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  제  목 : Online Bible Study on Tuesday 10/15 kenya Time: 12:00 PM, (at noon) Korea Time: 6:00 PM New Life Church in Seoul, Kor 조회수 : 16
  작성자 : Barnabas 작성일 : 2024-10-15

Online Bible Study on Tuesday 10/15

kenya Time: 12:00 PM, (at noon)

Korea Time: 6:00 PM

New Life Church in Seoul, Korea

There are many people today who see fake heaven and hell through the power of Satan.

Someone who saw the fake heaven testified that when he went to heaven, there were three thrones of God.

The entire Bible says that God is one, so how can there be three thrones of God in heaven?

Jesus is said to be at the right hand of the throne of God (Rom. 8:34).

However, this is a parable. It is shown symbolically to remind us that God came to the world in the name of the Son and accomplished the work of salvation.

Jesus is the eternal high priest, and through this, he helps us realize this truth and not forget it (Heb. 6:20).

In the Old Testament, God's people went before God through the priest. When the priest offered the blood of the lamb, the people's sins were cleansed.

The priests of the Old Testament were a position that foreshadowed Jesus as the high priest of mankind.

When we repent and the blood of Jesus washes away our sins, we gain the right to enter heaven.

However, we must use the authority of children to the end to defeat Satan and sin. This is to obey and repent to the end.

Those who believe in Jesus and receive the Holy Spirit receive the citizenship of heaven when they keep this faith to the end.

When we believe in Jesus, repent, and obey, we have the citizenship of heaven (Phil. 3:20).

We can do this with the power of the Holy Spirit. Therefore, those who do not receive the Holy Spirit do not have citizenship.

Those who do not repent of their sins and do not receive the Holy Spirit are still children of the flesh.

Isaac was persecuted by Ishmael. The two children were born from Abraham, but the mothers who gave birth to them were different.


Sarah had the status of a free woman, and Hagar had the status of a slave. This symbolizes spiritual things.

Sarah symbolizes those who believe in Jesus and repent, and Hagar symbolizes those who do not believe and repent of their sins.

Sarah represents those who belong to the grace of Jesus, but Hagar represents those who belong to legalism.

Those who repent are those who are in the promise of salvation, and those who do not repent are those who remain outside the promise.

The Jews, the legalists, the human doctrineists, these people do not believe in Jesus and do not repent, so they cannot go to heaven.

Isaac was born by God's promise. However, Hagar's son Ishmael was born according to human thought.

The child of a slave symbolizes those who do not believe in Jesus and do not repent of their sins. They must keep 100% of God's law to be saved, but this is impossible.

When Abraham held a feast, Ishmael mocked Isaac. That is why the child of a slave was kicked out of the master's house (Gen. 21:8,9).

Those who live by human doctrines or legalism have the status of slaves. They go to hell when they die.

Being a slave is a human choice. It is never God who makes them a slave.

God wants everyone to believe in Jesus, repent, and obey, and become children of God.

However, humans follow human doctrines on their own, do not repent of their sins, and follow legalism and charisma, and thus destroy themselves.

These people go to hell and scream while admitting their mistakes. But repentance in hell has no effect.

We cannot express the screams of those who are being punished in hell.

Their arms and legs are often cut off, their skin is peeled off like tree bark

Their bodies are burned and melted and completely disappear. And they are immediately restored to their original state.

The pain they experience during the process of their bodies being restored to their original state is the same as the pain they experience when they are tortured.

I hope that no one will go to this tormenting hell.

Jesus died on the cross for our sins so that we would not go to this hell.

Luke 16:24, The rich man in the fire of hell asked Abraham in heaven for help, asking him to help his brothers who were still living on earth not to go to hell.

His five brothers were living on earth, and he asked Abraham to send Lazarus to tell them that hell really exists so that they would not go to hell.

But Abraham answered him, Those who do not listen to the prophets on earth will not accept it even if the dead rise and preach the gospel to them.

The words that Moses and many prophets preached refer to the Ten Commandments.

