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  제  목 : Online Bible Study on Mondays 9/30 Pakistan Time: 7:00 PM Korea Time: 11:00 PM New Life Church in Seoul, Korea 조회수 : 50
  작성자 : Barnabas 작성일 : 2024-09-30

Online Bible Study on Mondays 9/30

Pakistan Time: 7:00 PM

Korea Time: 11:00 PM

New Life Church in Seoul, Korea

God alone created the heavens and the earth (Isaiah 44:24), and there is absolutely no other savior besides God (Isaiah 45:5). This is the word of God.

Jehovah is one God, and He came into the world in the name of Jesus, the Son of God, so there is only one God.

God himself came to the world in the name of his Son so that we could become sons of God.

Therefore, all who truly believe in Jesus and repent become children of God (John 1:12).

I bless you all in the name of the Lord to believe that there is always one God.

When God speaks through the mouth of the Lord's servant, believe that His word is the voice of the Holy Spirit and kneel before His word.

Then God will forgive you and bless you.

To justify a lie, you have to keep telling other lies.

Stop lying, lies shorten a person’s lifespan , belong to Satan.

If you try to hide it after committing a sin, you will have to commit another sin.

If you have already committed a sin, you must clearly repent and resolutely stop committing the same sin.

The whole world is full of lies, we must repent and cut off sin to be free from sin.

The law that sets us free from sin is the law of faith. The law of faith is the law of the Lord’s word, and it is our obedience to the Lord’s word.

Those who do not obey God have abandoned the law of freedom and the law of faith.

Those who are always caught up in sin say that they are saved only with their mouths.

Because of these people who have such false beliefs, the world is filled with more sin.

Worshipers around the world! You must realize that the only way to overcome sin is to obey the Word of the Lord.

True faith is to believe in the word of righteousness and practice it in your life.

When we put God's words into action, we overcome sin.

Just reciting the Word of God with your mouth is not enough to overcome sin. We must strive not to sin, and when we do sin, we must repent.

Do not eat of the fruit of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, for if you eat of it you will surely die (Genesis 2:17).

Eve should not have come near the tree of the knowledge of good and evil in the middle of the Garden of Eden.

Satan led her there, and the moment she saw it, she should have remembered God’s command and left.

There is a difference between men and women, women are more susceptible to temptation.

When the devil was cast out of heaven, he fell to the world with abundant material goods and jewels, and Satan uses them to deceive people.

When humans sin, they are separated from the Lord, this is corruption, and humans become defiled.

The Lord is faithful, holy, and pure. When people sinned, the Lord took responsibility and died on the cross for them, and gives new life to those who repent.

And I will put enmity between you and the woman, and between your offspring and hers; he will crush your head, and you will strike his heel." (Genesis 3:15).

This is a prophecy that Jesus would die on the cross and be resurrected.

Jesus’ death on the cross means that he was bitten by the serpent, and Jesus’ resurrection means that he broke death and came back to life.

You will encounter difficult words in the Bible, and you should not forcefully interpret them at this time. (2 Peter 3:16)

When you read the Bible, if there are words you don't understand, you should just pass them over and not try to force an interpretation.

If you forcefully interpret a difficult word with human thinking, it cannot be interpreted correctly, and such a person will perish.

If you receive the fullness of the Holy Spirit and read the Bible with an honest heart, one day you will find the answer in the Old and New Testaments.

The words of the Bible have paired words (Isaiah 34:16).

I pray in the Lord's name that you will correctly understand the paired words in the Bible.

In the Old Testament, Jehovah said that he would be born on this earth as a baby, and in the New Testament, God was born into the world as a baby.

And Jesus shed blood and died on the cross. Jesus’ death paid the price for the sins of all mankind.

Jehovah came to the world as Jesus, but many claim that Jehovah and Jesus are not the same but different Gods.

In Joel 2:38, it says that in the last days, God will pour out His Spirit on His male and female servants.

And in Acts 2, when they were gathered in the upper room praying, the Holy Spirit came down upon them mightily.

God fulfilled in the New Testament what He had spoken in the Old Testament. This is the work of salvation.

When Jesus died on the cross, He cried out, “I have finished it” (John 19:30).

Since Jesus has completed the work of salvation, there is no longer any need for the sacrificial laws of the Old Testament (Hebrews 10:18).

