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  제  목 : (for pakistan church) 2/3 조회수 : 8
  작성자 : Barnabas 작성일 : 2025-02-03

There are false prophets who claim that Shakyamuni is the same god as Jesus, and they are religious fraudsters.

That is why Jesus said that those who came before him were robbers and thieves (John 10:8).

Jesus said that these people were Pharisees and scribes who were used by the devil.

They created 613 laws and forced the people to keep them while they themselves could not keep them.

They always wore black clothes and hats to maintain a holy and authoritative appearance.

If we abandon this formalism and legalism and truly obey the Word of God and repent, we will be free from Satan and the curse.

servant or slave is not a free person.

Ishmael was a slave, and Isaac was a free person.

Isaac was born according to God's promise, and Ishmael was born according to the will of man.

Those who obey the word of the Lord and repent are free from sin.

It means that those who believe in human doctrines, disobey, and do not repent are servants of Satan.

Sarah wanted to have a child with human thoughts, so she brought her maid Hagar into Abraham's bedroom.

Everything done with human thought ultimately leads to failure and suffering.

When Hagar realized that she was pregnant with Ishmael, she despised her master Sarah (Gen. 16:3-5).

As a result, she was not allowed to live in Abraham's house and was driven out into the wilderness.

With the help of an angel, she was able to return to Abraham's house.

And on the day of Isaac's feast, Ishmael mocked Isaac. So Hagar and Ishmael could not stay in the house and were driven out into the wilderness.

Servants and slaves cannot stay in their master's house forever.

This incident symbolically shows that those who live as servants and slaves of Satan cannot enter heaven.

Anyone who believes in Jesus as their savior, obeys, and repents is promised to become a child of God.

Even if those who believe in human theories and doctrines go to church, they are still servants and slaves of Satan.

This is a spiritual secret, and the Apostle Paul revealed this secret to us through the book of Galatians.

Those who receive God's promise are those who are in Jesus. Those who believe in Jesus, repent, and strive to obey him become children of the Lord.

However, those who are in human doctrines do not want to obey the Lord's words and are interested in gifts and false prophecies.

Such believers remain as servants and slaves of sin even if they attend church for a long time.

Those who do not repent of their sins can never have the status of children of God, but when they repent and obey, they change into the status of children of God.

In the Old Testament, they became children of God in the name of Jehovah,

but in the New Testament, we become children of God in the name of Jesus.

Those who come in the promise of God are saved.

If Jehovah had not come to the world in the name of Jesus, there would never be a way for us Gentiles to be saved.

Those who do not understand this word of the Bible, on the contrary, call us heretics.

However, they cannot explain what heresy is through the Bible.

They believe in Calvinist doctrine that does not conform to the Bible. When we ask whether there is salvation in human doctrine, they cannot answer.

They do not know the answer because they do not know the spiritual world.

When we correctly understand the word of the Bible, we know the answer.

The Bible is the book that lets us know Jesus Christ.

Jesus said, "The Bible is written about me" (John 5:39)

At that time, only the Old Testament existed, and from Genesis to Malachi, it recorded about the coming of Jesus.

In the New Testament, Jehovah God, who had not been visible to human eyes until then, came as Jesus to be visible to human eyes.

However, the Israelites did not understand the words of the Bible, so they treated Jesus as a heretic and killed him.

Jesus was killed by his own spiritually ignorant people (John 1:11).

We must realize Jesus, obey His will, repent, and definitely go to heaven. We must not become like the failed Israelites.

Those who are born again from God overcome the evil powers of the world.

The devil is the ruler of the world, and the power to overcome the ruler of the world is our faith.

The devil means sin, and we overcome sin with the power of the Holy Spirit.

Forgiving others, repenting, and obeying are overcoming the powers of the world.

Do not worship idols. Do not eat food sacrificed to idols. This is overcoming the powers of the world.

If a pastor teaches incorrectly, he does not go to hell alone, but takes his congregation to hell with him.

Many pastors have removed repentance from the gospel.

