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  제  목 : bible study for kenya and india churchs 조회수 : 6
  작성자 : Barnabas 작성일 : 2025-02-04

(bible study for kenya and india churchs)

If God does not reveal the truth and the spiritual world to all people, humans cannot realize the truth on their own.

The Creator God is one, and He forgives those who repent their sins and lets them go to heaven.

The command that God gave in the Garden of Eden was not to eat the fruit of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil.

The Lord allowed them to eat all the other fruits, but they ate the fruit that they were absolutely forbidden to eat.

As a result, they were driven out of the Garden of Eden.

The Lord's command given to us today is to repent and obey, there is no other way to salvation.

The doctrine of man claims that once we are saved, we are saved forever.

They claim that anyone who once confesses Jesus as Savior is automatically forgiven of their past, present, and future sins forever.

Calvin's doctrine of perseverance is that once the Lord has chosen us, God will forcefully lead us to heaven, no matter how disobedient and unrepentant we may be.

They claim that once we are saved, this salvation can never be revoked.

If their claims are true, then they no longer need to go to church, worship the Lord, or give offerings.

Their claim is absolutely against the meaning of the Bible. Their spiritual eyes are closed and they are destined for hell.

The Lord forgives us who were destined for hell, and sends the Holy Spirit to help us realize the deep spiritual world.

We cannot help but be thankful to the Lord for saving sinners and allowing us to spread the gospel of life to the world.

However, those who do not repent cannot receive the Holy Spirit, cannot receive the Lord's forgiveness, and cannot realize the truth of salvation.

When a person is completely possessed by the devil, the devil gives them tremendous power, and no one can control him.

Only the power of the Holy Spirit can defeat those who are possessed by demons.

The gospel is the most precious and valuable thing, and cannot be exchanged for anything in the world.

If, as you go along the road, you find a field with a pearl of great price, you will sell everything you have and buy that field. (Matthew 13:44).

The most precious pearl means Jesus. Those who realize Jesus will sacrifice everything they have to believe in Jesus.

However, those who love the world more than Jesus cannot use the blessings they have received from the Lord for the Lord.

Those who only follow worldly things will not be able to enter heaven when they die.

Everyone must repent and enter heaven, and no one must go to hell. Hell is full of unimaginable pain and fear.

Those who let go of the rope of prayer will have their faith grow cold.

When faith grows cold, they will taste and love worldly things and miss the path to heaven.

Be joyful always; pray continually; give thanks in all circumstances, for this is God's will for you in Christ Jesus. (1 Thessalonians 5:16-18).

Those who believe in human doctrines do not do God's will at all, because they think they have already received eternal salvation.

Those who think they have already received eternal salvation never sacrifice themselves for the Lord.

Through prayer, repentance bursts forth, and the Holy Spirit is received. Through the Holy Spirit, we gain the power to obey.

But many churches these days do not like to pray.

For church members who do not pray, praying for even 5 minutes is too difficult.

For these believers and pastors, even praying for an hour is extremely difficult because they are under pressure from Satan.

We must pray with the purpose of going to heaven. Those who do not have this purpose cannot pray.

Prayer without purpose has no power, and the worship of such people lacks passion and cannot ascend to the throne of the Lord.

Those who believe in Jesus only outwardly are legalists and have a meaningless religious life.

These believers believe that they are saved through religious rituals or events.

On the outside they appear to be without sin, but in their hearts they are full of evil desires, greed, pride and hatred.

Mark 7:20-22, He went on: "What comes out of a man is what makes him 'unclean.

'For from within, out of men's hearts, come evil thoughts, sexual immorality, theft, murder, adultery,greed, malice, deceit, lewdness, envy, slander, arrogance and folly.

Evil thoughts that come out of the heart make a man unclean, and those who repent of their sins will enter heaven.

When we enter heaven, all evil thoughts will disappear. That is why we will rest forever in heaven, Hallelujah!

When Jesus was resurrected, the disciple Thomas did not acknowledge the fact of Jesus' resurrection.

After a while, when the disciples were gathered in the room, the resurrected Jesus suddenly appeared and said to Thomas,

Thomas, put your hand into my side.

Do you believe because you have seen me? But more blessed is he who believes in my resurrection without seeing me.

The resurrected Jesus moves beyond time and space, for even though the door was closed, Jesus entered the room.

Heaven is an eternal country, and when we go to heaven, we will live forever like the resurrected Lord.

(John 14:1-3).

"Do not let your hearts be troubled. Trust in God; trust also in me.

In my Father's house there are many rooms;

if it were not so, I would have told you. I am going there to prepare a place for you.

And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come back and take you to be with me that you also may be where I am.

