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  제  목 : Online Bible Study on Mondays 10/7 Pakistan Time: 7:00 PM Korea Time: 11:00 PM New Life Church in Seoul, Korea 조회수 : 43
  작성자 : Barnabas 작성일 : 2024-10-08

Online Bible Study on Mondays 10/7

Pakistan Time: 7:00 PM

Korea Time: 11:00 PM

New Life Church in Seoul, Korea

Jesus, being in very nature God, did not consider equality with God something to be grasped(Philippians 2:6).

God came to the world in the name of the Son.

The one God is not divided into two Gods, just as the Father and the Son.

The Creator, who always existed as one God, performed two roles: father and son.

However, many people do not correctly understand the meaning of this verse.

These people believe in the doctrine of the Trinity, which is a human creation, but there is no such doctrine in the Bible.

Those who do not follow the words of the Bible but follow the doctrines of men will perish. They force the people to believe in Jesus according to the doctrine of Calvin.

They define as heretics those who do not recognize the doctrine of the Trinity as the truth and only believe in the words of the Bible.

They claim that the Trinity is true, but they cannot clearly explain what the Trinity is.

when I ask them, “Is there salvation in human doctrines?” They take an awkward attitude and cannot answer my question.

Obeying the word of God and repenting of sins is the way to salvation.

Creating and believing in doctrines that do not conform to the Bible is not the way to salvation.

Many people only confess with their mouths, “Lord, Lord,” but not all of them will enter heaven.

Those who call on the name of the Lord but do not know the truth do not repent of their sins and eat food sacrificed to idols without hesitation.

Those who come before God must sincerely repent of their sins and have a clean heart.

The wall of sin blocks the relationship between humans and the Lord. that is why We must wash away our sins with the blood of Jesus.

The wall of sin must be broken down so that our prayers can reach the Lord.

The way to go to the Lord has been opened for us because Jesus died for us. All who repent of their sins can go to the Lord (Hebrews 10:19, 20).

Repentance is the way to get closer to God and enter heaven. I pray in the name of the Lord that everyone will realize this.

Do not listen to the words of men, but listen to the words of the Bible.

However, there are many in the church who ignore the words of the Bible, interpret them falsely, follow human thoughts, and live a wrong life of faith.

Those who are willing to die for the Lord will live, and those who try to live according to their own thoughts and methods will die (Matthew 10:39)

Jesus said to her, "I am the resurrection and the life. He who believes in me will live, even though he dies;

and whoever lives and believes in me will never die. Do you believe this?" (John 11:25, 26).

Those who live with the Spirit of God will never die. Those who have this faith will be resurrected with a body that lives forever even if their body dies.'

Our bodies that live in the world will not be taken up into the air when the Lord comes (1 Thessalonians 4:17). After being transformed into an incorruptible body, we will be taken up into the air (1 Corinthians 15:52, 53).

If Adam had eaten the fruit of the tree of life first in the Garden of Eden, Adam would have been transformed into an incorruptible and eternal body.

Enoch and Elijah were also transformed into incorruptible and eternal bodies and ascended to heaven.

The flesh that is born and lives on this earth cannot inherit the kingdom of God (1 Corinthians 15:50).

We must become people filled with the Holy Spirit.

However, many pastors say that the era when the Holy Spirit worked was during the early church, and that now is an era when the Holy Spirit does not work.

If the work of the Holy Spirit has ended and only the work of evil spirits remains, how can we overcome the work and deception of demons?

How can we cast out demons if the power of the Holy Spirit is not with us?

Jesus said, “In my name, cast out demons” (Mark 16:17).

Jesus’ name is the Holy Spirit.

The Lord said that the Holy Spirit will be sent in my name (John 14:26).

The Holy Spirit is the Spirit of Jesus.

So we should command in the name of Jesus, you unclean spirits! Come out!”

When we command like this, the demons shake and are driven out.

Committing sin and not repenting is serving demons.

The sacrifices of the Gentiles are sacrifices to demons (1 Corinthians 10:20).

However, many claim that dead ancestors become demons.

This is not true at all, angels fell and became demons.

Saying such things hides the identity of the devil and ends up helping demons.

Holding memorial services and funeral services for the dead is not for the dead, but is worshipping and giving glory to the demons behind them.

Everything else is a creation, and demons are false gods. Only the Creator God is the true God.

Only God is the true God who exists by himself. Everyone must realize this truth.

Those who see heaven and hell in our church do not see it in a dream while sleeping.

They receive the fullness of the Holy Spirit during the prayer time of our church, and the Lord leads our souls to heaven or hell and shows them to us.

Just because someone sees the scene of heaven and hell does not mean he will go to heaven.

Those who boast about seeing heaven and hell and prioritize it over obeying the words of Jesus will perish.

Those who see heaven and hell must be very careful, and must not forget that obeying the word of God is the most important.

God shows us heaven and hell to repent our sins more and to obey the Lord more.

