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  제  목 : The Bible teaches that there is only one God and that Jesus is the only Savior. 조회수 : 3
  작성자 : Barnabas 작성일 : 2024-10-22

Online Bible Study on Tuesday 10/22

kenya Time: 12:00 PM, (at noon)

Korea Time: 6:00 PM

New Life Church in Seoul, Korea

The Bible teaches that there is only one God and that Jesus is the only Savior.

However, humans who were deceived by Satan created human doctrines that were different from the Bible, and they divided the one God into three.

Therefore, no one can be saved through human doctrines that do not conform to the Bible.

When we believe in God's word, God becomes our leader.

If those who go to church follow the doctrines of men, the one who created those doctrines becomes their leader, and the Holy Spirit cannot guide them.

Who gave the Ten Commandments to man? Jehovah spoke to Moses through an angel, so the Ten Commandments are the word of God.

All of God's words written in the Old and New Testaments are summarized in the Ten Commandments.

God gives us His commandments, and because we believe in them, God becomes our leader.

Now, Calvin, Luther, Augustine, Catholicism, etc., who created human doctrines, have taken the place of God and become leaders of the church.

So when we say that they are false saviors, they treat us as heretics and oppose the truth.

The Word of God says all to repent, and we urge people to repent according to the Word of the Lord.

Since Calvin’s doctrine teaches that we are already saved, no one needs to repent.

Calvin’s doctrine of perseverance is that anyone who confesses Jesus as savior once will be forcibly taken to heaven.

Such false doctrines oppose the will of the Lord and teach against the will of God.

Compare human doctrines with the Word of God, and all of their contents do not conform to the Bible.

The doctrines of men are 100% false theories that do not fit the Bible.

Since the two are different, if their doctrines are right, then the Word of God is false.

The doctrines of men conflict with and break the Word of the Lord.

Do not drink alcohol (Ephesians 5:18)! Do not eat food sacrificed to the dead or idols (1 Corinthians 8:7,10)! This is what the Bible says.

But human doctrines say that it is okay to go against the Word of God. Human doctrines always hinder obedience to the Lord in this way.

That's why the number of homosexuals and drug addicts in the church continues to increase.

I heard that in the war zone now, Soviet soldiers kill captured enemies by chopping their bodies with axes. Such cruel acts come from Satan.

When people take drugs, such cruelty arises inside them. The human mind becomes Satanic and becomes extremely wicked.

Such a time is coming, there will be famines and floods everywhere, wars will break out, and nations will fight against each other (24:6,7).

The signs of the last days that the Lord spoke of are now occurring all over the world.

Wars must stop as soon as possible. If the money spent on war were used to feed the poor, the world's food shortages would be solved.

The Soviet Union, North Korea, and China are countries that easily start wars, and God's judgment is coming to them more quickly.

But they do not realize their sins and do not repent.

Earthquakes and many natural disasters occur in many countries. These are God's warnings.

God lets people reap what they sow. Our country looks like a dot on the world map.

However, God cares about and protects such a small country.

In the past, our ancestors in the faith shed tears and prayed for this country, and as a result, God is protecting our country greatly.

The ancestors of Japan caused many wars around the world, killing many people.

That is why natural disasters occur in Japan. Those who commit sins must repent in order to receive forgiveness from the Lord.

If God does not protect us, we cannot live. We must believe that there is a heaven, and we must strive to get there.

If there is no goal of going to heaven, no one needs to go to church.

There are those who habitually attend Sunday service late. These people have a vague hope for heaven.

Some church members come to church early on Sundays to pray, while others drink coffee and chat with friends as soon as they arrive at church.

Even among members of the same church, there are differences in beliefs.

God's children must maintain a proper attitude before God.

When God's children gather together, a church is formed. If children who truly believe in God do not gather together, the church is nothing more than a worldly building.

Our bodies are the temple of God, so we must always keep our minds and bodies clean.

Our good and upright attitude is connected to the rewards of heaven.

Being absorbed in worldly things during worship is not proper worship.

