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  제  목 : Online Bible Study on Tuesday 9/24 2024 kenya Time: 12:00 PM, (at noon) Korea Time: 6:00 PM New Life Church in Seoul, 조회수 : 46
  작성자 : Barnabas 작성일 : 2024-09-24

Online Bible Study on Tuesday 9/24 2024

kenya Time: 12:00 PM, (at noon)

Korea Time: 6:00 PM

New Life Church in Seoul, Korea

It is God's law that man is born once and dies once (Hebrews 9:27). Therefore, everyone has no choice but to follow this path that God has set.

The wages of sin is death, so everyone dies.

But blessed are those who have part in the first resurrection when they die on this earth, for they will go to heaven and live forever.

Those who enter heaven will not suffer the second death, which means the punishment of hell.

The first death refers to death on earth, and the second death refers to eternal punishment in hell.

The first death is the death of the body, which no one can escape, but the second death is hell, which we must never experience.

However, countless believers are deceived by Satan, disobey, do not repent, and thus enter hell, the second death.

When we preach the gospel of repentance that saves souls, they do not repent, but instead treat us as heretics.

There are many who slander us as heretics for preaching the gospel of repentance, but when we examine their lives, we can see that they live according to the lusts of the flesh.

They live by playing golf, drinking, being obscene, and indulging in worldly entertainment.

Since we are children of God's light, we cannot associate with those who live in the darkness of sin.

The darkness of sin is lies and all evil living, and these all belong to Satan.

We must not be deceived by Satan, and we must always strive to be honest, get rid of bad habits, and live a good life.

Not following the word of the Lord is sin, and confessing our sins and returning to the word of God is true repentance.

All people are sinners, and there is no one in the world who is completely righteous.

There are those who suffer from various diseases due to the curses of their ancestors or their own sins, but if they repent, the Lord will heal all diseases.

One thing we must know is that there is no other savior besides Jesus.

There is no other name under heaven that brings salvation to mankind (Acts 4:12).

Anyone who preaches anything other than the gospel that Jesus taught will be cursed, even angels from heaven will be judged (Galatians 1:8).

I pray earnestly in the name of the Lord that everyone will believe this truth and be saved.

Everyone should call and praise the name of Jesus, Jesus! Jesus! Jesus! So our hearts should be filled with Jesus.

When the Spirit of Jesus fills us, all sadness, loneliness, and emptiness disappear.

When our hearts are not filled with Jesus, worldly greed and lust, and doubts will fill us.

He who doubts is already condemned (Rom. 14:23). So we must pray so that we do not doubt the word, promise, and power of the Lord.

When thoughts of doubting God's Word enter our mind, we must immediately cast them out in the name of Jesus.

When we hear and understand the word of God, we must immediately put that faith into practice in our lives.

Today, there are many social gatherings in the world, and there are many cases where pastors' wives become corrupt after participating in worldly gatherings.

Why is this happening? Many Christians become corrupted because God’s people believe in human doctrines, not the Bible.

Many pastors fall into the sins of money and sexual immorality because they are deceived by human doctrines.

Those who believe in human doctrine believe that they are already saved. So they act according to their fleshly desires and do not even repent.

People of God must be distinguished from people of the world. We must abandon the sins of the world.

Those who think that all their future sins are forgiven end up living worse lives than unbelievers.

They believe that after receiving one prayer of acceptance of Jesus as their savior, all the sins of their life are washed away.

Such thinking is not in accordance with the Bible. Those who have accepted Jesus as their savior must obey Jesus’ words from that time on and repent of their sins.

John the Baptist and Jesus' disciples baptized with water to bring people to repentance.

But Jesus baptized with fire and the Holy Spirit to bring people to repentance (Matthew 3:11).

Jesus died for the sins of mankind, was resurrected, and ascended to heaven.

From that time on, the Holy Spirit came upon those who accepted Jesus as their Savior, and the Holy Spirit helped everyone to repent.

I pray in the name of the Lord that everyone realizes that this is the baptism of the Holy Spirit.

Those who have not been baptized in the Holy Spirit do not know the Holy Spirit, so they claim to be saved by being baptized in water.

Realize that being baptized in water does not save your soul, and that you must repent of your sins. Learn to repent of your sins before being baptized in water (Matthew 3:6).

The purpose of being baptized in the Holy Spirit is to repent of your sins.

When you repent of your sins, the Lord pours out the Holy Spirit (Acts 2:38). When you are filled with the Holy Spirit, you will repent more and obey the Lord’s words more.

The baptism ceremony where your body enters water makes you think of being washed of your sins and forgiven.

The moment we repent and wash away our sins, we become one with the Lord.

Many church members receive water baptism without even knowing the meaning of baptism.

