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  제  목 : Online Bible Study on Mondays 9/2 2024 Pakistan Time: 7:00 PM Korea Time: 11:00 PM 조회수 : 60
  작성자 : Barnabas 작성일 : 2024-09-02

Online Bible Study on Mondays 9/2 2024

Pakistan Time: 7:00 PM

Korea Time: 11:00 PM

New Life Church in Seoul, Korea

Why do so many Christians believe in Jesus in the wrong way!

Today, many church members have become so corrupt that they have strayed so far from the Word of God that they can no longer be restored.

In this corrupt world, we must protect the truth. In order to follow the truth, we must be prepared to sacrifice even our lives.

The disciples were confident that they would die with the Lord, but when the crisis of death came, they all ran away (Mark 14:50).

In normal times, it seems like all church members have a strong belief in Jesus, but when a crisis comes, the true nature of people's faith is exposed.

When we decide to be martyred for the Lord and pray and cry out, the Lord will help us to practice our faith. The Lord will make us reap what we sow.

Those who sow sin and do not repent go to hell, but those who sow good deeds and obey the Lord's words go to heaven.

God will reap what humans sow and plant. Everything happens according to Jesus’ words.

We must go to heaven. In order to do so, we must obey Jesus’ words and repent in order to be saved.

The mother of the deaconess of our church is a Catholic. Even though I have taught her the truth of the Bible many times, she does not accept it. It is so frustrating.

Even when I pray for her, her heart doesn’t open to the Lord.

Catholicism is different from Christianity and is destroying Christianity.

Christianity believes in the one and only Creator God (John 17:3, Mark 12:29).

How can they believe in God correctly when they divide one God into three?

Catholicism is a religion that worships the sun god. North Korea's dictator Kim Il-sung died. However, North Koreans say he became the sun god.

When South Korean priests and pastors go to North Korea, most of them bow before the statue of Kim Il-sung and offer him flowers.

And the North Korean authorities send beautiful women to their bedrooms to provide sexual services.

That's why people who have been to North Korea often want to go back to North Korea.

When believers give missionary money to the church, these pastors and priests give the money to the North Korean authorities, and in return, they receive sexual favors.

Many of these corrupt practices are being exposed. Everything that is hidden cannot remain hidden. What is said in the inner rooms is reported to all. (Luke 12:3)

Pastors who commit such sins should repent quickly, but they do not repent because they believe that once saved, always saved.

They say that according to human doctrine, once salvation is obtained, it can never be revoked.

They commit adultery, get drunk, and commit all kinds of sins, but their consciences feel no guilt at all.

The reason is that their consciences are seared and they have lost their spiritual sense (1 Timothy 4:2).

Their hearts have turned away from the Word of God, and instead, they act contrary to the Word of God. This is Catholicism.

Now, many churches are becoming like Catholicism.

It is right for pastors to proclaim that only those who are willing to die for the Lord should come to church.

Those who do not have such faith and determination will all run away when their lives are in danger.

Only those who are determined to go to heaven should come to our church.

That is why our church’s sermons strongly rebuke sin, and those who do not want to hear rebuke should go to another church.

Elijah told Elisha to go home (1 Kings 19:20).

However, Elisha did not leave Elijah, but wanted to receive twice the inspiration of Elijah, so he did not leave Elijah until the end.

We must have a holy will and determination not to leave God. Those who are stubborn and covet worldly things will not enter heaven.

The stubbornness of the flesh and heart are like bowing down to an idol (1 Samuel 15:23).

However, Christians today have become people who worship greed and idols, just like Buddhists, Confucians, and Catholics.

The dead body is unclean (Numbers 19:11).

Why do many believers worship in front of an unclean dead body?

We must worship the Lord alone in spirit and truth, for God is pure and faithful. Yet believers bow down and offer flowers before the bodies of the dead.

The body from which the soul departed has already returned to the dust, and although it still has the form of a human body, it has become dust.

To worship and offer flowers to a dead body that has returned to the earth is an act of idolatry.

Bowing down to a carved Buddha or bowing down to a lump of clay is the same act of idolatry.

Do not worship living human beings as God. Do not worship any created being. The only one who deserves worship is Jesus.

In the early church, faithful believers were killed because they did not bow down to creatures.

The martyrs at that time were killed because they did not recognize false gods as their saviors.

Emperor Constantine granted religious freedom to his people. His mother believed in Jesus, but it does not seem that she truly believed in Jesus as the savior.

When religious freedom is given to oppressed Christians, their faith does not become stronger; rather, it tends to become corrupted.

When they were persecuted, they always clung to the Lord and lived a life of earnest prayer.

