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  제  목 : What kind of pastors should we be? 조회수 : 10
  작성자 : Barnabas 작성일 : 2024-10-21

Online Bible Study on Mondays 10/21

Pakistan Time: 7:00 PM

Korea Time: 11:00 PM

New Life Church in Seoul, Korea

What kind of pastors should we be?

To worship is to meet the Lord and to give adoration and glory to God.

Although our physical eyes cannot see God, our spirits meet God through His Word and give Him thanks and praise.

Listening to the word of God and worshiping properly is obeying the will of the Lord and living a righteous life.

Failure to obey the word of the Lord means not bearing the fruit of faith, and faith without fruit is useless.

Those who do not bear fruit worthy of repentance will eventually be cut down and thrown into hell fire (Matthew 3:10).

The whole world is now severely corrupted because they believe in human doctrines and do not obey the word of the Lord.

Human doctrines have taken over the church and become the standard of faith. This phenomenon is getting worse as time goes by.

When we point out that there are errors in human doctrines, they do not accept it, but instead treat us as heretics.

However, there is no way for humans to be saved in human doctrines.

Therefore, there is always tension between those who believe in the Bible and those who follow human doctrines.

Those who follow human doctrines call me and protest. At this time, I advise them this:

Because we deny the doctrine of Calvin, they treat us as heretics. But the truth is that they are not disciples of Jesus, but disciples of the human Calvin.

The foundation stone of every church is the Word of God. Calvinist doctrine cannot be the foundation of the church. Only Jesus is the standard of the church.

I ask them a question. Is there salvation in human doctrine? They hesitate and cannot answer.

Denying Calvinism is absolutely not going to hell. Denying the word of Jesus is going to hell.

When we truly believe in the reality of heaven, we can truly repent and enter heaven.

However, human doctrines have now taken over the entire world.

Those who believe in human doctrines persecute and kill those who believe and follow only the word of God.

The Jews who lived at the time of Jesus did not know that Jehovah of the Old Testament came to this earth in the flesh and in the name of the Son of God.

That is why Jesus came to the world, but God's people did not know that Jesus is God Himself.

In the Old Testament era, only the Jews were God's chosen people, and the Gentiles were not chosen.

That is why Jesus came to this earth to save all the nations of the world.

Jehovah came to the world in the name of Jesus, shed his blood on the cross, and died.

The Old Testament sacrificial system ended completely because Jesus died on the cross (Hebrews 10:18).

Even now, there are those who keep the Sabbath sacrificial law and wear sackcloth when repenting, and those who do not understand the Bible.

When you abandon such formalities and truly repent from your heart, all your sins are forgiven by the blood of Jesus.

The Lord said, “Do not tear your clothes, but tear your heart.”

In our country's custom, when a parent dies, the children wear sackcloth and cry.

This custom means that the children voluntarily show that they are sinners.

However, these customs are all formalities.Jesus corrected their wrong customs."Tear not your garments, but your wicked heart (Joel 2:13)."

The Lord told them to repent of the sins in their hearts.

Those who try to be saved through the outward works of the law are dying, crushed by the power of death.

Distinguish between works of law and works of faith. Many pastors do not know the difference between the two words.

They preach to their congregation without knowing what grace God has accomplished in the world.

The main function and role of the law is to make people realize their sins (Rom. 3:20), so the law is called a kindergarten teacher (Galatians 3:24).

Calvinist doctrine has taken over most churches, so these pastors teach that the souls of Christians living in the world are already saved.

These pastors also seem to be preaching about how to live a righteous life by quoting various Bible verses.

At the end of their sermon, they conclude their sermon by saying, "Our souls have already been saved.

At that moment, the entire sermon they had preached becomes meaningless.

The overall conclusion of God's Word is this: "All are sinners, repent! Obey the Lord!"

Love your neighbor, do not hate others, and give up greed. Pastors who preach like this conclude that we all go to heaven.

They preach that salvation once received can never be revoked.

This kind of sermon denies the words of the Bible. The Bible calls these pastors spiritually blind.

When a spiritually blind pastor leads people, both will fall into a pit, and that pit means hell (Matthew 15:14).

