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  제  목 : Online Bible Study on Mondays 9/23 2024 Pakistan Time: 7:00 PM Korea Time: 11:00 PM New Life Church in Seoul, Korea 조회수 : 49
  작성자 : Barnabas 작성일 : 2024-09-23

Online Bible Study on Mondays 9/23 2024

Pakistan Time: 7:00 PM

Korea Time: 11:00 PM

New Life Church in Seoul, Korea

In Revelation 2, it says that those who worship idols will have their children killed.

Idolatry is an act of spiritual adultery, it is the sin that God hates the most, and it brings God's wrath.

If someone who loved God follows another god, it is spiritual adultery and heresy.

Do not be deceived by lies. We must truly believe only in God and enter heaven.

The Lord has opened the way to heaven to all people. We must be thankful for the Lord’s grace and follow this way to the end.

The Lord has called us as His people, but if we do not follow the Lord, we cannot enter heaven.

Jacob had 12 children, and they became the 12 tribes.

Later, the 12 tribes started a war to kill each other.

People living on this earth cannot be trusted forever, and they cannot love forever.

We must believe only in the Lord until the end, and we must live in the Lord’s love to obtain eternal life.

In the Lord, there is no darkness, but only light.

There is no sin, curse, disease, or death. but there is eternal life.

Many people are destroyed because they misinterpret the Book of Revelation.

What does the Book of Revelation teach and emphasize? All churches must repent and obey.

The reality of the seven churches is revealed, and only two churches receive the Lord's praise, while the rest receive the Lord's rebuke.

The churches that receive the Lord's rebuke must quickly turn from their sins. Otherwise, they will perish.

The two churches, the churchs of Smyrna and Philadelphia, lived a life of repentance and obedience and kept the faith.

Jesus recognized only the two churches as the right churches, for they kept the faith even in poverty and difficult situations.

The other churches were corrupt. The size of the church was large, they had a lot of money and honor. However, they disobeyed Jesus’ words and did not know how to repent.

Those who repent at the end of their lives, until the moment they leave this world, will enter heaven.

Not everyone who goes to church will go to heaven. We must keep the faith until the end.

Obeying until the end and repenting of sins mean keeping the faith.

A married couple can be recognized as a normal couple when they live together in love until the end. If they live together for a week and then break up, they cannot be recognized as a normal couple.

Those who keep their love for the Lord until the end will enter heaven.

If a person who believes in God worships idols or deifies the dead and offers sacrifices to them, he or she is committing spiritual adultery.

Even with those who do this, God is patient and waits for a long time. He waits for them to repent and return to Him.

The Lord forgives and saves those who repent even before death.

However, there are many who do not repent. The reason is that many believers are caught up in human doctrines.

Those who believe in human doctrines think that their souls are already saved. Such people ignore the Lord’s commandments.

They do not fear God’s judgment, do not listen to God’s commandments, and claim that they are already saved.

When told to repent with the words of the Bible, these people do not repent, but use human doctrines as their shields. They hide in doctrines.

They claim, “I have already been forgiven of all my sins, past, present, and future. One salvation is eternal salvation, so it cannot be revoked.”

This is their shield. However, it is not from the Bible, but a false doctrine made by men.

Jesus gave everyone a chance to repent and be forgiven, so if you break the Ten Commandments, you will be forgiven if you repent.

However, those who believe in the doctrine of man think that they are safe because all sins are automatically forgiven without repentance.

Human doctrines are a refuge for those who do not repent of their sins. Such people can never escape hell. Make no mistake.

Nowadays, we live in an age that is so confusing and chaotic.

We must believe in one and only God, and we must do our best to obey God's words and live a life of repentance.

However, many believers are perishing because of the doctrine of the Trinity and many other human doctrines.

Many heresies appear because of the Trinity, such as Shincheonji, Unification Church, etc.

The leaders of these heresies call themselves the Comforter and the Holy Spirit.

The Holy Spirit is Jehovah Spirit. In the Old Testament, God was called the Holy Spirit (Joel 2:28).

In the New Testament, God is called the Holy Spirit (Acts 2:1-4))

The Holy Spirit came to the world as the Son of God, and he is Jesus Christ.

Jesus bore all the sins of mankind on this earth, died, was resurrected, and returned to his original position as God.

Jesus is the foundation and God Himself (Philippians 2:6).

Jesus is God Himself, but came to the world in the name of the Son.

Jesus said to his disciples, "He who has seen me has seen God the Father (John 14:9)

The Creator God the Father came to the world in the name of the Son to die for the sins of mankind.

