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  제  목 : Online Bible Study on Mondays 9/9 2024 조회수 : 52
  작성자 : Barnabas 작성일 : 2024-09-10

Online Bible Study on Mondays 9/9 2024

Pakistan Time: 7:00 PM

Korea Time: 11:00 PM

New Life Church in Seoul, Korea

Human doctrines teach that you can be saved without practicing the Word of God. Such false human doctrines destroy the true faith that saves us.

They teach that if you just go to church, your soul is already saved. When I ask them why this is so, they cannot answer with the Bible.

The Lord has allowed me to overcome their obstructions so far.Let me give you an example of how I always defeat those who oppose me.

Two men with guns fight each other. But one man's gun is loaded with bullets, and the other man's gun is empty. Who wins in the end?

He who has the bullet wins, and he who has the empty gun surrenders.

The one who believes and practices the Word of God will defeat the one who does not believe but only confesses his faith with his lips.

Take the helmet of salvation. The helmet of salvation is the assurance that you will be forgiven by the blood of Jesus and saved by the power of Jesus.

The Word of God is the sword of the Spirit (Eph 6:17). When we believe, repent, and practice the Word of God, the Holy Spirit defeats Satan.

The King of the WCC is the Pope of the Catholic Church. They think the Pope is the King of the Church.

Many Catholic believers kneel before the Pope of the Catholic Church, and many pastors also kneel before the Pope.

The Pope is not God, he is human. Do not deify humans, and do not deify the dead.

Everyone have to believe in the living God. However, many believers trust the words of the Pope more than the words of God.

God is invisible, and corpses are visible to human eyes, so people worship their dead ancestors as gods.

At the moment of anyone's death, his spirit immediately goes to hell or heaven and cannot return to the world.

The dead body that remains in the world retains its human form for a while, but has already returned to dust.

The Bible says that the dead body is unclean, and that we should not touch the dead body because it is unclean (Numbers 19:11~).

In the Gospel of Luke, one of Jesus' disciples said to the Lord, "My father is dead; I will go and bury him, and then I will come back to Jesus and follow you" (Luke 9:59).

The Lord said to him, "Let the dead bury their dead, and you continue to preach the kingdom of God" (Luke 9:60).

The soul of a non-believer is dead. Jesus told his disciple to let the non-believers bury his dead father.

This means that the non-believers, whose souls are dead but whose bodies are alive, must bury the corpse.

There is no need to preach the gospel to the dead, because the time for repentance is over.

However, those who are still alive in the world must quickly hear the gospel and repent.

The souls of those who do not believe in Jesus and do not repent are dead, even though their bodies are healthy and alive.

Those whose spirits are dead are outside of God and outside of life. The souls of unbelievers are dead.

The souls of those who are caught up in human doctrines are dead.

The human doctrines created by Luther, Augustine, Calvin, etc. spread throughout the world. Those who believe these do not belong to God, are outside of life, and are dead souls.

The current situation is that most believers follow human doctrines.

We reject human doctrines. That is why many churches oppose and persecute us, because we do not follow their ways.

Those who do not believe in the Word of God and believe in human doctrines do not need to come to our church.

We must believe only in the Creator as our Savior, that heaven and hell really exist, and that we must repent of our sins to go to heaven.

In the Garden of Eden, God commanded Adam, “If you eat of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, you will surely die” (Gen. 2:17),

and you may eat of the fruit of every other tree freely (Gen. 2:16).

We are those who have received such great blessings.

Satan is testing us because we have received the promise of such blessings.

Satan tempts us to kill us. But God tests us to bless us and give us eternal life.

There is a saying in the world that when good things happen, the devil interferes.

Whenever we receive the command of God's blessing, Satan interferes greatly to nullify it.

You may eat fruit from any tree in the Garden of Eden, but do not eat fruit from the tree in the middle of the garden. If you eat it, you will surely die (Gen. 2:16, 17).

Before the serpent tempted Adam, first tempted Eve. The reason is that women are more vulnerable to temptation than men.

When Eve saw the fruit of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, it was so attractive, delicious, and desirable (Gen. 3:1-6).

She was tempted without realizing it and ate it.

Before she ate it, her heart had already turned away from God's word.

The moment she ate it, great fear came into her heart.

The wages of sin is death (Rom. 6:23), and death is a fearful thing.

She gave it to her husband Adam, and he took it and ate it (Gen. 3:6).

Fear came over them, and they immediately hid behind a tree.

When you sin, fear comes, and death comes.

Of all the fruit trees, they only had to refrain from eating one kind, and they could eat all the rest as they pleased.

However, because they ate the fruit that they should never have eaten, their spirits died, and they were driven out of the Garden of Eden.

God drove them out, and the serpent that had deceived them was also driven out of there (Gen. 3:23).

Through the sweat of his brow, Adam became a man who obtained food (Gen. 3:19).

Before he sinned, there was plenty of food in the garden without the need for sweat.

The climate of the Garden of Eden was so suitable, there was plenty of food, and there was no lack of peace and joy.

