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  제  목 : Online Bible Study on Tuesday 10/8 kenya Time: 12:00 PM, (at noon) Korea Time: 6:00 PM New Life Church in Seoul, Kore 조회수 : 39
  작성자 : Barnabas 작성일 : 2024-10-08

Online Bible Study on Tuesday 10/8

kenya Time: 12:00 PM, (at noon)

Korea Time: 6:00 PM

New Life Church in Seoul, Korea

Many churches today do not teach the Bible, but rather teach human doctrines and claim that they are already saved.

Our souls cannot be saved while we are alive in this world. When the body dies and the soul comes out of the body, wears a resurrected body, and enters heaven, eternal salvation is achieved.

Those who have received eternal salvation do not live on this earth, but in heaven.

For those who live on this earth to say that they have received eternal salvation is a human doctrine that does not conform to the Bible.

How can those who live in a sea of ​​sin claim that they are already saved?

For example, is it understandable for someone who is drowning in a river to claim, "I have already come out of the water onto land"?

The only way to be saved is to believe in Jesus and repent of our sins.

We have to live a life of repentance until the end and enter heaven when we die.

In the Old Testament era, the way to salvation was for the people to believe in Jehovah, repent, and wash away their sins with the blood of the lamb.

However, now Jehovah has come to the world in the flesh, shed blood, and died on the cross.

Therefore, we are saved when we repent and wash away our sins with the blood of Jesus.

The Holy Spirit comes into our hearts that have been cleansed, that is, God comes into our hearts.

The God who is with us is called Immanuel God.

When the Lord is in us, our bodies become the temple of the Lord (1 Corinthians 3:16).

The Lord makes our bodies His temple and dwells in us. Therefore, we must not eat food that has been offered as a sacrifice, drink alcohol, smoke, or do any other dirty things.

Those who defile the temple of God will be destroyed (1 Corinthians 3:17), and will be stricken with a deadly disease or paralysis.

Those who bow down to the dead or eat food sacrificed to idols will have their souls confused.

It is not true that being a paralytic does not mean that you have no chance of entering heaven. It is very difficult to keep your faith because your mind is wandering.

When the Lord's discipline comes, you must realize your sins and earnestly repent, and receive the Lord's forgiveness.

When you are stricken with paralysis and suffer, you must realize that it is the Lord's discipline and repent. You must not give up your faith.

When strokes or pains come, it is God's discipline. God makes people reap what they sow. Discipline is to make people repent of their sins and turn away from them.

There are also cases where stroke occurs due to the sins of one's ancestors.

The number of stroke patients is increasing so much today.

God's people must take good care of the patients so that they can repent.

When it is difficult to care for such patients at home, they should be immediately taken to a nursing home.

Satan uses families with weak faith to cause conflict. We must be strong and bold in shining the light of God's love on everyone.

What does it mean to shine strongly and boldly? When we forgive others and do good, that is the light of Jesus.

So we must become children of God’s light. Our good deeds are the light of God.

Where light radiates, darkness cannot enter. Where the light of Jesus’ love is full, demons cannot endure and must run far away.

Sin is the darkness of the spiritual world. Those who live in sin must weep bitterly and repent, and receive the grace of the Holy Spirit and turn away from sin.

When we repent of our sins, the blood of Jesus washes us clean, gives us the Holy Spirit, and the Holy Spirit overcomes sin.

When we repent and love others, we are acknowledged as sons and daughters of God. I bless you in the name of the Lord so that everyone may realize this.

Those who repent must correct their mistakes and strive to obey the Lord’s words.

When we strive to cast away sin, a change of heart occurs, our stubborn hearts become soft, and we come to love our neighbors.

A broken vessel cannot hold water. If you put water in a broken vessel, it will all be lost in an instant.

If we repent and sin, repent and sin, and continue to do this, God's blessings cannot be placed in the vessel of our lives.

After repenting, we must maintain a life of obedience so that God’s blessings can overflow into our lives.

Do not be false, and act honestly before the Lord.

Nothing is hidden before God.

All human bodies and minds, and all things in the world, were created by the hands of the Lord.

The heart of a corrupt man is more corrupt and filthy than all things in the world (Jeremiah 17:9)

Is there anyone whose heart is completely pure? There is none.

There are times when we get angry, times when our hearts are not pure, and every time that happens, a part of our heart worries about it.

When one of God's people goes to hell, the Lord looks upon him and grieves, shedding tears of blood.

When a pastor lacks love in his heart and is not a good example to the congregation, the Lord disciplines the pastor and makes him realize his mistakes.

"For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.(John 3:16).

God Himself came into the world.