And human doctrines have divided the one God into three, and have removed obedience, forgiveness, and love.

Don't try to make your sermon fun by mixing in worldly things, that is corrupted spiritual food.

Unleavened bread is tasteless. But leavened bread tastes good because it is mixed with leaven.

Leaven symbolizes worldly things. That is why the Lord tells us to eat pure bread without leaven (Exodus 12:15).

Those who understand the words of the Bible fight and win against the enemy, defeating Satan.

Those who do not know the Bible cannot defeat Satan.

It is not important to memorize many words of the Bible, but to understand and practice them.

True faith is to believe and obey the words as they are.

Parents say to their children, "Do this today." But if the child does not do it, then he has not listened to his father.

Then it is difficult for parents to pass on their wealth to him.

Inheriting heaven and receiving a reward in heaven are two different things.

Many pastors and church members do not know this difference and think that the two are the same.

The qualification to enter heaven is possible by repenting of sins and receiving forgiveness of sins through the blood of Jesus.

However, the reward in heaven is received according to one’s dedication to the Lord on this earth, so it is different for each individual.

Soul salvation and redemption from sin have different meanings.

Soul salvation is received when one dies, and redemption from sin is received when one repents while living on this earth.

However, those who do not understand the truth of the Bible say that soul salvation and redemption from sin are the same.

These people live as they please and do not repent.

Many pastors have clever minds, but most of them interpret the Bible through human doctrines.

When we are filled with the Holy Spirit and realize the truth with the help of the Holy Spirit, we realize that human doctrines are so wrong.

We must risk our lives to follow the truth, even if those who follow human doctrines kill us, we must only follow the truth of the Bible.

We do not want to know any other way, because the only way to heaven is Jesus.

In order to perform our duties at work, we must learn worldly skills and professional knowledge.

However, in order to go to heaven, we must believe in Jesus, obey the words of Jesus, and repent of our sins.

The only way to heaven is to know God through the words of the Bible, Jehovah came to this earth in the flesh, God is Jesus!

God came to the world in the flesh to assume the role of the Lamb and the Priest.

Jesus said to the Jews, Destroy this temple, and I will raise it up in three days.

This temple refers to Jesus' body, and it means that Jesus will rise again after three days if he dies.

Jesus' body is called a temple because God dwells in his body.

When the Jews heard this, they were angry. It took forty-six years to build the temple in Jerusalem, and you are going to rebuild it in three days?

Jesus was conceived by the Holy Spirit, and Jehovah was in Jesus' body, so he is God's dwelling.

Jesus overcame death and was resurrected after three days (1 Corinthians 15:3,4).

Many people are now looking forward to the rebuilding of the temple in Jerusalem,

However, the temple built in Jerusalem is not important.

It is important that our hearts, which have become temples, be purified so that the Holy Spirit can always dwell in our hearts.

The Holy Spirit came down strongly on the hearts of the disciples who were praying in the upper room.

Now the Holy Spirit has come into our bodies and is making us the temple of God (1 Corinthians 3:16).

There is no need to pray to build a temple on the site of the temple in Jerusalem.

Those who do not understand the words of the Bible and do not repent try to cast out demons using artificial methods.

Those who belong to the devil cannot cast out demons.

Sometimes demons conspire with each other and pretend to be cast out by false pastors.

In such cases, it is Satan's plan. Satan makes the names of such pastors famous in order to use them more.

Some pastors hit a demon-possessed person with a stick to cure him. Such artificial methods are not right.

All who use artificial methods will perish.

Many people go to hell and realize that they have been deceived by demons. It is useless.

We must discern and cast out evil spirits in the world and go to heaven.

The Holy Spirit of God only testifies to Jesus and makes us repent of our sins and obey the word of the Lord.

I pray that everyone will realize this word in the name of the Lord.

When the Holy Spirit comes, we receive the power of Jesus, cast out demons, heal the sick, and live a righteous life.

We must be witnesses of Jesus to the ends of the earth. Those who do not receive the Holy Spirit boast of men.

(for pakistan church) 2/3



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