In the early days of the church, the emperors ruled the world. At that time, many who believed in Jesus did not worship the emperor as an idol. That is why many Christians were martyred.

The "666" written in the Book of Revelation is another name for Satan and demons (Rev. 13:18, 16:13, 14).

So now, those who do not believe in Jesus and those who go to church but worship idols are all those who have received "666."

Church members who have received the spirit of Satan hold memorial and funeral services, eat food offered to the dead, and offer flowers to the dead.

Now is the time when the living die to serve the dead.

Do not devote yourself to the dead, but devote your life only to save the souls of the living.

When we love and dedicate ourselves to the living, their hearts are moved, they believe in Jesus, repent, and go to heaven.

Many people who were once filled with the Holy Spirit, prophesied, and had their spiritual eyes opened, but then followed money, fame, and worldly desires and perished and went to hell.

When we are humble and poor in spirit and abandon greed, we go to heaven (Matthew 5:3).

What is the spiritual secret? Our hearts become pure. Those who abandon greed and covetousness and desire to go to heaven will go to heaven.

There are many who do not know this truth, and there are even some who do not know it in our church. The poor in spirit go to heaven.

There are some people who think that their souls are already purified just by going to church without repenting.

Those who do not repent of their greed before they die will never be able to go to heaven.

In the face of death, you must abandon all your fleshly heart and thoughts, and abandon your attachment to the world.

When death approaches, abandon human affections. You must let go of your worries about children, wife, and husband, and only hope to go to heaven.

If you hold anything of the world in your heart, you will not be able to go to heaven.

There are cases where the Lord extends the life of someone who is about to die. What is the reason for this?

The reason is that before he dies, God extends his life little by little so that he can repent of his sins and go to heaven.

God's people must realize about sin, righteousness, and judgment (John 16:8-12)

Sin is not believing in Jesus Christ as the Savior, and righteousness refers to Jesus coming to this earth and going to heaven.

And judgment refers to Satan, the ruler of the world, being judged.

No one has overcome sin, death, and ascended to heaven except Jesus.

All humans die because of sin. When a person does not believe in Jesus, his sins have already been judged.

The ruler of the world is Lucifer, and Lucifer has already been judged.

Those who do not believe in God. Those who go to church but worship idols belong to Lucifer, who has already been judged.

Since the sins of these people have already been judged, they immediately fall into hell the moment they die.

In the world, there are prisons for convicted prisoners and prisons for unconvicted prisoners. Those in the unconvicted prison have charges against them but have not yet been found guilty.

Those who do not repent of their sins are under Lucifer, meaning they will go to hell when they die.

The present hell is likened to an underground prison. However, in the future, the entire universe will turn into a fiery hell.

When Jesus comes again in the air, those who believe in Jesus well will go up to the air to meet the Lord and enter heaven (1 Thessalonians 4:17)

And the present heaven, earth, and universe are being kept for fire (2 Peter 3:7).

However, human doctrines ignore all of these words of God and insist that there is no need to repent whenever the Lord comes, and that they are already saved unconditionally.

When I ask them this question, “How did you receive salvation?” they hesitate and cannot answer me.

They believe that because they once confessed Jesus as their Savior, their salvation is secured forever, but this is a big mistake.

These people do not believe in Jesus, and their hearts are full of sin, so Jesus cannot dwell in them.

Those who receive water baptism must truly believe in Jesus and repent. Only then will water baptism be effective.

Repentance is the forgiveness of sins (Mark 1:4).

Those who repent of their sins become reborn and unite with the Lord (Rom. 6:3, 4).

We must be born again of water and the Holy Spirit to have new life. Water symbolizes the Word of God.

We must receive the Holy Spirit to be reborn with new life.

However, many church members do not know the words of the Bible and ignore them. They simply believe that they are already saved.

The result is that pastors failed to teach the Bible correctly to their congregations.

This is because human doctrines have taken over professors and students in seminaries.

Students who learned doctrines in seminaries become pastors and teach human doctrines to their congregations.



  이전글 : What is the truth of the Bible?
  다음글 : The Bible teaches that there is only one God and that Jesus is the only Savior.