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  제  목 : Online Bible Study on Mondays 9/16 2024 Pakistan Time: 7:00 PM Korea Time: 11:00 PM New Life Church in Seoul, Korea 조회수 : 55
  작성자 : Barnabas 작성일 : 2024-09-17

Online Bible Study on Mondays 9/16 2024

Pakistan Time: 7:00 PM

Korea Time: 11:00 PM

New Life Church in Seoul, Korea

We must become those who are loved by the Lord, and never those who receive His wrath.

All doctrines and theories outside of the Word of God are false.

However, the current reality is that churches all over the world follow human doctrines.

When we preach that the only Creator God came as Jesus, most churches do not accept the gospel of truth and criticize us.

This is because they believe that one salvation is eternal salvation. They think that once they receive the prayer of accepting Jesus, their soul is saved.

Those who are in the world cannot receive salvation of the soul. When life on this earth ends, we go to heaven. only Those who have entered heaven, received salvation of the soul.

All souls in the flesh cannot yet be saved. While we live in the world, we are only redeemed from sin.

Those who have been redeemed from sin by the blood of Jesus cannot go to heaven if they stop repenting in the middle of their lives.

In him we have redemption through his blood, the forgiveness of sins, in accordance with the riches of God's grace (Ephesians 1:7).

Those who are redeemed are in Jesus, and when they keep their faith until the end and die, they receive the resurrection of life and enter heaven (John 5:29).

This is the truth that allows us to enter heaven.

To follow the truth of the Lord, you must be honest. Because Adam was not honest, he did not receive the blessing but was cursed.

If he had been honest when he sinned, he would have gone to God before God came to him.

where are you adam? Before God call him like this, he should have confessed, “Father God, I have eaten the fruit, I have sinned against you, please forgive me.”

But he was afraid and hid behind the tree, and did not repent of his sin. That is why God came to him.

The beginning of sin began in the Garden of Eden.

He ate the fruit that the Lord had commanded him not to eat.

The Lord asked him, "Who made you eat it?"

Adam answered, "The woman God gave me caused me to eat the forbidden fruit" (Genesis 3:12).

But he was afraid and hid behind the tree, and did not repent of his sin. That is why God came to him.

The expression, “the woman God gave me,” is Adam passing on his sin to God and blaming Him.

Adam made a big mistake, and we often commit the same sins as Adam. Not repenting of our own sins and blaming others is an attitude that the Lord cannot forgive.

There are believers who blame others and lie. These people greatly hurt God's heart, but God is patient with them until they repent.

Do not deceive your own conscience. How long can you do that? You must quickly repent and receive forgiveness from the Lord.

Be honest in your words and actions. Satan tries to make us sin, so there is no one in the world who is completely righteous before the Lord.

In the Garden of Eden, God commanded Adam and Eve not to eat only the fruit of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, but to eat all the other fruits.

If they had not eaten the fruit of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, they would have eaten the tree of life someday.

What would have happened if they had eaten the fruit of the tree of life? They would have become sinners who would never die.

To prevent this condition, God quickly commanded the angels to prevent them from eating the fruit of the tree of life.

A flaming sword turned around and guarded the tree of life, preventing them from approaching it.

If they had eaten of the tree of life first, God would have prevented them from approaching the tree of the knowledge of good and evil.

If they had eaten the fruit of the tree of life, they would have lived forever like God.

Because they were absolutely forbidden to eat the fruit of the tree of life, God drove them out of the Garden of Eden.

From then on, men had to work hard to obtain food by the sweat of their brow, and women had to work hard to give birth to children (Genesis 3:16, 17).

It is not easy to give birth to children, and when humans sow seeds of grain, weeds come up first.

The ground is cursed and thistles grow on it (Genesis 3:18). Because God's promise is fulfilled, all humans have no choice but to live in toil and suffering.

When we see women suffering while giving birth, we must realize the truth, that everything is done according to the Bible!

Now is an age where people do not believe in and follow the Word of God, but follow human doctrines.

Many people go to church while abandoning the Word of God and believing in human doctrines. I don’t know why they go to church.

When pastors teache doctrines that do not fit the Bible, church members follow the lie without any doubt.

We must be content with what we have now, and never be greedy.

Now, we have entered an era where things like AI and robots created by human science dominate humans.

Through these things, Satan confuses many people, and interferes with God’s work of creation.

News like “Aliens coming, there are UFOs” spreads throughout the world, confusing people’s minds.

UFOs are an optical illusion caused by Satan, they have no substance, and aliens do not exist.

Some people talk about the appearance of aliens, and show pictures of dead alien bodies. But they are fake, they are manipulated and created by people.

Satan creates such illusions and makes them visible to people.

Those whose spirits are open can see angels walking around like people.

Angels appear and eat food and give and receive things like people.