When we come to God the Father’s house, we must first pray like this, Lord, today I have come to worship you.

Lord, you have protected me for the past week, thank you Lord. Please forgive my shortcomings and sins in my life, and please give me much grace today.

After praying like this, we can have a private conversation with the church members while drinking coffee.

There are basic manners that we must keep before the Lord.

In particular, the pastor's family must be more polite. Otherwise, the pastor's family will be a great burden to the pastor.

The sons of the prophet Samuel did not observe these manners (1 Sam. 8:1-5).

The two sons of the priest Eli were also bad people (1 Sam. 2:12).

Looking at these bad examples, we must try not to be like them.

The sons of Eli the priest defiled the women who worked in the tabernacle, because they had no self-control (1 Sam. 2:22).

They ate part of the sacrifice before offering it to God (1 Samuel 2:13, 14).

The Lord judged them, for they went out to war with the ark, and the ark was captured by the enemies, and they were killed (1 Sam. 4:11).

When Eli the priest heard this tragic news, he was so shocked that he fell from his chair, broke his neck, and died (1 Sam. 4:17, 18).

Such tragic deaths are the result of a curse. Those who serve God well will die in peace.

Those who have lived their lives doing evil and not repenting will find it very difficult to repent when death comes, due to Satan's interference.

If we keep the right manners toward the Lord in our daily lives, we will be able to face a peaceful death on the last day of our lives.

The cursed Judas Iscariot hanged himself on a tree, and the rope broke and fell to the ground, and his intestines spilled out on the ground (Acts 1:18).

Therefore, we must live a good life and do our best to obey the word of God.

Living according to the desires of the flesh is living under a curse, and such people will go to hell when they die (Galatians 5:19-21).

No matter how much you memorize God's words, those who do not understand others and live wickedly will perish.

What is the life of a person born again of the Holy Spirit like?

It is a life of abandoning evil and living a good life, and a life of repenting sin.

Being born again means that someone who used to follow the desires of the flesh now follows the word of God.

The Holy Spirit revives our spirits that were dead because of sin.

Abandoning evil and living a good life is the path taken by those who have received new life.

The new born should not live for themselves, but for Jesus who saved us from death.

Therefore, no one can enter the kingdom of God unless they are born again of the Holy Spirit, water, and blood (John 3:5).

The water is the word of God that we have to obey, and the blood is the blood of Jesus that washes away our sins.

Those who do not receive the Holy Spirit cannot obey correctly and cannot repent, and therefore cannot go to heaven.

The Holy Spirit points out our sins, makes us repent, and leads us to heaven.

However, many pastors claim that the work of the Holy Spirit was only temporary during the early church era and has now disappeared.

These pastors claim that speaking in tongues, prophesying, and casting out demons are the acts of heretics.

If we examine the actions of these people, we can see that they hold memorial services and funerals, offer flowers to the dead, and worship idols.

These people have wrong beliefs that do not conform to the Bible, and they commit lawlessness.

These people will eventually not be forgiven and will go to hell.

That is why the Bible tells us what righteousness and lawlessness are.

However, many people do not read the Bible with an honest heart.

Most people read the Bible only to receive the gift of the Holy Spirit, or to boast about their knowledge, or to follow human doctrines.

Those who did such things at that time were the Jews and the legalists.

What is legalism? These people say that they kept all the laws, were circumcised on the eighth day, and kept all the Sabbath laws.

They kept all their feasts and all their eating laws, but Jesus rebuked them for being like whitewashed tombs when he saw them.

The meaning of this verse is that their outside and inside are different (Matthew 23:27, 28).

They are outwardly righteous, they are circumcised, and they do not even eat with Gentiles (Gal 2:12, Acts 10:28).

When Jesus came to this earth, he ate with the Samaritans who were Gentiles (John 4:9).

In order to spread the gospel, we must also eat with those who do not believe in Jesus.

Even if they drink alcohol, we can talk with them in the same place without drinking alcohol.

However, we should not drink alcohol and get drunk with them.



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