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  제  목 : Online Bible Study on Mondays 10/14 Pakistan Time: 7:00 PM Korea Time: 11:00 PM New Life Church in Seoul, Korea 조회수 : 18
  작성자 : Barnabas 작성일 : 2024-10-14

Online Bible Study on Mondays 10/14

Pakistan Time: 7:00 PM

Korea Time: 11:00 PM

New Life Church in Seoul, Korea

We must come to our senses and make an effort to go to heaven. Otherwise, the chances of going to heaven will be low.

Every country is now corrupt, and America has been so corrupted by homosexuality and drugs.

Most countries are caught up in the left wing, and idolatry has become rampant.

That is why God disciplines them severely, through tornadoes, epidemics, earthquakes, droughts, and floods.

The United States is buried in debt, this country used to help poor countries, but now it prioritizes its own protection policy.

God's word is fulfilled exactly as it was spoken in human history. America was a Christian nation, professing the Puritan faith, and living in wealth.

As people of all races from all over the world immigrated to America, they brought their religions with them, which caused great spiritual confusion.

This situation is Babylon of syncretism, and the Lord will destroy Babylon. America's national power is weakening.

China is suffering from massive floods, and many other countries are suffering from extreme weather and economic hardship.

We must come to our senses. This is a situation where the Lord can suddenly appear in the air.

No matter when the Lord descends into the air, we must always be prepared with faith so that we can be transformed and ascend to the Lord.

Only those who kept the faith, obeyed the Lord, and lived a life of repentance will be saved.

When the Lord comes again, He will bring with Him all those who have fallen asleep in Him (1 Thessalonians 4:14).

Those who sleep in Jesus refer to those who believed in Jesus, died, and went to heaven.

When the Lord comes again, those who keep the faith will suddenly be transformed into imperishable bodies and be caught up to meet the Lord in the air (1 Corinthians 15:52).

Those who meet the Lord in the air and worship Him will immediately enter heaven and live with the Lord forever.

And this universe will turn into a sea of ​​fire and become an eternal hell.

2 Peter 3:7, The heavens and the earth are kept in their present state until the Lord comes, to be burned by the same word of God.

In the days of Noah, God judged the world by water, and the waters above the sky poured down, and the waters under the ground rose up (Gen. 7:11).

When Jesus comes again, the world and the universe will be filled with the fire of judgment. From then on, demons will also be punished in the eternal fire.

The Lord wants all people to avoid the punishment of hell, so He tells everyone to repent. However, not many repent.


Because of human doctrines, church members do not repent of their sins. They think that their souls are already saved.

So, most believers do not need to repent, so they live their lives committing sins at will and do not repent.

The ones who created these false human doctrines were Catholic priests such as Augustine, Luther, and Calvin.

They were known as religious reformers, but they did not abandon the fundamental Catholic doctrines.

The Trinity, false predestination, and the Apostles' Creed were created by humans, and Augustine created the doctrine of purgatory.

They claim that those who will be saved were already predestined before the creation of the world. This is not in accordance with the Bible.

In the Old Testament, the people were saved in the name of Jehovah, and in the New Testament, we are saved in the name of Jesus. Jehovah God came to the world as Jesus.

God Himself was born into the world in the name of His Son, and His Son’s name is Jesus.

Only those who are in Jesus will be saved and enter heaven. They are those who repent of their sins and wash away their sins with the blood of Jesus.

This is the core message of the Bible, but church members who are caught up in human doctrines ignore this core truth.

Such believers will fall into hell the moment they die. Today, famous pastors of mega-churches follow human doctrines.

Charismatics perform many signs and miracles and make many prophecies, but they do not know the truth of salvation. Their power belongs to Satan.

Some of them claim that people become demons when they die.

They hold memorial services and funerals for the dead, offer flowers, and share food sacrificed for the dead.

It is illegal for a child of God to eat food sacrificed to idols.

Not everyone who calls, “Lord, Lord,” will enter heaven, but only those who do the will of the Father will enter heaven.

To many who cast out demons and prophesied in the name of Jesus, on that day the Lord will say, “I never knew you.”

“Depart from me, and go to hell, you who practice lawlessness (Matthew 7:22, 23).”