God is absolutely not the Son, God Himself came into the world with the name of the Son.

The Trinity is a doctrine that originated from Catholicism, and it distorts the existence of God.

The doctrine of the Trinity that was made by man cannot be interpreted by priests or pastors because it is not the truth of the Bible but a false theory.

Even those who created the doctrine of the Trinity do not know what it means, so who can explain it as truth?

This is like a teacher teaching his students something he himself does not know, or a blind person leading another blind person.

We must become children of God with spiritual eyes opened, abandoning the doctrines made by man , and following only the words of the Bible.

Today's big churches are failing to teach the reality of heaven and hell, the identity of evil spirits, and the spiritual world.

What they teach and emphasize is that their souls are already saved and there is no need to repent.

Therefore, countless believers believe in such false doctrines, disobey, and do not repent, thereby becoming corrupted and falling into hell.

They believe that entering heaven has already been determined and decided for them.

Their teachings are contrary to the meaning of the Bible.

Being redeemed from sin while living in the world and being saved by entering heaven are different things, and they are on completely different levels.

The period of repenting and being forgiven of sins in this world is the period of redemption.

When life in this world ends, the period of redemption from sin ends. At this time, you go to heaven or hell. Those who lived a life of repentance receive salvation of the soul and go to heaven.

Those who are redeemed by the blood of Jesus and who keep their faith in Jesus until the end and die will enter heaven.

After our bodies die, we will receive the resurrection of life (John 5:29).

Those who see the fake heaven and hell give testimonies that do not match the Bible. Many believers are deceived by these fake testimonies.

They do not believe the Bible as it is, but they create false doctrines of humans, and many believe them.

That is why many people worship idols and many pastors belong to the WCC.

What is the WCC? It is a pluralistic organization, and they believe that other religions also have salvation.

There is absolutely no salvation in other religions. Only God, who created the universe and humans, can save humans.

There is only the way to salvation in Jesus Christ, and other gods are false. Fallen angels are demons.

The founder of Buddhism, Sakyamuni, is in hell and his bones are buried in the ground.

Jesus died to forgive the sins of mankind, but he overcame death and was resurrected and went to heaven.

So only those who live in Jesus have life, and those who go outside of Jesus do not have life.

Yet they claim to have already been saved, and they live according to their own desires and do not repent. How can these fallen believers enter heaven?

Many believers who attended mega churches have gone to hell, where they are screaming in eternal torment.

They served the church a lot and gave a lot of money when they were alive. But they went to hell, and they cry out that they were wronged in hell.

They went to hell because they did not repent. Human doctrines have removed repentance and obedience. They realized this in hell and are crying out that they were wronged.

Those who believe human doctrines do not need to obey or repent, because they believe that they are already saved.

That is why they live as they please and fall into the pleasures of the flesh as they go.

The Lord's servants are also corrupted along with the believers because of human doctrines.

If there were no doctrines, they would have repented according to God's word when they sinned.

They mistakenly thought that once they were redeemed from sin, they were saved forever.

They believe that all their past, present, and future sins are gone, so they have no fear that they will go to hell even if they live in sin and do not repent of their sins.

So they believe that no matter how much sin they commit, it cannot affect their eternal salvation.

False pastors claim that "those who do not repent of their sins will also enter heaven, but will not receive heaven's rewards."

What kind of people will enter heaven?

Those who believe in Jesus and repent of their sins will go to heaven. This is going to heaven by faith.

However, the rewards received in heaven are different for each individual.

Those who do a lot of good deeds on this earth will receive a large reward, and those who do little will receive a small reward.

Pastors who do not know the spiritual world consider entering heaven and receiving heavenly rewards to be the same thing.

Just as being redeemed from sin and having one’s soul saved are different, receiving rewards in heaven and inheriting heaven are on different levels.

Because believers have been listening to human doctrines for a long time, they do not fully understand the truth of the Bible and refuse to accept its words.

These people will go to hell, realize their mistakes, and scream. It is meaningless to realize their mistakes in hell, it is too late.

The Lord lamented that when He comes again to this earth, there will be few believers (Luke 18:8).

The gate to heaven is very narrow (Matthew 7:13, 14).

Who walks this path? Those who repent of their sins and strive to obey.

When the Lord rebukes us for our sins, we must repent and correct ourselves to become citizens of heaven.

However, it is not easy. Science has developed and life has become more convenient.

People of Israel. Jeshurun, you have forsaken me because you were full (Deuteronomy 32:15).

When Christians are having a hard time and going through hardships, they tend to believe in and rely on the Lord more.

When life becomes more convenient, church members do not want to pray and worship in a formal manner.



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