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  제  목 : Online Bible Study on Tuesday 9/17 2024 kenya Time: 12:00 PM, (at noon) Korea Time: 6:00 PM New Life Church in Seoul, 조회수 : 49
  작성자 : Barnabas 작성일 : 2024-09-17

Online Bible Study on Tuesday 9/17 2024

kenya Time: 12:00 PM, (at noon)

Korea Time: 6:00 PM

New Life Church in Seoul, Korea

The apostle Paul suffered severe persecution from his own people from the time he abandoned human doctrines and began to believe in Jesus.

Before he believed in Jesus, he was a person who severely persecuted and accused believers in Jesus of being heretics.

But he became a preacher of the gospel. He suffered severe persecution for the gospel, including being beaten, starved, and thrown into prison (2 Corinthians 11:23-27).

His end was his beheading and martyrdom. To voluntarily give one's life for the Lord is to glorify the Lord.

How many people today would die for the Lord like Apostle Paul?

We must become people who can even sacrifice our lives in order to repay the Lord's grace of salvation.

Even those who have not received the mission of martyrdom must diligently repent and live a life of obedience to enter heaven.

When King David's faith became weak, he committed a wicked crime, but he was able to enter heaven because he thoroughly repented of his sins.

Repenting sins is regaining the life that was lost.

However, today's church members believe in human doctrines and do not repent of their sins.

The doctrine of man says that once you repent, your past, present, and future sins are forgiven forever.

They also claim that one salvation is eternal salvation and that once you receive salvation, it can never be canceled.

Those who are still living in the world claim that their souls have already been saved. However, salvation of the soul can be received after the death of the body.

If their souls are saved, they no longer need to go to church or repent.

The purpose of believing in Jesus is to have our sins forgiven and enter heaven, for the salvation of our souls.

All those who lived in the Old and New Testament eras were driven out of the Garden of Eden. Everyone can come to the Lord through repentance.

In the Old Testament, forgiveness was received through the blood of animals, but in the New Testament, only through the blood of Jesus.

In the Old Testament, animals had to be offered as sacrifices on the altar. However, in the New Testament, we are forgiven by the blood of Jesus wherever we sincerely repent.

Grace that is received without paying a price is a gift (Rom 3:24).

The Lord gives the Holy Spirit as a gift to those who repent.

But many Christians are trapped by human doctrines, believing lies and boasting about human knowledge and gifts.

Having a lot of Bible knowledge does not save us, but even if we do not have a lot of Bible knowledge, we are saved when we repent.

Peter had no worldly knowledge, but he became Jesus' first disciple.

The Lord's disciples were martyred. Peter was hung upside down on the cross, some were killed by the sword, some were burned to death, and they were all killed miserably.

Such a time is coming, and we all must prepare our faith. So I bless you in the name of the Lord that we all go to heaven.

When severe persecution comes, true faith and false faith become clearly distinguished.

Those with false faith will abandon the Lord and run away when persecution comes, but those with true faith will follow the Lord to the end.

We must bear our own cross and obey the Lord’s words to the end (Luke 9:23).

The Lord commanded, “Leave your country, your wife, and your children, and follow the Lord” (Mark 10:29).

Who can do this?

How many believers can do this in this age?

One’s cross means one’s own flesh. We must cast off the fleshly lusts and greed that come from our flesh, and obey the Lord’s words.

This is not easy. When we repent and strive to obey, the Holy Spirit will help us to achieve it.

However, many believers are caught up in lustful lives and human greed.

That is why the Bible tells us to crucify our lusts and desires (Galatians 5:24).

We must strive to crucify our lusts every day, and whenever we see sin, we must avoid sin and return to the Lord.

The saints who have gone to heaven pray earnestly for us who are on earth to come to heaven.

And those in hell scream in extreme pain, telling us that we must never come to hell.

We have been witnessing the scenes of heaven and hell for a long time.

The reality of heaven and hell that we see is the same as what is written in the Bible.

There are many people today who see false heaven and hell. These people say things that are not in accordance with the Bible.

These people say that Jesus in heaven told them the date of the Lord's return, or that the Lord said that the Verichip is "666."

Their testimonies about heaven and hell do not conform to the words of the Bible, and anything that does not conform to the Bible is fake.

Those who have seen false heaven and hell and those who have false gifts are deceiving many people.