After the resurrection, Jesus ascended to heaven, and came to us again in the Holy Spirit.

We live under the guidance of the Holy Spirit, and those who repent and obey will live forever in heaven as sons and daughters of God.

However, there are many believers who miss this path of life and blessing.

We should not be attached to the things of the world, but live only to enter heaven. Hallelujah!

All truth and the way to heaven are in the words of the Bible. We should not follow anything else.

The truth is the word of Jesus, and when we follow the truth, the truth sets us free from sin and death (John 8:32).

Those who believe in Jesus and repent will go to heaven and live forever, and will be free from the punishment of hell.

The price for the sins we commit is the punishment of hell, but when we repent, the blood of Jesus washes away our sins and allows us to go to heaven.

Those who believe in Jesus and repent are free from the price of sin, and this is called being redeemed from sin.

Those who have received forgiveness of sins through the blood of Jesus have the duty to reject fleshly lusts and obey the word of the Lord.

However, no one can obey 100%, so everyone must strive to obey while repenting.

Just calling the name of the Lord and praising Him with your mouth without trying and making an effort to obey is a false faith.

Since we can commit sins after believing in Jesus, we must always live a life of repentance.

Always obeying the words of Jesus and living a life of repentance is the only way to be free from destruction.

A life of believing in Jesus but committing sins and not repenting cannot be free from destruction.

Only through a life of obedience and repentance can we all enter heaven.

Isaiah 1:15

When you spread out your hands in prayer, I will hide my eyes from you; even if you offer many prayers, I will not listen. Your hands are full of blood;

If we do not repent of our sins, no matter how much we pray, the Lord will not accept such prayers.

The Lord closes His eyes and ears to these people and does not listen to their requests.

The reason is that their hands are full of blood. The hands of those who harm and hurt others are full of blood.

When Cain hated Abel and stoned him to death in the field, at that time no human witnessed the murder.

However, the blood of Abel's injustice flowed on the ground and continued to appeal to the Lord for his injustice.

All sinners are enemies of the Lord. Those who commit sin and do not repent create a wall of sin between them and the Lord.

That wall of sin blocks us from communicating with the Lord.

Only through repentance can that wall of sin be torn down and communication with the Lord be restored.

When we break down the wall of sin through repentance, the Lord's life and blessings that had been blocked flow again.

1 Corinthians 9:26-27

Therefore I do not run like a man runs aimlessly; I do not fight like a man beating the air.

No, I beat my body and make it my slave so that after I have preached to others, I myself will not be disqualified for the prize.

Do not live a life of faith without a goal. The goal and purpose of faith is to believe in the Creator God and obey His words to go to heaven.

Human doctrines teach that there is no need to obey the Lord’s words or repent of sins.

Such pastors and church members are those who oppose the will of the Lord and are worse than unbelievers.

False human doctrines make people lose the goal of faith.

Those who have lost the goal of going to heaven are living a life of faith that is empty, even if they go to church for a long time.

Such believers are always under the control of Satan, and their end is hell.

Because they believe in Jesus without repentance, their sin problem cannot be solved.

In order not to be dragged away by the demands of the flesh, the Apostle Paul beat the thoughts of the flesh every day and made them obey the words of Jesus.

What did the Apostle Paul always worry about?

After he had diligently preached the gospel to others, he himself was afraid of going to hell.

There are not many pastors who are spiritually awake these days, and most of them teach human doctrines.

Most seminaries teach human theology, believing that the moment they first believe in Jesus, their souls will receive eternal salvation.

Many pastors and believers want to believe in Jesus and go to heaven in an easier way.

As a result, many pastors end up doing ministry work to increase their own physical pleasure and honor.

These believers and pastors have faith goals that are contrary to the Bible.

These people are servants of Satan, and although they go to church, their faith is in vain.

Romans 7:14-15

We know that the law is spiritual; but I am unspiritual, sold as a slave to sin.

I do not understand what I do. For what I want to do I do not do, but what I hate I do.

Even the apostle Paul, who was filled with the Holy Spirit more than others and lived only by faith, was deeply troubled by the unrighteous desires of his flesh.

Oh, my fleshly thoughts do not do what the Lord wants, but rather want to do what I hate,

His soul was greatly troubled by this, was his true confession.

However, he defeated his fleshly thoughts and made them submit to the will of the Lord in order to go to heaven.

We are all in this situation, it is the limitation of humans living in the flesh on this earth.

Is there anyone today who has faith that surpasses that of the Apostle Paul?

We all must strive to overcome sin and go to heaven like the Apostle Paul.

The Lord's love and power help those who strive to believe in Him and obey Him, so that we can all go to heaven.

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(for kenya church)


(for India church)



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