Then they get drunk, smoke, and live according to fleshly desires. Without repentance, such people will never go to heaven.

Our bodies are the temple of God. We must not defile it (1 Corinthians 2:16).

But even among God's people there are many who drink alcohol, eat food sacrificed to idols, and smoke. These people defile the temple of God.

That is why God's temple is defiled, and God said that such people will be destroyed (1 Corinthians 3:17).

We must stop these sins. It is not easy for those with strong lust to overcome their desires.

Those who continue to commit these sins without repenting will eventually become sick and end up in a hospital bed.

Even then, they must truly repent and receive forgiveness from the Lord in order to enter heaven after death.

When we repent, the Lord forgives us, saves our souls, and takes us to heaven.

Our bodies return to dust the moment we die.

This is because humans were created from dust, and ultimately, the body returns to dust (Genesis 3:19).

When a person dies, he immediately becomes a lump of clay.

However, many people worship the dead and offer flowers.

This is an act of idolatry, and that is why the Lord is angry with such people.

Serving the dead is ultimately breaking the first and second commandments.

Serve your parents well while they are alive, and do not cry or offer sacrifices after they die.

While your parents are alive, you should buy them delicious food and show them love.

Tell your parents, “I have been so busy with my work lately that I haven't been able to visit you often.” I'm sorry, Mom and Dad. Please forgive me.

God is real, and there is heaven and hell. Your whole family must believe in Jesus and go to heaven.

When we practice love with a gentle spirit and preach the gospel, their hearts will open and the gospel of life will enter their hearts.

When the door of their hearts is closed, no matter how much you preach the gospel, they will not accept it.

That’s why we must first give them love and then preach the gospel so that they will truly accept it.

These days, those who say they believe in God live wickedly, only caring for themselves and not thinking of other souls.

Anyone who wants to save the souls of their parents must love them and preach the gospel to them while they are still alive.

While our parents and siblings are alive, we must love them and spread the gospel to them.

After they die, offering sacrifices, offering flowers, and crying for them is of no value; it is instead serving idols.

Those who believed in Jesus and died went to heaven, and those who did not believe in Jesus all fell into hell. There is absolutely nothing we can do for them after death.

Those who believe in human doctrines 100% go to hell, human doctrines are against the word of God.

There is no other savior besides Jesus! Worshiping the sun, moon, and stars is a false faith.

When Jesus returns, the world and the entire universe will burn and turn into hell.

Only those who believe in the Creator Jesus will enter heaven (Acts 16:31).

Only Jesus is the savior!

Jehovah God came to this earth in the name of Jesus.

The Creator God is a spiritual being, so he does not have blood. God came as Jesus to shed blood for the sins of mankind.

Jesus shed his blood to forgive the sins of mankind, and his work of salvation was accomplished.

Jehovah is the Word, so he does not have blood, and that is why the Word became flesh (1 John:14).

When God came to this earth, his people did not realize it and did not accept Jesus as their savior (John 1:11).

Jesus was born as a baby in Bethlehem of Judea (Matthew 2:1, Micah 5:2).

At that time, the people of Israel only kept the law outwardly, but did not believe in God in their hearts.

They stoned to death those who broke the Sabbath law, and only kept the laws of the feasts and the laws of eating, and their hearts did not believe in God’s word, and did not obey it.

There are still many believers like this today. They serve diligently in the church, attend worship services diligently, pray diligently, and help the poor. However, their hearts do not believe in Jesus.

They appear to believe in God outwardly, but they are drunkards and indulge in sexual sins, just like the people of the world.

How can they go to heaven when their hearts sin and do not repent? We must distinguish ourselves from such people.

When faith was weak, we committed such sins, but now we must repent and abandon such sins.

The meaning of repentance is to turn from sin to the word of God.

A person who turns from sin confesses his sins before the Lord and does not commit those sins again.

If he continues to commit those sins even after confessing his sins, it means that he has not repented yet.

Many believers repent only with their mouths and do not abandon their sins in their lives.

Some believers draw a cross with their fingers on food that was sacrificed to idols and eat it deliciously.

Food that was sacrificed to idols does not become clean just because they draw a cross with their fingers.

Food that was sacrificed to idols is spiritually very dirty.

The word of the Bible purifies our souls.

"You are already clean because of the word that I have spoken to you (John 15:3)."

When we obey Jesus' words and repent of our sins, our souls become clean.

When we sin, our spirit becomes dirty, but when we repent, the blood of Jesus washes us clean.


The blood of Jesus is the blood of God the Creator.

In the Old Testament, the blood of animals was used to forgive human sins, but in the New Testament, the blood of Jesus washes our sins away.

No one should ever go to hell.

There is no other savior, only the Creator is our God and Savior (1 Timothy 2:5).



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