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  제  목 : Online Bible Study on Tuesday 9/3 2024 kenya Time: 12:00 PM, (at noon) Korea Time: 6:00 PM 조회수 : 67
  작성자 : Barnabas 작성일 : 2024-09-03

Online Bible Study on Tuesday 9/3 2024

kenya Time: 12:00 PM, (at noon)

Korea Time: 6:00 PM

New Life Church in Seoul, Korea

Heaven and hell really exist. However, today’s church members do not seek God, but follow man-made doctrines. How can such people go to heaven?

we all have to listen to the words of Jesus to be saved, but now so many churches teach the Catholic doctrine of the Trinity.

In the third century, the pope called the bishops together at the Council of Nicaea, and what they decided was the doctrine of the Trinity, which is not a truth from the Bible.

The doctrine of the Trinity split the one God into three, and they brutally killed those who did not accept this false theory.

Calvin also created his five doctrines, and he brutally killed Christians who did not follow his doctrines.

Man-made doctrines were elevated above the Word of God, but God destroyed those who followed false doctrines.

Such people will go to hell and cry out in regret, saying, "Oh, I was deceived by Satan. I was wrong."

Repenting in hell is useless, everyone must believe in the Lord Jesus while they are alive. The Lord is always one.

Jesus Christ is the only Savior and Lord. Jesus is God, He created and rules over all things and mankind. He created heaven and hell and rules over them.

In Buddhism, Shakyamuni is the master, and there are many heretics, and the one who created their doctrine is their master.

Our leader is Jesus. This means that the leader is the owner of the church.

But in many churches today, they use the name of Jesus as their church signboard, but they do not teach the words of Jesus, but human doctrines.

In Catholicism, Jesus is always treated as a child, and Mary is greatly revered. Their thinking is very wrong. Jesus is Almighty God.

They must realize Isaiah 9:6, "A child is born, and that child is Almighty God."

The Bible foretold in advance that Almighty God the Father would be born as a baby. That baby is God Himself.

Matthew 1:22, The virgin will give birth to a son, and you are to call his name Jesus, who will save his people from their sins.

Jehovah came to this earth to shed his blood like a lamb to save mankind from sin (John 1:29).

Jesus died on the cross, saved mankind from sin, and ascended to heaven (John 19:30).

God came to the world as a human being, completed the work of salvation, and returned to the throne of heaven (Ephesians 1:20).

Now, Jesus gives the Holy Spirit to those who believe in him and repent (Acts 2:38).

The Holy Spirit is the Spirit of the Father. Those who repent receive new life. This is rebirth.

We who died because of sin are reborn as children of God, which is the reborn life.

When a dead soul is reborn, it becomes a reborn life.

How can a dead soul be reborn? By human knowledge? By Calvin's doctrine? By Augustine's doctrine? By Catholic doctrine? By no means.

Only Jesus' blood washes away our sins and we are reborn. However, churches today mix the Word of God with human doctrine.

These people can never interpret the Bible correctly, they slander and oppose those who preach repentance.

We ask them this question: Do you think the Catholic doctrine of the Trinity saves mankind?

We ask them this question: Do you believe that the Catholic doctrine of the Trinity, which is different from the Bible, saves mankind?

They cannot answer our fundamental questions.

Humans who believe in doctrine cannot explain it, but only excuse themselves by saying, "Only God knows it."

This is nonsense, but many churches trust the Catholic doctrine of the Trinity more than the Bible.

These false pastors are fiercely opposing us. They teach human doctrines to their congregations without even understanding what they are explaining.

The doctrine of the Trinity is a false Catholic doctrine. Why do pastors follow it?

These pastors call Catholicism the original house of God. Absolutely not. The church began when the Holy Spirit descended on the upper room of Mark.

The Apostle Paul established several churches during his missionary journey. Catholicism came much later. Catholicism came about because the church was corrupted. And our eternal home is not on this earth, but in heaven.

Remember what Jesus said.

When Jesus said that he would leave this world, his disciples were very afraid.

At that time, the Lord said, "In my Father's house are many mansions. And after I have made a place for you, I will come to you again and take you to where I am" (John 14:2,3).

The Book of Revelation speaks of a thousand years, but it is a symbol of an endless heaven.

When Jesus died on the cross, the thief next to him believed in Jesus and repented, and then entered eternal paradise. He does not wait anywhere else for a thousand years.

When the Lord returns, there will be no separate world that will last only a thousand years. Those who repent will immediately enter heaven and live forever.

The Savior is only God, and God is one. God is not two or three. Since Jehovah is a spirit, he cannot have the blood of flesh (Deut. 4:12, John 4:24).

so God came to the world in the flesh to shed blood for humans, and died in place of humans' sins, like a lamb (John 1:29).

In the Old Testament, priests shed the blood of lambs and offered sacrifices.

In the Old Testament, there were sin offerings, burnt offerings, peace offerings, and grain offerings.

When Jesus died on the cross, the roles of these sacrificial laws came to an end (Heb. 9:12).

Jesus alone fulfilled the roles of both the sacrifice and the priest.

Just as the priests of the Old Testament slaughtered lambs and sprinkled their blood, Jesus offered his own blood as a sacrifice as an eternal priest (Heb. 6:20).

It is written that Jesus sits at the right hand of God (Hebrews 10:12).

Jesus sitting at the right hand of God is a symbolic expression.

This symbolically shows that Jesus came to this earth and performed the role of an eternal priest.

Jesus is to remind us not to forget the role of the Lamb and the role of the priest.

And God came to the world in the name of the Son, and He alone performed the role of the prophet and the role of the mediator, and then ascended back to heaven.

So from this time on, anyone who believes in Jesus and repents is born again with new life.

Now, there is no need to go to the ark of the covenant in the tabernacle like in the Old Testament,

Through the blood of Jesus, we go straight to Jesus, this is the way of new life (Hebrews 10:20).

This is the word written in Hebrews. When Jesus died, the veil between the Holy Place and the Most Holy Place was torn by itself.

This veil was so thick that it could not be easily torn by human hands.

This sign symbolized that a new way to the Lord had been created.

The Most Holy Place was where the high priest entered once a year.

However, the veil that had been blocking the way was torn, and the inside of the Most Holy Place could be seen from the outside.

This meant that the people could meet God directly without going through the priests. A new way of salvation was opened wide through the blood of Jesus.

When we repent, our sins are transferred to Jesus and we live.

However, there are still those who seek the old Sabbath and the Day of Atonement. These are people who do not understand God's will.

Jesus solved all the problems at once (Hebrews 9:28).

That is why the Bible says, Believe in the Lord Jesus, and you and your household will be saved (Acts 16:31).

Now is the time to call on the name of Jesus, not the name of Jehovah.

Jehovah is the name of God used in the Old Testament.

That name was the name of promise given to the Jews, and in the New Testament era, "Jesus" was given as the only name of salvation to all people.

The only name in the world that can save us is the name of Jesus (Acts 4:12).

In the Old Testament, the Jews, the Hebrew people, were saved in the name of Jehovah.

At that time, there were separate courts for the Gentiles and the Jews, and they were distinguished from each other.

But now it is not like that. Anyone who believes in Jesus as the Savior, whether Greek or Jewish or barbarian, is saved when they repent.

When anyone believes in Jesus, anyone becomes a child of the living God.

All who repent have the authority of God's children, and when they repent, they are forgiven and go to heaven.

How are the rewards of heaven accumulated?

Things that we have worked hard for the Lord on this earth, good deeds, forgiving, reconciling, and being persecuted for the Lord, these things become the rewards of heaven.

Those who want to accumulate many rewards of heaven must serve diligently and be faithful.



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