The bread symbolized Jesus’ words, and the wine symbolized Jesus’ blood.

The bread of the Eucharist makes the disciples obey Jesus’ words, and the wine makes them repent of their sins.

When we repent of our sins, our sins are washed clean by the blood of Jesus, the Holy Spirit comes to our clean hearts, and we are reborn as children of the Lord.

This is an obvious truth.


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