And the first to fourth commandments are about loving God. And the fifth to tenth commandments are about loving your neighbor.

However, those who keep only the formal laws without a loving heart become cruel, and through the laws, they kill others.

A woman caught in adultery was brought to Jesus by the crowd (John 8:3,4).

But when she came to Jesus, she was saved.

The Lord commanded, Let him who is without sin among you be the first to throw a stone at her (verse 7).

After hearing Jesus' words, no one threw a stone, but they all fled far away.

Then Jesus said to the woman,

Neither do I condemn you. Go home and do not sin again (verse 11).

If the adulteress had not come to Jesus, she would have been stoned to death.

The law says that adulterers should be stoned to death. There is no love in the law, and the role of the law is to punish all sins according to the law.

The Jews who belonged to legalism sinned in their hearts, but did not sin outwardly.

Jesus pointed out the sin of the hearts of the Jews, calling the scribes and Pharisees lawless and whitewashed tombs (Matthew 23:27, 28).

They said they believed in the word of God, but their hearts were filled with sins and condemned others.

The Lord rebuked them, saying, "You must change your own hearts first."

You must first remove the plank in your own eye. Then you will be able to see the little speck in the eye of another (Matthew 7:3, 4).

When the Jews were rebuked by the Lord, they did not repent their sins, but instead became angry with the Lord.

They joined forces to condemn Jesus as a heretic and crucify him.

Today, we also preach the one God, Jesus, as our Savior.

Today, the legalists, just like the Jews at that time, condemn us as heretics and criticize and slander us.

And many pastors came to me for consultation.

Some pastors insisted to the end that the VeriChip was 666. Such people are antichrists who do not believe in the blood of Jesus.

Many pastors and believers have been deceived by these lies, and they do not know where to go.

However, we must firmly believe in the word of God and follow only the Lord.

Nowadays, large churches are caught up in human doctrines and are deeply corrupted, and they do not repent of their sins.

The Full Gospel Church used to be a church that prayed diligently, but now they believe in human doctrines, so there are not many who repent.

Those who prayed hard enter seminary and learn the unbiblical human doctrine that one salvation is eternal salvation.

Then their faith gradually cools and they eventually become people who cannot be saved. This is a very sad reality.

Because they fall into human doctrines, they eat food sacrificed to idols, get drunk, smoke, and become obscene.

Their faith gradually collapses, and later they become corrupt like Catholics.

Catholics are those who follow what the world does.

They drink alcohol, are sexually immoral, eat food offered as sacrifices, and worship idols. Catholics are almost indistinguishable from unbelievers.

Sacrifices and worship should be offered only to God. Creation cannot be the object of worship.

The one who can receive sacrifices and worship is the Creator God, but Satan changed the basic principle of this sacrifice and made people offer sacrifices to Satan.

Satan entered the sorcerers and deified the dead, and made humans offer sacrifices to creation.

Jehovah came to the world in the name of Jesus, shed His blood on the cross, and died.

From then on, the Old Testament sacrificial system was completely ended.

The era of animal blood sacrifices ended, and the law of observing the Sabbath and the feasts ended (Hebrews 10:18).

Those who believe in Jesus must not worship idols, abstain from drugs, drink alcohol, and repent of their sins to keep their souls pure.

In this way, obeying the Lord’s words is keeping one’s faith.

However, those who believe in human doctrines do not obey the Lord’s words because they think that they have already received salvation of soul.

When you first believe in Jesus, your conscience will prick you and hurt when you sin, but as time passes, your conscience will become dull and your sense of sin will become dull, so you will easily commit sin and not repent.

The conscience of unbelievers can also prevent their lives from becoming evil to some extent. However, human conscience is not perfect.

However, believers who believe in human doctrines have their consciences seared, so they follow the teachings of demons without hesitation (1 Tim. 4:1)

We must all go to heaven, so We must obey the Almighty God and enter heaven and give glory to the Lord.

There is only one Creator God and the only Savior. I pray that everyone will obey and enter heaven.



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