Among the illegal acts, the most serious illegal act is idolatry.

There is only one Creator God. However, many people abandon God and serve false gods.

Many people worship the dead as gods. The bodies of the dead have already turned into dust. No one should deify the dead.

When a person dies, their soul goes directly to heaven or hell. The body left behind in the world has already returned to dust.

When people deify and worship the dead, it is through them that Satan receives glory.

That is why the Bible says, "The sacrifices of the Gentiles are offered to demons (1 Corinthians 10:20)"

This is also written in Deuteronomy. "You sacrificed to demons, not to God (Deuteronomy 32:17)"

The devil receives glory through the dead or through many other creatures.

If dead ancestors have become demons, why do they torment their children so much in this world?

Why would dead parents make their children sick and suffer accidents to destroy them? It doesn't make sense.

Why? Are God's people being deceived by Satan's lies? Everyone must abandon human doctrines and believe only in the words of the Bible.

Even in the Middle Ages, the Catholic Church cruelly killed those who denied the Trinity.

Satan forces everyone to believe in Jesus under the Catholic doctrine of the Trinity. However, the Catholic doctrine is a false human doctrine.

Even now, many churches believe in Jesus under the doctrines of Augustine, Luther, and Calvin, which is a false belief.


The current situation is that people are not put to death for denying human doctrines, but are condemned as heretics.

When God's people believe in false gods other than God, they become heretics, spiritual adulterers.

Man-made doctrines can save no one, they are 100% false.

Man-made doctrines do not conform to the Bible. I don't know why many people follow false theories.

Those who believe in false doctrines always persecute and kill those who believe in the truth of the Bible. So we also do not know when we will be killed by them.

The saints of the early church were killed by those who believed in man-made doctrines.

We cannot accept anything other than God as our savior. Jesus is the Creator God Himself and died on the cross to save mankind.

But at that time, people deified the human emperor and called him the son of the sun.

However, the faithful saints of the early church could not serve the emperor as a god, and served only God the Creator as our Savior.

Those who had a sincere faith were martyred, but those who worshipped the emperor as a god were not killed by them.

When Pilate said, “Jesus is your king,” the Jews said, “Caesar is our king” (John 19:14, 15).

Nowadays, legalism, dogmatism, and charismaticism are popular. The minds of believers are confused, and it is difficult for them to obey the words of the Bible.

Believing in Jesus is the way to go to heaven. Why do they go to church?

When we believe in Jesus and repent, the blood of Jesus’ cross cleanses our sins, and the Holy Spirit comes to us.

When our spirit died because of sin, Jesus' life came into us through repentance. At this time, we become born again.

Those who have been born again must abandon their evil habits and live a new life that the Lord is pleased with.

However, many who have received new life still do the deeds of death, getting drunk, smoking, worshiping idols, hating, and being greedy.

Only those who have been transformed according to the Lord’s will can enter the new heaven and new earth.

They live in their old habits, but the pastors cannot point out their sins because they believe they have already been saved.

Even though the church members are living in sin and do not even repent, the pastor always preaches like this, “Ah, we have already been saved.”

This kind of preaching is against the Bible. These pastors are drunk, go to karaoke bars, and are on the same level as unbelievers.

They believe that past, present, and future sins have already been forgiven, and they have divided one God into three Gods.

Depending on their mood, these people sometimes seek father God , sometimes son God , or the Holy Spirit.

Man-made doctrines are false and do not conform to the Bible. The Creator God came as Jesus, and Jesus is the Savior (Isaiah 37:16).

John 14:9, Jesus said to his disciple Philip,

"You have been with me a long time, and yet you do not know who I am?

He who sees me has already seen God the Father. This means that Jesus is God the Father Himself.

God came in the name of Jesus and the Son, and accomplished the work of salvation for mankind.

Because the Creator God humbled Himself, God came to the world as a human being and came in the name of the Son.

Whoever believes in the name of the Son of God will be saved and receive the authority to become a child of God (John 1:12).

Jesus is the Father God, but he came to the world in the name of the Son, and he made those who believe in him the sons of God.

Believing in Jesus is accepting the Creator God as the Savior, and only these people will enter heaven.



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