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  제  목 : Luther's crying in hell 조회수 : 756
  작성자 : Barnabas 작성일 : 2017-08-27

Luther's crying in hell

(Pastor Kim Min-seon, Deokjeong Love Church)

Ah~~~! Ah~~~~~~! Though I have shouted the religious revolution, Though I have shouted the religious revolution, I fell down here, too! I couldn't escape, either!  Though I have shouted the religious revolution, I couldn't make Heaven!  After all, I have fallen here Hell~~!

What did I shout with?  What did I oppose with?  For whom did I shout for a religious revolution?  For whom did I cry for independence~~~?  With what did I shout to be separated from Catholics? I am vanity of a man!

Ah~~! I am in vain!  Just like foam of water!  All came just like foam of water!  Though I cried for religious revolution, I fell into Hell after all!  I came to Hell after all~~~!

What was the beginning of the mistake?  Where did I miss correct button hole? From where did I Martin Luther made mistake in buttoning up my dress? Which button did I make mistake putting in a wrong hole?

Maybe from the first button it was wrong~~~!  Ah~~~~ Ah~~~!  I might have been wrong from the beginning!  I might have done it by my flesh passion!  It could have been my blood and strong will power, not by the power of Jesus!  I might have been doing in my blood and my self-righteousness!  Jesus was missing everywhere!  All was done without Jesus!  So did I come to Hell!  So did I come to this Hell!

I thought I was better than Calvin!   I thought I was better than Calvin!   Calvin was a merciless and cruel man!  No one could find any trace of love in him!  He was a conservative, a total conservative!  He rejected and killed anyone who opposed his doctrine!  I don’t know how many people Calvin has killed!  No one knows how many Calvin has killed~~~!  He killed too many beside the official statistics! 

I didn't know he was such vile and evil man!  He preached Jesus through his mouth, and also shouted the religious revolution like me, but how evil could he been!  No one couldn't be more evil than him!  He killed all other sects who have been criticizing his doctrines as wrong or different from theirs!  He killed them in secret!  Calvin was such evil one!

Things about Calvin have been so much distorted!  About Calvin gone so so so distorted!  He was not an honest man at all!  About Calvin gone so so so distorted, about Calvin gone so so so distorted!  More than martin Luther, Calvin has left great achievements!  Eventually his doctrine has been attracting many people to Hell!  Eventually his doctrine didn't draw people to Heaven but to Hell, as a result many souls have been falling down to Hell like rain!

Forgive me please! I didn't know Calvin was such an evil man!  Didn't know Calvin was such a man~~! Calvin was an intellectual man!  He was an intellectual man!  Intellectual people kill those who believe in Jesus well!  In this world, those intellects are killing good believers of Jesus!  It was just like that at the time of Calvin, too!

Only Jesus, Jesus, Jesus, believe in Jesus well!  Calvin killed all of those who have been obedient to the word of God!  Although he shouted the reformation of religion, many sheep have been sacrificed, yeah; the religious revolution has caused too many sheep sacrificed!  I didn't know that many people would die!  I didn't know that many people would die!  Didn't know it would result that many people that many sheep would have sacrificed!

I never have imagined that Calvin would do that!  I didn't know he was such cruel man!  Never imagined he could that cruelly kill people!  It was so awful!  Too awful~~~! Never imagined that Calvin would turn like that!  I did not know   he’s   turned   like a demon !

The devil might have used Calvin’s intelligence! He learned too much! He was so because he learned too much!  That much of knowledge might have turned him mad!  Ah~~~!  Please take me out of here~~~!   All have been shouting the religious revolution for their own self!  To make own achievement!  Own book has to be right!   Own book has to be 100% right although the writer recognizes something is wrong!   All others should recognize the book as a perfect writing!  Own doctrine has to be correct!  Calvin insisted that his doctrine was all correct although he knew it was missing the target when he examined with the Bible and the doctrine of predestination!

Calvin was too dogmatic!  He was so self-righteous!  Self-centered!  He never considered others even a bit!  Calvin was such a man I knew, how distorted has Calvin been? History has been wrong~~~!

Because the Catholic was so wrong at that time, because it was strongly biased toward humanism, the age of the Holy Spirit was completely missing!  The Popes were above Jesus and God by the politics of Popes!  The Catholic had been terribly corrupted!  They never preached about repentance at all! So I shouted the religious revolution, because the popes had been drenched by materialism and adultery!  I could not hold myself upon seeing them, so I had shouted the revolution of religion!  From where did I make mistake?  From where~~~~?

Please take me out of here, just once!  Return my life back!   I wish I went back again!  I wish the time would be reversed!  I would have rather not shout the religious reformation!  I should have left all things as was until Jesus did something; I should have waited until God would discipline the Catholic!  Too big an event had happened because I shouted in my bloody passion and for my self-righteousness!   I had allowed that awful Antichrist Calvin who devised that wrong doctrine, the doctrine of Satan!  Too many people have been falling down to Hell because of that evil doctrine!