They received all the blessings, but everything fell apart for one reason: they disobeyed God's word.

In the New Testament era, when Jesus came to the world and died for mankind, the sacrificial laws were changed.

All humans are sinners. Adam sinned and was driven out of Eden, and the sacrificial law was created.

When Adam sinned, the Lord caught an animal, made clothes out of its skin, and put them on Adam (Gen. 3:21).

When they offered sacrifices, they offered the blood of the animal. There is a spiritual secret in that sacrifice.

The blood of the animal symbolized the blood of Jesus, and Abel offered the blood of the animal to the Lord as a sacrifice, but Cain offered grain as a sacrifice.

Through the blood, humans receive forgiveness of sins from the Lord. Sinners cannot just go before God. They must go with the blood of the animal in order not to die.

Cain did not offer a sacrifice according to God’s will, but offered a sacrifice according to his own will.

So the Lord did not accept his sacrifice, and Satan entered into him and put the thought of killing his brother (Gen. 4:5).

When the two were in the field, Cain killed Abel with a stone.

Cain belonged to Satan and killed his brother Abel (1 John 3:12). The Bible explains it this way.

All words and actions that depart from the Word of God are evil.

All words, actions, and works must be motivated by love.

All words, actions, and deeds must be motivated by love to avoid sin.

For example, if we were walking down the street without a wallet and found someone lying dead from thirst, what should we do?

You should run to the nearest store, get some fresh water, and give him a drink to save him. The motivation for such actions is love, not the intention to steal.

Such actions are not sins that lead us to death (1 John 5:16). we can pay for the water later.

Anything we say or do without love becomes our sin.

Jehovah God came to this earth in the flesh as the Son of God, died on the cross, and sacrificed his life like a lamb for atonement.

If Jesus had not died, the sacrificial laws of the Old Testament would still be in effect, the Sabbath law, the sacrificial law, the law of atonement.

Jesus died on the cross for all the sins of mankind and was resurrected, so the sacrificial laws of the Old Testament have expired.

All the systems of the Old Testament have ended in Jesus, but the Ten Commandments are always valid.

The 1st to 4th Commandments are about loving God, and the 5th to 10th are about loving your parents and neighbors.

The Lord commanded us. love the only Lord with all our heart, soul, and strength. and love your neighbor as yourself.

There is no commandment greater than these two (Mark 12:30, 31).

So the fulfillment of the law is love (Rom 13:10).

The law makes us realize what sin is, but the law itself cannot save us.

No one can be saved by fulfilling the law perfectly (Rom 3:20). Only God keeps the law perfectly.

The purpose of giving the law to humans is to make us realize our sin and repent (Rom 3:20).

When the Jews came out of Egypt and entered the wilderness, they did not know what sin was.

They did not realize the sin of idolatry, so God gave them the Ten Commandments through Moses.

All sins committed in the heart and in actions lead to death, but when we repent, we are forgiven by the blood of Jesus.

Jesus said, If you have lusted in your heart, you have committed adultery (Matthew 5:28). If you hate someone, you have committed murder (John 3:15).

Genesis 4:7, If you have done good, your face will be lifted up.

If you do not do good, sin is crouching at your door.

You have a desire to sin. but you must rule over that sin and overcome it.

It is not the flesh that sins first. The desire to sin comes into your mind first, and if you cannot overcome it, you put into practice the sinful thoughts that Satan gives you.

Putting sinful thoughts into action is the fruit of sin.

Many believers now seek Jehovah and call on the name of Jesus, but they do not obey the word of the Lord.

Their lips only call and praise the name of the Lord. They do not practice the word of the Lord.

There is salvation in the name of Jesus, which means putting the word of Jesus into practice.

In the Old Testament, the people were saved through the name of Jehovah.

The covenant of salvation was the blood of animals in the Old Testament, and the blood of Jesus in the New Testament.

The blood of Jesus is the blood of the covenant.

Only the blood of Jesus can redeem us from sin. When we repent, His blood washes away our sins (1 John 1:7).

Repenting once does not mean that all future sins are washed away.

If you obey the word of the Lord once, your future life is not automatically obeyed.

However, the doctrines of Augustine, Luther, and Calvin say that salvation of the soul has already been achieved through one repentance and obedience.

And once you are saved, that salvation cannot be canceled forever, human doctrines say.

These human doctrines are so contrary to the words of the Bible.

Even if you deny knowing Jesus at the scene of martyrdom, they say that your soul will go to heaven.

However, the Bible says that only those who endure to the end will be saved.

Human doctrines oppose the words of the Bible.

We are now living in such a false and evil age.

How many people can go to heaven in such a false age?

In order to go to heaven, we must abandon all false doctrines of men, obey only the words of Jesus, and repent whenever we sin. --end --


  이전글 : Online Bible Study on Tuesday 9/3 2024 kenya Time: 12:00 PM, (at noon) Korea Time: 6:00 PM
  다음글 : Online Bible Study on Tuesday 9/10 2024 kenya Time: 12:00 PM, (at noon)