We live in such a deceptive age. but how many people can overcome Satan’s deception?

Churches are in chaos these days, there are many articles about UFOs, and dragons are captured in beautiful pictures.

Through YouTube, many people engage in such activities. However, they are all lies and fakes.

The Bible says that many false prophets and great satanic works will occur in the last days.

How can we discern the false works of Satan?

We discern all false things through the recorded words of God.

Only the words of God are true, honest, and without falsehood.

The world is mixed with truth and falsehood. God is true, and Satan is false.

The fallen angels were cast out of heaven and are those who deceive people with lies.

Satan and evil spirits who were cast out by God are constantly trying to deceive people.

Evil spirits are making believers fall into doctrines made by humans, making them worship idols, and making them receive God's judgment, dragging them to hell.

Idols are false gods and there are many of them, the Creator God is the true God and the only one.

False gods are created by humans who are under the control of Satan.

The sun, moon, and stars are creatures created by God. Satan deifies them.

However, deluded people use the sun, moon, and stars to predict human fortunes.

People use these things to divine things, but all things in the world are accomplished according to the Bible.

We must risk our lives to go to heaven.When you commit a sin, do not delay, but repent quickly.

We must not be stubborn, we are all lacking and living in sin.

We must become those who are forgiven through repentance and become obedient.

Nowadays, people cannot forgive each other for even the slightest mistake, and they try to kill others if they feel even the slightest offense.

There are many people who cannot tolerate at work or at home.

Anger can never achieve the righteousness of God (James 1:20).

When one person gets angry, the spirit of anger spreads to others through that person. And through people with a gentle character, the Holy Spirit flows to others.

When the Holy Spirit enters the heart, the person loves others, likes to share, and likes to forgive.

When the Holy Spirit flows in, the person is transformed into a new person.

The Holy Spirit is a life-giving spirit. If one cannot forgive others, he belongs to the spirit of Satan, the spirit of death.

The spirit that gives life to a person is the spirit of Jesus (1 Corinthians 15:45).

When the spirit of Jesus enters you, your dead spirit will come alive. Those who belong to the doctrine of the denomination are dead spirits.

Pastors who preach human doctrines end their sermons with these words: "Brothers and sisters, we have already been saved."

What these pastors preach is 100% denial of the Word of God.

Do you know what the sermons of the pastors of megachurches are like these days?

Their sermons begin with a message of love and goodness, but at the conclusion they end with a message that is the exact opposite of the introduction.

"We have already been saved. Our past, present, and future sins are all gone.

Such sermons are dragging the saints to hell, because they deny the word of God, and are on the side of the antichrist.

Pastors and believers who follow this type of humanism are currently ruling and managing most churches.

Some churches praise communism. How can such a person be a pastor?

The mission of a pastor is to give his life for Jesus.

Those who have received the Holy Spirit are servants of God and witnesses of Jesus.

Acts 1:8 says, “But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes on you; and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth.”

I once met a foreign pastor who preached only the one God, and I was so happy to see him.

However, he failed to explain to people the truth that there is only one God through the words of the Bible.

He knew that there is one God, but he did not know how God accomplished the work of salvation.

We do not know the exact date when the Lord will return, but we feel that His time is near.

When the Lord comes again, all of human history will end, and everything in the world will be burned.

However, some pastors say that Jesus will return to this earth twice. His claim does not fit the Bible.

After that, we who are still alive and are left will be caught up together with them in the clouds to meet the Lord in the air. And so we will be with the Lord forever (1 Thessalonians 4:17).

When the Lord comes in the air, only those who have kept the faith will be clothed in an imperishable resurrection body and ascend to the Lord (1 Corinthians 15:52,53),

And they will worship the Lord in the air and enter heaven with the Lord.

Then the entire universe under heaven will turn into a sea of ​​fire.

The heavens and the earth are being kept for burning by the same word of the Lord (2 Peter 3:7).

the Bible says like this, why do people say other claims that are not in the Bible?

Why do pastors and theologians make up words that are not in the Bible?

Theology is the study of knowing God. However, the first thing taught in seminaries is the Trinity and other human doctrines.

It is to explain and establish human doctrines by using human doctrines as pillars and quoting the Word of God.

At Gamaliel Seminary, Apostle Paul, who learned legalistic theology, abandoned all human theologies after he came to know Jesus.

Before he met Jesus, he treated believers in Jesus as heretics and persecuted them, imprisoned them, and killed them.

After he met Jesus on the road to Damascus and received the Holy Spirit, he fasted for three days (Acts 9:1-9).

Realizing that he did not need worldly knowledge, he abandoned legalism and human knowledge (Phil. 3:8).

He preached that there is no other savior but Jesus (Acts 4:12).

The Apostle Paul dedicated his life to boasting only in Jesus Christ who died on the cross for mankind (Galatians 6:14).



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