I was wrong, I made big mistakes~~~!!  I was wrong, I did wrong~~~!  Lord, I was wrong, Lord, I did wrong~~~!  Lord I was wrong~~~! 

 (Martin Luther was kneeling down in linen for those unsaved soul brownish and grayish  in a wide area much wider than a torturing place for a one soul!  His upper part of waist was wound with something like fishing lines!  His shoulders were draping down and tied with fishing lines.  His neck also was wound with same fishing lines!  The center of his tongue was hooked with a fishing hook, and his ears were hooked as well!  He was the same as a fish caught when we fish! Ah~~~~~~~~~~

As Martin Luther’s back was shown to me, I saw many, very many hooks hooked all the way to his head!  There was a pole standing nearby where all the fishing lines were fixed.  As the fishing lines were pulled, his flesh was stretched and stretched!  And his neck and shoulder where the lines wound were squeezed by the line!  And the flesh was burning with flashes of fire and the lines are sinking into his flesh!  He was as if an object under a soldering gun, like solders melting with a lot of sparks!)

Ah~~~~ Lord made me a fisher of men, but I have caught many souls into Hell with these fishing lines, so I am receiving this punishment!  I am punished in this way because I have caught many souls with the hooks; bates on the hooks also were souls; They all have fell down to Hell because of me!

Someone should preach, someone should preach! That the doctrine of Calvin is totally wrong and completely missing the target!  It draws many souls into Hell NOT to Heaven, shout out and preach this, please tell people~~~!

 (The hook on his tongue was pulled  and the tongue was stretched very long, and it was vibrating , as Martin Luther screams~~~!)

I supposed to be a true fisher of men but a fisher catching people into Hell!  Not a fisher of men who leads souls to Heaven, but I became a fisher who leads people to Hell!  

Many pastors in this age are changing just like that! They are turning to fishers of men who catch souls into Hell!  They are using souls for bate! All are drawn to Hell!

There absolutely is NO SALVATION in the Catholic, but many Catholics are following Popes and fathers (priests) by believing they will be saved. With a little thought they would realize that they are going on wrong ways, but they cannot understand!   Catholics enjoy easy and comfortable religious life!  They can easily compromise with the world even they observe ancestry worship.  They clearly are violating the 1 st  and 2 nd  commandments.  They believe that it all is OK after their confessions to their fathers (priests)!   When they die, they all will end up Hell, when they die without repenting of their sins, they all will go to Hell, and many Catholics are just living like that!

Therefore, I Martin Luther shouted the religious revolution, but it called terrible results!  Ah~~, I never imagined that the work of Calvin could be this big!  Never expected to be this big!

Do you know what’s wrong with the doctrine of Calvin and the Catholics?  It’s REPENTANCE after all!  Repentance is not important to them!  Once you are drawn by it, you won’t let it go; that soul is confident with his salvation and is finished!  That is wrong in the Catholicism and Calvinism.  They live without repentance!  They think repentance is so easy, that I am already saved and I am already chosen and I am already elected!  Once they think they are saved, they do not see any necessity of repentance!  This is the doctrine of the Catholic and Calvin!

Therefore eagerly and eagerly diligently and diligently repent hard and hard!  Take off the doctrine of Calvin!  Destroy Calvin’s doctrine!  Then you will see Jesus!  Many intellectual pastors have risen because of the doctrine of Calvin and they have been acting as a bunch of Antichrist!   Unless you torn away Calvin’s doctrine, you will never see Jesus!  Otherwise your faith life will be nothing to do with your salvation! 

Think carefully!  Why was the curtain of the temple torn in the middle when Jesus died!  When you come to Jesus, it is meant that He will give you life only when you repent without concerning what kind of sins you have committed!  Whom do you confess your sins  to?  Unless you torn away the doctrine of Calvin, you will never see Jesus!  Unless you torn away and jump over the doctrine, you will surely fall down to hell!  Please all the intellectual pastors should understand, because of you many are falling down to Hell!  What are you going to do about this?

Anyway, please jump over and tear down the doctrine of Calvin! Then you will see Jesus and the Bible!  A new world will be opened to you!  If you repent and be filled in the Spirit, you will see a new world though the Bible!  An amazing and invisible realm will open to you that you were not able to see before by your thoughts and knowledge!

The Bible has been opened like that to all those who receive fullness of the Spirit and live in the Spirit.  The Holy Spirit opens, not by Satan. It is opened by the Holy Spirit as it was written by the inspiration of the Spirit!

Understand!  Those intellectual pastors of this age please understand!  If you repent and understand, the souls given under your authority will come alive!  You will even be rewarded when you go to Heaven! Understand, and awake!

How urgent is this age so the Lord is revealing Calvin and me?  And I Martin Luther is revealed, too!  Understand, understand, and awake, if not, the Bible will not be opened to you!  When you read the Bible after praying, the Bible will look different and will be opened!  It will totally be different from those you have been delving into the Bible through your knowledge alone.  You will see totally different realm.

(Thank You God.  I give all the glory to You, Amen)


  이전글 : The dead faith must be vanity.죽어 있는 믿음은 헛것이다!
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