Now, the sacrificial law of offering lambs or doves has disappeared, and whenever and wherever we repent of our sins, we immediately receive forgiveness of sins through the blood of the Lord.

God has given us the authority to become children of God to those who believe in Jesus as our Savior.

When we truly confess our sins to the Lord, the blood of Jesus always washes away our sins.

When we repent of our sins and become pure in spirit, the Holy Spirit enters our purified heart.

That is why our body is called the temple of God (1 Corinthians 3:16).

God dwells in our body, so we must keep our faith until the end, and when our body dies, our souls enter heaven.

Our soul comes out of our body, puts on a resurrected body, and goes up to heaven, being carried by angels (Luke 16:22).

Angels are sent into the world to serve those who will be saved, (Hebrews 1:14.)

Angels are spirits that God sends to protect and serve humans who believe in Jesus.

Two angels are sent to each believer in Jesus, one angel to protect us, and the other angel records our entire life and reports it to the Lord.

They record all our evil and good thoughts and actions and report them to the Lord.

When we do good things, our heavenly house is expanded, and when we do evil things, the house that was built collapses and shrinks.

When we commit sin and do not repent, the heavenly house collapses. However, many church members do not realize this, so they commit sin and do not repent.

When we repent of our sins, our house stops collapsing.

We must continue to expand our house through obedience and repentance.

There are not many believers who believe in this reality of heaven.

Those who do not receive the fullness of the Holy Spirit cannot believe this reality of heaven as it is.

Therefore I tell you that no one who is speaking by the Spirit of God says, "Jesus be cursed," and no one can say, "Jesus is Lord," except by the Holy Spirit.(1 Corinthians 12:3)

Those whose hearts are caught up in human doctrines do not understand the words of the Bible.

These people say that denying human doctrines is heresy, no, denying the words of Jesus is heresy.

These people do not repent, so they go to hell. When they go to hell, they realize that they have been deceived by demons and cry out for help.

Everyone who goes to hell will never get out of there, so everyone must repent and obey while they are alive on this earth.

Those who are beautiful on the outside but dirty on the inside are not God's children.

There are many beauties in the world, but what are their hearts like?

Those who do not believe in Jesus and do not repent of their sins all have dirty hearts.

Today, there are many who make their appearance beautiful, but there are few who make their hearts beautiful. Those who are beautiful only on the outside are not the children of the Lord.

While we live on this earth, we must take good care of our souls to enter heaven.

All flesh eventually dies and decays, so we must make our hearts beautiful before we die in order to become citizens of heaven.

Those who walk the path of heresy must quickly return to the word of the Lord.

Repentance means turning from the path of sin to the path of the Lord.

Have you disobeyed the word of God? Repent immediately.

You must not do what the Lord tells you not to do.

If you continue to disobey the Lord's words, you will be subject to the Lord's discipline.

Anyone who realizes their sins and turns away from sin through the Lord's discipline becomes a child of God.

Repenting with your lips without abandoning your evil life is false repentance.

Apostle Paul went to Rome with his weak body and preached that there is no other savior but Jesus, and was martyred and entered heaven.

The true life of a Christian is to sacrifice oneself for the Lord. But how many people in the world have this kind of faith?

It is very difficult to find the kind of true faith that existed in the early church.

Most believers have fallen into human doctrines. Human doctrines deny the words of the Bible.

When we see the realities of heaven and hell, Satan interferes and attacks us tremendously.

When Satan's attacks are severe, it feels like our breath is almost cut off.

In this situation, those who are with her pray for her. Then the demons leave. She continues to see heaven and hell.

We saw Calvin in hell and revealed this fact to the world. We cannot do this without risking our lives.

Satan has taken over the world, and through idolatry, Satan has made the people of the world his slaves.

Originally, idols do not exist, only the Creator is our God.

Idols are created by humans, the sun god, the moon god, the star gods, but these are false gods.

The Israelites who left Egypt made a calf image and worshiped it as a god.

They believed that the golden calf idol led them out of Egypt and gave them freedom. We must abandon all idolatry. We must believe in only one God.

We must learn the spirit of martyrdom, no other theories are needed, and we must realize that only Jesus is the Savior.



  이전글 : New Life Church Sunday Service / August 29, 2024
  다음글 : Online Bible Study on Mondays 10/7 Pakistan Time: 7:00 PM Korea Time: 11:00 PM New Life C...