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  제  목 : Online Bible Study on Tuesday 9/10 2024 kenya Time: 12:00 PM, (at noon) 조회수 : 73
  작성자 : Barnabas 작성일 : 2024-09-10

Online Bible Study on Tuesday 9/10 2024

kenya Time: 12:00 PM, (at noon)

Korea Time: 6:00 PM

New Life Church in Seoul, Korea

When a couple gets married, they live in the same house, they don't separate, and they always live together and do everything together.

When we believe in Jesus and repent of our sins, Jesus dwells in us and moves with us.

The Lord who does these things is called in the Bible as Emmanuel God (Matthew 1:23).

But when people enter seminaries, they lose this living faith, because today's seminaries do not teach the Bible but human doctrines.

Several theology professors and evolutionists have visited our church.

They argued with me. They emphasized the theory of evolution to me, claiming that all living things have been evolving for thousands of years.

After hearing their arguments, I asked them a question: If you believe your argument is correct, explain to me the cause of evolution.

They were quiet for a second or two and then said to me. He is a student at Yonsei University, and he said to me in anger.

After asking my question, he was silent for a few seconds and then said to me, You have nullified my argument with one word.

God first created the Garden of Eden, then the sun, moon, and stars, then all the seed-bearing trees,

and on the last day he created man, and on the seventh day God rested.

The Sabbath is the Lord's day of rest and worship. To worship God is to bow down to God.

Nowadays, many churches have become severely corrupted.

Many churches do not teach the words of Jesus, but teach human theories and doctrines to their members.

We point out that human doctrines do not conform to the Bible, and they do not realize their error, but instead call us heretics.

Man-made doctrines cannot save people at all, so there are so many believers who go to hell.

That is why the Lord cries out from heaven to all the churches: "Repent! Repent, repent!"

The Lord saves only those who realize their sins and repent, and allows them to enter heaven.

In the Garden of Eden the Lord said to them, “You may freely eat of every fruit; only do not eat of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil.”

All people are sinners. That is why Jesus tells everyone to repent. Because our first ancestor Adam sinned, all mankind became sinners (Rom. 5:12).

All people are sinners, and Jesus died on the cross to save everyone. It is the Lord's earnest will that all people repent and go to heaven.

The core of the Old and New Testaments is repentance! Because those who repent will receive eternal life.

The Holy Spirit of God comes to those who repent, the Holy Spirit is the Spirit of God, that is, the Spirit of Jesus.

Those who receive the Spirit of Jesus have received the life of Jesus, and Jesus dwells in those who repent.

Our faith begins when Jesus dwells in us.

Living faith is obedience to the words of Jesus. And when we fail to obey the words of Jesus, we repent immediately.

When those who have received the Holy Spirit obey and repent, they are transformed into new life.

When those who have been redeemed by the blood of Jesus obey to the end and keep the faith of repentance, they will enter heaven.

King Saul was also filled with the Holy Spirit at first. He was so filled with the Holy Spirit that his body became hot and he took off his clothes and prophesied (1 Sam. 19:20-24).

His mouth spoke to himself through the Holy Spirit. "Become a new person" (1 Sam 10:6).

However, King Saul failed to become a new person because he did not follow the voice of the Holy Spirit until the end and followed his greed.

Receiving the Holy Spirit, prophesying, and healing the sick does not mean that he will go to heaven. Those who obey until the end and repent will go to heaven.

Pastors who receive the Holy Spirit and cast out demons are spiritually very dangerous because they will go to hell if they become arrogant and boast about themselves.

As a pastor, I must always be careful and always overcome the temptations of Satan.

Satan always seeks an opportunity to make those who cast out demons arrogant and drag them to hell.

When we command in the name of Jesus, Satan is bound. However, if we become arrogant through that, Satan will make us his servants.

Everyone uses the name of Jesus because they believe. Listen to the experience of Elder Myung-seon Ko, who went to heaven.

His physique is strong and his mind is brave. One night, demons appeared to him.

So he ordered the demon, "I am a brave ex-Marine. Demon, leave me alone."

At that time, the demon laughed at him and did not leave him.

Then he remembered what he had heard in the sermon, and he again commanded Satan, "In the name of Jesus, I command you, come out of me, you devil."

At that moment, the demon left him. In this way, all humans are powerless, but the name of Jesus has all power.

In Philippians 2:10, it is written that before the name of Jesus Christ every knee should bow, everything in heaven and on earth and under the earth.

What does this mean? Jesus, who created and rules over all things, completely trampled Satan’s power by dying on the cross.

Jesus made Satan a footstool, a footstool is a table where kings comfortably put their feet.