He completed the work of salvation in the name of the Son and returned to heaven (Isaiah 6:6).

Therefore, anyone who believes in the name of the Son, Jesus, is born again as a child of the Lord (Matthew 1:21).

To those who receive him, to those who believe in his name, the power to become children of God is given (John 1:12).

How do we receive the power of the Son? By believing in the name of Jesus, who came in the name of the Son of God, and repenting of our sins.

Children of God are those who are born of God.

John 1:12, To those who receive Jesus, to those who believe in his name, the power to become children of God is given.

Those who are born of God, not through human blood or the will of the flesh, are the sons of God (John 1:13).

Those who call on the name of Jesus are those who are born of God.

So the greatest among those born of women is John the Baptist (Luke 7:28).

Before him, many prophets and kings wanted to see Jesus Christ coming into the world, but none of them died without seeing the Savior Jesus (Luke 10:24).

Among those born of women, John the Baptist was the first prophet to see the Savior Jesus who came in the world.

He saw with his own eyes that Jehovah God had come to the world in the name of Jesus. That is why he is called the greatest prophet.

The Spirit of God is the Holy Spirit. And the Holy Spirit is the name of Jesus (John 14:26).

Dividing one God into two is the doctrine of Catholicism.

Augustine, Luther, and Calvin devised the doctrine of man, and Augustine is the one who devised the doctrine of purgatory.

The doctrine of purgatory is completely false, he invented a doctrine that is not in the Bible.

The Bible tells the story of the rich man and Lazarus. If purgatory really existed, it would be mentioned in this story (Luke 16:19-31).

A thief who was crucified died and went straight to paradise, That paradise is heaven. There is no purgatory.(Luke 23:39-43).

If there was purgatory, the thief should have gone to purgatory first.

All man-made doctrines are false.

They claim that the first pope was Peter. How can Peter be the pope of Catholicism? That makes no sense.

Peter only preached the gospel, and was eventually crucified upside down for the gospel, and he never held the office of the pope.

And the office of the pope is not to have a wife, but Peter had a wife (1 Corinthians 9:5).

All man-made doctrines are lies, but so many are deceived by this.

Catholics are all those who follow false doctrines.

Those who believe in the word of God, obey, and repent are saved.

We do not follow Catholic doctrine or man-made Christian doctrine, but only follow the words of Jesus like the disciples in the early church.

We desperately want to go to heaven, so we must strive and make an effort to gather together in the name of Jesus.

There is no salvation in attending seminars that teach gifts and miracles, legalism, and human thought.

I once followed those things, and almost went to hell. We must follow the living Jesus and obey the words of Jesus to go to heaven.

The woman with the issue of blood touched the hem of Jesus’ garment and her issue of blood left her (Mark 5:25-28).

Her struggle to touch the hem of Jesus' garment tells us how much we must struggle to hold on to Jesus' words today.

She firmly believed in Jesus as the Almighty, that if I hold on to the hem of Jesus’ garment, Jesus will heal my illness.

Because of her firm faith, the devil left her. It was her practical faith that caused her to be healed of her illness.

A faith that only remembers God's word formally and intellectually and does not put it into practice is a worthless faith.

Even the demons know that God is one and tremble (James 2:19).

However, the demons fear God, but they do not obey the Word of God and have no love.

How can those who are caught up in human doctrines and commit sins without repenting overcome the demons?

First, obey God. Then, resist the devil (James 4:7).

However, if a person who is possessed by the devil and committing a sin orders the devil to come out, the devil will actually subdue him and attack him.

First, repent and purify your own heart. Then, you must cast out Satan.

When you pray with an honest heart, your prayer reaches God.

God protects those who have an honest heart. Do those who are filthy and full of greed pray to the Lord for blessings without repentance?

That is an abominable prayer, and they do not receive the blessings and power of the Lord. Abominable tears are like crocodile tears.

In the fable, a crocodile sheds tears and cries sadly, and then another animal approaches him to comfort him. Then the crocodile suddenly changes its behavior and eats the animal.

That is why crocodile tears are dishonest, abominable tears and actions.

Who can preach the gospel of repentance that leads to heaven?

Pastors who believe in human doctrines condemn those who follow the truth as heretics, persecute them, and try to kill them.

Those who believe in the doctrine of man always hate and oppose the gospel of repentance because they believe that all their past, present, and future sins are forgiven.

Even when Jesus came to the world, there were people like this, and they defined Jesus as a heretic and crucified him.

Jesus shed blood for all nations. I bless everyone in the name of Jesus to realize this word.

There is no purgatory. All human-made doctrines are fake.



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