When we see heaven and hell, we must realize that Jesus is the Lord of heaven.

The testimony of heaven and hell should not be of more interest to us than Jesus.

Jesus is the King of kings (John 18:37, Rev. 19:16)

However, at that time, the Jews shouted that Jesus was not their king, but that the Roman emperor was their king, and they executed Jesus.

As a result, the Jews were cursed, lost their country, and were scattered all over the world, becoming a diaspora.

After many years, the nation of Israel was rebuilt by the grace of the Lord, but they still live in constant danger of war.

We must always pay attention to the war in Israel because it is related to the second coming of Jesus.

The Bible says that the Lord will come when Jerusalem is surrounded by armies (Luke 21:20).

General Titus led his army and completely surrounded and invaded Israel in AD 70. However, Jesus did not come at that time.

There are so few people who can go to heaven now, so the Lord is delaying His second coming.

Since the wars of Israel and the second coming of the Lord are closely related, we must watch the war situation in Israel with special attention.

When the fig tree leaves become lush, summer is approaching. The fig tree symbolizes the nation of Israel (Mark 13:28, 29).

The nation of Israel became very strong. The surrounding countries will not be able to attack easily. The time is coming when many countries will join forces and attack Israel.

We who see the signs of the end times happening must prepare to welcome the Lord.

In the parable of the ten virgins in the Bible, like the five wise virgins, we must prepare oil, which represents the Holy Spirit (Matthew 25:4).

We must always be filled with the Holy Spirit and be those who can fully carry out the Lord’s will with the power of the Holy Spirit.

We must not just barely handle the work, but be those who carry out the Lord’s will to the fullest.

Those who believe in Jesus fall into sins of immorality, greed for money and fame, and lies.

These things happen because their faith is weak and they lack the fullness of the Holy Spirit.

Prepare oil, be filled with the Holy Spirit.

When your faith and fullness of the Holy Spirit are weak, you cannot go to heaven when Jesus comes.

This is in the same context as the Israeli wedding custom where if the bride runs out of oil, she cannot meet her groom.

According to Jewish wedding custom, the bride is to wait outside the door with a lighted lamp until the groom arrives.

However, five of the ten virgins prepared oil to meet the groom, while the other five ran out of oil and could not meet the groom (Matthew 25:11).

However, some pastors claim that the five virgins who ran out of oil will also enter heaven, which is not in accordance with the Bible, and such pastors are not qualified to be pastors.

Many church members listen to such pastors’ sermons and follow their lies.

Once the Lord closes the gates of heaven, they will never open again, so how can they enter heaven (Isaiah 22:22).

A few years ago, many pastors prophesied that there would be a war in this country, but there was no war. They were all false prophets.

Do not be deceived by false prophecies and human doctrines.

Do not be deceived by those who shout that the VeriChip is 666.

It is a lie to claim that those who receive the Verichip will go to hell.

Those who do not repent of their sins are destined for hell,

Receiving the Verichip has nothing to do with going to heaven or hell.

Those who do not wash their sins with the blood of Jesus go to hell, but those who repent and have their sins washed by the blood of Jesus go to heaven.

Do not be arrogant. No gift or law given by the Lord should go ahead of the name of Jesus.

No special human being has the power to save people, only the name of Jesus has the power to save us.

What kind of impression should we, as believers in Jesus, leave on the world when we die?

We should be remembered by others as people who kept our faith to the end.

Jesus is the Lord of life (John 14:6).

When we hear Jesus’ words and say Amen and obey His words, we are born again into new life, this is the life of being born again.

Nicodemus did not understand the meaning of being born again, so he asked Jesus this question. Am I to go into my mother’s womb and be born again? (John 3:4).

Nicodemus, who was an official of Israel, did not know what it meant to be born again (John 3:10).

Just as we do not know where the wind comes from and where it goes, others do not know that I am being born again by the Holy Spirit.

However, when you receive the Holy Spirit, your heart becomes hot, your body vibrates, and you can speak in other tongues.

When you first receive the Holy Spirit, you want to share what you have with others, forgive others, and love other spirits.

When the Holy Spirit comes, our hearts become very soft, but if we commit sin and do not repent, they become hardened again.

If a person who has received the Holy Spirit does not repent, seven demons will enter him and his heart will become even more wicked than before.

A stubborn heart cannot enter heaven. Those who cannot completely abandon their stubbornness before death will never go to heaven.

We must abandon human knowledge and theories and hold on to Jesus.

Holding on to Jesus means holding on to Jesus’ words and obeying Jesus’ words.

Those who hold on to God’s words follow the guidance of the Holy Spirit.

Those who know God’s words but do not follow them will not go to heaven.

Lucifer wants to make all the church members like this.

Lucifer orders his followers to make the church members like this.

Lucifer commands his servants to capture especially pastors.

If one pastor is deceived by Satan and teaches wrongly, all the church members will fall into the hands of Satan.

--- end ------------


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