Satan was placed under Jesus' feet, which means that Jesus completely subdued Satan's power.

The words of the Bible are paired with each other (Isaiah 34:16).

However, those who are bound by human doctrines cannot find them, and even if they read them, they do not understand their meaning.

Those who do not understand the words of the Bible deify the dead and worship them.

How can God’s people worship dead bodies? Dead bodies are unclean (Numbers 19:11).

In the Old Testament, anyone who touched a corpse was unclean for seven days and could not enter the temple. If an unclean person entered the temple, he was killed (Numbers 19:11-22).


At that time, even those who touched a grave became unclean (Numbers 19:16).

Anyone who became defiled by touching a corpse had to wash in purified water to become clean.

This means washing away sins with the blood of Jesus.

Worshipping the dead is idolatry. Those who worship idols have dreams of demons and graves.

Demons are fallen angels, not the spirits of dead ancestors (Isaiah 14:11-15).

Many church members are being deceived by the devil. The devil lies and speaks as if he were their ancestor.

We should honor our parents while they are alive. When a person dies, they immediately go to heaven or hell, and they cannot return to the world.

Many children do not honor their parents while they are alive, but try to honor them after they die. It is in vain.

This bad custom comes from Confucianism. Confucianism believes that if you serve your dead ancestors well, you will be blessed.

But that never happens. Don't be fooled by Satan's words.

God has been showing us heaven and hell for a long time in our church.


People who do not understand the Bible say that the heaven and hell that the Lord shows are fake.

Whenever the Lord shows us heaven and hell, He tells us that everyone must repent.

However, those who follow human doctrines claim that all our past, present, and future sins are forgiven when we confess the Lord once.

That is why they oppose our preaching of the gospel, slander us, and treat us as heretics.

If you believe in the doctrine of man, you do not need to repent of your sins, because you think that once you repent, all future sins are gone forever.

We never accept man-made doctrines, because they do not conform to the Bible. That is why we are slandered by them, and they call us mystics or mediums.

The devil rules over them, so they insist on the devil’s thoughts.

The only thing the Lord has commanded us to do is to preach the gospel of repentance. “Repent, for the kingdom of heaven is at hand” (Matthew 4:17).

How to repent? Confess all your sins to the Lord, ask for forgiveness, and gradually abandon your sins.

To sin against one’s neighbor is ultimately to disobey God’s word and to sin against God.

God’s word tells us to love one’s neighbor. Failure to love is sin, and it is to go against God’s will.

All our lives and actions are done before God. Making human relationships bad is also a sin against God.

We must quickly repent of such sins, abandon them, and return to the will of the Lord. Then, our broken relationship with the Lord will be restored.

Repenting and abandoning sins breaks down the wall of sin that blocks us from the Lord and allows us to communicate.

The moment Adam sinned, a wall of sin was formed between God and humans.

Because of the wall of sin, sinners cannot approach God.

In the Old Testament, the way to resolve this sin was to approach the Lord through the blood of animals.

The blood of animals in the Old Testament symbolizes and signifies the blood of Jesus.

The Almighty Jehovah existed as the Word, and the Word became flesh and was born on this earth as a baby (Isaiah 9:6,7).

Therefore, it is written that the Word became flesh and came to this earth (John 1:14).

However, God's people did not accept Jesus as God at that time (John 1:11).

The Jewish people are those who believe in Jehovah God (Deuteronomy 6:4). However, God came as Jesus according to the prophecy of the Bible.

When Jesus said, “I am God,” they did not accept his words. This is the result of them not believing the prophetic words written in the Old Testament.

The Jews who did not believe in the prophetic words of the Old Testament accused Jesus of blasphemy and crucified him to death, calling him a heretic.

Even now, Buddhism and other religions do not call us heretics. Christianity and Catholicism, which believe in human doctrines, call us heretics.

We deny human-made doctrines and believe only in the Bible and receive the guidance of the Holy Spirit.

That is why Christians who do not receive the Holy Spirit and do not understand the Bible say we are heretics.

Our church strongly rebukes sins and makes our members repent and turn from sins.

Why do sermons sound strong? It is because our church proclaims the living Word of God as it is.

Human doctrines, even though they sometimes quote the Word of God, are dead words. Dead words cannot strongly rebuke sin.

Many churches use the word of God to steal the property of their members and force them to donate.

They do this under the pretext of receiving blessings. Many believers who come to our church have had this experience in other churches.

Churches today use all sorts of methods to steal the property of their members.

Sermons that depart from the word of God are false and vain, like floating clouds that do not bring rain.

Believers who listen to human doctrines do not receive God's blessings and only go to church.

--end --



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