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번호 제목 작성자 작성일 조회수
126 (Lucifer)You have ignored my opinion.(루시퍼) “네가 내 의견을 무시하였도다! Barnabas 2018-02-25 932
125 Hosea is shouting in heaven.(천국에서 호세아의 외침) Barnabas 2018-02-20 1066
124 (Lucifer) I will stop the churches from praying.(루시퍼)교회들이 기도못하게 막을거야! Barnabas 2018-02-14 895
123 ( Lucifer) in the name of Jesus, bind Lucifer with strength and boldness (강하고 담대하게 루시퍼를 결박하라) Barnabas 2018-02-07 948
122 To go heaven, you have to get information from the Bible. Everyone who gets false information is destroyed. (천국가는 정보... Barnabas 2018-01-31 1329
121 (Lucifer) what is the way to divide them ( 루시퍼) 어떻게 하면 분열시킬까? Barnabas 2018-01-29 817
120 (Lucifer) Let everyone be locked in the law (루시퍼) 율법에 다 갇혀 버려라! Barnabas 2018-01-24 869
119 Jonah in heaven is crying out to the world (천국에서 요나의 외침) Barnabas 2018-01-18 1123
118 (Lucifer) Why do pastors follow the things that belong to the world?(루시퍼) 왜 목사들이 세상 것을 좇아가고 있는가? Barnabas 2018-01-15 763
117 (Lucifer) You too, kneel before me (루시퍼) 너도 내 앞에 무릎꿇어 ! Barnabas 2018-01-12 889
116 (Lucifer) why do you speak about the law (루시퍼) 왜! 율법을 나불거려!!) Barnabas 2018-01-10 1493
115 Jeremiah in heaven speaks to the people in the world (천국에서 예레미야의 외침) Barnabas 2018-01-03 1106
114 Do not worship at a funeral hall It is idolatry(장례식장에서 예배하지마 , 우상숭배야) Barnabas 2017-12-31 925
113 (Lucifer) why do you bind my treasure? you son of a bitch(루시퍼) 왜 나의 보물을 결박 시키느냐, 개자식아? Barnabas 2017-12-29 1024
112 (Ludifer) Do not call me a snake (루시퍼) 나를 뱀이라고 하지 마라. Barnabas 2017-12-28 820
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