When they are free from oppression and become peaceful and wealthy, they turn away from the Lord and become disobedient.

The Bible refers to such people as those who only stepped on the court of the temple and returned (Isaiah 1:12).

When the Jews slaughtered the lambs and offered them on the altar, their hearts truly repented. Their consciences were very bitter and aching as they saw the lambs dying for their own sins.

But as time went by, their sense of conscience became too dull. They continued to live according to their evil habits and did not repent, thinking that if they just offered a lamb on the altar, their sins would automatically be forgiven.

Most of those who believe in Jesus today have a formal faith like them.

If you do not clearly understand the purpose of Jesus’ death on the cross and truly repent and obey, then you have a vain faith.

Jesus died, bearing the sins of all mankind (1 John 2:2). Jesus has no sin at all (Hebrews 4:15).

Jesus was sinless, so he could bear the sins of mankind and die.

When Jesus died on the cross, the Roman soldier pierced his body with a spear, and all the water and blood flowed out from his body and poured out on the ground (John 19:34).

The blood of Jesus is life (Lev. 17:11)

The water and blood of Jesus washed away all the sins of mankind.

God washed away all the sins of mankind with his blood. However, forgiveness is not given unconditionally, but is given when people repent of their sins.

By the grace of Jesus' blood, Anyone who believes in Jesus and repents of their sins is forgiven of their sins and walks the path to salvation.

Our salvation must be accomplished every day, and the salvation of the soul is not completed on this earth.

Since human doctrine teaches that those who live on this earth have already received the salvation of their souls, most believers live according to their fleshly thoughts and do not repent, becoming corrupt.

Those who are in the world can never receive the salvation of their souls, and they must achieve the salvation of their souls every day.

Those who believe in Jesus on this earth have not received salvation of the soul, but have been redeemed from sin through the blood of Jesus.

The period of redemption is while the body is alive on this earth.

Therefore, we must keep our faith until death, and after death, our souls come out of the body and receive the resurrection of life,

and the resurrected body is carried by the angels and ascends to heaven (John 5:29).

Those who enter heaven live happily forever, and have eternal rest (Hebrews 4:10).

Those who do this have achieved the completion of salvation.

However, pastors who do not understand the words of the Bible teach their congregations that they have already received salvation of the soul.

This is the doctrine of the Catholic Church, and it was under the influence of Augustine, Luther, and Calvin that the churches became so corrupted.

However, church members do not fully realize that human doctrines do not match the Bible.

Church members today simply accept what their pastors teach, but they must discern and discard teachings that do not conform to the Bible.

In the old days, since printing technology was not developed, only priests had Bibles, and Catholic believers accepted what priests said as the word of God.

Among the Ten Commandments, the first and second commandments were removed, which is the doctrine of Catholicism.

So they consider idolatry not a sin.

God's commandment is, "You shall have no other gods" (Exodus 20:3).

There is no other god besides the Creator God (Isaiah 45:5).

There is only one true God (Mark 12:29).

The Creator is God who exists forever.

Shakyamuni died and is being punished in hell. How can such a created human being become a true god?

Those who do not know the Bible deify the dead, making people believe in lies and worship them.

They must realize that there is only one God who is worshiped, the Creator.

They threaten to kill us because we oppose the doctrines created by men.

Some evil people threaten to blow up our church. If that were to happen, we would be able to go to heaven very easily.

Living in the world is hard, but those who commit suicide go to hell. However, if someone kills us, we become martyrs.

So even though many evil people threaten us, Fear comes to those who do not have a firm belief in God.

But those who truly believe in Jesus have peace in the face of death, because after death we enter the heaven we have longed for.

When Jesus preached the gospel on this earth, he spoke the truth in parables (Mark 4:34). He spoke the secrets of the kingdom of heaven in parables.

However, even Jesus' disciples did not understand the words of the parable.

So Jesus called them quietly and made them understand the parable on the mountain.

However, the Jews did not understand it. The Jews only called on the name of Jehovah (Deut. 6:4).

They did not acknowledge that Jehovah came as Jesus. So he did not explain the meaning of the parable to them.

Because those who saw Jesus saw Jehovah, Jesus answered one of his disciples' questions like this.

"Philip, if you have seen me, you have seen the Father. How can you say to me, 'Show me the Father?'" (John 14:9). Jesus answered like this because He is God the Father Himself.

The Jews who did not understand the Bible were angry. You are the son of Joseph and Mary. How can you say that you are the Son of God?

They could not accept Jesus as their savior, and eventually they drove him into heresy and crucified him.

In our church, we proclaim that God is one and that Jesus is God Himself. Christians who do not know God condemn us as heretics.

But the Lord protects us. But we must be ready to be martyred at any time.



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