We must believe only the words of the Bible, which teaches us to repent and tells us that the kingdom of heaven is at hand (Matthew 4:17).

Mary is not the mother of God. God, a spiritual being, used Mary's body to be born into the world as a human being.

Mary, who lives in heaven, calls Jesus Lord. She, like other people in heaven, calls Jesus Lord.

When the wine ran out at the Canaanite wedding feast, Mary told Jesus about it, which was her meddling in God's work according to human thinking.

Jesus called Mary, who spoke with human thought, “woman,” thereby cutting her off from involvement in God’s work.

Some theologians interpret the word "woman" in Israel as a word of great respect. But this is not true.

Why did Jesus call her a woman? Mary was not the mother of God, but a woman who helped bring Jesus into the world.

When the glory of God must be revealed, human thoughts should not intervene.

According to God's plan, God performs miracles and God receives glory.

Mary, who helped Jesus be born into the world, did not have the position of God, but was merely a human being.

Nowhere in the world does a child call his mother 'woman'. But the relationship between Jesus and Mary is fundamentally that of Creator and creature,

In the Catholic Church, the human Mary is elevated to the position of God. This is against God's will.

Many pastors and Catholic priests teach incorrectly. They teach as if the human Mary is in the position of God.

The words of the Bible must be interpreted with the help of the Holy Spirit, not with human thoughts.

So the Lord said, John 14:26, When the Holy Spirit comes, whom the Father will send in my name, he will remind you of what I said and teach you.

Receive the Holy Spirit, the Spirit of God, and learn the Bible in the name of Jesus.

Do not learn the Bible from professors who teach with human knowledge or fleshly thoughts.

Do not follow human doctrines, but believe in Jesus, and be diligent in reading bible and praying. You must seek God, find Him, and rely on Him.

Catholic priests have a lot of money. They serve the dead with great care.

They go to cemeteries to worship and receive money from the families of the dead.

This is because they believe in the doctrine of purgatory, which is not in the Bible.

The doctrine of purgatory was created by humans, and it is a false doctrine.

The doctrine of purgatory is the belief that when living families donate a lot of money to the church for their deceased parents, their parents will be sent from purgatory to heaven through the devotion of their children.

They think that Mary acts as a mediator. This is absolutely not true. The only mediator is Jesus (1 Tim. 2:5).

Jesus is the only mediator, and came to the world in the name of the Son (Isa. 9:6), as a priest (Heb. 4:14), a prophet (Deut. 18:15), and the temple of God (John 2:19, 20).

God came to this earth in the name of Jesus, accomplished the work of salvation, and then ascended back to heaven.

We must firmly believe this Bible verse. Those who do not understand this word will believe in the false doctrines of men and go to hell.

They will go to hell and cry out in pain that they were deceived by lies. Countless believers will go to hell and scream in regret.

"Oh, I was deceived by the pastor, I was deceived by the Catholic priest." But they cannot get out of hell.

In the old days, it was very rare to have a Bible, so many people took turns reading one Bible.

Today, every believer has a Bible, but not many church members read the Bible.

They boast of having many kinds of Bibles. However, there are very few who read the Bible, obey its words, or repent.

These people seem to have great faith, but Jesus is not in their hearts..

Sometimes I consult with Catholics. Our church makes it clear that the pope, cardinals, and priests are in hell.

I answer them, "According to the Bible, all those who do not believe in Jesus will go to hell."

They argue with me like this, do believers in Jesus go to hell because they worship idols? Do they go to hell because they eat food sacrificed to idols?

The Bible clearly states that we should not eat food sacrificed to idols (1 Corinthians 8:7, Psalms 106:28)

Why do those who claim to believe in God act contrary to the words of the Bible?

How can those who go against the will of God call themselves believers in God?

The Bible says not to eat food sacrificed to idols and not to worship idols.

Eating food sacrificed to idols is breaking the first and second commandments.

The thing God hates the most is idolatry.

There is no other god but the Creator God. Why do they worship false gods and eat food sacrificed to idols? That is idolatry.

It is a cursed act. Do not eat food sacrificed to idols.

In the New Testament and the Old Testament, all the Bible says that those who eat food sacrificed to idols are cursed.

We must abandon all idols and obey only the word of God so that we can be blessed in this world and all go to heaven.

Jong-Dae Choi의 개인 회의실


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